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Page 20

by HelenKay Dimon

  “You have to know how I feel about you. What happened between us wasn’t fake.” Her voice came out as a desperate whisper.

  It was a nice touch but not good enough. Not this time. “It wasn’t real either. From the beginning to now, you’ve been playing a game. Have you gone so far that you buy your own lies now?”

  “That is not true. What I feel for you is absolutely real.” She grabbed onto his arm but only caught his sleeve. Still, she didn’t let go. “I need you to know that I—”

  “Don’t say it.” He couldn’t handle that.

  “I love you.”

  He’d lived for those words. An hour ago he would have heard them, grabbed onto them, and started building a life with her. Now he ignored them. Had to. “I gave you every chance to come clean about Jimmy, but you kept me in the dark.”

  Her mouth opened three times before the words came out. Between the slumped shoulders and glassy eyes, she put on quite a show. “That’s all you have say?”

  He could get through this. The crying and soft hands weren’t going to work. “To your comment? Yes.”

  Silence fell over the room. He thought she’d end it there. But she finally started talking again. “Not telling you all of it, about everything with Jimmy, was a mistake. I was scared. I thought I could fix the mess and keep you safe.”

  She touched the nerve guaranteed to make him yell. “I don’t need a damn bodyguard.”

  “You had so much happening in your life.”

  He held his body stiff. Shutting down his heart and his head was his only protection from getting sucked back in again. “All bad and it can all be traced back to you.”

  “I know. I brought this all to you. Jimmy and the video, even though I knew nothing about that part until you told me. Being the cause of all your trouble killed me. It chipped away at me every single day.”

  He should just shove her aside and walk out. He knew that but kept debating anyway. It was as if his mind wasn’t ready to break the tie. “We were dating, seeing each other all the time. You had every chance to come clean.”

  She held him with both hands now. “You are so together and strong. I’ve kicked around without any direction and even been in jail. How could I ever be the woman you needed?”

  “You stopped trying. You pulled away from me after I saw you with Jimmy.” Eric knew in his head it had all been a lie, but part of him wanted to know what changed that day in the diner. “You’ve been emotionally packing your bags ever since.”

  “That wasn’t about a con or scamming you.”

  “What was it?” Damn, he still needed to know the answer to that one.


  “Now this is my fault?”

  “I couldn’t understand how you could forgive me so easily for the way we met.”

  Shock vibrated through him. “You were mad because I believed in you?”

  “That’s not what I said.”

  “If that’s true, you should be happy now, because I don’t believe you. Not one word. In fact, I can’t stand to look at you.” He picked up several photos, crushing them in his fist and shaking them in front of her face. “Maybe you and Jimmy will have better luck with the next sucker you pick.”

  “Eric, please.”

  He slammed the photos on the counter. “My only advice is that you be careful, because I won’t think twice about prosecuting you if some other dumb mark you pick presses charges.”

  Cara found Katie an hour later. She sat at the counter and stared at the incriminating photos spread out in front of her. Her body functioned. Somehow her brain signaled for her to breathe, but she felt nothing.

  Seeing Eric spin out of control like that had broken her. She’d thought he lacked fire and passion outside the bedroom. Now she knew it all bubbled under the surface. He kept it controlled, but when he let loose it was pure devastation. Red-faced and yelling, he went on a rampage that left her emotionally torn up and shattered.

  And he hated her.

  The realization had her eyes filling with tears. She wasn’t a crier, but remembering his face when she’d made her declaration of love made her want to crawl into bed and never get out again. His mouth screwed up in distaste and his dark eyes went blank. She’d never forget it.

  Locked in a self-imposed torture chamber, Katie didn’t feel Cara press an arm against her back. “I thought you were meeting with Eric.”

  “He’s gone.” Forever. It was so final. The stab of pain hit her everywhere. She felt it in her chest and head, until she doubled over from it.

  “Are you going to see him after the shower this afternoon?”

  The catering job. Katie didn’t think her arms and legs would work well enough to let her serve. “No.”

  “What’s going on?” Cara peeked over her sister’s shoulder. “What is all of this?”

  “He found out.”


  “He thinks I’m with Jimmy.”

  “I admit these photos don’t look good.”

  Katie couldn’t survive another round of questions and accusations. “Eric thinks I had something to do with the video.”

  Cara went still. “Did you?”

  “No.” Katie pointed at Jimmy’s image. “He did. I didn’t know it at the time, but he did.”

  “Did you tell Eric that?”

  “I couldn’t tell him anything. He wouldn’t listen.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Eric.”

  “He lost it.” His words came rushing back at her. He didn’t believe anything she said now. “I don’t even think he knew he was yelling, but once he started he didn’t stop.”

  “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “Of course not.” Cara’s eyebrow lifted in response to that. “Well, sort of, but I never expected him to blow like that.”

  Cara morphed from sympathetic to unbending. She took up her judging-mother stance, arms folded and lips pursed, and stared Katie down. “You’ve been testing him this whole time.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Of course it is. You want to know why?”

  “I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

  “You didn’t think you were good enough and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see that, so you pushed him.”

  The truth slapped at Katie. She didn’t want to believe this had all grown out of her self-esteem issues. She’d come further than that. “I wanted him to open up to me.”

  “You wanted him to prove that he could love you as much as he once loved Deana.”

  That woman slipped into everything. When Eric wasn’t using her name, she was showing up or people were talking about her. “What does she have to do with this?”

  “Everything, I think.”

  No, this was about Eric and how he closed himself off rather than sharing anything with her. But then it all got wrapped up with Jimmy and his stupid plans to make money. She was sorry she’d ever dragged Eric into his mess.

  Except for the part where she met Eric. Even now with her heart aching and her world collapsing, she knew he was the best thing to happen to her—ever.

  She flipped the photos over so she didn’t have to see them.

  “I was worried our relationship was only based on sex. I wanted to know it meant more to Eric than that.” She had been so afraid of losing him that she’d pushed him into going. The inner fire she wanted so desperately to see had burned her.

  “And now that you got what you said you wanted, you’re still upset.”

  She’d been an idiot. Katie knew that now. “I want Eric.”

  Cara’s battle stance eased. “Oh, Katie.”


  “You love him.”

  Katie had admitted it to Eric and he’d pretended not to hear her. She couldn’t say those words again without breaking into a thousand pieces, but she couldn’t deny her feelings either. “Yes.”

  Cara wrapped her arm around Katie’s shoulders and pulled her in tight. “Then you don’t have any choice.�

  “I could go hunt Jimmy down and beat the snot out of him.” Just the thought of that cleared out the sadness for a second.

  “You need to talk with Eric.”

  It would be easier to run around the island backward and on fire. “You weren’t here. You didn’t see him.”

  “He’s hurt and lashing out.”

  “That is a huge understatement.”

  “He’s human, which is what you always wanted to know.”

  Exhaustion settled over Katie. All of a sudden her limbs weighed a hundred pounds each. “I messed up.”

  Cara rested her head against Katie’s. “If you really love him, you need to fight for him. Go find him and make him listen to you. Use whatever skills you have to keep him in place until he hears you.”

  “What if I’ve lost him?” Katie’s voice broke on the question.

  “He’s a good man. Fair and decent.”

  Katie tried to remember the last time Cara said something positive about a male. Somewhere along the line, she’d become as invested in Eric as Katie had. That just doubled Katie’s pain. She’d managed to disappoint everyone she loved.

  “He was all those things when he walked out of here awhile ago.”

  “A man who was indifferent to you wouldn’t have exploded. You keep that in mind as he fights you, and he will. That one is going to go down swinging now that he’s been wounded.”

  She never even knew she had the power to touch Eric like that. “I have to track him down.”

  “The most likely place is work.”

  Hope flickered inside her. “Getting him to listen will be harder.”

  “There has to be someone who can help you with that.”

  Seth. “I know the guy.”

  Cara gave Katie one last hug, then grabbed for the apron. “Then go so I can get to work.”

  The reality of why she was there, wearing a skirt and uncomfortable shoes, hit Katie. “The shower. I totally forgot.”

  Cara waved a hand in dismissal. “I’ll handle it. You go get Eric.”

  Chapter 26

  Katie stood outside the door to Eric’s condo later that evening. She wore the same catering outfit from earlier in the day. She’d run all over town in the thing. Her feet ached and the waistband cut into her skin, but she didn’t care. She’d finally gotten close.

  She had tracked Eric’s assistant down at the courthouse only to find out Eric was in a meeting of some sort. When she got back to his office, she was told he was gone for the day. Leave it to him to pick the one day she tried to find him as the only day he took off early.

  That left one option. Finding Seth took more time since she couldn’t remember his last name. But once she found him and pled her case to talk with Eric, Seth relented. Even now, Seth’s face said he wanted to believe her but wasn’t ready to commit. Which explained why he stood next to her. The vibe was clear. He wasn’t so much accompanying her as guarding her and protecting Eric.

  “You ready for this?” he asked.


  “At least you’re honest.”

  “Do you mind mentioning that to Eric?”

  Seth raised his hand to knock. “Don’t make me regret this.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You should know one thing. You’re not going to be alone with Eric.”

  She was starting to see Eric’s point about everyone wanting to protect him. It got annoying. “He’s a big boy. I’m not sure he needs you in there with him, holding his hand.”

  Seth cracked a smile but it left as fast it came. “It’s not that.”

  “Then what?”

  “Eric is having a meeting tonight.”

  Katie’s stomach dropped to the floor. Went right through her pantyhose and smacked the space between her feet. “Maybe this isn’t a good time.”

  Seth shifted and leaned a shoulder against the door. “Seems to me if you want to prove something to Eric, you can do it one-on-one or in a room full of people.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  “He’s still talking to me.”

  “You have a point, but Eric might want this to stay between us. He might not like his private life splashed all over the place.”

  Seth’s eyebrow inched up. “Could it get worse than it is now?”

  Her mind flashed to the video and the photos. The press conference wasn’t exactly a quiet moment at home either. “I guess not.”

  Seth nodded. “Then let’s do this.”

  She caught his hand before he could knock. “I know you care about him.”

  “Guys don’t use those words.” The sarcasm in his voice killed the serious look he tried to sell.

  “You’re his friend. Guys do admit that, right?’

  “I think of him like a brother.” There was no missing Seth’s pride in that statement.

  “I love him.”

  This time Seth did smile and didn’t try to hide it. “That’s the only reason you’re standing here.”

  “You knew?”

  “I’m just happy you finally figured it out.”

  Kevin looked across the dining room table at Josh and Deana. “Why is everyone here?”

  “Always good to see you, Kev.” Josh slipped his arm over the back of Deana’s chair.

  “No offense meant. I just thought this was a campaign meeting.”

  “It is.” Eric put a coffee mug in front of Josh and handed Deana a bottle of water.

  Now that Eric had done his bit as host, he could concentrate on getting this meeting going. He was not in the mood for talking or fighting, but this had to be done. If he was revamping his life, he might as well start now. It was time to get rid of everyone who made his life difficult.

  Forget that his muscles ached as if he had the flu. That was leftover adrenaline burn from his knockdown with Katie.

  Katie. Despite everything and how much he wanted to hate her, her image wouldn’t leave his head.

  But he couldn’t go there now. He had to stay focused. “To be honest, I consider this more an intervention than a meeting.”

  “Are you okay?” Deana asked.

  “I will be.” A knock at the door interrupted him. “That’ll be Seth.”

  “How cozy,” Kevin mumbled.

  “It’s open.”

  Eric wished he were sitting. Staying on his feet while Katie walked into his house in that sexy little number from their first meeting was not easy. From this distance he couldn’t pick up the familiar scent of her hair. He did see the flash of leg and the determined spark in her eye.

  Then there was the stupid grin on Seth’s mouth.

  A mix of fury and hope poured through Eric. He wanted to shout his confusion but he just didn’t have the strength. “What’s going on?”

  “I found another participant for your party.”

  Eric took in Seth’s hand at Katie’s back and the way she stayed right up next to him. It wasn’t sexual. It was protective. Walking on his turf terrified her. Eric had always seen her as sassy and full of life. The twinge of vulnerability was new. Instead of being moved by it, he wondered if it was real.

  Kevin looked up then. He jumped to his feet. “Her?”

  Katie’s eyes narrowed as she stepped even closer to Seth. “Do we know each other?”

  “You’re the one who caused all of this.” Kevin swept out his arm in a wide arc. “You and your boyfriend set up Eric.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “You had sex with him so you could tape it and then ruin him.”

  “Where are you getting your information?” Deana let out an exasperated huff. If she wanted it to be known she wasn’t impressed with the accusations, she succeeded.

  Kevin leaned over the table. “That woman—”

  “My name is Katie.”

  “—made a play for Eric at your wedding, Deana. That’s where the whole thing started. She took advantage and hooked him in.”

  Eric wondered what the hell vibe he gave off that made people think
he couldn’t take care of himself. “You know I’m thirty-seven, right?”

  “I don’t know about the taking advantage part, though I assume if Katie did take advantage, it was because Eric wanted her to, since he’s a pretty smart guy and, let’s face it, she is an attractive woman,” Josh said. “But you’re talking to the wrong crowd. We know all about how they met. At least Deana and I do.”

  Seth raised his hand. “Me too.”

  “You do?” Katie looked appalled by the idea. Even sent Eric a withering glare.

  “It’s no big deal,” Josh said.

  Deana slipped her arm through her husband’s. “It’s kind of romantic to think they found each other at our wedding.”

  Eric thought that was probably going too far. It’s not as if the first meeting in the bathroom was about love. A healthy dose of lust fueled that one.

  Kevin talked right over them. “How can you say that?”

  “It’s personal between Katie and Eric, and not our business.” Deana stood up and motioned for Seth and Katie to come closer. “Come in and sit down.”

  When Katie passed by Kevin, Eric watched the byplay, looking for any signs of recognition between them. A gesture or a pre-arranged signal. But nothing happened. Kevin didn’t act like he knew her except as a target for his out-of-control rage. He sputtered and blamed.

  Except for the small explosion at hearing that everyone knew her business at the wedding, Katie looked confused. Most of her quick peeks were saved for Deana. Clearly Katie didn’t expect the woman she viewed as her rival to step up in her defense.

  Eric raised a hand to quiet the room. “That’s enough accusations.”

  “You can’t still believe this bitch.” Kevin aimed all his fury at Katie.

  Josh sat up straighter. “Hey!”

  “I got this.” Eric motioned for Josh to stay in his seat. There were few things Eric hated more than a man who bullied women, and that’s exactly what his soon-to-be-former campaign manager was doing. “Kevin, if you unload one more comment like that, I won’t need Josh to beat the shit out of you. I’ll do it myself. Pound you until you never talk to a woman like that again, got it?”

  Josh smiled. “Nice.”


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