Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3) Page 26

by Jaime Marks

When she breached through the entryway and onto the plateau she didn’t slow down. She ran for the secret entry to the Palace and ran right into one of the unawakened. They almost knocked each other over and she had to steady herself with the Palace wall.

  “My Queen,” He gasped, “Are you alright? I didn’t see you. I’m so sorry.”

  She struggled to regain her breath. “I’m…fine. Indeed it was my fault, I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you alright?” She replied trying to compose herself and still hold an air of formality.

  “Yes, I think so.” He rose to his full height. She studied him a moment. There was something oddly familiar about the boy. She couldn’t figure out why, but she swore that she should know who he was.

  “I must apologize for asking, but what’s your name? I’ve met so many Fae this month I’m afraid I haven’t been able to fully memorize everyone’s names yet.” She forced an apologetic smile as she tried to prepare herself for anything.

  She didn’t know why but there was some part of her that had gone on alert and she needed to be cautious with this kid. She looked him over. He was tall for his age and had a strong build, but that described so many of the unawakened. No, it was something in his face, his eyes. A wicked grin spread across his face and she almost stepped back, but she knew better than to show a Shade, unawakened or not, any form of fear or submission.

  “My name is Tomas, my lady.” His voice took on a seductive lilt. “I believe you know, my brother.” He took a step closer to her as realization clicked. She reached out trying to reach the patrols, but her senses were cut off. She couldn’t feel or sense anyone or anything, even the faeries. His hand snapped out and grabbed her arm but she ripped herself free and blocked the punch he threw.

  “Delightful, Lady Reyn. No wonder my brother required such restraint with you.” He laughed as he circled her, forcing her into a defensive stance. “I can assure you, though, my Father will use none.”

  “Think about this, Tomas. It doesn’t matter if you can acquire me or not. You’ll never be able to make it out of this realm.” She reasoned. “They will sense me, all of them. You’re on a suicide mission.”

  “These fools?” He laughed. “Even your beloved mate hasn’t picked up on who I am. I’ve spent this last month learning the ins and outs of this realm, following all of you and you never knew.” He pulled a knife from behind his belt. “I can sense the secret you’ve been hiding. What a naughty, naughty Fae you are. Pregnant and no bonded mate tsk, tsk.”

  He lunged at her and she dodged but it positioned her back to the wall and he stepped forward caging her in. She cringed as he pressed his body into hers, his Dark essence flowing through her made her want to gag. “Behave now and I won’t have to deprive my Father of the joy of ripping that brat from your womb.”

  She tried to fight against him but she felt weak. She only ceased when she felt the sharp tip of the blade against her belly. He waved a pair of handcuffs in front of her face. “Put them on or I will gut you. Don’t waste my time and do as I say. No one can sense you so there will be no one to interrupt us if you piss me off and I decide to enjoy you myself. I have us cloaked with my essence.”

  She glared at him as she took the cuffs and fastened them on her wrists. He checked the cuffs, closing them tighter before grabbing her by the arm and muscling her over to the hidden staircase that would take them off the plateau. To her amazement he triggered it laughing at the shocked expression on her face.

  “Don’t look so surprised, Lady Reyn, I’ve been following you and your dear Praetor on and off for weeks. I would’ve had you long before now if it weren’t for your little disappearing acts.” He all but snarled. “Now, let’s hurry before your mate realizes you’re gone and summons the Supryn.” He smirked at her. “My Father is just gonna love that little bit of information.”

  Reyana bit her tongue. There was no reason to feed into his game of baiting her reactions. Besides, Cymeryn was already on his way to the Darker Realms and he was blocking her. There was nothing she could do to warn him that he’d been discovered and nothing he could do to help her. She’d have to either fight her way out of this somehow, or hope that Marcus found her before it was too late.

  Chapter 23

  Cymeryn stood on the Dark Plains trying to regain his composure as he stared at the spired structure in the distance. He had broken her heart, again, but it had to be for the best. It could never work in her world, the three of them. She did not deserve the scrutiny that she would receive with him at her side, let alone with both he and Marcus. His brother would care for her, raise his young. Together they would provide a family for the twins she would birth. It would have to be enough.

  He shook himself from his thoughts. Now was not the time to dwell on such things. He needed to get his mind on the task at hand. If he had any hope of retrieving Byryn from Alayne’s safehold he would need all of his strength, all of his cunning to even breach the fortress’ defenses. It was not just the Shade he had to defeat. The creatures that dwelled within were able to cleave the flesh from the body with little effort. They would be the true danger he faced. Only Alayne would be deadlier, but they had fought before and he knew the Priest’s tricks.

  Byryn may have forsaken his line and the Shade but it was a choice Cymeryn now understood. Regardless of his Claiming, that boy was of Cymeryn’s essence. He would not leave him to this fate. Alayne would pace the boy through tremendous amounts of torture solely for the fact that he was a warrior and not a priest. Many times through the years the Priests had moved against the Warrior Line, Cymeryn’s line. Alayne was intent on wiping out all that did not bow before him and Cymeryn never had. He would not have Byryn paying the price of his choices simply for the lineage they shared.

  He scanned the area between his position and the fortress watching the Shadows writhe as they slithered along the ground, their stench burning in his nose. They didn’t seem to be responding to him. They neither flocked to him as they once had nor attacked him. They would not be a factor, graciously.

  Large hulking forms moved slowly in the distance but none turned towards his position. Small bouncing creatures moved in the shadows but kept their distance. It appeared the only monsters he would need face were in the safehold itself. At least he knew he would make it as far as the perimeter.

  He breathed deeply as he braced himself for the horrors he knew he would have to overcome. Alayne may yet kill him this day, but he would be damned if he did not take the Priest with him. There was too much risk to Reyana and his young to leave him live. It was the decision he had made when he realized no other would be able to reach Byryn.

  Coming here in his current state was a risk he would likely not survive. Alayne would know without a doubt that he had been Redeemed, or in the very least that he had betrayed the Shade and his rank. He would not hold back and even if he did, it would only be so that the Dark Lord could reach them. Lazurys would not be forgiving this time. Failures were punished and forgiven if you could live, betrayal meant certain death. This would be the final battle between he and the Priest and he knew the chances of his survival even if Alayne fell were grim.

  Cymeryn closed his eyes allowing the images of the time he had shared with Reyana and his twin just the eve before, to flow freely through his mind. He allowed his love for them both to fill him giving him strength. He still could not fathom the depths of Reyana’s love for him. How she had forgiven him all his faults and actions was a miracle he could never repay. Then there was his brother. Marcus appeared to have such faith in him. The trust he had given him after all he had done was astonishing. He wished he had the time to prove to him that his faith was not ill placed. With his death he repaid those debts. He would sacrifice his life, to save the boy and Marcus would know. He would know that Cymeryn had come back from the Darkness and given himself to protect them all. He would aide Reyana through her grief, they would bond and raise their young and continue life as they would have so many years ago if he had never interv

  He breathed deeply making his peace with this life, knowing that he could not fail. The cost was too great. It was time. Slowly and cautiously he made his way across the plains, seeking cover behind the jagged stones that darted up at random intervals. He could not mist here, shifts of essence would draw the creatures of this world. It was safest to traverse cautiously on foot, avoiding them if possible. You may encounter on or two of the beasts but it was preferable compared to facing a swarm of goblins or a herd of trolls.

  A slight hum laced his skin as he felt the adrenaline spike in anticipation of battle. The hum only intensified however, giving him pause. Looking down at his skin a white essence began to enshroud him, emanating from him. He stared at it in awe and disbelief as it grew in strength and intensity. The Shadows hissed and shied away from the luminance just as a bright flash engulfed him. He felt his molecules scatters as he was transported through the mist completely uncertain of what had just occurred or where he was being summoned to.

  Marcus took Star to Byryn’s room and lay her on the bed. He sat beside her a moment stroking her hair and gently kissed her head. All these years he had watched over her from afar and now she was his daughter in every way that mattered, despite the lack of their shared blood. He didn’t want to leave her in this state but he had no choice. If he was to have any chance to reach Byryn and Cymeryn in time he had to find a way to breach the Darker Realms.

  He sighed with concern when she only lay there silently. She hadn’t said a word the entire trip back to the Palace. He’d carried her the entire way and she merely allowed it as she lay in his arms like a scared babe. Briefly he had thought to take her to her own quarters but he didn’t want to risk that they had not been cleaned from her assault on Ryo and he thought allowing her to rest here might foster more of a connection to Byryn allowing her some comfort, but only his presence would do that. As soon as he finished discussing the situation with the others he would have to get Reyana from the Sacred Creak. Hopefully her Mother would be able to bring her around.

  Marcus wiped her tears and kissed her head once more before rising from the bed. He had been trading essence with her the entire way here to stabilize her. Luckily the awakening didn’t seem to be upon her but he couldn’t even dent to the state of her mind. They needed to get Byryn back and they needed to do so quickly. If she went into the awakening and he wasn’t here it would likely push her over the edge. He was the only one that could truly balance her.

  Leaving the door open a crack he met Tryxia and Aryn in the hall. He spoke softly so as not to alert her of their presence. “The Princess is not herself. She must stay here, but don’t underestimate her. Her mind has been manipulated and she may not view you as the friends she has come to know, but as her enemy.”

  They both nodded and bowed at the waist, taking their posts without another word as Ryo came down the hall with bandaging on his head. “If I may Praetor, I would like to resume my watch of her. I do not blame her for her actions. She was overcome and distraught. I believe with Byryn’s absence it would be best to bear more towards caution than not.” He bowed.

  Marcus nodded and clasped the Fae on the shoulder. “Thank you. She was very upset over the harm she caused you. Seeing you are alright may help to calm her if she tries to leave again.”

  He headed to Grifyn’s sitting room, where Kato had emerged with Steph. He paused taking in the girl as she scanned the room, her eyes resting on various items as if she could see the essence they held. She walked over to a lamp and ran her hand through the aura of Light imbued in the fixture seeming to marvel at it. Was she seeing the essence it was charged with?

  He turned to regard Mythos and Grifyn but hesitated as he watched his King’s gaze track Steph as she walked slowly around the room studying Grifyn’s belongings. It was not the discerning gaze he would expect and it caught him off guard a moment.

  She looked up as Grifyn approached her and flushed slightly. “Sorry, I won’t touch anything. I just…” She huffed. “Never mind, I wouldn’t know how to explain it if I tried.”

  Grifyn eyed her curiously as he picked up the Cerulyion dagger that she had been inspecting on the mantle. “You’re fine dear, but I am curious, what exactly are you looking at? It’s not the items themselves that interest you. Don’t be afraid, I promise, no one here will think less of you for your answer. We likely already know, but I don’t want to lead you. I would like you to tell me yourself, what it is you see without our influence first, and then I will explain it.”

  She looked at him skeptically before shrugging dismissively and turning back to the dagger. Lifting her hand just above it they all watched as the essence almost seemed to interact with her despite the fact that he could see and sense nothing from the girl. Marcus rose a brow as she snatched her hand back in surprise and took a step back.

  Steph caught sight of him out of the corner of her eye and walked right to him. At first he assumed it was because Cymeryn had gained her trust but he stared at her in surprise when she suddenly asked, “Where’s Byryn, Marcus?”

  He raised a brow studying her. Did Cymeryn mention him? “How do you know me, Steph? Did Cymeryn tell you of me?”

  “No, I used to see you follow Star around a lot and you were almost always at her house when I was there. I thought you were a ghost.” She shrugged nonchalantly as if it was normal and it was, but it shouldn’t be for a human girl. “I asked her about you once because it’s not exactly something you see every day. She made a joke about it saying you were her imaginary guardian and scared the monsters away. She called you Marcus. It’s one of the reasons I knew I could trust Cymeryn, though he obviously wasn’t you. I figured he had to be your brother. Besides…” She hesitated a moment as if trying to decide how much she should say. “There was something…familiar about him. Almost like I might have met him before.”

  She seemed almost more confused about her words than he did. Cymeryn didn’t know this girl. Marcus had sensed him thoroughly while they had formulated the plan to retrieve her. He had needed to be sure his twin would be able to fool the Shade if they were discovered and nothing had been hidden from him in that moment.

  He took it all into consideration. Cymeryn had been correct. She couldn’t possibly be human and yet looking her over he still could not sense her essence. “Kato?”

  He nodded. “I did sense her, Marcus. She is descendent of the Fae, but I would have to have more time to ascertain if the bonds are even strong enough to trigger an awakening in her. If this situation had not occurred, if she had never come in contact with another Fae, I believe she would have lived her entire life with nothing more than a strengthened sense above what most human’s possess. Now, however, I am unsure.”

  The girl studied, Kato with a look of disapproval that gave Marcus the oddest sense of familiarity as she crossed her arms. “I am standing right here, ya know. It’s kind of rude to talk as if I’m not and who told you that you had permission to invade my personal space like that? At least have the decency to ask me first and explain to me what the hell you’re talking about.”

  Kato looked oddly humbled as he cleared his throat. “Yes, um, well…I apologize Stephanie, I only…”

  “It’s Steph.” She cut him off curtly. “Don’t call me Stephanie and no one answered my question yet. Where’s Byryn, or Cymeryn for that matter? And did you find Star?” She met each of them in the eye, not intimidated in the least. When she got to Mythos however she froze.

  Marcus watched the interaction carefully. There was definitely something familiar about the authority and confidence Steph carried, but he saw it waver as she regarded their King. For a moment he almost thought he felt her and it was so familiar, but like an old memory that surfaces yet never quite manifests. As if he knew he had the knowledge but it was just out of reach.

  Mythos stared at the girl oddly as if he were trying to figure her out. He remained silent as his essence washed over her. Marcus could feel the confusion and surprise that ran through
her but he didn’t have the time to figure all of this out right now. His main priority had to be reaching Byryn in time and she was a distraction. He had no idea what fate awaited the boy at Alayne’s hands, but he knew time was of the essence.

  “Steph, right now isn’t the best time. Star is home, but she isn’t doing well and she needs time. Byryn was unfortunately wounded and taken prisoner and Cymeryn went to attempt to bring him back.” He decided meeting her bluntness with honesty was better than wasting time arguing with her. What little he had taken note of the girl both on Earth and since she walked into this room had told him she was going to be a handful. “We need to focus on how best to deal with the situation. I’ll have someone take you to your quarters. They can help to show you around and see to your needs until I have more time too…”

  “Forget it. Just take me to Star.” She replied flatly as she turned her full attention back to him.

  He bit back his retort yet again feeling as if she reminded him of some Fae. “She’s resting and not herself, Steph. I don’t think…”

  “Look, Marcus, I don’t mean to come off as rude or disrespectful, but you’ve officially been real to Star for what, a month? Maybe a few days longer if my best guess is right? Byryn wasn’t even there for her before that. I, however, have been her friend for a couple of years now. I didn’t just see her once in a while and pop in and out, I was with her every single day for the better part of two years.” She met him dead in the eyes. The girl had strength and obviously no fear. “Now I don’t give a rat’s ass about what is or isn’t going on, what this place is or isn’t. That’s your job and Byryn was right, I’m in over my head. I don’t know shit about all this but I do know Star. If she isn’t herself because, and this is just a guess after the past few crazy ass hours, but because someone messed up her head? Maybe, just maybe what she needs is something normal and familiar. She didn’t grow up wherever here is or as whatever you people are. She grew up human. She needs comfort and stability.”


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