Blackout (Book 1)

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Blackout (Book 1) Page 18

by Adam Drake

“Here take this,” I said as I removed a healing-salve from my inventory. “Won't make much of a difference but every little bit helps.”

  I gave one to Mudhoof as well who grunted this thanks.

  “We still need to cross this nonsense,” I said as I stood at the ledge and looked down. The lava bubbled and heaved. Occasionally, a large clump of rock would float by. Some were big enough to sit or stand on. But what would be the use in that if you were going to eventually sink?

  I gaged the distance to the other ledge and had an idea. “Okay, I may have a way but you guys aren't going to like it.”

  “Better perform this miracle quick,” Mudhoof said. “Looks like he had friends.”

  From the tunnel behind us could be made out several figures. As they past the wall lights it was obvious we were about to get into even more trouble. Rock Golems. Lots of them. They trundled toward us.

  “Oh, dear,” said Feign, backing up to the ledge.

  Again, I summoned a special arrow. When I pulled it out and set it in my bow a thick rope was attached to it. The rope coiled back into the quiver.

  “Oh, no,” Mudhoof said. “You expecting us to go all cat-burglar now?”

  “Got a better idea?” I said, and fired. The arrow arched across the lava river and lodge deeply into the rock over the ledge on the other side. The rope extended the entire way.

  I turned and fired another similar arrow into the rock wall next to me, at a slightly higher angle. The rope magically fused together and now formed a single strand rope bridge that spanned the river.

  The Rock Golems moved through the tunnel at a plodding pace, but they were much closer now. We had no time left.

  To Feign, I said, “Start shuffling across! Now!”

  With a fearful glance down the ice mage grabbed onto the rope and pulled himself up, wrapping his ankles around it. “I am very glad none of this is real!” he said, then shuffled hand over hand down the rope.

  Mudhoof swung his ax, and a long crack shot out along the ground. It met the first Golem coming out of the tunnel and the knock-back sent it staggering into the others. But this would only serve to slow them down.

  I fired normal arrows rapid-fire at the clustered horde, but none managed to hit an eye. They all bounced off their rocky skin.

  “You're next, Vee!” Mudhoof said. He stood with his legs braced apart and the ax poised over a shoulder waiting for his knock-back ability to recharge.

  I looked to see Feign reach the other ledge and ease off the rope. He waved.

  “No can do, big guy,” I said, still firing arrows. “The rope will disappear the moment I cross over. You gotta use it before me.”

  “FILTERED!” Mudhoof said. “Sometimes this game really FILTEREDes me off!” And with that he struck down again. This time several Golems were cast backwards with the impact.

  The minotaur spun around and placed the ax on his back. “You be right behind me!” He said, and I nodded. This was going to be close.

  Mudhoof grasped the rope and wrapped his hooves around it. Then he pulled himself hand over hand down the length with great speed.

  I kept up a perpetual volley of arrows but since it had almost no effect on the approaching enemy, it was mostly to make myself feel better.

  Once Mudhoof was past the half-way mark, the creatures had gotten even closer. I fired one last shot, dispelled my bow and jumped onto the rope.

  Quickly, I pulled myself hand over hand, but I had a sense of impending dread.

  I'd barely made it a quarter down the rope length when one of the Golems reached the ledge.

  “Hurry!” I heard Mudhoof shout. I glanced to see he had just stepped onto the ledge and he and Feign watched me anxiously.

  But then the rope shook violently, and I nearly lost my grip.

  Looking back I saw the Golem striking at the rope, and another walked up to do the same.

  Uh-oh, I thought.

  Regaining my hand hold I pulled myself along as fast as I could.

  But it wasn't fast enough.

  The rope snapped under the attack of the Golems and I swung downward toward the lava.

  I heard Mudhoof shout, and the rope swung me at full speed into the rock wall. For a moment my view screen went completely black. When I could see again, I was tumbling downwards.

  The last thing I saw was a large floating rock pass beneath me. Then all went dark again.


  I waited impatiently for my view screen to respond, but the blackness persisted.

  My health indicated was dropping. Bit by bit my avatar was steadily taking damage. If I didn't regain consciousness soon, I would die.

  If that happened, it would be up to Mudhoof and Feign try to finish the quest. But despite all we had been through, the odds would not be in their favor.

  Mudhoof sent me a chat request. “Vee!” He said, once I pulled up the screen. “Are you dead?”

  “No,” I said, frustrated. “Not, yet. I got a black screen at the moment. Did you see what happened to me?”

  “Yeah, you landed on a big floating rock thing and vanished from sight. I couldn't do anything to help. Sorry, Vee.”

  “Don't worry. I'll wake up next to the Legendary Item and we can forget about this quest.”

  Mudhoof laughed. “Okay, we're going to continue on,” he said, looking off screen. “Looks like the tunnel leads further down. Maybe with these lucky charms we'll be able to hook up later.”

  “Do that,” I said, “Oh, and you were right about one thing.”

  “What's that?”

  “This quest sucks!”

  Mudhoof laughed and canceled the chat.

  At that moment my screen brightened as my avatar opened her eyes.

  I was still on the floating rock, bobbing along with the river current. Lava was lapping over the edge and splashed my leg causing the damage.

  Pulling my leg back I moved to the center of the rock. My health indicator stopped dropping.

  The lava river cut its way through the bottom of a high gorge, the rocky ceiling far overhead. There didn't seem to be anywhere I could go.

  I heard a loud rumbling and looked ahead. In the distance the lava vaulted up a little and flowed downward. A sense of dread clutched at my chest.

  A lava fall.

  I had little time as I'd soon be pitched over the edge of the fall and to my final re-roll doom. The rocky walls of the gorge moved past at a rapid speed, but with little choice in the direction I had to take.

  Standing up, I tried to maintain my balance as the floating rock bobbed and tipped with the movement. Lava splashed close to me.

  The moment my rocky boat hit the lava surge of the fall's edge, I jumped away. I cursed the lack of points in my leap ability as I vaulted through the air, the lava roiling below me.

  But it was enough. As I hit the wall of the gorge I activated my sure-footed ability. My feet locked into place on rocky perches. For a few moments I hung on for dear life. The sound of the lava falls roaring down into the abyss was deafening.

  An indicator on my view screen told me that my avatar was close to passing out from the heat exposure. I needed to move, and fast.

  Upwards I climbed, taking care to have good hand grips as my feet would be doing most of the work. As I pulled my way up my avatar's health status improved a little. Soon, I reached a ledge. But before I hoisted myself over I switched on my Shadow ability. Now would be a bad time to be spotted.

  I peeked over. The ledge extended back several paces exposing a path that followed the edge of the gorge. A wide tunnel entrance opened wide to my right.

  My avatar started to shake. The strain of the fall, the heat, and subsequent climb had finally gotten to her.

  I pulled myself over and lay flat on my back for a few moments. It was enough for my avatar to recover and for me to stand.

  Suddenly, a pair of Rock Golems emerged from the tunnel. I froze and double checked to see that my Shadow was still active.

  The two larg
e creatures sauntered by and followed the path up the ledge. They hadn't seen me.

  After a few minutes they followed the path around a turn and vanished from sight. I sighed in relief.

  They were heading upwards whereas I needed to keep going down. Or so I hoped. I moved to the other side of the ledge and sat up against the wall, blending more into the shadows there. While I had a quick rest, I called up my quest log.

  'The source for the Demon King's ability to enter this realm is near. Find and destroy it.'

  Okay, I thought. Had to be a door, or rift? And if I found it, how the heck was I expected to destroy it? And wouldn't the Demon King have something to say on the subject?

  I shrugged. Got to do as the quest log says, even if I'm still clueless.

  Another Rock Golem appeared from the tunnel. I went still, but felt confident the shadows I crouched in added to my invisibility.

  The Rock Golem walked by, but when it reached the spot in front of me it paused. My heart froze in my chest.

  The Golem turned its head, and I found smoldering yellow eyes looking at me.

  Uh-oh. I can't fight one of these things on my own.

  I glanced to my left and right. No room to escape. When this thing attacked I would be in deep trouble.

  For a few moments it stared at me. Or so I thought that was what it was doing. Then, it reached forward.

  Fight time! I thought, tensing up. My sword was now in my grip. The moment I raised to swing it I would be visible, but I'd wait until the last moment to strike.

  The Golem reached toward me, then over my shoulder. I froze. From the rock wall behind me it grabbed at something. It wrenched away a piece of blue ore and held it up to its face, staring at it.

  Then its lower face cracked open to form a mouth, and it stuffed the ore into it. It bit down, and the ore cracked.

  The Golem then continued walking, chewing on its snack.

  I sagged with relief. Once the creature had turned out of view I darted into the tunnel it had emerged from.

  I was really tired. Logging off and getting some sleep felt like a wonderful idea, but real world priorities needed to wait.

  Keeping to the walls I edged my way down the tunnel. I did not encounter any more Rock Golems or anything else, but I kept up my guard.

  The tunnel ended at a huge opening, and beyond I could see a massive cavern of some kind.

  Cautiously, I entered.

  The place was gigantic. Easily larger than any chamber or cavern I'd ever seen before.

  It was circular in shape with a high vaulted space above that vanished from view. Although it was brightly lit, I saw no torches or glowing stones. It had to be magically powered.

  On one side of the vast cavern were different piles of blue ore shaped into a kind of pylon. There were hundreds of them arranged like a bizarre rocky orchard. Each blue ore pylon emitted a blue ray of light that shot out to the far side of the cavern.

  These beams of light struck what I thought was a huge round lake in the floor. But the dark waters that sucked up the lights were something else entirely. They were clouds. I was looking down into another realm. Red lightening flashed deep within these clouds.

  It wasn't a lake at all, but a portal. The blue ore must have been feeding it somehow. Maybe, even keeping the portal open?

  The other section of the massive cavern was empty. Just flat featureless ground that stretched out to meet the walls. A huge archway led to a sloping tunnel, and from my vantage point I could make out the far entrance. It looked to lead outside.

  Then it hit me. I was inside the Demon Spine that loomed over Ashbrook. The Demon King's domain.

  What to do? I checked my quest log, but the message had not changed. I looked over at the strange forest of glowing blue pylons. Those must be keeping the portal open. If I could stop them, would the portal close and cast the Demon King back to the Demon Void where he came from?

  There was one way to find out.

  I ran across the chamber until I reached the closest pylon. It towered above me. The entire thing emanated a low hum and pulsed a blue light up toward its top. From there the light shot straight out to vanish into the large portal in the ground.

  Not certain of what would happen if I touched it, I backed up a few paces and summoned a full quiver of arrows. Then I aimed and fired.

  The arrow struck the pylon at its thickest point and instantly the ore cracked and shattered. Its light winked off and the beam which fed the portal stopped.

  Huh, I thought. This is going to be easy.

  Something at the corner of my eye snagged my attention. At the last moment, I dodged and rolled along the ground.

  Someone charged over the spot I had been in and then crashed heavily into another pylon, which in turn crumbled and its light winked off.

  I shook my head and looked at the person who just tried to kill me.

  My jaw dropped in shock.

  It was Thorm.


  For a moment I stared at him, stunned. What the heck was he doing here?

  He was hunched over from his charge into the pylon and stood.

  His face had warped to the dimensions of a potato, with the remnants of a blonde mustache smeared across his jigsaw face. What remained of his bright armor had broken and the metal shards fused with his bloated flesh. One arm had elongated to touch the ground and his great broadsword stuck out from the ball of meat that had been a fist. All his flesh was laced with thick black veins.

  This was not Thorm. Not anymore. It was his old avatar now under the influence of the Demon King.

  Before I could take solace in the fact the real Thorm was prancing around a field chasing pigs with a wooden sword, this Mutant-Thorm vomited a geyser of black fluid at me.

  I scrambled out of the way as the horrid liquid splashed where I had stood.

  Keeping back, and circling to his side, I assessed the situation. There was no way I could take him on my own. Not even close. This mutant version of Thorm was far more powerful than the real Thorm had ever been.

  I needed to stay out of its way and destroy the pylons, of which there was so many. It would take awhile. And the entire time I needed to keep Mutant-Thorm from bashing me or vomiting me into an acidic puddle.

  Mutant-Thorm raised his huge sword-fist and charged.

  I Shadowed and dodged to the side. The mutant swung wildly, and looked about in confusion, unable to see me.

  I ran through the pylon orchard to the other side, then took aim with my bow and fired into one of them. It shattered and its blue light beam winked off.

  There was a roar, and I turned to spot Mutant-Thorm lumbering toward me. He knocked over two pylons in his haste and their beams went off.

  Hey, I thought. I may be on to something.

  Back into Shadow and instead of dodging I ran right past him. When he reached the spot where I had stood he swung the sword-fist against another pylon which collapsed. Another beam died out.

  Okay, this might be fun.

  For several long minutes I played this suicidal game of peek-a-boo with the lumbering monstrosity. Each time I fired at a pylon, he'd come running over like a bull in a china shop, knocking pylons over, and then swinging at the spot I had vacated.

  He was doing a better job at destroying them than me.

  Soon, over two thirds of the pylons were blue rubble on the ground. The light feeding into the portal had dimmed significantly.

  But once I shot at the next pylon, the ground shook violently. Mutant-Thorm fell over, crashing into more pylons.

  The shaking continued.

  When I hit the next pylon, the shaking intensified so much I had to keep my sure-footed ability continuously active.

  A chat request popped up on my screen.

  Annoyed, I opened it as I dodged another charge from the Mutant-Thorm.

  Mudhoof was on the screen. “Vee! You're alive!” He looked to be running.

  I rolled out of the way of a sword-fist swing
and went into Shadow as I scrambled around a pylon.

  “Where are you?” I whispered. Mutant-Thorm thumped by, one huge eye scanning around for me.

  “Coming to you now!” Mudhoof said.

  I looked around and spotted him in the distance at the very far edge of the cavern. Feign ran along beside him, robes billowing about.


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