Daddy Daddy: MFM Menage Romance

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Daddy Daddy: MFM Menage Romance Page 14

by Demi Donovan

  I watch Cassie more than I watch the stage, taking in the way she drinks up Samuel’s tattoos and the way he roughly palms Cherry. He ties her wrists up with leather cuffs that hang from the ceiling, going to the side to loosen the chains a bit so she doesn’t have to stand ramrod straight. When he returns, Cherry’s eyes are glazed over already, knowing what’s coming and dying for it.

  I feel my cock harden in my slacks as Cassie curls up closer to me, her nails digging into my thigh. In one motion, Samuel yanks down the front of Cherry’s corset, revealing her heavy tits as they spill over, her nipples pierced and almost as pretty and pink as Cassie’s. Cherry throws her head back as Samuel pulls her to him, the muscles on his back contracting as he leans forward to suck on her tits, leaving teethmarks in his wake.

  Cherry tries to buck away from him but Samuel won’t let her, making those whimpers turn into a scream finally as he sucks on her tits harder and shoves a hand between her legs. The sound of panties tearing is music to my ears and when Samuel steps back, Cherry’s pristinely shaved cunt is revealed to the collective hungry gaze of the audience.

  Cassie’s mouth lolls open, her breathing getting harder. It does nothing to make my hard-on less bothersome, but I didn’t exactly bring her here with the interest of making things easy for us. If I can’t touch her, I want her to feel as twisted up as I am. I want her to see the world that’s out there, one of pleasure and pain and lust and loss.

  “What do you say?” Samuel asks Cherry, moving behind her so we can watch as he runs his fingertips over her pussy.

  She’s clearly wet, his fingers coming back slick with her juices even though he doesn’t push them into her. I wonder if Cassie’s as wet as Cherry is.

  “Please,” Cherry breathes out. “Please fuck me, Master,” she whines, her knees buckling a little.

  “How do you want to be fucked?”

  “However Master wants,” she echoes immediately, twisting her head to look at Samuel.

  There’s a vicious smile on his lips as he yanks her head back by her hair, making her scream, but he muffles the noise with a kiss that seems to burn and consume even from where I’m sitting. They’ve been putting on shows like these for a couple of years now and every time I watch them, I feel like they have no fucking idea that there’s someone else in the room. That, to me, is the kind of connection I want.

  And the kind of connection I think I can have with Cassie.

  “Good pet,” Samuel murmurs, just loud enough for us to hear.

  He disappears for a moment, leaving Cherry hanging there, alone, her tits out and her pussy bared to tens of hungry eyes. Instead of being ashamed by it, she’s twisting her body, trying to see where Samuel is. When he returns, a bottle of lube in his palm, I relax into the back of the couch.

  This is going to be harder to brush off than I anticipated, I know this already.

  “Eyes up front,” Samuel commands as he unzips his combat pants and pushes down his boxers.

  Cassie’s gargled gasp makes me chuckle as Samuel pulls out his thick cock and starts jerking it in front of everyone like it’s the most normal thing. She looks away for a moment, but only a moment, glancing back then and taking in the view. Greedy, dirty little thing.

  Samuel squirts some of the lube on his palm and rubs his cock with it, making it glisten all over. Then, he presses his palm to Cherry’s ass and I catch the exact moment when he pushes two fingers in her asshole, spreading her for him. She yelps in the most delicious way and I feel my throat getting dry.

  I don’t see Cherry there. I see Cassie, experiencing her virgin asshole getting spread and fucked for the first time. I brought her here to make us both want to move things along faster, but I might have bitten off more than either of us could chew.

  “Is he… is he going to…?” Cassie asks, leaning forward now.

  I don’t answer. When Samuel positions himself behind Cherry, moving her body just so most of the audience can see the moment he thrusts his thick cock in her ass, Cassie gets her answer. Slowly, holding her firmly by both hips, Samuel starts sinking into her asshole.

  I can imagine the sensation all too well and my eyes are on Cassie now, eating up her reaction as she watches Cherry being filled in the one hole Cassie hasn’t given up yet. Cherry’s whimpers turn into moans as Samuel starts rutting into her, still only halfway in with his monster cock. Cherry’s breathing picks up and her moans warp into screams by the time Samuel is completely seated in her and when he starts pounding into her, there are tears streaming down Cherry’s cheeks, and the widest smile I’ve seen on her in a while on her lips.

  Her tits bounce as she’s fucked mercilessly in the ass by her husband in front of everyone at Club X, her back curved to let him take her as hard and as deep as he wants. Samuel grunts with each thrust and I see Cherry’s legs begin to quake from the corner of my eye.

  What’s far more interesting is how Cassie’s nails are digging into my thigh now as she watches, mesmerized. When Samuel pulls out completely for a moment and then plows into Cherry again, Cassie’s hand moves up my inner thigh and her palm then lays flat on my cock, feeling the throbbing hardness and making me grit my teeth.

  Without looking at it, her eyes still on the stage, she starts stroking me through my slacks, her own breath turning into whimpers. I fight to keep my composure as Cherry and Samuel get louder and louder on the stage and by the time Cherry comes with a wild scream, squirting all over herself, I’m inches away from grabbing Cassie, bending her over the table and pounding her in the ass the same fucking way.

  “You’re playing a dangerous game,” I growl into Cassie’s ear as Samuel pulls out of Cherry, cum dribbling down the back of her thighs as he does.

  “No,” she tells me, insolent as ever. “I want that. I want that now. I’m not playing.”

  She looks at me, more determined than I’ve seen her. My brows knit for a moment and then she pulls her phone out of her purse, dialing Parker’s number as she stands up.

  “Daddy, please come and fuck me in the ass with my other Daddy,” she says to me sweetly as I hear the ringing tone of the phone call.

  It’s not a request I can say no to. I just hope I don’t ram through a fucking lamppost, trying to get to Parker’s place as fast as possible.



  We’re barely through the front door at Parker’s house when my arms wrap around Parker’s neck, kissing him with an almost violent need. He answers as rabidly, dressed only in a pair of boxers because my phone call clearly woke him up.

  When I disentangle myself from him for long enough to get my shoes off and my purse off my shoulder, Sawyer slinks in after me and closes the door.

  “Does anyone want to tell me what this is about?” Parker asks, but even in the low light I can see that he’s wearing a smirk and the look he’s exchanging with Sawyer means nothing but delicious trouble for me.

  “Club X,” Sawyer says, kicking off his own shoes and then taking me by the hand, leading me decisively up the stairs and toward Parker’s bedroom.

  “Cherry and Samuel?” Parker asks, trailing behind us.

  “You know it,” Sawyer confirms.

  There’s a low chuckle from Parker as he treks behind us and I feel like I have so much energy I could explode. Once again, all of my worries and paranoia about my dad, who has been texting me on an almost daily basis now, and Mark and school seem to fade away, and I can throw myself into the moment with reckless abandon. It feels good.

  Before they can start talking again, I spin around to face Sawyer just before we step into Parker’s bedroom. I get up on my tiptoes, throw my arms around Sawyer’s neck and kiss him. He growls into my mouth, taking no time to shove his tongue between my lips, and I melt into it. It’s been too long since I’ve kissed him. Even though I made out with Parker during our lakeside picnic, I still feel like it’s been too long and I haven’t had enough and being away from them is driving me stir crazy.

  No wonder see
ing Cherry be fucked by a man who clearly loves her drove me so out of my mind with need.

  “I don’t want to take it slow,” I murmur into the kiss, then turn my head away to repeat the same to Parker. “I want it all. I want it now. Please, Daddies, no more taking it slow. Please?”

  Sawyer picks me up in his arms and I yelp, clinging to him for dear life as he carries me to the bed. I’m tossed down on the covers and he throws off his jacket and I think he might have popped a couple buttons as he flings me on the bed, sprawled out.

  “I think we can do that, can’t we, Parker?” Sawyer asks, moving to undo his belt.

  I can see the outline of his thick cock pressing against the front of his slacks, and when I look at Parker, his hard-on is so evident in his boxers as well. I was soaking wet before but it’s even worse now, knowing that I’m about to get taken by my Daddies. The two men that I’ve come to love in completely different, but equally important ways.

  “I think we can work something out,” Parker agrees, clearly amused.

  “Tell Parker what you want, kitten,” Sawyer commands, bringing me back into the moment.

  I nod my head mutely for a moment, hiking my body up on my elbows to look at Parker better, who is watching me from the middle of the room. The moonlight bathes his muscled form and for one crazy moment, I just want to go up to him and lick him all over.

  “I want to be fucked in the ass, Daddy,” I say, swallowing dryly as I get the words out. “And I want you to both fuck me at the same time. Please.”

  “So you want both your sweet pussy and your ass filled by the cocks of your daddies?” Parker asks, his eyes hazing over a little at the thought.

  I nod my head again, unable to get the words out.

  Suddenly, my dress is pushed up around my waist and Sawyer rips off my panties in the same way Samuel did for Cherry. I groan as the fabric digs into me for a moment and then gives, the seams tearing. I spread my knees and Sawyer grunts out something unintelligible.

  I grin to myself, knowing the reason.

  “Did you know about this?” Sawyer asks, taking off his pants as he turns to look at Parker.

  “About what?” Parker echoes, a frown furrowing his features.

  “That our little girl has shaved herself for us.”

  Parker shakes his head but I see the way his chest rises and falls. I’m sure both of them are as turned on now as I am and I squirm on the bed, wishing someone would touch me already. They both take off their boxers and I whimper, my hands moving to play with my clit and pussy as I look at their hard cocks, imagining them in me already.

  “Please, Daddy, Daddy, please fuck me,” I plead, impatient as Parker finds a bottle of lube and then gets on his knees behind me on the bed.

  I try to twist so I can get his cock in my mouth but he stops me, instead peeling off my dress and then unclipping my bra, throwing the clothing off the bed. I’m naked and exposed for them, my fingers back on my clit, so horny for them that I can’t even put it into words.

  Parker and Sawyer share one of those looks of theirs again that leaves me completely out of the loop, but I sort of like it like that. I like that they can make decisions about me without me knowing every detail. I like that they understand one another that way and I still have the mystery to untangle.

  Parker scoots up on the bed, propping himself against the pillows and sitting up. He motions toward me and after I throw a quick glance at Sawyer, I scramble up on my knees and crawl across the bedspread to him. I move to kiss him and he accepts it, pulling me gently in his lap along with it.

  Whimpering, I grind against his cock, wetting it with my juices. I’m so ready that just from the small contact of my clit against his hard shaft, I have rivulets of hot desire streaking through me. God, I’m desperate for them in any way that I can get them.

  He pulls me out of the kiss by yanking on my hair gently, holding me still as our lips part.

  “You’re going to have to get on Daddy’s dick if you want anything else to happen,” he tells me, and I find myself nodding eagerly before I even try to process what he’s telling me.

  Looking down on his cock, I gulp, remembering how hard it was to fit him last time, but my need to be fucked is bigger than anything else. As I position myself over him, I feel the mattress bounce slightly from Sawyer getting on it with us, his weight making it sink as he moves closer.

  I brace my hands on Parker’s chest as his fingertips trail over my tits, teasing my nipples slightly and making me moan. As I start sinking down on Parker’s cock, slowly, I feel a pair of hands on my hips, making me go down even when I’d pause. It’s Sawyer, pushing me down on Parker’s huge cock.

  “Daddy,” I moan, not sure who I’m trying to address as I’m being stretched and filled by Parker’s thickness.

  Sawyer’s cock rubs up against my ass as I go down and soon I’m starting to grind on Parker, my mind a mess of euphoria as I try to fit him the whole way. Sawyer slows down my enthusiasm by pushing me forward slightly and then pressing kisses on my shoulders and upper back, tickling my neck with the stubble of his beard.

  “Do you like this, kitten?” he asks, making those goosebumps run up and down my spine again.

  This is the closest I’ve been with Parker and Sawyer. I’m pushed flush against Parker’s chest and I feel the weight of Sawyer on me as he kisses my naked back, whispering words into my ear.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I say, then turn to kiss Parker.

  Soon, I gasp into the kiss, feeling Sawyer’s hand move to the tight pucker of my ass, his fingers wet with lube. I clench up instinctively, but Parker’s hands reach around me and spread my ass for Sawyer, making me feel so fucking dirty for them.

  “Come on now, baby,” he tells me softly, nibbling on my lower lip. “You wanted your ass to be fucked. That’s exactly what you’re going to get.”

  I know that’s what I asked for but now being faced with it actually happening when I’m already ridiculously spread by Parker’s cock in my pussy, I’m starting to have my doubts. Still, I return Parker’s kiss and decide to be brave. The way that Cherry looked as she was being fucked in the ass by Samuel comes to me oh so fucking clearly and I know I want to experience the same… or actually, even better, because instead of one Master, I have two Daddies.

  “Be brave,” Sawyer tells me a split-second before his fingertip pushes into my ass for the first time and I feel goosebumps erupt across my body.

  He pushes deeper and I groan, burying my head in the crook of Parker’s neck, hiding away. I stop grinding on Parker but he takes over, moving my hips slowly for me, rubbing me against him so my clit is constantly being teased by the close contact.

  Sawyer moves his finger in and out of my asshole slowly, doing it a couple of times before adding a second finger. It’s not as hard as I thought it would be, but the sensation is… weird. Otherworldly. I don’t know how to put it into words.

  He does that a couple more times before he pulls his fingers out and when I feel the head of his cock press against my entrance, I go rigid.

  “Oh my god,” I whisper, looking up and then over my shoulder, seeing Sawyer’s intense face as he runs his hand over his cock a couple of times, slicking it with lube.

  “No, kitten,” he says with a grin. “It’s ‘oh my Daddy’.”

  Parker sucks one of my nipples into his mouth, making my back arch. I’m stuck between a jumble of strong bodies and limbs and it’s liberating to know that now, I’m completely in their hands.

  I’m so close to coming but I forget all about it as the pressure starts, Sawyer moving to fill my ass. I go rigid, forgetting to breathe, and it’s Parker’s lips on mine that remind me that I need oxygen. I whimper and moan into the kiss, Sawyer’s hand on my back, pressing me forward while Parker spreads my ass for Sawyer.

  Inch by inch, Sawyer invades my ass, giving me exactly what I asked for and so much more. When the head pops in, I let out a scream as he starts rutting himself forward, pulling out a little and th
en sinking in a lot more. The feeling is so intense, being impaled by the two huge cocks of my Daddies that I don’t know what to feel or think or do anymore.

  So I give in.

  I try my best to relax and Parker holds me still on his huge member as Sawyer slowly works himself into me. Both men are grunting and I moan, feeling their cocks almost rub together inside of me, both so impossibly big and blowing my mind that I can actually fit them both.

  “That’s it,” Sawyer hisses, having filled my ass completely.

  I’m paralyzed, suspended in place between these two hard bodies, four hands on me, two cocks in me, and my mind is a blank.

  “How is that, baby?” Parker asks me, his words raspy.

  His eyes are hazy with need and when I feel him throb inside of me, I whimper. That’s all the noise I can produce, definitely none of it being anywhere close to articulate.

  It’s just so… good.

  “That’s what I thought,” Parker laughs, nipping at my tits again, making me jerk.

  As I do that, both of the men grunt and I realize the kind of power I have right now. Though I can barely think straight, I very carefully try to rock forward and then back again. All of us let out strangled moans at that, the feeling so fucking intense and so heavenly that I have to do it again.

  I start grinding into Parker and then bucking into Sawyer until my movements get braver. I’m so soaking wet around Parker that even taking his size gets easier and when Sawyer slips an arm around my waist and starts thrusting into my ass slowly, the world completely disappears.

  He starts going faster and harder and Parker starts lifting my hips and letting me grind back down on him, effectively being fucked and fucking both of them. Every time those huge cocks come together in me, there’s a spark that flies through me and straight into my core. I’m so close to coming that it’s ridiculous so when Sawyer’s hand creeps down and swirls over my clit, I know I’m gone.

  The screams I let out as I orgasm seem to me to shake the very fucking foundation of the building. I’m riding the greatest high of my life and I can feel the cocks of the men I love pulsing in me, begging to spill their seed in my holes.


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