Pretending in Paradise

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Pretending in Paradise Page 4

by M. Ullrich

  “You need to relax,” Emma said coolly as she flipped another page in the home décor magazine she was reading. “No wonder your face always looks like that.”

  Caroline stilled. The plane’s cabin was eerily quiet. She turned her head slowly toward Emma. “I beg your pardon?”

  Emma did a double take before studying Caroline thoughtfully. “Your face matches your attitude.”

  “What does that even mean?” Caroline said, her pitch rising with each word.

  “Always annoyed, pinched, disturbed—get it?”

  “That is so rude!”

  “It’s not rude. I’m just stating my observation.”

  “You should keep it to yourself.”

  “Ladies,” the older gentleman beside Caroline said. They whipped their heads around at the same time to stare at him. “Would you mind lowering your voices a bit? You’re getting quite loud.”

  Caroline was mortified. She turned to Emma and scowled. “And now you’re making a scene,” she whispered harshly.

  “No, I’m not. I’m helping you.”

  “You’re—” Caroline paused. Her patience was fading. For the sake of the gentleman beside her, she took a moment to gather herself and lowered her voice. “You’re doing no such thing.”

  Emma’s full lips turned up slightly. She looked at Caroline smugly. “The plane has dipped two more times.”

  “No, it didn’t.” She looked to the guy beside her for verification, and he nodded. “It did?” When Caroline turned back to Emma, her nose was once again buried in her magazine. The aggravation was a miracle distraction, but regardless of how well it worked, her ire wouldn’t dissipate as easily as her anxiety did.

  Chapter Four

  Emma was, generally speaking, a kind and patient person. She was great with kids and elderly people, and she didn’t even mind letting people ahead of her in line at the grocery store. But traveling with an apparent homebody was pushing her limits. After a tense landing and cold shoulder after deplaning, they waited at the wrong baggage claim for a half an hour because Caroline wouldn’t listen. The only sliver of positivity Emma had left was knowing Caroline’s luggage wasn’t lost. She would’ve deserved it, but Emma didn’t want to have to wait while Caroline figured out that ordeal.

  She pinched the bridge of her nose as she sat in the back of the taxi jostling down the streets from the airport to their resort. Emma needed a drink or five and some time away from Caroline. She’d been biting her tongue and was proud of herself for showing such restraint.

  “I’ll check us in,” Caroline said, breaking the tense silence in the car.

  Emma’s patience, like many good things, had come to an end. She rolled her neck. “Your need for control knows no bounds. You never travel, and yet you feel compelled to be in charge of every minute of our trip. Guess what? I travel for a living! So how about you sit back, try to relax even though I’m sure you’re not capable of doing so, and let me do what I do?” Emma finished her tirade and put on her large sunglasses. She could see their driver looking at them from the rearview mirror. Emma would never take traveling alone for granted ever again.

  “Fine,” Caroline mumbled. Emma barely heard her.

  “Here we are, ladies,” the cabdriver announced as he pulled up to the curb. The car rocked abruptly as it came to a sudden stop. “Do you need any assistance with your luggage?”

  Emma looked pointedly at Caroline, fully expecting her to say yes.

  Caroline threw her car door open. “No, thank you.” She rushed from the taxi and left Emma to tip the driver.

  As Emma fished a twenty out of her travel bag, she shared a look of sympathy with the young man smiling back at her. She checked his name plate. “Charles,” she said, handing him the cash, “thank you for your services.”

  “Thank you, Miss. Please enjoy your stay, and I hope your lady friend does learn how to relax.”

  Emma did not hold back her laughter, but she wouldn’t be holding her breath, either. She could hear Caroline pulling her large suitcase from the trunk. “I hope so, too.” She grabbed her bag and exited the car.

  The Twin Flame Resort had an impressive entryway. The landscaping was simple, with palm trees lining the property and colorful flowers in well-kept beds. The property screamed “tropical getaway” all while keeping you in the States. Emma made a mental note to mention her first impression in her review. She had a good feeling about this new resort.

  Just before she could step into the front door, Emma heard Caroline call out to her.

  “You could’ve waited for me.”

  Emma looked over her shoulder. Caroline was red in the face, and a light sheen of sweat dotted her brow. “Not one for heat and humidity, are you?”

  Caroline wheeled her luggage around her wordlessly.

  Emma chuckled and shook her head.

  They walked together to the long front desk. Eight employees were lined up, all smiling brightly and welcoming guests. Emma took out her wallet and put on her most charming smile. The beautiful woman about to greet them would definitely have Emma’s attention during their stay.

  “Welcome to Twin Flames Resort and Retreat. How are you doing today?”

  “After a treacherous flight and less-than-pleasant cab ride, I can officially say I’m doing much better.” Emma ignored Caroline’s snort. “We’re checking in. The reservation is under Emma Morgan.” She watched the employee’s long fingers as she typed.

  “Yes. Here we are. Emma Morgan, we have you booked for eleven days in our king ocean view suite. Along with that suite, you’ll have access to the gym and spa conveniently located one floor below you.”

  “Eleven days,” Caroline said in a not-so-discreet mumble.

  “Delightful,” Emma said, ignoring Caroline. She slid her driver’s license and work credit card on the smooth stone counter, catching a glimpse of the name tag pinned to the clerk’s tastefully floral blouse. “Jackie, does our room have a balcony?”

  Caroline chimed in. “Does king room mean two king-size beds?”

  “Right, we need a double room, please.” Emma took out her phone and opened a new note. She had a lot of initial thoughts she wanted to jot down. When she looked up again, Jackie was staring at her quizzically. “If we can’t get a balcony on a double, that’s fine.”

  “We don’t have double rooms here,” Jackie said, looking genuinely apologetic but no less confused. “This is a couples-only resort and retreat. A place where romantic couples come to reconnect, restore, or simply relish time together.” Emma hadn’t considered this now obvious detail. “All of the information was on the reservation page of our website.”

  Caroline’s elbow to the rib jarred her mind into action. “Of course. We like having an extra bed for role playing.” She added a wink for authenticity.

  Caroline squeaked. “Oh my god! We do not.” She tried to wave Jackie’s attention away.

  “It’s okay, babe, I’m sure they see this a lot.” Emma could practically feel the discomfort rolling off her. She took this moment as a karmic gift and got revenge for Caroline’s earlier behavior. “We love playing best friends turned lovers. Sometimes we even act like strangers.”

  “A cot is fine! We’ll take the cot. Please and thank you. Can we finish checking in?” Caroline had covered her face with one hand.

  Emma would’ve found Caroline’s bashfulness and blush attractive if the rest of her didn’t piss her off so much. “My girlfriend gets antsy when she travels.” She smiled her most dazzling smile and took the key cards Jackie gave her. She put her license and credit card away and thanked Jackie again. “Ready, babe?” she said, looking back to Caroline and fighting back an eye roll at how stiff she stood. Emma hoisted her bag higher on her shoulder and started toward the elevators.

  They boarded with two other couples. Emma checked the colorful envelope holding their cards for their floor number. Third floor must be the top floor. She was impressed by how such a small, charming resort could have its open, grand feel
. The elevator décor felt expensive, and the reflective doors allowed Emma to watch everyone’s faces during the short trip up. The two men and two other women seemed excited and happy to be there. And then there was Caroline. One of the other couples exited on the second floor.

  Emma leaned into Caroline and whispered, “You should at least try to look like you’re happy to be here.” Caroline moved away from Emma, who saw the older couple in the mirrored door. They shook their heads sadly as the elevator signaled the arrival on the top floor. When the doors opened, Caroline all but ran in the wrong direction. Emma rubbed her tired eyes, not caring about her mascara.

  She stepped off the elevator and called out. “Hey! We’re this way.” Caroline stopped in her tracks. Emma wanted to laugh, but she also wanted to cry a little. She nodded politely to the other couple as they walked past. With a silent prayer, she hoped to never see them again throughout the week.

  Emma waited for Caroline to join her at their door before opening it. It took her two tries to get the key to work. Emma devoured the room with her eyes as the door swung open. “Wow,” she said under her breath.

  The entire far wall of the room was windows, and if Emma’s experience told her anything, they were sliders opening to the large balcony just outside. All she saw was blue—the clear skies and the inviting Atlantic Ocean.

  Caroline wheeled her luggage past her. “This view alone is worth a good review.”

  “You’re not wrong.” Emma dropped her bag next to the bed and checked out the welcome basket in the center of the mattress. The gift overflowed with fruit, snacks, and an unmarked box. She picked up a peach, sank her teeth into it, and held it in her mouth as she opened the box. Her eyes widened.

  “What’s in it?” Caroline stepped closer.

  Instead of surrendering her hold on the peach to answer, Emma dumped the contents out. Silk rope, condoms, a small bottle of lube, and multiple types of small vibrators fell onto the bright, tropical bedding. Emma finally took a full bite of the peach and chewed. The fruit was so delightfully juicy, she nearly moaned. Once she swallowed, she looked at Caroline with a grin. “I guess that’s why they call this room a deluxe.”

  “They missed the mark a bit with the condoms, though.”

  Emma couldn’t tell if Caroline was aiming for humor or not. She shrugged and collected the small foil packets, tossing them into her travel bag. She caught Caroline eyeing her curiously. “You never know.”

  “I guess not. Not when you’re you.”

  “Didn’t even try to keep your judgments to yourself that time, did you?” Emma collected the rest of the hotel’s complimentary goodies and packed them back into the box. She took the basket over to the wet bar tucked in the corner of their room.

  “I hardly think it’s judgment,” Caroline said, tossing her suitcase on the bed and opening it. “We both know why I’m here, and that kind of supports my comment.”

  Emma rolled her eyes. “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.”

  “I stated it as a fact.” Caroline pulled a cobalt blue dress from the suitcase and walked it to the closet next to the bathroom.

  Emma followed her every movement keenly. “You stated it like there’s something wrong with how I live my life.” She heard Caroline’s sigh through the wooden closet door separating them.

  Caroline closed the door and put her hands on her hips. Her hair was in disarray and her eyes dull with fatigue. “For the last time, I care about the life you live on company time. Nothing else matters.”

  “Then maybe you should keep your comments to yourself.” Emma knew Caroline was right, and that whatever else Caroline might think of her shouldn’t matter, but her tone got under Emma’s skin. She sifted through the contents of her travel bag and grabbed her phone and wallet. “And while you’re at it, you really need to work on trying to fit in.”

  “By what? Acting like your loving girlfriend? Blech.” Caroline shivered. “That was a cute little display at the front desk, by the way.”

  “How about some sort of display of happiness? A small smile or, I don’t know, dislodging the stick from your ass?”

  “Very mature. I’m shocked.”

  “Whether you like it or not—”

  “Clearly this is more of an ‘or not’ situation.”

  “We’re here for ten days, and I have a job to do. And I’m just starting to realize what I’ve gotten myself into.”

  “We knew this was a couples-only resort.”

  Emma took a deep breath to keep her irritability in check. “Did you not listen to Jackie?”

  “Not as keenly as you were.”

  “Who’s being mature now?” Emma waited for another smart remark from Caroline, but she remained surprisingly quiet. “This is a couples resort and retreat. Jackie said everything is catered to couples.”

  Caroline’s mouth fell open. “She couldn’t possibly mean everything.”

  “Maybe she did. Maybe she didn’t. But the best way for me to get my job done is to experience this place like any other traveler. So, what I need from you is minimal participation. In fact, it’d be best if you dropped the office ice queen persona and just enjoyed being on vacation.”

  Caroline looked taken aback. “I’m not an ice queen.”

  “Fun sponge, whatever—just try to be a tourist and relax.”

  “Fun sponge? What does that mean?”

  “It means you suck the fun out of everything.”

  “I’m not a fun sponge, either.”

  Emma pressed her palms together and looked at Caroline earnestly. “Please, do whatever you have to so you can enjoy a free vacation.”

  Caroline held Emma’s stare intently. “Fine. I’m going to take a shower, and then I’ll see what kind of activities and amenities this place has.”

  Emma breathed easily for the first time since meeting Caroline in the airport. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll plan out an itinerary for us.”


  “I’ll put together an itinerary for our stay,” Caroline said with what sounded a lot like excitement.

  Emma stared blankly at Caroline. She was serious, and Emma had no idea how to derail what she had just put into motion. She watched as Caroline gathered her toiletries from her luggage. “Fun sponge,” she whispered.

  “What did you say?” Caroline was, for the first time since meeting Emma, wearing a genuine smile.

  “I’m going out,” Emma said flatly. “I have to go buy stuff and drink.” She walked to the door and gripped the handle with a firm hold. “Definitely drink,” she muttered to herself and left the room without a second glance at Caroline.

  Chapter Five

  Caroline was constantly reminding herself of her job responsibilities. She was there to keep Emma in check. So when she noted the water pressure, the softness of the towels, and how the resort didn’t skimp on bathrobe material, it took her a moment to catch what she was doing. Judging the hotel was Emma’s duty. Not hers. But Caroline had to admit focusing on details helped ease her mind about many things, like being away from home for the first time since moving back and having a fake girlfriend for the next ten days.

  Caroline let out a long sigh before opening the bathroom door slowly and peeking out into their suite. Emma still wasn’t back from her excursion, much to Caroline’s delight. She was able to unpack and dress at her own pace, and she could investigate the sliding windows and doors without being barked at with condescending instructions. Sure, she wasn’t well-versed in traveling, but Emma’s tone wasn’t helpful.

  She stood on the balcony and stared off at the colorful sunset. The beach was beautiful, and Miami appeared to be everything Caroline needed to heal her wounds and ease her troubled mind. But the sea air and sunshine couldn’t make everything better. Her ex-girlfriend still had a few boxes of Caroline’s belongings in the house they’d shared in Connecticut. And Caroline was still worried about being away from home for more than a few days. She thought of how tired her pa
rents looked when she stopped for a visit before leaving. She didn’t ask them about the past due electric bill tucked away in the silverware drawer. She knew it wasn’t her place, and she didn’t want to rock the boat when Kyle was well and seemed himself. She’d count that singular blessing and let it be.

  A light breeze swept Caroline’s bangs from her face, and she closed her eyes. Florida was hot and humid, but being on the ocean helped cut down some of the sun’s heat. She focused on the warm air as it surrounded her. Her lightweight black sundress fluttered lazily around her body. A quiet knock at the door broke Caroline from her trance.

  She rushed across the room, stubbing her toe on the corner of the bed along the way. “Fucking, mother—” She swung the door open to a wide-eyed bellboy. The painful grimace never left her face. “Sorry,” she said with a whimper.

  He looked her up and down. “I have the cot you requested.”

  The tunnel vision caused by pain finally faded, and Caroline noticed the rattled young gentleman stood beside a folded metal frame with a thin mattress squished inside.

  “Thank you,” she said, stepping aside to allow him to wheel it deeper into the room. By the time the stowaway bed was parked, Caroline was thinking about sleeping on something so uncomfortable looking. The bellboy had stopped just by the door, clearing his throat. The stress of traveling had made her a space cadet. “Did you need…” His expectant look answered for him. “Right.” Caroline rushed to her purse and grabbed a few bills. “Thank you again.”

  He bowed politely and wished her a pleasant stay.

  Caroline looked between the fold-up cot and the plush sofa situated in the corner of their suite. She unpacked her iPad, grabbed a notebook and pen, and plopped down on the sofa to start her research. Nine days was a lot to plan for, but Caroline felt up to the task. She brought up the resort’s website and was positively blown away by the information in front of her. In her haste, in her blindness to the stress of traveling, she’d never thought to look this up earlier. And Emma never gave her much information to go on from the start. Caroline shook her head. Emma wonders why I like to control things.


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