Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3) Page 1

by Jaime Marks

  Shades of the Redemption

  Mists of the Fae

  Book 3


  Jaime Marks

  Mist of the Fae Series


  Secrets Past

  Shades of Redemption

  Protectors and Kings



  Dynamics (coming November 1, 2015)

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in, or introduced to any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. On a side note if you happen to be a Fae and think you have a claim that you have been portrayed in this book by all means feel free to contact me in writing so we can debate the semantics of your existence ;)

  Certain content and scenes may not be suitable for readers under the age of 18.

  This is an adult paranormal romance novel and recommended for an adult audience.

  First Kindle Edition, January 2015

  Text copyright © 2015 Jaime Marks

  All rights reserved.


  This one is for everyone who reads my books. I’m glad other people can enjoy them. I’ll always write because I love it and I enjoy seeing the story unfold as much as you do, but it’s fun to share it with other people and hear what they think about the stories and the characters.

  Thanks to S. for all your help with editing and that.

  Thanks to B. for always being there and supporting me.

  And of course T. and M. who push me to do crazy things like publish this in the first place.

  I couldn’t do this without all of you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  He stood there across from her in the Dark, watching her. She was a vision, that silver fashion she now wore flowing about her form. Every eve he came to her to escape the torment he endured, anchoring himself to her, to the reality he knew in his soul. It was she alone that kept him hanging on. She was the Light in an endless Darkness.

  As her eyes darted about he knew she was looking for him. She knew he was there but he could not let her know the state he was in. It amazed him how strong the connection between them had grown, allowing her to sense him so easily. He knew he should leave but he just needed another moment; just a few more moments of being so near to her. He desperately needed the strength she gave him. He had been wavering and he could not fail. There was too much risk to her for him to fail.

  “Cymeryn? I know you’re here. I can feel you.” Reyn stood with her arms wrapped around herself. Her dark red hair danced on the breeze now adorned with silver highlights where the black streaks had once Darkened her. She was still stunning to him. She always would be. “Why won’t you talk to me? I can feel your pain. I know what they’re doing to you.”

  He cursed. “I do not want you to see me this way, Reyn. I should not have come.”

  “Cymeryn, you’ve seen me at my worst. Now get your ass out here before you seriously piss me off.” She all but commanded, resting her hands on her hips.

  He had to smile as he limped out of the shadows of her subconscious into a meadow that resembled one they had played in when they were young. “I had forgotten how demanding you can be, my love.” He teased attempting to lighten the blow of his appearance.

  She rushed to his side, her face laced with horror and concern. Accepting her into his embrace he wrapped his arms around her as she studied him. “Are you alright?”

  “I will live, Reyn, but I should not be here. If I am here when they begin anew I will not be able to block the pain from you.” He explained, searching her face for understanding. There was nothing he wanted more than to be with her in any way they could manage but he would not allow her to be harmed on his behalf.

  “We’ll cross that bridge when it comes.” She stated firmly, attempting to soothe his pain through their link. “You need to tell me where you are. This has gone on for too long.”

  Sitting down on the floor, Cymeryn pulled her to him. He needed to assuage her fears and dissuade her from this course. Knowing how prone to rash impulses she could be, he would not risk her trying to locate him herself. “Just stay with me a little while. Please. I just need to know you are alive and safe. Then I can endure. I promise you I will be fine, Reyn. I just need you.”

  She cradled him to her chest as she knelt. “If that’s what you need then you need to promise me you will let me be there for you, Cymeryn. You say you’re doing this for me, but it’s killing you. If you won’t let me help you, you need to let me be there for you.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as she brushed the hair from his face. He could only imagine how he appeared to her. He could not focus enough to change the image of his form. He had so little strength left.

  “You cannot reach me, Reyn and who would you send, mine blooded twin?” He laughed, “Marcus would not risk your safety for mine. If he did, I would kill him.”

  “Why? Why are you protecting me?”

  “You know why.”

  Unable to fight his need for her any longer he pulled her to him, roughly taking her mouth. His tongue sliding between her soft moist lips as he untied the knot in her sash, pushing the silver gown from her body to reveal the sheer sheathing beneath. He lay back to take her in. It fit snuggly to her form, accentuating the beauty of her form.

  Tracing the lines of her body’s curves he allowed his touch to linger where her skin was revealed. “You are so beautiful.” Cymeryn murmured but quickly snatched her hand as she reached down to undo his robing. “No Reyn, my beautiful Reyn. Please, do not do this.” He wiped a tear from her cheek.

  Studying him with that stubborn determination of hers she pulled her hand out of his and reached down to open it despite his pleas, or perhaps because of them. With a defeated sigh he sank back allowing her to pull the fabric from his chest. As she gasped in horror he looked down at himself seeing how much of the damage was revealed to her and cursed. Deep jagged gashes oozed his black blood over his chest at all angles. Bruises of purples, blacks and blues discolored his pale skin. Bright red welts showed where the rest did not. He did not want her to know his body like this and went to close his robes but she stopped him.

  She traced her finger along the welts and gently kissed some of the bruising. “Why do I get the feeling if I’m seeing this, the damage is much worse?”

  Reaching up, caressing her cheek, he attempted to reassure her. “Let me worry about that. I am Shade, Reyn. I can handle this; I must.”

  “Why Cymeryn? Just tell me why? How is this better than Redemption?” />
  “It is safer for you.” He growled out in frustration. There was no way to make her understand without frightening her and while he was in Lazurys’ hands it was not safe for him to reveal such things. The Dark Lord had reign of his mind and he could only withhold so much. There was no doubt he knew Cymeryn came to her, knew his feelings for her, but that did not seem to bother him. Lazurys only saw it as a means of obtaining her. Attempting to warn her or protect her however? That would mean his death.

  “Safer from what? Lazurys? We both know he’ll never stop whether you endure his punishments or not.” She pressed.

  “Reyn, there is not much time,” he reasoned trying to steer her away from the topic. “Please do not waste it like this. I need you now. If you want to be there for me, I am here now, but I cannot bear to fight with you.”

  As he cupped her face in his hands she relented with a reluctant sigh and he captured her lips in a passionate caress. Her light touch grazed his tender flesh as his hands ran over her, taunting her as she softly moaned in need. His hunger surged and he gripped the sheathing tearing it from her body to reveal her perfect form. Cymeryn rolled her onto her back, savoring her beauty as he slid out of his leathers.

  Kissing her neck he held himself back as the length of his sex teased her silken folds. “Tell, me Reyn. I need to hear it. I need to know you want this as much as I.”

  Her body arched against his as she pulled him to her by the hair, biting his lip drawing his essence into her. She tried to hold back, restraining herself, afraid she would hurt him but she was lost in him so easily. He reveled in it, the feel of her, her hunger as he drove her higher.

  “Now, Cymeryn. Please, I need you.” She pleaded as he bit and teased her nipples, his sex still grinding against her. “I need you so bad. I love you.”

  He gripped her throat and kissed her roughly as he thrust deeply into her core. Riding her hard as she met his thrusts, working herself against him as Cymeryn took everything she offered. Latching onto her throat he bit, roughly breaking through the skin as he drank her in, feeding his strength with her own, strengthening their bond, and at the same time opening himself to her.

  He wanted to draw her out, to make this last as he reveled in her flesh, but there was too much risk and it had been so long since he tasted her like this. She crested over her peak and he rode it with her. His own release erupted within her core as he let the essence flow freely between them.

  Reyana woke suddenly, sitting up in confusion. Marcus was still asleep beside her as she climbed out of bed wrapping her sheet around her and went to the window seat. She sat staring at the courtyard below wondering when the realm would begin to reach balance once more. The Realm of Gray had been as bright as day regardless of the hour, at least until her coronation. Once the Divine Being had reopened the realm the Light dimmed at nightfall but it still never really darkened more than Earth’s dusk. When you drew the curtains you could dim it further. It wasn’t quite as dark as night, but at least she was sleeping better. It still wasn’t right. She remembered the cycles of day and night being a lot closer to what she was accustomed to on Earth before her birth as mortal. It made her wonder what was missing.

  She ran a finger over her lips. God that dream. What did it even mean? She kept dreaming that Cymeryn came to her. She knew he was there but she couldn’t find him. Tonight, though, tonight maybe she shouldn’t have found him. It wasn’t a dream, was it?

  Marcus rolled over studying her and she squeezed her eyes shut. There was no hiding from him. He’d be able to easily read what was on her mind. He read her better than anyone, better than he probably should.

  “Reya, come here my love.” He reached for her and she couldn’t deny him.

  Tears streamed down her face as she climbed back into bed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Shhh love, it’s alright.” Kissing her chastely while he unraveled the sheet from her body he pulled her against him. The heat from his skin seeped into her and chased away the chill as he reassured her, gently stroking her hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “How can you say that, Marcus?”

  “It was a dream, Reya. You cannot be held accountable for choices you make when another invades your subconscious. You have no knowledge if it is real or not, especially when you wake. Do you not remember all the dreams we shared, hmm?”

  “But I knew it was him in that moment. I knew I was with him.” She argued. It always felt like he was making excuses for her. She knew he couldn’t possibly be ok with the connection she held to Cymeryn, not after everything that had happened, but he never allowed her to take responsibility for it.

  “And you ached for the pain he has let himself endure to protect you.” Marcus sighed as he searched her eyes, for what she had no idea. Some days she wondered if he was as confused as she was about how she felt.

  “How can I free you from this guilt that plagues you? I know you still beat yourself up over what happened between the three of us when I came for you. I wish I could find some way to help you be at ease, Reya.”

  “I don’t know Marcus. I feel as though I betray you every time I allow myself to want him; every time I dream of him.” She admitted.

  “Do you feel the same way with me, Reya? Do you feel guilty when you are with me because you love him?” She turned away from him but he hooked her chin and pulled her back. “Reya, we need to talk about this. We both know I already know the answer but you need to talk this though.”

  She couldn’t meet his eyes but she nodded, knowing it would be enough. As much as he felt she needed to admit how she was feeling and talk it through she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud. It hurt to admit because she was hurting him, because she shouldn’t feel this way. More than anything though it hurt to talk about it because saying it out loud didn’t change anything.

  She couldn’t shut either of them out of her heart and they were both hurting. Cymeryn was being tortured, supposedly to protect her, but even more than that she knew she’d hurt him by choosing Marcus over him. Marcus was in pain because she couldn’t give him the whole of her heart; part of it belonged to Cymeryn and no matter how hard she tried, nothing changed that. Saying it wouldn’t make it alright to be with Cymeryn or heal the pain she was causing her mate. If anything, it brought it all to the surface which just made it unbearable. It was an impossible situation.

  “Reya, you cannot help that you love us both and want to hurt neither of us. It is the two halves of your heart, your essence; Light and Dark. I will not condemn you for caring for mine blooded twin, and you shouldn’t do so either.” Marcus gripped her suddenly rolling her on her back. “Would you deny me, hmmm?”

  She gasped as he grinded himself against her core. He reached down teasing her clit as he kissed her neck. Teasing her into a frenzy he taunted her. “When I come to you like this, Reya, would you deny me?”

  “No, Marcus, I could never deny you.” She moaned plaintively.

  “Any more than you can deny him. He takes advantage of that, my love; as do I. We both know how you feel, what you want, and we take it whenever we are able. If anything my love it is you who have the right to be upset at the two of us.” Even as he spoke he brought her to the edge and held her there. “Are you mad at me, my love? Does it bother you that I take advantage in this way?”

  She shook her head as she writhed on the bed and he slid into her moving slowly as his finger gently worked her. She crested over and he drew her out keeping her at the height of pleasure.

  “Never doubt, my love, that he knows your mind as I do. Especially in the way he comes to you. Stop blaming yourself, Reya, you need to stop tearing yourself apart. We have accepted that you love us both. We have taken you together, as one, and we both enjoyed it, enjoyed you.”

  He gripped her hips suddenly and thrust into her deeply, smiling wickedly as she moaned. Speeding up his pace he quickly took her over as he filled her cup, his own climax flowing into her as their essences merged.

us leaned down and kissed her stomach before rolling onto his side as he held her to him.

  “Why do you do that?” She asked when she finally caught her breath.

  “Do what, Reya? Draw you out? Watch you squirm? You will have to be more specific, my love.” He teased playfully running his finger over the contours of her body.

  “Kiss my stomach. It seems like you do that almost every time we mate now.”

  He shrugged but she almost felt as if he was being evasive as he spoke. “I don’t know. It just feels right, really. I can stop if it bothers you.”

  “It doesn’t really bother me, it’s just…I don’t know. It feels like it should mean something else. Like you think it means something else.” She studied his reaction looking for something she couldn’t sense. More than anything the fact that she couldn’t sense any reaction to her question; no thoughts or emotions, made her question why.

  He kissed her softly, “No, I just like enjoying all aspects of your body and it’s the area I perhaps neglect the most so I like to pay it homage. Now come Reya, let’s get back to sleep. I have to work with Star and Byryn on their training in the morn. Will you be joining us?”

  “Maybe, I was feeling odd yesterday during training. I might take it easy this morning so I can focus on Redemptions later in afternoon.”

  Kissing her head he murmured sleepily. “That would likely be best. You haven’t been sleeping well enough. It would be good for you to take it easy the morrow my love.”

  Still trying to figure out what he was hiding she decided it was best to leave it be for now. He’d asked her to trust him while he sorted things out. When he was ready he would tell her and Marcus would never hurt her. There were enough other issues to clutter her mind lately without adding more. He’d promised to tell her everything when he was ready and he would.

  Cymeryn woke slowly, keeping his eyes closed so no one would know he had come to. His black blood was still oozing from open wounds and he could hear it dripping slowly as it hit the cavern floor. How long had he been held here in this cave? He needed to go to her. Something was off, he could not identify it in her mind, but something was…changed within her.


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