Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3) Page 3

by Jaime Marks

  “Do you have any idea the risks you opened yourself to and through you, the Queen? What if he had taken you?” Kato now paced, his own rage evident. “No one would even have known. What the hell were you thinking, Marcus?”

  “What happened Marcus? Did he come?” Grifyn asked curiously. He seemed to be taking this far better than Kato but then they had been working more closely together these last few weeks and he knew Marcus wouldn’t have acted without thinking.

  “No, but I caught him off guard. I have never tried to reach him before. I felt the pain that was rolling through him before he closed himself to me. It was…intense, enough so that it took me to my knees. The only reply from him I received was ‘keep her safe’. He has not reached out to me since and he continues to block any attempt I make to sense him.

  “He was there last night, in her mind, but she is getting bolder and called him out on the torture. He couldn’t hide it from her any longer. The images I deigned of his body...” He shook his head.

  Grifyn rubbed his brow. “What are we missing, Marcus? I may not know what occurred in that room but there is some hidden connection between them we are missing. If he comes to her so regularly…the Shade are not creatures of love. For him to ask you to protect her or to want to do so himself…there is either a connection that exists that we are not seeing or he is toying with you; attempting to regain your trust so he may turn you both. What don’t we know?”

  Marcus groaned raking his hand through his hair. He didn’t wish to delve that far into this. There were things that if they knew it could harm her more than they realized, simply because she could not yet face them. He felt Kato’s hand on his arm. “This is what is tearing you apart Marcus, is it not? It is not just what you saw or endured in that room. It is their connection. The origins of it haunts you. Help me to understand and I will support you in this in any way I can…but the way you are acting, the secrets? There is no reasoning that supports it. It does not make sense, my friend and we fear for you as greatly as we fear for her.”

  In a respect he could understand their reasoning. His actions were not that of the Fae. Lies and secrets were not of their nature. Even the Fae that had been Redeemed Gray did not fall into Darker tendencies, but he and Reyana were different. It was their true nature that prevented the shift but he was more than comfortable employing his Darker half to protect her and the Kingdoms when he felt it necessary. It wasn’t something they could understand, however. Maybe giving them this would help to pave the way if Cymeryn ever did take the path of Redemption. In the very least it may buy him the time he needed. He sighed turning from them as he swallowed his pride.

  “Cymeryn was closer to Reyana than any of us ever realized. He was her protector, her friend. He fell in love with her long before I sent him to the fronts. He cared for her, protected her, even held himself back in his studies so that he would be there for her. She hadn’t been old enough to return his affections and after Queen Terysia’s death she needed time to come to terms with her own heart. It wasn’t until the day he left, when the Sector Commander was killed, that she had begun to consider a life with him. When he left without a word at my command, she assumed he had simply had a passing fancy and that she had been foolish to think anything more of it. For whatever reason he never reached out to her, but I suspect it was for her own safety because he has never stopped loving her.”

  “She was his reason. That is what Reyana was referring to in the Healer’s Compound?” Grifyn grimaced. “Great Divines Marcus, why ever would you think you needed to keep this a secret from us? Why would you face this on your own?”

  “It’s my burden to bear.” He shrugged admitting what he knew was the truth. “I’m the one who did not see this and I, of all of us, should have known. I am also the one who made him leave that eve despite his request for a day to get his affairs in order. It is neither of their faults. She has done nothing wrong, nothing, and I will not have her judged for this.”

  “She feels guilt for his turning and now for his torture. She wants to help him but cannot without hurting you. No wonder the poor female feels torn. No one could fault her for that, Marcus, but we must help protect her. Her guilt makes her susceptible to his influence. No wonder you are not ready for her to know.” Kato mused. “Now it makes sense, my friend, I owe you an apology for pressuring you. I did not realize how delicate the situation truly was, but Grifyn is right, you need not bear this alone.”

  “She cares for him, and it pains her. She feels as though she has betrayed he and I, both. She knows what he is, what he has become, but she can’t help but want to save him. She is literally tearing herself apart and there naught I can do but remind her who she is and be there to guide her through the pain.” He bit back on the urge to groan as he relayed it. “I have to find a way to help her come to terms with this.”

  It was the truth, although perhaps only half of it. He knew Reyana would try to save Cymeryn to her own detriment. He also knew that the Shade would take her and try to turn him despite the risks because he felt it was the best way to protect her and the only way they could be together. There were no easy answers if he could not sway Cymeryn to Redemption, but he still held cards that his twin would not anticipate. He could only hope he was right and it was enough or he would have to kill him.

  There was no other option. Once everything was revealed there would be no going back and Cymeryn would stop at nothing to claim her if he did not choose Redemption. He couldn’t allow him to hunt her ruthlessly. She was too fragile in this. The only choices were to Redeem him, or kill him. Either way it was tearing Marcus apart. Regardless of the outcome he risked losing one or both of them and they were both a part of him.

  “Hey guys, why the serious faces?” Star chimed as she came up the path with Byryn at her side.

  “Nothing to be concerned about, Star. I just was debating which course of action we need to pursue next.” Marcus forced a smile. He didn’t want to worry her. When there was time he would meet with Byryn alone. Now that he’d bought time he needed to be ready to move when the opportunity presented itself. Byryn needed to know what Marcus intended in case things went badly.

  Star shrugged. “A school separate from the castle would be nice. Every time I walk past Kylion’s class in the study he comes running out after me.”

  Byryn chuckled. “He’s quite taken with you, Brightness,” he pulled her into an embrace kissing her deeply a moment, “but then, so am I.”

  The boy had become annoyingly more open with his affections since the announcement of their betrothal. Marcus understood it, but it didn’t mean he cared for it any more than he had before their engagement.

  Grifyn elbowed him, “There was a time, my friend, that Mythos looked at you the very same way.”

  Marcus nodded, speaking quietly, “Yes but we were older, Grifyn. Reyana was twenty-two cycles when I began to court her. He isn’t yet nineteen and she is barely sixteen.”

  Kato laughed, “This is true, but the boy means well and you know it.”

  “Indeed.” Marcus quipped. He did know it and he trusted Byryn more than most or he’d probably have skinned the boy alive long ago. “I will take my leave, I could use a walk. Besides, there are things that need attending. I need to review the status on constructions. Orders and debriefs for the day have yet to be addressed and I would very much like to attend to our Queen.”

  Grifyn nodded. “Are we still meeting this noon to discuss the group homes?”

  “Yes, with the new lodgings that were completed this week I see no reason to put it off. There is also the meeting this eve at the Council. I’m still working on getting Reyana to agree to attend. She does not feel it’s a good idea that we all be absent from the realm at once.”

  “I cannot say I disagree with that but I believe we have enough safeguards in place and there is a full complement of Guardians here. Demytria offered to assist in seeing to the unawakened Shade in Byryn’s absence as well.” Kato rose his voice to catch the boy’
s attention. “She agrees with the Queen’s sentiments and will be remaining behind. As long as their line is represented she holds no rank that requires her presence.”

  Byryn smiled coyly as he moved closer with Star. She pulled from him and came over to Marcus, embracing him as had become her regular custom. He lightly kissed her head before she pulled back. “How are you this morn, Starshine?”

  “I’m good Marcus, I finished the books you brought me last week. Do you think you guys will have time to get me more while you’re over there tonight?”

  “Already? Well, then we will have to. Both your Mother and your uncle want your education kept up with so you are not behind when you awaken. I must say you’re making impressive headway though.” He studied her remembering the nightmares that occasionally plagued her. He’d been worried that she might not be sleeping. Something else he would need to discuss with Byryn when the opportunity presented.

  “She reads endlessly and quizzes me on all of it, forcing me to keep up.” Byryn groaned.

  “Well at least someone keeps you on task,” Grifyn chuckled.

  Byryn smiled before turning to Kato. “I did speak with Demytria and let her know her help would be welcome. There’ve have been a few minor issues, but Gavyn and Trycen will be overseeing the Shade corridors so hopefully with the addition of Demytria I won’t have to deal with any problems when we return. They seem to follow her and my brother more willingly than the other Guardians and they accept Gavyn more easily because of his friendship with Trycen.”

  “I saw you dealing with that boy last eve. I was concerned at first but I must say the result was impressive.” Kato offered.

  “Unfortunately there are some who still think they need to exert their dominance.” Byryn sighed. “Talking to them wasn’t enough, so it was necessary to remind them where they came from. I hate it. I really do, but I won’t have them preying on the younger and weaker kids. If it takes a mild ass kicking and some embarrassment to get them in line, so be it. I keep track of the issues. Generally it doesn’t come to that, but that one is one I’m not sure what to do with.”

  “Who son?” Grifyn prompted.


  Marcus could see the immediate tension in him and the way he said the name sounded more like a slur of sorts. “What are his offences?” He inquired. The last thing they needed was an unawakened who was giving his Dark side full reign.

  “He bullies the smaller kids, trying to make them do his work and errands for him. I’ve caught him three times now. Then last eve I caught him in the female corridor. I don’t know what happened but if I had to guess I’d say he made some sort of move on Felycia that she didn’t take well to.”

  “Was she upset, frightened?” Grifyn probed urging him to elaborate. He and Trina had been trying to form some type of relationship with Byryn’s sister. She didn’t really respond to any of them though. The girl typically preferred to keep to herself.

  “No,” Byryn shook his head. “Felycia isn’t your average unawakened female. She doesn’t submit, she attacks and in most cases she isn’t exactly someone they should mess with. She was giving him a piece of her mind and he was doubled over guarding his groin when I found them.” Byryn replied levelly, though it was obvious the situation beyond angered him. Felycia was his younger sister and he felt indebted to the girl for some reason. He had purposefully given her private quarters as close to their corridor as he thought she would tolerate and was seeing that her education was supplied for, but aside from her requesting information on her Mother, they barely spoke.

  “Sounds like the boy is a definite issue. Do you think he chose Felycia as a statement to you, or simply out of opportunity?” Marcus requested trying to gage the severity of the situation.

  “That was my concern.” Byryn thought carefully. “I hate to say it but I’ve been seriously considering turning that kid out.”

  Marcus nodded, “Bring the boy to my study once your training session is complete. It’s time to make it clear that this is his last chance. I’ll ensure he sees my point.”

  Byryn smirked. “I can only imagine.”

  Marcus almost laughed. The first time he had met the boy, they were unsure of his allegiance as he was unawakened Shade. At the time the very notion that he would turn out to be anything other than a Shade had been unheard of. Especially with his interest in Star, Marcus had to be sure that boy was seriously trying to protect her and not just manipulating her to reach her Mother. He had portrayed himself as Cymeryn and scared the poor boy to death, but he had stood his ground. He’d tried to fight back and refused to relinquish Star. How he handled himself and his commitment to Marcus’ bonded daughter was actually a good part of what had endeared him to the boy. He had earned his respect.

  Byryn was not only fiercely loyal and honorable, he had been awakened Gray by Grifyn and now served as an integral part of Marcus’ team here at the Palace. He was the Liaison to the Unawakened Shade and had managed to keep any issues or concerns to a minimum for both the young and the Guardians. He also served as head of Star’s Personal Guard, which luckily meant she had not taken to her Mother’s habit of sneaking off and eluding her guards.

  Marcus grimaced involuntarily. When Reyana had snuck away at Star’s age, she had been hiding with his brother. She had in fact been falling in love with Cymeryn. He had never known. If he had known things would be so different. Would he have been the one to turn? Would he be Shade instead of at her side as her mate?

  He shook himself from his thoughts and noticed more young were gathering for the session. “Excuse me my friends, I have much to prepare before this eve.”

  Kato met his eyes as he left but only nodded in reassurance. He had placated the Fae’s concern for the moment but it would not last long. The issue would need to be addressed soon. He needed to reach Cymeryn somehow. It wasn’t that he trusted his brother, but in this delicate situation he had no choice but to confer with him.

  Reyana’s condition was the one thing he could perhaps believe that Cymeryn would put before his own needs. He had loved her once, had turned to Darkness to have the chance to be with her, and despite the fact that Shade did not have a propensity for love, he loved her still. There was Light still in his heart, Light only she could reach. He had to believe it would be enough for him to want to protect her as he claimed he must do.

  Chapter 3

  Alayne dropped Cymeryn’s broken form onto the bed. If he left him in this state it could take days, perhaps even weeks to heal, but he would survive. His blood, Lord Lazurys’ blood, ran thick through his veins even as it seeped from the gashes and wounds the Dark Lord had inflicted on his body.

  He turned to Syneous measuring him. It had been intentional to have the Supryn awaken him. It allowed them a strong enough connection that he should be able to track the Shade unless he purposefully blocked him; which he may now that he knew of their connection.

  “Follow.” He commanded.

  They misted through the realms leaving his enemy to fend for himself. He should be mostly safe at any rate. In truth, Alayne would be more than pleased if some Shade or Fae happened upon in his weakened state and put him out of his misery. Cymeryn was an obstacle he needed removed and a threat his Lord was apparently blind to.

  They formed in the Darker Realm within his fortress. “How are your preparations coming?” He asked rounding his desk to check something in his journals. The timing had to be precise and Cymeryn’s release was a distraction.

  “I have the Umbra in disarray and chaos. It isn’t so extreme that it will look intentional. At best they will think I’m incompetent.” Syneous shrugged. “I have managed to strengthen my connection with Staryana and the others are in place. It’s as ready as we can be I suppose. I thought you wanted to hold?”

  He nodded absently considering it all. “It is still best to have things in place before Cymeryn is well enough to begin monitoring our actions. We will hold in some respect but we must proceed in others. He is too cunnin
g and shrewd to discount, though I will be able to better control him in some ways now. Lord Lazurys has decreed that our Supryn must work with me to regain Reyn. If he fails or shows any sign of weakness she will be gifted to me. In truth I have no real use for her aside from breaking him, but I suspect you will enjoy her.”

  “Perhaps.” He frowned momentarily but did not voice whatever the passing thought was, although Alayne could well guess. Syneous had assumed he was done with his duty to Reyn. “If for nothing more than punishing her betrayal. She’s still technically my wife.”

  “Indeed.” He sighed. “I was hoping we would have more time but as you saw Cymeryn has be released. I am to assist in his healing. I will bring him back enough that he should heal easily on his own in a few hours but you must remain in his good graces so that you may monitor him. We need to keep a tight rein on him. I do not want that warrior interfering in my plans.”

  “As you wish.” Syneous bowed. “I will bring in the boys. I think it is best we keep them informed. They may yet prove useful in reaching Staryana if Byryn still poses an obstacle.”

  “Yes, it has been a while since I have spent time with young Kyle. Bring him to me, but bring him alone for his instructions. It is time for the boy’s next lesson.” Alayne mused. “He has the potential to be a valuable asset, if we can curb his weakness.”

  Alayne attempted to sort through all of the angles and potentialities in his mind. He needed to stay a step ahead of that ignorant warrior if he was to achieve his goals. Cymeryn was more cunning an adversary than any other his sire had taken interest in. He had decimated the lines of all others the Dark Lord favored. The Warrior Lines bred from Cymeryn were the only that had survived his wrath, mainly because the Shade was a master strategist and was somehow able to ascertain his every intention. This time however, he would not see what was coming. He was too distracted with Reyana and it was clouding his judgment. So very convenient, perhaps the female was useful as more than just an incubator for his granddaughter after all.


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