Wild Man

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Wild Man Page 5

by Sherilee Gray

  “You have to ask?” he said, voice rougher.

  I pushed his shirt higher and shimmied down a little. Lifting my eyes to his, I pressed my mouth to that exposed strip of tan skin.

  Another rough sound. “Freya…”

  I kissed him again, lower this time, my lips only a few inches from the head of his hard cock. It glistened, was dark and, God, made my mouth water just looking at it. “Are you in pain?”

  “Yes,” he gritted out, knowing exactly what I was referring to.

  I slid down more, and one of his solid thighs shifted, his foot dropping to the floor, making room for me. “Let me make it better for you.”

  He groaned as I kissed and sucked the skin below his belly button, so close now.

  His hips jerked up and his hand slid into my hair. “You don’t have to do that,” he said. “I mean…I don’t expect…”

  His voice trailed off when my chin bumped that swollen, glistening head. “I don’t make a habit of doing things I don’t want to,” I said.

  Every one of his exhales was rough, uneven. “No?”

  “No,” I whispered, looking up at him and holding his half-lidded gaze.

  I felt his fingers tighten in my hair and his nostrils flared with his sharp indrawn breath. “Then suck me. Christ, Freya, I need you to suck my cock.”

  A shiver slid through me at the need I heard in his vice, the way his hips came up again, seeking me out. I gripped the waistband of his pants and slid them down, moaning softly and licking my lips when his beautiful cock sprang free.

  Beau growled and yanked his shirt off over his head, flinging it to the floor. I thought he was gorgeous before, but with his body bare in front of me, I found it hard to breathe. Every muscle was hard and tight, like he was carved from mountain rock. My eyes lifted back to his, and Beau looked as close to the edge as any man I’d ever seen.

  “I’m going to fucking die if I don’t feel your mouth on me, Freya,” he said in a voice so low and gritty I felt it like a velvety caress between my thighs.

  His cock was angled up, resting on his stomach, so I wrapped my fingers around the base, standing it upright while I bent over him and took him into my mouth.

  “Fuck,” Beau bit out.

  I didn’t bother with teasing or taking it slow. The man was in pain and my goal was to get him off, to ease the ache he was feeling. I sucked him back nice and deep, running my tongue along the thick vein on the underside, sucking harder when I dragged my mouth back up and only the head was between my lips.

  Both his hands were in my hair and I felt him gathering it up, wrapping it around his fist, getting it out of the way so he could watch. I cupped his balls and his legs spread wider for me, giving me more room. He liked what I was doing, and God, that made me feel good. Since I got here I’d gotten everything wrong. But I knew it would be like this. I knew this connection between us wasn’t something I’d imagined.

  If only we’d started with this, if only he’d taken me to bed that first night, he wouldn’t be feeling the doubts about me that I suspected he was.

  I used my hand in time with my mouth, stroking him as I increased my speed.

  “Jesus. Christ. Freya…” My eyes lifted to his as I worked him. His jaw was tight, blue eyes glazed and hot, and when they locked on mine, his hips jerked up again, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. “Gonna come…so hard…pull away if you don’t want it,” he said, then groaned.

  No way was I pulling away.

  When he saw that for himself he cursed, a low raw sound bursting from his mouth, and then he started coming, his cock pulsing against my tongue, shooting down my throat. I swallowed, not breaking eye contact with him the whole time.

  He’d lifted to his elbows and he kept his eyes on me, too, breath hard and fast as I continued to suck him until he softened in my mouth, watching as I licked him clean.

  Finally, I lifted my head, letting his soft dick rest against his stomach.

  His tongue darted out, swiping across his lower lip. “Pants off, Freya, now.”

  I knew my eyes widened comically when his lips curled up at the side, and he gave me that sexy grin of his.

  I didn’t care how ridiculous I looked, I wanted him to touch me, badly. I quickly did as he said. I was hot and achy, and I wanted whatever was about to happen. I assumed we were going to kiss, that he’d use his fingers on me until I came like when we were in the barn. But then he grabbed my hips, holding me up as he slid down the couch, so he was flat on his back.

  “Sit on my face,” he growled. “Now, honey. I need to taste you. Right. Fucking. Now.”

  Dear God. Heat curled in my lower belly as I shimmied higher, his strong grip on my hips moving me where he wanted me. Then his lips, his mouth, his tongue, were there.

  We both groaned.

  One of his hands went to my bottom and his fingers dug into my flesh as he slid his tongue through my pussy. I couldn’t stop from grinding myself against him. I was worked up from what I’d done to him, already close to coming. His tongue dipped inside me and swirled, and I cried out. Perfect torture.

  I needed more, so much more, and every swipe of his tongue drove me higher. Beau’s eyes were closed as he ate at me, an expression on his face that made me feel like his favorite meal. My hands went to my breasts, unable to stop myself, and I pinched my nipples through my shirt while I rolled my hips.

  His eyes opened at the sound of my throaty moan, and when he saw what I was doing to myself he growled again then wrapped his lips around my needy clit and alternated between flicking it with his tongue and sucking.

  My head dropped back, and I screamed, coming so hard my head spun. Beau’s strong hands held me up as I lost control completely, and when the last wave washed over me, he repositioned me. I let him, not an ounce of energy left in my body.

  I felt his hands back in my hair. This time they were gentle, soothing.

  I didn’t even fight it—I went back to sleep wrapped in Beau’s arms.

  The only place I wanted to be.



  Freya had told me during one of our conversations that she used to go rabbit hunting with her uncle when she was a kid and how much she enjoyed it. I decided a day doing something I knew she liked would make up for our rocky start.

  Then I planned on taking her home, carrying her up to bed, and finally fucking her. We’d been enjoying each other the last couple of days, not taking it any farther than making each other come with hands and mouths, but I didn’t want to wait anymore. Honestly, I didn’t think I could. I’d never wanted a woman the way I did Freya.

  I looked down at her. She was walking beside me, eyes darting around the woods.

  I frowned. She looked a little on edge, or maybe that was just the way she looked when she went hunting. How the hell would I know? I wanted to know, though. I wanted to know everything I could about her.

  A vision of her and I doing this in the future, maybe a couple of kids at our sides, flashed through my mind. A family hunting trip, working together to get the meat we needed for the winter, working in the garden I planned to get started now the house was finished. Living a good life with a capable partner at my side.

  My wife.

  And when we finished a long day working on the property, I’d climb in the shower with her and make her come so hard she’d never regret marrying me, for choosing to go back to the kind of life she’d had growing up—for choosing me.

  Maybe I was getting ahead of myself, but after talking to her for months, then the last few days together, let’s just say I knew we were more than compatible in all the ways that counted. I cared about Freya. I liked being with her, spending time with her…listening to her scream with my head buried between her thighs.

  “So, did your dad teach you to hunt?” Freya asked, jarring me from my thoughts.

  Good thing too, considering the direction they were going. “Yeah, he bought me my first gun when I was eight. We spent a lot of time out here together.

  “You must miss him a lot,” she said.

  I held a branch back in our path and waited for her to pass. “My dad was an amazing guy and a great teacher. He taught Hank and I everything we know about this life. Losing him the way we did…” He’d fallen and broken his leg while out hunting. The cold had taken him before he was found. I cleared my throat. It still hurt to this day. “He was just larger than life, you know?”

  She touched my arm. “Helping rescue your friend’s father, that must have brought back some painful memories,” she said softly.

  I’d told her about my dad and my parents’ breakup during our talks. “I was just glad to help,” I said, not wanting to get into it, or my feelings. I’d avoided them since my dad passed away when I was a kid. I wasn’t about to dredge them up now.

  “You do that a lot, don’t you? Whenever you’d call, there was always someone you’d been helping out.” She gave my arm another squeeze. “You’re a good guy, Beau.”

  Looking down into her soft green eyes, seeing that sincere expression on her face—shit, it hit me in a way I didn’t know how to deal with. I’d felt the opposite about myself for so long I didn’t know what to say. So, I did what I usually did, and changed the subject.

  “What were your parents like?” I asked. “I’ll bet your dad was one of those protective types. Beautiful daughter like you, he must’ve been scaring away boys all the time.”

  Her eyes that were gentle and full of emotion went blank. It was only for a moment, but I didn’t miss it. “My parents were…distant. You could even go as far as saying cold. I’m not really sure why they chose to have a child.” She smiled, but it looked forced. “At least they weren’t on my case all the time.” She laughed, and again it sounded forced. “The things I got up to, parents like mine were a teenage girl’s dream.”

  “Do you talk often?”

  “They divorced a few years back. I talk to my dad maybe a couple of times a year, my mom a little more often.” She screwed up her face. “I guess her calls will be even less frequent now.” Freya glanced at me. “She’s joined a naturist commune. Apparently, she’s throwing off the shackles of her past, and that doesn’t just include clothes.”

  Christ. I got the feeling she was downplaying just how awful her life had been growing up. God, just imagining her being brought up like that, how alone she must have felt, did something to me, ignited something raw and primal inside me. I felt protective of her. Shit, possessive.

  Something else, something deeper.

  I struggled for the right thing to say. “I’m sorry,” I said, which was pathetic under the circumstances, but all I had. “You’d said you weren’t really close to your parents, but I didn’t realize it was that bad.”

  She shrugged. “Could’ve been worse.”

  I was about to pull her to a stop and kiss the frown from her lips when a rabbit darted across out path.

  I stilled. “Look, just over there,” I said, and tilted my head in the rabbit’s direction. “You take the first one.”

  Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip. “Um, right, okay.” She lifted the gun, holding it awkwardly.

  “Safety’s still on,” I said.

  “Oh…yeah, of course.” Then she stared at the gun, shifting from foot to foot.

  I reached over and pointed to what she was looking for. “You’ve shot a gun before, right, Freya? You hunted with your uncle all the time?”

  “Yes…yep. I used a different gun is all,” she said, not looking at me.

  I pointed to movement in the long grass. “You’re good to go. Point and shoot.”

  She lifted the gun and I turned to her target. The rabbit chose that moment to hop out, leaving the cover of the grass.

  The gun went off. Freya missed the rabbit completely, the shot going wide. I turned to her, but she wasn’t standing beside me. She was flat on her back, the gun on the ground beside her. Her hand was covering her eye and she was in obvious pain.

  “Shit.” I rushed over to her. “You okay?”

  She shook her head and I could see her throat working. God, she was going to cry. I couldn’t handle any more tears.

  “Let me look,” I said, and carefully lifted her hand. I winced. “You’ve got some serious scope bite there.”

  “Scope bite?”

  I helped her to her feet. “When was the last time you shot a gun?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “I’m guessing a while?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “Let’s head back to the house, put some ice on that.”

  So, she wasn’t the best shot. Yeah, I was surprised after what she’d told me, but she’d lived in the city for a while now. I had no idea if I’d lose some of the skills I had if I was away from home as long as she was. When I left the mountain it wasn’t for that long, certainly not years, so I’d never tested the theory.

  I slung an arm around her shoulders as we walked back to the house. “It happens to a lot of people, you know that, right?”

  She turned to me. “Has it ever happened to you?”

  I grinned down at her. “Nope.”

  She elbowed me in the side. “No one likes a show-off,” she said, teasing, but there was something in her eyes I didn’t get, something that had me fighting a frown.

  We got home, and Freya was on the couch with some ice when Hank’s truck rolled up to the house. He walked up the steps and shoved the door open without knocking, like he always did, before I had a chance to stop him.

  He pulled up short when he spotted Freya. His head swiveled to me, then back again.

  She jumped to her feet, a huge smile on her face, and walked over to him. “Hank, it’s so nice to meet you! Beau’s told me so much about you and Birdie and the girls, I feel like I already know you all. And they way you two met, wow. So romantic.” She shook her head. “When Beau said he was an identical twin I expected you to be the same, but not the spitting image. Well, except for the fact that you’re a little, um…”

  “Bigger?” Hank muttered.

  Freya turned pink, and, damn, she looked pretty, so pretty I was momentarily distracted by what was going on or what was about to happen.

  “Well…yes,” Freya said, then she grabbed one of his hands with both of hers, giving it a squeeze. “Not that Beau isn’t big. He’s…” She glanced at me. “Well, look at him.” She blushed harder. “Anyway, it’s so nice to meet you.”

  Hank was a little better with the opposite sex since he’d met and fallen for Birdie, but he wasn’t used to women randomly touching him, and he’d only just figured out how to talk to them. Well, if it involved more than two words he still left it to Birdie or me.

  So, I wasn’t surprised when my brother took an abrupt step back and looked at me. “Who is this?”

  Christ. Sometimes I wondered if he was dropped on his head as a baby. Tactless prick. I cleared my throat. “This is Freya.” I stared him down, willing him to play along, that some of that twin magic people talked about would suddenly kick in and he’d read my mind. “You remember, I told you about her.”

  Hank frowned, his heavy brows dropping low, and I knew I was screwed. “No, you didn’t. You’ve never mentioned her.”

  Freya’s face turned bright red. “Oh…well, this is, um, awkward.” She took several steps back and turned to me. “You didn’t tell him about me?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. What the hell could I say? “I was waiting until…I mean, I guess I wanted to…” Fuck. Everything I said made me sound like a bigger asshole.

  She lifted a hand, stopping my verbal diarrhea. “It’s fine, really. I totally understand. I’m just…I’m going to head upstairs and leave you guys to it.” She turned back to Hank. “It was nice to meet you.”

  I wasn’t the best at reading emotions, but Freya was not fine. She was hurt that I’d kept her a secret, and I didn’t blame her. I’d messed up.

  Hank’s gaze darted between us, and he looked uncomfortable as hell, the situation f
inally sinking into his thick skull.

  Freya rushed upstairs.

  “Dammit, Hank,” I gritted out when she was gone.

  My brother crossed his arms. “How the hell was I supposed to know you’d lied to some woman? I can’t read your mind.”

  “No shit,” I muttered. “You also lack basic goddamn social skills. How the hell does Birdie put up with you?”

  Hank smirked. “I make it worth her while.”

  I was beyond happy that my brother had found the woman of his dreams, but right then the woman of mine thought I cared so little about her that I’d kept her a secret from my brother. No, I hadn’t told him, but I wasn’t keeping her a secret, I just…Hank wouldn’t understand what this was, what I wanted.

  “What are you doing here?” I said to him. I didn’t have time for small talk. I needed to go smooth things over with Freya.

  Hank shrugged his big shoulders. “Birdie told me to ask you over for dinner.” He glanced at the stairs. “You can ask…” Hank frowned.

  “Freya,” I bit out.

  Hank scratched his beard. “Yeah, you can bring her along, too.”

  I shook my head. “Thank Birdie for the offer, but I’ll have to pass this time.”

  Hank shrugged again. “More for me.” He headed for the door then stopped and turned back to me. “You care about her, about Freya?”

  My fingers curled into fists, but I did my best to appear as relaxed as possible, when that question struck me in a way I wasn’t prepared for. “Yes, of course.”

  Hank frowned again. “Why didn’t you tell me about her?”

  “I would have,” I said, hating the twist in my gut. I hadn’t planned to. I’d planned to wait and see how this visit went before I mentioned her to my brother.

  Hank stared at me for a while, like he was trying to mentally penetrate my brain for the truth. Finally, he nodded. I wasn’t sure he believed me.

  We said our goodbyes and he walked out.

  As soon as the door closed, I strode from the living room and took the stairs two at a time. Freya knew what this was, she knew this mini vacation was all about getting to know one another better, making sure we were compatible. But she’d looked genuinely hurt. And the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.


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