The Killing Season

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The Killing Season Page 32

by Compton, Ralph

  “That’s another question,” Nathan said. “Why are you breaking trail for the treasury? From what I’ve heard, from what I’ve read, they have agents of their own.”

  “Of course they do,” said Silver, “but this involves a conspiracy within the treasury, and Bristow isn’t entirely sure who he can trust.”

  “I’m reminded of the Credit Mobilier scandal during President Grant’s first term,” said Nathan. “Is this something similar to the Union Pacific fraud?”18

  “No,” Silver replied. “This is more complex, and could involve several hundred people in Saint Louis, Chicago, and Milwaukee. You see, following the Civil War, the government was in need of money. Liquor taxes were raised, in some cases, to eight times the price of the liquor.”

  “My God,” said Nathan, “that’s an almighty expensive tax.”

  “I fully agree,” Silver said, “but it’s the law, and the distillers have been collecting the tax. The trouble is, the largest distillers—in Saint Louis, Chicago, and Milwaukee—haven’t been turning this tax over to the government. Government officials high and low have been bribed in order for these distillers to keep the collected taxes for themselves. This has been going on for a while. It’s become a public scandal, in fact, but it’s politically hot. The whiskey ring is considered impregnable because of its strong political connections. One of the prime suspects is President Grant’s secretary, O.E. Babcock.”

  “God Almighty,” said Nathan, “this thing could destroy Grant.”

  “It could, and it might,” Silver replied, “but Secretary of the Treasury Bristow intends to break the conspiracy, letting the chips fall where they may. And there, my friend is where you come in.”

  “Hell, Silver,” Nathan said, “the war’s been over nearly ten years. How much money is at stake?”

  “More than three million dollars,” said Silver.

  “My God, where could that much money be hidden?”

  “Renegade bankers may be concealing some of it,” Silver said, “but there’s a chance of hundreds of thousands of dollars being secreted in warehouses belonging to distilleries or their agents.”

  “So this U.S. Secretary of the Treasury aims to find all this money,” said Nathan, “and he thinks I can help. How?”

  “By joining the ranks of the whiskey ring,” Silver said, “and there’s more involved than just recovering the money. Bristow wants to collect sufficient evidence to destroy this organization. He believes he can do this only by assigning secret investigators outside the Treasury Department.”

  “So I’m to be one of those investigators,” said Nathan. “I’m flattered, Silver, but by what right am I qualified?”

  “You’re quick with your wits, your guns, and your fists,” Silver replied, “and there is absolutely no obvious connection between you and the Department of the Treasury. There is a possibility you may be called upon to rob one of the suspected banks.”

  “No, by God.”

  Silver laughed. “You would in no way be operating outside the law. Several banks are believed to have double sets of books, the second containing illegal deposits belonging to a number of distilleries implicated in this conspiracy.”

  “All that’s going to get you is evidence of double-dealing by some bankers,” Nathan said. “So a bank has a few hundred thousand that it can’t account for legally. How do you aim to prove it’s whiskey taxes owed the government?”

  “Damn it, I don’t have all the answers,” said Silver. “I offered to help, at least with the situation here in Saint Louis, because I believed you were quick-witted enough, smooth enough, and tough enough to pull it off. I’ve given you some idea as to what Bristow has in mind, without knowing his reasons. Do this. Wait until you talk to Bristow, and then if he can’t answer your questions to your satisfaction, then just tell him it’s no deal. I made him no promises beyond asking you here for a meeting. Comprende?”

  “Yeah,” said Nathan. “I’ll wait and see what Bristow has to say.”

  St. Louis, Missouri. April 15, 1875

  Despite himself, Nathan was impressed with B.H. Bristow. He had gray hair, gray eyes, and a firm handshake. He wasted no time in outlining what he had in mind.

  “We already have undercover agents at work in Milwaukee and Chicago, Stone, and I am especially anxious to have you in charge of our investigation here in Saint Louis. I must say that I am impressed with what Mr. Silver has told me about you. However, it is up to you as to whether you wish to become involved in this operation. I trust that Silver has introduced you to the problem and possibly some of the means by which we’re hoping to resolve it?”

  “He has,” Nathan replied, “and like I’ve told him, I’m flattered, but I’m not sure that I am qualified as an investigator. As I understand it, there are no rules. You’ll be depending on me to come up with evidence against people involved in this whiskey ring, when I have no way of knowing what you consider evidence. Why don’t you spell out what you’re expecting me to do, and I’ll consider it.”

  “Very well,” Bristow said. “There are two distilleries here. One of them is operated by Woodard Slaughter and the other by Peavey Hohnmeyer. Both are involved in this tax fraud, and if we can get the goods on one of them, we can convict them both. It is Mr. Silver’s belief that with our help, you can ingratiate yourself with one or both these men and work your way into their operations. From such a vantage point, you will then be in a position to secure the evidence we need.”

  “Or get myself shot graveyard dead,” said Nathan.

  “I won’t deny that’s a possibility,” Bristow said, “because Slaughter and Hohnmeyer have surrounded themselves with gunmen. But rest assured you won’t be alone. While Mr. Silver is unable to join you undercover, he and a force of agents will monitor your every move.”

  “If you get shot,” said Silver, “then so will I.”

  Nathan laughed grimly. “That makes me feel some better.”

  “Then you’ll work with us?” Bristow asked.

  “Yes,” said Nathan.

  “Good,” Bristow replied. “Now here’s how we’ll get you on the good side of Slaughter and Hohnmeyer....”


  Nathan listened as Bristow outlined his plan by which he believed Nathan might gain the confidence of the distillery moguls.

  “Many people don’t know this,” Bristow said, “but Slaughter and Hohnmeyer actually are brothers-in-law. Their wives are younger women, and they are under the protection of armed men, twenty-four hours a day. These ladies are going to be abducted, Mr. Stone, and while no harm will come to them, Slaughter and Hohnmeyer won’t be aware of that. I expect them to offer substantial rewards for the return of their wives. You, Mr. Stone, are going to rescue these ladies at the risk of your life. With the cooperation of the local authorities and a contrived newspaper story, you will be credited with the killing of the abductors. That should quickly get you into the good graces of our distillers.”

  “Just as quickly adding to my reputation as a fast gun,” said Nathan, “increasing my chances of being gunned down by some varmint lookin’ for a name at my expense.”

  “Not necessarily,” Bristow replied. “Slaughter and Hohnmeyer have some of the best lawyers money can buy, and they’ll leave no stone unturned to avoid any unfavorable publicity.”

  “I reckon that’ll be a mite difficult, with a story in the newspaper,” said Nathan.

  “Men who can buy lawyers can buy newspapermen, too,” Bristow said. “You’ll just have to take my word for it that Slaughter and Hohnmeyer will keep the affair as quiet as they can.”

  “There’s a reason for that,” Silver added. “Let the word get out that they’re being hit for reward money for the return of their women, and they’ll be fair game for every thief and outlaw in Missouri.”

  “Exactly,” said Bristow. “We’ll see that they’re allowed to hush this up. We’ll depend on you, Mr. Stone, to pull off a convincing rescue. The abductors, of course, will be my agent
s, and they must die convincingly when you appear to shoot them. Mr. Silver will see that you are given blank cartridges for your pistols.”

  “Pistol,” said Nathan. “I go nowhere, Mr. Bristow, with both my weapons loaded with blank cartridges. Not for you, not for Silver, not for the president.”

  Silver laughed. “One pistol loaded with blanks, Bristow. You’ll just have to depend on Señor Stone to remember which Colt has live shells.”

  “Very well,” said Bristow. “Do you have any more questions, Stone?”

  “Yeah,” Nathan said. “With all the secrecy, how am I supposed to know about any of this? How do you know Slaughter and Hohnmeyer won’t turn to the Pinkertons?”

  “Because they suspect we’ve had the Pinkertons after them,” said Bristow. “They’ll go to the law, because they believe they have friends. One of those friends will supposedly pass the word on to you. After we’ve allowed them to sweat for a few days, you will then rescue the ladies and impress Slaughter and Hohnmeyer. Don’t accept the reward money they’ll offer you, and don’t seem anxious to hire out to them.”

  “Suppose they don’t hire me?”

  “It’s a calculated risk,” said Bristow, “but my men are going to make you look damn good before the abducted ladies. I’m counting on them to influence their husbands.”

  “I don’t like traveling under false colors, of being a Judas,” Nathan said.

  “It’s for the good of the country,” said Silver.

  “So the country can collect eight times the price of a bottle of whiskey,” Nathan said. “You’re just damn lucky I don’t drink the stuff, unless I’ve been shot.”

  “If you’re shot,” said Bristow, “I’ll see that you don’t pay for the whiskey.”

  For a while after Bristow had departed, there was silence. Finally, Nathan spoke.

  “This just seems like a flimsy, damn fool way of going after evidence, and I’ve agreed to go along with it only as a favor to you.”

  “Thanks,” said Silver. “I consider that a tribute to our friendship. Frankly, I’m not all that concerned about the financial state of the country. I’m a little sorry for the president, because I don’t think he’s involved in this, and the only way to spare Grant is to root out the guilty varmints.”

  “I reckon you’re right,” Nathan replied. “With Grant’s friends and kin, the man sure as hell don’t need any enemies.”

  Nathan and Empty spent their days wandering along the back streets of St. Louis and at the landing, watching the steamboats arrive and depart. Only occasionally did Nathan and Silver meet. Not until two weeks following Nathan’s meeting with Bristow did Silver come to Nathan with news that the proposed abduction had taken place.

  “Annie Slaughter and Myrtle Hohnmeyer are being held in a deserted warehouse across the river, in East Saint Louis,” Silver said. “Two of Bristow’s men replaced the two gunmen hired by Slaughter and Hohnmeyer. The abduction has been reported, but just as Bristow expected, it’s being kept quiet. So far, these big spenders are each offering a five-hundred-dollar reward.”

  “I reckon they’re saving that whiskey tax for their old age,” said Nathan. “When do I make this damn fool rescue?”

  “Bristow says give it another week. We can’t have it look too easy. I’ll be backing your play and covering you.”

  East St. Louis, Illinois. June 2, 1875

  “The warehouse door is locked,” said Silver. “To make this look good, you’ll have to bust out a window and gun down the two abductors.”

  “And what am I to do with these ladies, after I’ve rescued them?” Nathan asked.

  “Mount them on the horses that belonged to their abductors,” said Silver, “and take them to the sheriffs office. Sheriff Rainey has been sworn to secrecy, and he’ll send for Slaughter and Hohnmeyer. When they arrive, you’re on your own. Remember, the objective is to make them want to hire you to replace the gunmen who allowed Annie and Myrtle to be kidnapped. Just become the hard-nosed bastard you’re capable of being.”

  Nathan’s face twisted into a vicious scowl and he dropped his right hand to the butt of his Colt.

  “Is that one loaded with blank cartridges?”

  “No,” said Nathan. “The other one.”

  Nathan approached the old warehouse alone, coming at it from one end, where there were no windows. Already he knew where the four horses were picketed. Empty was well behind Nathan because he wasn’t sure what was about to take place. Reaching a corner of the building, Nathan kept his back against the wall, advancing toward the window designated by Silver. There was glass on the ground, evidence that some of the panes had been broken. The sun had slipped beneath the western horizon and shadows were beginning to shroud the land. It was suppertime, and the first bold stars shot forth silver rays across the deep purple of the darkening sky. The remaining windowpanes were dirty, and at first Nathan could see nothing. But then a man laughed, and he saw them. The women sat on a wooden plank supported by two kegs. Their abductors stood a few paces away, revolvers in their hands, making a good show of it. Nathan kicked the window in, and when the men whirled to face him, he drew his Colt loaded with blanks and fired four times. The women looked on in horror as the two men fell, apparently shot dead. Nathan stepped through the empty window frame, the smoking Colt still in his hand. Annie Slaughter and Myrtle Hohnmeyer were young, and were expensively dressed. Nathan wouldn’t have considered either of them beautiful, and after the initial shock, they didn’t seem afraid of him.

  “Hohnmeyer and Slaughter?” Nathan asked.

  “I’m Myrtle Hohnmeyer, and this is Annie Slaughter,” said one of the women. “Who are you?”

  “An hombre hoping to collect a reward,” Nathan said. “There’s horses outside. Come on. We’re going to the sheriffs office.”

  Unbarring the door, he led them to the picketed horses. Annie Slaughter protested.

  “Sir, we’re not dressed for riding. It would be ... indecent.”

  “I reckon you can stand it just this once,” said Nathan.

  Both women were slight, and seizing Annie, Nathan sat her astraddle of a roan horse. Before Myrtle could launch a similar protest, he sat her down in the saddle of a dun. Both women tried vainly to get their skirts down. Annie tried unsuccessfully to dismount, and came off head first, her voluminous skirt over her head. Nathan got her on her feet and hoisted her back into the saddle. Her face flaming, she was about to say something, when Nathan shut her up.

  “Damn it, Annie Slaughter, you’re going to ride that horse, if I have to rope you belly-down across the saddle.”

  Annie said nothing more, and whatever Myrtle Hohnmeyer might have said, she had second thoughts and remained silent. By the time the trio crossed the river, it was dark enough that nobody noticed the “indecently” mounted riders with skirts above their knees. Nobody spoke a word until they reached the sheriffs office. Empty wisely remained in the shadows, while Nathan helped the women to dismount and escorted them into the sheriffs office. Rainey had been waiting for them, although he did a good job of acting surprised.

  “Sheriff,” Annie Slaughter said, “this ... this ruffian manhandled us.”

  “Is that a fact?” the sheriff said. “I don’t recall the last time a gent manhandled a woman and then brought her to the sheriffs office.”

  “Sorry,” said Nathan, “but they weren’t dressed for riding, and from where I found them, it was too far to walk. I manhandled them into their saddles and manhandled them to the ground when we got here.”

  “Gib,” Sheriff Rainey said to a deputy, “fetch Slaughter and Hohnmeyer. These ladies has had their dignity bruised a mite, but they don’t seem hurt. Far as the law’s concerned, the case is closed.”

  Slaughter and Hohnmeyer arrived, and they looked like what they were. Both were in their fifties, gone to fat, and partially bald. They were dressed in expensive town clothes, and rather than going immediately to their wives, they turned to Sheriff Rainey.

  “I had noth
ing to do with this,” said the sheriff. “There’s the hombre you want, and I don’t even know his name.”

  “Nathan Stone,” said Nathan. He kept his thumbs hooked in his belt and said no more.

  “I’m Hohnmeyer,” said one of the men, “and this is Slaughter. My office is nearest. We can talk there.” He steered Myrtle toward the door, and Slaughter followed with Annie.

  Sheriff Rainey grinned at Nathan. “Good luck,” he said under his breath.

  Empty drifted out of the shadows when Nathan left the sheriffs office. As Hohnmeyer had said, it wasn’t far to his office. They waited for Nathan to enter, and Hohnmeyer shut the door. They wasted no time.

  “I suppose you want to claim the reward,” said Hohnmeyer. “I will write you a check and Slaughter will write you a check, each for five hundred dollars. You may cash them in the morning. Then you will leave town and you will say nothing of this incident.”

  “Keep your money,” Nathan said contemptuously. “I reckon it’ll mean more to you than it will to me. As for leaving town, I’ll go when I’m damn good and ready, and I’m not ready.”

  Myrtle Hohnmeyer laughed. “Instead of running him out of town, you should hire him. He’s better than any dozen of what you’ve had.”

  “Myrtle’s right,” said Annie. “He was magnificent. He shot two men before they could make a move.”

  “I have seen Mr. Stone somewhere before,” said Slaughter, “and I believe it was on a Pinkerton wanted dodger. Do you deny it, Stone?”

  “No,” Nathan said. “It was all a misunderstanding.” Slaughter laughed. “It always is. If you’re on the bad side of the Pinkertons, I could learn to like you, Stone.”

  “I couldn’t do the same for you,” said Nathan. “Not if you walked on water.”

  Slaughter and Hohnmeyer laughed, and Nathan relaxed. The more he reviled them, the more they were drawn to him. He said nothing.

  “Stone,” Hohnmeyer said, “we can use a man like you. What’s your price?”


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