The Walk On

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The Walk On Page 28

by John Feinstein

  Just before they left the locker room, Coach Hillier called them into the center of the massive room.

  “Fellas, I know what a long and crazy week it’s been,” he said. “But now you get to do what you love to do and what you all do best—play football. And you get to play in front of about thirty-five thousand people here and a whole lot more watching on television.

  “You should be unbelievably proud of the fact that you’re here right now. Very few high school players get to do anything like this. Take a second to feel a chill when you run down that tunnel. We’re all going to remember tonight for the rest of our lives. So give every single bit of effort you have inside you once the game starts. Every last bit. If you do that, regardless of the score, you can walk out of here tonight feeling proud.”

  He paused for a moment and grinned. “Of course I have no doubt we’re going to win the game. No doubt at all. How about you?”

  He stepped into the middle of the room and put his arm in the air. They crowded around.

  “On three,” he said.

  Everyone put their arms in. “One, two, three—state champions!”

  They were about to pull their arms down when Alex said, “Hey, one more thing: for Matt!”

  Their arms pushed even closer to one another, as did their bodies.

  “For Matt!” they repeated.

  They turned and headed for the field.

  Alex did feel a chill as they came down the tunnel and ran through a cordon of Chester Heights cheerleaders onto the field. The band was playing, and he heard a roar from the near side of the stadium. A moment later, he heard a cheer from the far side and saw the Beaver Falls players racing from their tunnel to their sideline.

  Then they were all standing at attention on the sideline for the playing of the national anthem. Alex thought he’d never heard it sound quite so sweet.

  Beaver Falls won the coin toss and chose to defer, so Chester Heights would get the ball first.

  They lined up for the kickoff, with everyone in the stadium—or so it appeared—on their feet. Alex looked around, wondering exactly where his parents were and where Matt was, and remembered to take it all in one more time.

  A split second later, he heard Jonas’s voice.

  “Let’s go, QB,” he said. “It’s time.”

  The kickoff had been returned to the 28-yard line. Alex pulled on his helmet and trotted onto the field and into the huddle. Coach Hillier had already called the first play.

  “Everybody ready?” he said.

  Will Allison looked across the huddle and pointed a finger at him. “We’re golden, Goldie,” he said. “Long as we have you. Call the play.”

  “Ninety-four pitch,” Alex said, his voice rising above the crowd. “On three.”

  They broke the huddle and came to the line.

  This is forever, Alex thought.

  He called out three colors, took the snap, felt the ball in his hands, and set his sights on the goal line.




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