Adam's Fall

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Adam's Fall Page 4

by Liv Morris

  “No, dear.” Rosa waves her off after setting the piping-hot dish on the table in front of me. “I’ve got it all under control. I’ve been off for a few days and need to earn my wages.”

  “Where were you when we came in, Rosa?” I’m surprised she didn’t hear me yelling at Peters. It’s likely my neighbors heard me two stories below.

  “I was in the laundry room.” She pulls a pair of ear buds out of her pocket and shows them to us. It’s quiet around here since I’m gone all day, so she’s constantly listening to something. “I was just finishing this new audio book. A murder mystery. It keeps me moving when I work. All the adrenaline.”

  I pat the seat next to me. “Kathryn, come sit down. Let Rosa do what she does best. She’s a pro at taking care of me.”

  “Thanks, Rosa. Everything looks and smells delicious. In all the excitement today, I realize I haven’t eaten a thing.”

  “My pleasure. You two enjoy.”

  “Rosa, would you care to join us?” I’ve never shared a meal with her and the shock of my invitation is clear on her face as her eyes widen in surprise.

  “Thanks, Mr. Kingsley, but I’m just going to put clean sheets on your bed. For later.” I swear there was a wicked twinkle in her eye.

  We dig into the small feast Rosa’s made. I end up devouring several servings before I realize I’ve pretty much consumed the whole meatloaf, minus the small amount Kathryn ate. The mashed potato bowl appears empty now, too.

  “Shit, I must have been hungrier than I thought.”

  “Hopefully, you aren’t too full. I was thinking...” I feel her foot rubbing against the inside of my calf. “You might need to rest a bit before the detectives show up. Get your strength back and be on your full game.”

  I see desire in her bright blue eyes and know what she means by “rest.” Yes, I think she’s right. A rest sounds really good. Perfect, in fact, because fucking away today’s hellstorm and getting lost in each other might be the best distraction.

  “Whatcha say we have our dessert in the bedroom?” She answers my question with a slow smile that’s full of promise.

  Chapter 4

  We make our escape from the kitchen and an overly enthusiastic Rosa who wants to serve us dessert, but we decide to have our dessert in the bedroom. As I close the bedroom door behind us, I realize that I have no clue how I’m going to make love to this woman, but I’ll find a way. I’m already getting hard thinking about it.

  “Adam?” My name rolls from her lips with a question that has only one answer. I marvel at her continued use of my name since she so stubbornly refused to say it before the shooting.

  “Yes, beautiful?”

  “I have an idea for some fun, and I think we both need it.” I can tell she’s plotting something as I see her wheels spinning. She stalks toward me and says, “It will require a few props, though.”

  “Oh, props?” I say teasingly while placing my arms around her. “I think I like the sound of that.”

  “You silly, horny man.” She laughs and threads her arms around my neck. “We’ll need just ordinary, everyday things.”

  “How ordinary?”

  “Well... I have a tantric exercise for self-control where I help you learn to absorb and prolong pleasure. And it will work well with your injury.”

  “No pain and prolonging pleasure? Sign me up.” She shakes her head, but I can’t control the thought of being pleasured by her. Maybe that’s the point she’s trying to make here.

  “I need six coins. They should be large ones, if possible.” She forms a circle with her fingers to show me the size of coin she wants. “So, Mr. Billionaire, do you have any gold coins lying around the apartment?” With her other hand, she twists the hair at the back of my neck. Everything she does and says winds me up.

  “Yes, I’m sure there are some in the cushions of my couch.” I smirk and get a giggle out of her. “I also give them away in a swag bag to my guests as parting gifts.”

  “For your one-night stands? How very Derek Jeter of you.” She sounds a little annoyed at me again. Seems I’m becoming a pro at drawing that response from her.

  “Poor Jeter will never live that rumor down.”

  “‘Poor Jeter’? You have to be kidding me? Who gives a woman he just fucked a gift bag with baseball swag in it? But, you—a billionaire—sharing gold coins in one would make sense.”

  “I’ve done a lot of crazy things I’m not proud of but giving hookups gift bags isn’t one of them.”

  “I’m only half-kidding. Besides, I’m the first woman Rosa’s seen here at your apartment.”

  “Exactly. Now back to those coins...” I turn the conversation around to more important things, like making my dick happy. “How did we get sidetracked on swag bags and one-night stands, anyway? I do keep a rare collection of coins stashed away in my safe.”

  “That’s more like it.” She grins, pleased that I have a few billionaire extravagances after all. “So are they in a panic room?”

  “You’re kidding me? I’m not that afraid for my life. I just have a safe hidden in the wall of my closest. Wanna see? You can help pick them out if you’d like.”

  “Why don’t you go get them while I’m prepping the room for what I have in mind?”

  I swear I feel my cock twitch at the word prep. “I’m on it. Six coins, right?”

  “Yep. Give me a couple of minutes.” She winks and I’m off to fetch those fucking coins. What the hell she needs six coins for is a mystery. But I’m game for what she’s got up her sleeves and in her pants, literally. Who wouldn’t be if he had the sexiest girlfriend in New York City?

  I smile to myself at the word girlfriend. I don’t think I’ve used that word to describe a woman since college. The couple of girlfriends I had back then came and went after a few weeks.

  Removing a wooden panel in the back of my closet, I reveal the hidden safe. Peters made me put it in. I told him that the majority of my money is hidden in Kings stock, but he says someone of my caliber should have one installed at his residence. It’s expected, I suppose.

  The safe is biometric and opens by fingerprint recognition. After a quick scan of my prints, the lock releases with a ping. Swinging the door open, I see the treasures inside. Not much, really. Photos of my childhood that are priceless to me. They’re safe here and also out of sight. Getting distracted, I pull out a picture of my mother.

  I’ve kept these photos of her hidden away. Too many painful memories. But as I hold the image of her in my hand, I feel something different than the shame and remorse I’ve struggled with for years. Instead it’s a longing to see her again. Something I never would have allowed before, but today I let the feelings invade every part of me. I swear my heart is about to explode as I remember back to the scene in the photo.

  My high school graduation. I’m decked out in my cap and gown. Adorned with tassels and regalia showing all my academic honors. My mother never looked more proud as we stood side by side.

  I close my eyes and let myself drift back to that day. I was awarded the most academic honors in my class and gave the valedictorian speech. I remember finding my mother in the auditorium after the ceremony, and she was smiling at me through her proud tears. She made me feel like I could do anything. Her love and encouragement gave me that kind of confidence.

  I don’t remember her ever smiling like she did that day. It gave me a glimpse of the joy snuffed out by my father when she left New York City. She always had an underlying sadness as her smiles seldom reached her eyes.

  I place the photo back inside the safe and realize of all my possessions inside, this one is my most treasured. Shaking my head, I try to regroup and focus on the real reason I’m standing here, rifling through memories. As I’m about to begin searching for the coins, Kathryn places a hand on my back.

  “Hey. I’m just checking on you. Have trouble finding what you were looking for?”

  I wonder how long I’ve stood here going down memory lane. It seems like minutes but w
ho knows?

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. I was just looking at old pictures.”

  She peeks around me to see inside my safe. “What pictures?”

  “Just some from my childhood.” I find the custom-made wooden case for the coins we need tonight. As I grab the case, she places her hand on mine and stops me.

  “I’d love to see those photos. Do you mind?” She moves to stand almost in front of me. I don’t think there’s any way to avoid sharing them.


  Before the word has left my lips, she’s pulling photos out of the safe. The one on top of the stack in the box is the graduation shot.

  “Wow, Adam. Look how young you were… and handsome. Is this your mother?” Her voice fades as she mentions my mother.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “She was so beautiful and looks so proud of you. She’s smiling from ear to ear.” Kathryn peeks up at me and searches my face for a reaction.

  “My mother was even more beautiful on the inside than she was on the outside. She gave up everything for me. Honestly, I haven’t gone through those photos in years.” I decide there’s no need to keep the truth from her. “It’s been too hard.”

  “But you looked at them just now?”


  “You sweet man.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and I meet her halfway. Our lips connect for a quick kiss. “I don’t think you would’ve been able to do this without the experience you had the other night.”

  “Me, neither.” She lays her head gently against my chest, careful to avoid my side. I know the tantric sex a couple days ago freed something inside me where my mother is concerned. I can actually dwell on her memory without experiencing a crippling feeling in my soul.

  “We can save these for another time. I think you need a little TLC.” She places the photos back in the box. “What we need right now are coins.”

  “The reason I came in here.” I move a few financial documents off the top of the custom-made case for my coins. I open the leather-encased top to reveal perfect rows of coins lying on red velvet. The coins are housed in individual slots.

  “These are perfect.” Kathryn traces her finger over the top of the silver coins. “And extremely old.”

  “They’re Greek, around 500 BC. I bought them when I was on business in Athens.” I take one coin from its resting spot. “They’re knows as Athenian Owls.”

  “They’re beautiful.”

  I place the coin in the palm of her hand. “Flip it over and look on the other side.”

  When she turns the coin over, a woman’s face takes up the entire side. “Was this woman a queen?”

  “It’s Athena, the goddess of wisdom.” I place five more coins in her hand. “I purchased ten of them on a whim, and I’m damn glad I did now. Very fitting, considering whose hands they’re in.”

  “I love them.” I watch, amused, as she continues to examine them. “They’re going to be perfect.”

  “Said the wise woman.”

  “Follow me.” She motions to me as she exits the closet. I quickly close the safe and trail behind with a perfect view of her sweet little ass.

  Once in the bedroom, I noticed she pulled the long, gray, velvet curtains over the wall of windows while I was at my safe. There’s still sunlight peeking through but the room is more subdued.

  Kathryn also removed the bedspread and pillows from the bed, and only the sheets are exposed. It reminds me more of the cushioned mat she has in her harem tent.

  “Where do you want me?” I’m unsure what she has in mind. Yes, I’m conceding control. After all, the coins are in her hands and I’ve agreed to play this game.

  “I know your side still hurts, so I’m going to make this easy for you.”

  “You know I’m easy.”

  “The world knows that.” She winks at me. “Question is, can you stay still? That’s what we’re about to find out.”

  I’ve moved to her side by the bed. She places the coins on the nightstand and then begins to undress me.

  “There are a few rules in this tantric game. Keep eye contact as much as possible. And definitely no closing your eyes. I don’t want you escaping behind these lids.” She gently outlines my brow with her finger. “And no talking.”

  “No talking?” Our previous Tantra experience was different from what she’s doing now. I wasn’t silenced and was free to ask her questions.

  “Yes. Trust me. Having to exact intense control will add to the pleasure when I finally let you experience it,” she says then begins to unbutton my shirt and kisses my newly exposed skin. All I’m left to do is trust her. What man in my shoes would do differently? I surrender to her. It feels good, different, and somehow freeing.

  After unbuttoning my cuffs, she slowly removes my shirt. She’s so careful with my side, I want to say thanks but think better of it. I’ve taken a vow of silence.

  My shirt falls around my feet. My pants soon follow as they pool around my ankles. I’m standing in my boxer briefs with a very hard erection.

  She places her hands on my hipbones and trails them down my legs. Kneeling in front of me, she looks up and smiles seductively. I run my fingers through her hair, hoping they convey what my voice can’t.

  After unlacing my running shoes, she helps me step out of them and then my pants. “Hmm, now the big reveal.”

  From below, she places her fingers on the elastic top of my briefs and slides them down my legs. My aching cock is free and pointing at her as if it’s a homing device looking for its target.

  “You’re so chiseled.” Kathryn places her fingers around me and brings her lips to the head of my cock. In one swift movement, she envelops me inside her hot mouth. Her tongue welcomes me as it swirls around the tip. I have to bite my lip from moaning as she bobs back and forth, sucking me between her plump lips.

  She breaks away, and I catch myself before pleading for her to continue. “That’s a little preview of what’s ahead.” She rises to her feet and releases my erection.

  “Lay down on the bed.” She pats the side of the bed, and I comply. “Perfect. Now place your arms at your side and keep them there.”

  Here I’m lying with my cock raised at attention. I’m completely at her mercy, and hopefully she’s willing to give me some.

  I watch her pick up the six coins with absolutely no idea what she’s going to do.

  “Make a fist with your hand.” Standing over me, she covers one of my hands with hers. She squeezes tightly and my fingernails dig into my palms. I look down and see my hands in hard knots as if I’m ready to fight.

  “Now make the same closed fist with your other hand, too,” she commands. “Yes, like that. Keep them closed snug.”

  She begins to push the coins between my fingers as they’re pressed together hard. If I were to loosen my grip, the coins would fall from my grasp.

  “The trick to this Tantra game is keeping still. It will also keep your side from hurting, as well.” She has a good point there. I haven’t felt a bit of pain yet.

  “Hold the coins between your fingers and keep your hands still. If you drop the coins or move your hands to touch me, I’ll stop whatever fun I’m having with you and start over. It may not seem hard now, but believe me, as I get to work on your cock it’s going to be difficult and will take all your strength to keep still.” The sound of her saying cock makes mine twitch. I want to moan but somehow contain myself as her fingers blaze a trail down my arms. Her light touch feels so intense to me, I almost fear for what lies ahead. Almost.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” Fuck, I just spoke my thoughts out loud. She moves her head in a tsk-tsk fashion.

  “Hush.” She brings a finger to her lips, and I nod my head in submission to her request.

  “My mission is to bring you to life, not kill you.”

  Right now I’ve never felt more alive, thanks to her. I settle back and hold my fists as tight as I can, waiting for her next move.

  She steps away from the bed, and I
have a better view of her body as she unbuttons her dress. One by one they are freed, and she eases the silk from her shoulders, exposing a pale pink bra. The lace is so sheer I can see her hard nipples pressing toward me.

  I run my tongue over my lips like a starving man. God, how I want her nipples in my mouth. Sucking, licking, twisting with my fingers. I stir and lift my left arm toward her but catch myself when she eyes me in warning.

  “Oh, sweet Adam. I don’t even have my clothes off yet and you’re already moving and losing control. Be still.”

  She bends over and kisses me on the lips. I press back and our kiss deepens. Our tongues intertwine. It takes all I have to keep my hands at my side and my fists clenched. I can feel one of the coins starting to slip out from between my fingers as I struggle. Fuck. And as I feared, when I feel the lace of her bra teasingly touch my chest, one of the coins lands on the sheet.

  She doesn’t notice at first as our kissing continues. But she lifts her head, breaking our kiss and looks down seeing my guilt. Yes, not even five minutes into this game and I’ve failed. She begins to laugh, and I want to cry out in protest but don’t.

  “This isn’t looking good.” She teases as she runs a finger down my chest. “Should I put my dress back on and start over?”

  I shake my head violently and she laughs.

  “Okay. I’ll give you one pass.” She reinserts the coin between my fingers, and I now have a death grip on them all. I’ll be damned if I drop another one. Hell, I got an A in quantum physics, so surely I can fight a little gravity.

  She brings her hands to the belt on her dress, or more like the ribbon, threaded through the loops. She unties the knot and slips the ribbon out. Instead of setting it aside, she places the ribbon around her neck. The black ends hang down over her breasts like a scarf.

  The rest of her dress falls to the floor, and I see her matching lacy, pink panties. Sheer and feminine with a touch of innocence, although thankfully for me, I know she’s far from it.

  I’m dying to remove the panties from her as I see her pussy barely hidden behind the lacy material. My impossibly stiff cock twitches as it begs for her attention, desiring to be inside her and thrusting away. I’ve never wanted to fuck anyone like this before. It’s maddening.


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