Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3) Page 22

by Jaime Marks

  Her eyes bore into his with a shrewd intellect that made him again question if she was sensing him despite the fact that he could feel nothing from her. “Are those contacts or something?”

  “Excuse me?” Cymeryn looked at her in confusion, not understanding the question at first. Had the girl been listening to him at all? She showed absolutely no reaction to his words and he had the ability to glamor human sight. She should see no real difference between him and a normal man. “You mean my eyes?”

  “Yeah, I’ve never seen eyes that color gray before but I can’t make out the lens.”

  Fear gripped his heart. Gray? “Yes, they are an…inherited trait.”

  She nodded but seemed to relax with him some, “Ok, here’s the deal. I probably shouldn’t trust you, for a whole list of reasons, but I can sense there’s something different about you. I know her Dad is bad news because I was going to stop there this morning. There’s just something off about the place. Besides, last night? Shit, that was just freaky. So it’s your lucky day because seriously, right about now I trust you more than I trust whatever the hell is happening with me, her Dad, or that thing that came to see me. All I have right now are my instincts and my gut’s telling me you’re a safer bet.”

  Cymeryn’s eyes grew wide as his brows rose. “You are quite insightful for a…for such a young girl.”

  “Yeah, so I’ve been told.” She stared off into the distance. “So where are they? Where are we going?”

  “For now, to my home. I need to let them know you are safe.” He was unsure that was the best choice. If his eyes were indeed Gray then it would be harder to pull off this ruse than he had originally anticipated but he needed time to reason things out. “What happened last eve? You said you saw something you did not trust.”

  She turned looking him over. “I had an unwanted guest. One that my Grandmother always told me wasn’t real. I know someone tried to manipulate my mind and I know that he thinks I’ll make a good little slave but he’s in for a rude awakening.”

  “Byryn, think about this son. You know Cymeryn was the one who tried to abduct Star in the first place and you are the one who betrayed him to save her. What do you think he would do to you if he had the opportunity?” Grifyn looked at him, fear and concern evident as he tried to get him to see reason.

  Marcus watched the interaction between the two. He couldn’t let this come between them. He had already caused enough issues with the two of them. “Byryn, perhaps it would be best if I approach Cymeryn?”

  “No.” He replied sternly before turning back to his Father. “Dad, you have to trust me. I know how crazy this sounds, but even if Cymeryn was Dark I would be able to leverage this information over him.”

  Kato rose as a soft knock sounded at the suite door. “I thought we could use another perspective.” He left the room returning with Demytria by his side, his arm around her waist.

  “Good morn,” She smiled with a small wave.

  “Good morn, Demytria, please join us.” Reyana offered.

  Kato sat back in the armchair and pulled her into his lap. “Did you sleep well, love?”

  “Mmhmm,” She kissed him softly before facing the room, “Now, why ever are my favorite brother and my nephew fighting?”

  “I’m the only brother you’ve ever known, Demytria,” Grifyn laughed, “And perhaps you can help me to talk some sense into my son, hmm? He wants to ask Cymeryn for his assistance.”

  “Oh? I’m gonna need a little more information than that.” She looked between the two as they scowled at each other. “You can’t just throw that out there without telling me why.”

  Marcus sighed, “This isn’t getting us anywhere and we have a raid to complete this afternoon.”

  “Really?” Grifyn quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you weren’t going to be joining us on the raids.”

  “I’m going because there is information I need to obtain. Byryn, I need the name of the member of the Brood you would most want to convert if he were to accept it. One of your brothers that you think would wish it. It needs to be someone that would be believed trustworthy and usable to the Shade, but who might hold some loyalty to you.”

  “Is this about Steph?” Byryn ask studying him.

  “Yes.” Marcus replied.

  He nodded. “Wycelion. He always followed orders to distinction but he never took well to their life. The way females are treated doesn’t sit well with him. He was the one who pulled Trycen back when Trevyn fell. It will take time to earn his trust but his actions tell me he at least wants his freedom.”

  Marcus reached out to Cymeryn through their link sending him the name. He was surprised when Cymeryn reached back. They weren’t supposed to discuss things until after he spoke to Crytos. His brother was concerned that Lazurys may be able to discern what was going on if they connected too greatly in this way.

  “Marcus, I may have a problem. Steph is here and she is safe, but I am uncertain if I can continue this charade. My eyes, they are…Gray. I should be able to hide them from Crytos, but I have a day maybe less before even he will begin to notice. Also, is this girl part Fae? She is quite perceptive. More so than any human I have ever encountered.”

  “Marcus? Did you hear a word I said?” Grifyn demanded.

  “Um, no actually, I must apologize.” Marcus answered trying to reason out what their options were. “Reya, I know how you feel about this, but there is an issue and I believe we need to tell them everything.”

  He felt her fear as she reached out to Cymeryn. He left her without interruption and merely pulled her close stroking her hair. He knew only Cymeryn would be able to assuage her fears and she needed to make a decision.

  “Interesting indeed, Marcus.” Kato quipped studying him. “Exactly how much are you willing to risk on the notion of your brother’s Redemption?”

  “Kato, my friend, there is nothing I can say to prove this to you. It’s something you have to sense for yourself.” Marcus supplied waiting for Reyana’s response.

  “And if I sense him and I find he is unchanged? That this is all a ploy to obtain the Queen?” Kato demanded, “What then Marcus?”

  Marcus sighed, kissing Reyana on the head, “Then he shall die by my own blade.”

  He felt her stiffen beside him and allowed his essence to flow between them. He knew the truth of Cymeryn’s Redemption but he needed to reassure them. It was the truth regardless, if Cymeryn were still Shade and a danger to her, he would have to do what was necessary. Thankfully he knew it was not the case.

  “You think Cymeryn is Redeemed?” Demytria asked softly. “And neither of you believe him. Byryn, what is your thinking?”

  “I’ve sensed his essence.” Byryn replied skirting the truth slightly. “I’m sure he’s Gray.”

  “Sister, you know Cymeryn better than any. It’s highly unlikely that he can even be Redeemed whether he has shifted or not. Think of who he is, all he has done.” Grifyn argued. “You have told me yourself that he is not a mere Shade, but something more; stronger and Darker.

  She nodded, “Yeah, Cymeryn can be a monster. He has waged a hundred years of torture on the realms. I am fully aware of who he is. He’s my sire. Which is why I also know that he can be fiercely protective of his progeny and his favored. I stood by his side for forty years every bit as dangerous and manipulative as he was. I committed acts just as ruthless.” She looked to Kato. “Your love is what saved me, Kato. Yes, Reyana hit me with a jolt of Gray, but you had already opened the door to it.” She looked at all of them, “Now, I don’t know what happened in that room, and it’s seriously none of my business, but if Reyana somehow broke through to Cymeryn’s heart, why is it so unbelievable that he might have changed? You’re both forgetting he was not always Shade.”

  They sat quietly considering her words and Marcus offered her a nod of respect. She had said everything he himself had wanted to argue but they would not accept it from him. Demytria, however, they still viewed as his brother’s victim and if she could f
orgive him? If she could move past all the pain he had caused and see things so clearly it gave him hope.

  Leaving them to their thoughts he focused on other matters he needed to address. As important as it was that they deal with this, Marcus also needed to ensure Cymeryn had what he needed to complete this mission safely. “Byryn, is there any chance that Steph is Fae?”

  He gave him a quizzical look. “I don’t believe so. If she is at all I would say that it was dormant. I’ve never sensed it in her. Why?”

  “Because she is noticing odd details, things the average human wouldn’t see.” He stroked Reyana’s hair as they spoke. She remained oddly quiet, likely because she was still attempting to convince Cymeryn to come home.

  Kato was watching her closely, realization slowly creeping in. “You are communicating with him, both of you!”

  Marcus grimaced as he glanced at Reyana, she was still very much preoccupied. “Yes Kato, we can reach him.”

  Grifyn’s jaw dropped, “How, when?”

  “I suspect since that day in the safehold when Reyana flooded him with her essence, but I can only verify for certain over the last two days.” Marcus replied.

  “Because he was being tortured. I can still feel echoes of him on occasion.” Demytria supplied playing with her hair as if she was avoiding their eyes. “He wasn’t reaching out, in fact he was blocking, but the pain was slipping through at random intervals. I suspected Reyana was sensing it as well.”

  “She was.” Marcus kissed her head again as she took his hand, her essence wrapping around him. She sighed contently as her awareness returned and she nestled into his lap. “Everything alright my love?”

  She nodded turning to him, “They need to know Marcus, because he’s almost out of time and if what Byryn senses is true we need him here now anyway.”

  “This is your call, Reya. I made you a promise and I will abide by whatever you decide.” He kissed her softly whispering in her ear. “In this my love, I follow you, we both do.”

  She looked nervously around the room. Byryn nodded to her offering what little support he could in this matter. He watched her hand drift to her stomach. “Byryn, will you go get Star and Trina, please? This is something they should hear as well. I will just have to bear with Mythos’ disappointment that he did not get to know until later.”

  Cymeryn watched the girl pacing around the room. She was examining things carefully. Steph noticed the oddest things. Relics that held remnants of essence most held her attention. Items gained from former prisoners of Trevyn’s or personal gifts that Cymeryn had given him over the years. He had tried to sense her several times but she was very closed. Still, she could not be a mere human. He would worry that she was somehow attached to the Darkness, a minion, but he felt no trace of it in her and not even Lazurys could manage that. Actually he had never known that to be true of any human for that matter.

  “Stephanie, will your parents notice that you are gone? Perhaps we should make an attempt to contact them?” He probed hoping to find out more about the girl.

  “It’s Steph,” She snipped but then just shrugged, her short blond curls slid into her eyes and she brushed them out. “If you figure out how to call the dead feel free, otherwise no, they definitely won’t notice.”

  He could not help but chuckle. “You have an odd sense of humor, but I am sorry that you lost them. How old were you?”

  “Six. I don’t really remember much about them though. Even when they were alive I was with my Grandmother most the time. They traveled a lot.” She picked up an ornate dagger studying it. It had once belonged to Ceryn a Cerulyion. “This is your place?”

  “It is for now. I only came to town to find you. As you said, I am not from around here.” Cymeryn offered her a small smile watching her as she held the dagger. She had picked it up three times and it made him wonder but he would never presume. He needed more information about this girl. “What about your Grandmother? What is she like?”

  “She won’t notice I’m missing if that’s what you’re worried about.” She turned to face him, her eyes a vibrant topaz that made him question her linage even further. “Look, no one knows this but since you’re obviously concerned that you’re gonna get nabbed for kidnapping or something. My Grandmother and I don’t exactly talk. I actually moved out earlier this year, got myself all emancipated and everything. So yeah, unless you’re conducting a welfare investigation, this line of questioning is pretty useless.”

  “I see...” He murmured, “Staryana is only sixteen, you cannot be more than a year older than that. I must admit I am curious as to why a young girl would forsake the only family she has to be on her own.”

  “Whatever, how long do we need to be here? I think I would really just like to go see Star now.” She crossed her arms staring at him. She was high spirited and stubborn. Definitely going to be a handful.

  “You and Staryana are a lot alike,” He chuckled thinking back to when he had tried to convince her to come with him. She had given him a very similar attitude.

  “Yeah well, we’re friends so…What’s that?” She froze looking around.

  He could feel Alayne’s presence growing near as she reacted to it but he did not have time to question her about it. “Steph, listen to me carefully. I need you to act like you are terrified of me and cower in that corner, now, or we may not live through this encounter.”

  The poor girl’s eyes popped wide but she sat in the corner, shrinking back from him. He grabbed the sunglasses he had acquired and quickly placed them on his face as she watched him. She looked scared but she only felt curious. He could only hope Alayne’s sudden appearance would change that.

  The Shade Priest formed in front of him and he felt Steph’s fear spike, thankfully. He stood in his black robes holding his staff with swirls of Dark wisps spiraling out around him as his essence filled the room. He glanced over the girl before turning to Cymeryn, his black hair floating around him, more wisps than actual form. Cymeryn had luckily subdued his essence and he could easily explain that away, but if he hadn’t he had no idea how much Alayne would be able to discern.

  “You have been avoiding me, Cymeryn. The Dark Lord was very clear.” Alayne snarled. He was obviously annoyed to find the girl was already in his possession.

  “I am well aware of what was requested of me Alayne, but you have yet to ask for my help and I was too busy cleaning up the mess your son has made of my Umbra.” Cymeryn snapped. “Besides, as you can see I have made adequate progress.”

  “All I see, Supryn, is a human girl.” He spat snidely. “And had you not been so incompetent causing you to be detained in the first place the Umbra would not have been placed into upheaval. Syneous simply attempted to keep things going in your stead but you have never trained him to do so. I told him it was waste as you would not appreciate the effort despite the conditions. He should have allowed one of the Kyndra to step up and you to deal with the challenge that resulted.”

  “That human girl is the key to obtaining Staryana, and through her, her Mother. I was unaware that I had need to report every action I took to you.” Cymeryn pulled the dagger from his belt and began cleaning his nails with it. “As far as Syneous we both know he follows every order you bid so drop the act.”

  “Odd Cymeryn, that you have this girl free to roam, unchained.” Alayne mused approaching her. He was seeking a reaction but she shrank back from him in terror as he would have suspected.

  “Fear is an appropriate enough motivator for obedience, Alayne.” Cymeryn shrugged. “Though so is manipulation which I was utilizing until your presence necessitated me to change methods. I was rather enjoying toying with her until your sudden presence incited a near panic in the girl.”

  “Yes indeed, but your focus should be on your assignment not playing games. Besides she has yet to have a mark on her, perhaps you are growing soft, weak…” He chided. “Perhaps the wench really has gotten to you.”

  “If that is your suspicion Priest, try me and we shall s
ee exactly who is weak.” Cymeryn grabbed him by the arm spinning him as he allowed his rage to surge forth, aware his Darkness would surge with it as he had noticed was the case with Marcus. “I will more than enjoy knocking you off your pedestal.”

  “Watch yourself, Cymeryn, lest you break our truce. You are bordering on a line you do not wish to cross with me.” He hissed. “What is your next move?”

  “What is yours?” He retorted.

  The Shade smiled wickedly, “You shall see soon enough. The progress you are making is adequate…let us see who achieves our goal first.” His laughter echoed as he misted from the room.

  Cymeryn let himself sag slightly as he took a deep breath. That was too close. If Alayne had attempted to sense him, he shook his head. Reyana was right, he could not continue this charade any longer. He was not only risking himself, but this girl. Looking up he found that Steph was shrinking away from him, now truly afraid. As he centered himself, allowing his essence to balance in case she could indeed sense him, he removed his glasses and knelt before her.

  “Steph, I know what this must look like, but I promise you, I am not going to hurt you or Staryana and I love her Mother very much.” He admitted knowing that she needed to hear the truth. “Alayne is one of the ones I came to protect you from. I am trying to protect all of you from him.”

  “H-, he was at my house last night.” She still looked terrified, “I, I was hoping I was wrong, that I was dreaming. Why does he think you’re working with him?”

  “Because I used to. That is why I was sent to come get you. I am uniquely positioned to get you out of here and safely to Byryn and Staryana.” He sighed, “I cannot blame you if you do not trust me. All I can tell you is that I am trying to protect you from a world that you do not yet know of or even understand. If you do not come with me though, there is nothing anyone can do. They will hunt you and they will find you. There is no safe place here that you can hide.”


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