Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3) Page 14

by Jaime Marks

  Byryn about fell out of his chair. “You can’t be serious. How?”

  “It can’t leave this room, Byryn. The fact that he is Gray alone can’t even leave this room.” He insisted.

  Letting out a long, calming breath Byryn considered the implications. There were too many questions and not enough answers. He had a feeling there was so much about this that he wasn’t going to like. “Alright Marcus, it’ll stay between us, but this time I want to know everything and if you continue to hold back from me you’re not going to leave me any choice. Cymeryn is dangerous. I need to know that you’re thinking clearly and not just under his influence, because seriously these secrets and lies are beginning to concern even me.” Which was saying something because he wasn’t beyond utilizing such tactics himself if he felt it was necessary to protect his line. It was one of the reasons they got along so well.

  Marcus nodded in resignation. Byryn watched as he rose and began pacing slowly. “When we were back in that room, in the safehold, there are some things that happened that I have kept hidden. Primarily because I think it’s the main reason Reyana ended up in that coma and I have been trying to find a way to help her come to terms with it…but also because I didn’t want anyone judging her or questioning our loyalties.”

  “You told me there was a previous connection between them and that she gave herself to Cymeryn willingly. There’s more isn’t there?” He prompted when Marcus hesitated.

  He paused turning to face him. “She called to me. She wouldn’t leave him but she called to me and I couldn’t bear the idea of living without her.”

  Pieces began to slip into place. “What happened Marcus? I want the truth, even though I can likely guess.”

  “We took her, together. The three of us, our essences merged. I didn’t think it was possible but we both bonded to her and she to us.” He admitted.

  There was no apology or regret in his expression, just simple fact. Byryn thought back to how his essence merged with Staryana’s. They hadn’t even had sex and the bond was profound. It had been the very reason he had begun the transition to Gray without intervention or even knowledge that it could be done. There was more to this though. He’d already sensed it and the time for holding his cards had passed.

  “So tell me, Marcus, whose young is it she carries?”

  Marcus gave him a discerning smile, “You’re far too perceptive, Byryn. You have sensed her yourself, son, what have you felt?”

  “I don’t know. It hasn’t made much sense to me. In all honesty I would almost think the child was both yours and Cymeryn’s, but that doesn’t make sense. A child can’t have two Fathers, biologically anyway.” He added considering his own situation.

  Marcus sighed and sunk back into his chair. He gave Byryn an almost apologetic look. “They can if they are twins. We both sired a babe with her that day.”

  Byryn cursed as he kicked the desk. “Are you sure? I mean how in the world can you even know that?”

  “We both sense it in her. Shala also confirmed it.” Marcus raked his hand through his hair. “She senses it in herself since I lifted the blocks I had in place to keep her from shattering. I couldn’t risk her slipping back into that godforsaken coma.”

  Byryn grimaced. She’d been so far gone that they hadn’t been able to reach her last time. “How did she take it? Do you think she’ll start splitting again?”

  “No, we were able to…” He paused looking away. “Help her get through her guilt.”

  Byryn exhaled slowly. The Fae believed you only had one mate. That you bonded to one, only one, and mated for life. There were sometimes exceptions when a human mate they’d claimed had passed but they were rare and generally there were decades, if not centuries, before the Fae moved on. Their bodies were considered sacred, and so far as he knew without influence from the Shade their vows were never broken. How the hell would they handle their Queen being pregnant with both Marcus and Cymeryn’s young? How the hell would they handle Cymeryn?

  “What are you going to do, Marcus? How do you plan to handle this?” He asked, uncertain there was any way in the world of the Fae that this could even work.

  “There’s more Byryn.” He met him levelly, outwardly he was calm but something had him on edge and Byryn knew they hadn’t even touched it yet.

  “Well then, by all means.” He motioned for him to continue as he leaned back in his chair in exasperation. How much more did they really need to deal with?

  “Cymeryn is bound to his young. He is different, Byryn.”

  He scoffed knowing the games his Grandsire played. “Then why isn’t he here seeking Redemption? Why aren’t you bringing your brother home? Because I’m well aware that that’s what you want, what you struggle with.”

  Marcus picked up his dagger from his desk fiddling with it as he spoke. It was a nervous gesture. Marcus never fidgeted, at most he paced, thinking better in motion, but fidgeting? “Cymeryn was detained the last month by the Dark Lord paying the penance for his failure. Apparently as an incentive, or a punishment, if Cymeryn can’t deliver Reyana to him before Alayne does, Alayne will have dominion over them both.”

  Byryn paled. He’d never met Alayne. Honestly he hoped he never did. Trevyn had once said that he and Cymeryn combined couldn’t match Alayne’s hunger and depravity. The Shade’s exploits and conquests were great. He’d incited genocides and mass killings firsthand, world wars even. He forced himself to focus ignoring, a fear that was growing in him that he didn’t quite understand. It was a gut feeling really, but he needed to deal with things one at a time.

  “Cymeryn and Alayne are rivals. He’s dangerous and unpredictable. Cymeryn is methodical and a master strategist, but Alayne? Marcus, Alayne will destroy anything and everything to get to her to begin with. If he knows that Reyana carries his young and even suspects that Cymeryn loves her?”

  “I know, Byryn, so does Cymeryn.” Marcus slammed his hand on the desk and stood walking to the window. “He went back. He wants me to perform the Bonding rituals with Reyana and Claim his young as my own.”

  Sitting there speechlessly, he was literally shocked. The Cymeryn he knew of would leverage that child and the connection it gave him to Reyana as a weapon. He would lord it over Marcus, tormenting him until he drove him to Darkness. For him to tell Marcus to Claim the young and take Reyana as his bonded mate? The only explanation was he was hiding her, protecting her from Alayne. He let out a low whistle.

  Marcus hesitated, glancing back to him, “Byryn, Cymeryn said that he was tricked by Alayne.”

  His gaze grew shrewd. Cymeryn was never easily fooled. “How so?”

  “Sean, the Shade Syneous, he’s Alayne’s son.”

  His jaw dropped as realization sank in and he realized what he’d been sensing. “That would make Staryana…”

  “Alayne’s grandchild.” Marcus finished grimly. “I am going to tell Grifyn and Kato about Alayne, I just haven’t figured out how to explain where I got the information. Kato already knows about Reyana’s pregnancy. He sensed it when she Redeemed him. He also sensed my blocks but he doesn’t know she is carrying twins. He does suspect that Cymeryn is linked to her somehow and thinks he is likely the Father…” He trailed off deep in thought.

  “You aren’t going to tell them about Cymeryn, that he’s Gray and that he Fathered one of her young. You’re going to try to persuade him he’s wrong.” Byryn sighed when Marcus shook his head. “I suppose I can’t blame you for that. It’s honestly more for the three of you to sort out. But Marcus, while the Shade wouldn’t even bat an eye at this, provided they never found out you were actually in love, you’ve gotta realize the Fae, from everything I’ve learned, will never accept this.”

  Marcus scoffed. “Unless they can find another goddess incarnate to save their race I highly doubt they have a choice. None of us exactly chose this but it has happened and we must accept it. If Cymeryn comes home they will have no choice either.”

  Byryn couldn’t deny that. In truth, Reyana�
�s return was all that had save the Fae from what Cymeryn had previously set in motion. She Redeemed more Fae, Tainted and Shade daily. It wasn’t as if she was exactly replaceable.

  They both looked to each other as a knock sounded at the door.

  “Enter.” Marcus commanded.

  The door opened slowly, tentatively to reveal Staryana standing there in her night gown, tears streaming down her eyes. He rose and went to her taking her in his arms. “Brightness, what’s wrong, baby? Is Kylion alright?”

  She nodded, “Sorry to interrupt. Grifyn said you were probably still down here.”

  He looked to Marcus as he guided her to sit and knelt in front of her. “What’s going on, Brightness? Whatever it is, baby you can tell me.”

  She looked from him to Marcus and back as sobs began to wrack through her. “I have to go to my Father. I don’t have a choice.”

  Chapter 12

  Steph looked up from her sketchbook when the knock sounded on her door. She hesitated, wondering if she wanted to answer it. Since Star and Byryn had disappeared there were only two other people who knew where she lived and she really didn’t want to deal with either of them. The knocking got louder and she sighed wiping the charcoal from her fingers as best she could before rising to go to the door.

  She left the chain in place opening the door just enough to see through the crack. “What do you want?” She snapped.

  Kyle studied her, focusing on the chain a moment. “Let me in, Steph.”

  “No.” She replied simply. “I have nothing to say to either of you and I don’t fucking trust you so either leave or tell me what you want.”

  He smirked shaking his head. “I don’t know why the hell he puts up with you. John heard about Star taking off with Byryn. He sent me to see if you were alright or if you’ve heard from either of them. We all know how close you and Star were.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like John gives two shits about Star outside of the possibility of a piece of ass, not that she’d give either of you the time of day.” Smirking she studied him. Kyle had always taken an interest in Star and it had to burn that she’d taken off with Byryn of all people when she never even paid him the time of day. John probably hadn’t even sent him. “You, on the other hand, I believe want to know.”

  He shrugged glancing up and down the hallway with his brow furrowed as if looking for something. “Look, I know you and I don’t exactly get along…”

  “That’s an understatement.” Steph scoffed.

  “Right,” He sighed. “Seriously Steph, I’m worried about her. If you know where Byryn took her I need you to tell me. He’s not who you think he is. I’m trying to help her.”

  Byryn might not be a saint but Steph didn’t doubt Star was safer with him than Kyle, although that might be relative. He could be an absolute ass to anyone that got in his way, but when it came to Star, Byryn generally looked out for her and up until a month ago kept his distance. It was as if he wanted to protect her even if that meant from himself. She knew there was more to what she’d felt from both of them but she didn’t understand it and her intuition didn’t seem to be giving her any answers.

  The only thing she knew was that Kyle was no good for her. She’d experienced firsthand what Kyle and John could do to a girl, though John generally took the lead. It was rare that Kyle approached her at all. Generally he just lurked around keeping an eye on her for John. At least she didn’t have to worry about him figuring out something. She didn’t know where the hell they were either.

  “Not that I would tell you if I knew, but she disappeared on me too. I have no idea where they are.” She admitted and went to close the door but he wedged his foot in. “What, Kyle? I don’t have anything else to say and I swear I don’t know anything.”

  She felt an eerie chill wash over her skin but it passed quickly. She almost asked what the hell that was but in a weird way it seemed to calm her down. His hand lifted as if he wanted to touch her but quickly dropped it down to his side.

  “I’m supposed to tell you he’ll see you in a couple days.” He almost seemed to hesitate a minute and sighed looking up and down the hall again. “Watch yourself, Steph. Trust those instincts of yours and watch yourself.” Kyle said shaking his head as he stared off into the distance. He almost sounded resigned and apologetic but he didn’t say anything else before he turned, walking down the hall. She stared after him in disbelief as wisps of smoke almost seemed to roll off of him a moment.

  Closing and relocking the door she went into the bathroom and cleaned up. She was tired after going to school all day and working most of the night. She needed to get some rest so she could get up and do it all again tomorrow. Besides, things had been weird lately. She’d started seeing and feeling things more regularly. She’d always noticed them to a point but lately it was almost as if her senses had gone into hyper drive. She didn’t know what to make of it.

  As much as she hated the woman, she almost wished her Grandmother was around to ask about it. The woman had barely paid attention to her when they lived together but when strange things happened she had always seemed to know something. The woman barely talked to her but she went out of her way to convince her that things and strange people that she’d taken notice to the last few years weren’t real and that she should keep such thoughts to herself. After all, wouldn’t want anyone to think she was crazy again. Now she kind of wished she’d tried to press the issue a bit more but she doubted she’d get anything else out of her. She’d barely provided her a place to live. She wasn’t about to tell her anything.

  Laying down with a sigh she tried to relax and let the day fade away. It was late and she had too much to do tomorrow. It all seemed so tedious without Star though. She was so damned worried about her. It wasn’t like her to just up and disappear like that. Her phone went straight to voicemail and she hadn’t been to school. When she called the house she only ever got her Father. Maybe Reyn had decided to leave him and Star just needed time to come to terms with it. Her Father was an ass.

  No, that couldn’t be the full story. Byryn had disappeared the same exact time. She hadn’t seen either of them since she’d been called to the office right after Steph caught them making out in the hall. That had been a freaking shock. They’d been completely oblivious to everyone around them, watching as they all but had sex in the middle of the hall. Star supposedly didn’t even like him. Every time Steph had tried to bring up how Byryn watched her or seemed to be interested in her, Star dismissed it saying he was the biggest asshole in school; which was true but what the hell had changed?

  She was worried that it had something to do with that odd glowing smoke that seemed to be drifting around them almost pulling them together. At the time she thought she’d just imagined it but now she wasn’t really sure. She didn’t know what to think. She needed answers but she had no idea where she could even find them.

  Her Grandmother had noticed a lot of the stuff she had, though she never commented on it. Maybe it was some sort of sixth sense or something like ESP. The problem was she didn’t have any family that she could ask about it. Her parents were both dead, she’d never even heard of or seen pictures of any extended family and her Grandmother wouldn’t exactly be forth coming. Still, maybe it was time to pay the old witch a visit.

  She was just beginning to drift off to sleep when the room suddenly filled with pitch black smoke that seemed to drift everywhere and a frigid chill swept through her. She stared at what she assumed was a man but he looked more like a living nightmare. His pale white skin stood out in a sickening contrast from the black smog that enveloped him. Where his eyes were supposed to be it looked like black ink filled his sockets and his hair, while seemingly attached to his head, appeared to fade into the smoke.

  She breathed deeply but had to force herself not to gag. The stench was almost like what she’d expect to smell if someone had died but at least she didn’t smell anything burning with all the smoke she was seeing. Part of her wanted to scream or run but inst
inct told her that she needed to be careful and allow this thing to think he held all the control. Something cold was seeping through her and she knew he was trying to influence her mind but that warmth inside of her almost surged up to meet it. It blocked whatever effect it was meant to have and if she was going to get through this she needed to let him think it had worked.

  He seemed to measure her. “You are looking for Staryana. I know how worried you are for your friend. I am here to help you find her.” His voice almost seemed to warp and it seemed like it was burrowing its way into her head but again something in her resisted its hold. “In the morn you will find her in her home. Her Father will know what you are supposed to do, how to keep her safe.” He commanded. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She breathed trying to sound drugged or something.

  His wicked grin as he smiled down at her chilled her to the bone. “You will refer to me as master.” He demanded and she forced herself to swallow her retort.

  “Yes master.” She choked out.

  “Tell me what you are to do upon waking.”

  “I need to find Star, she needs me. I’m going to her house to see her Dad. He’ll know what to do.” She whispered trying to sound sedated in some way.

  “So malleable, but I sense that fight in you. You will be quite amusing for my son. For your sake you had best mean as much to Staryana as he believes.” He mused stepping closer to the bed running the back of his hand over her cheek and she forced herself to remain still letting him pet her. “You are so young and beautiful, much like my granddaughter. Unfortunately I do not have the time to properly introduce myself and enjoy you the now. I must ensure she comes for you. Follow your orders and I will reward you.” He smirked, “Though with your fire I suspect you might prefer my punishments.”

  “Yes master.” She replied not really sure if she should risk saying anything else.

  “What a good little slave you will make.” He grinned and it sent fear racing through her but he was suddenly gone as if he’d never been there.


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