One Last Play

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One Last Play Page 12

by Aja Cole

  I bit my lip, “I love you too.” He took the lip I’d been biting between his and sucked it, and I moaned. I was a little sore but there was plenty we could get into, maybe with a soak in the tub…

  There were hard knocks at the door, and Luc put on pants while I wrapped myself in the blanket and trailed after him. Looking through the peephole, he glanced at me with a furrowed brow.

  “It’s the cops.”

  The police were knocking? What the hell?

  “Thea? Where’d you get off to in your head?” I blinked and turned to Cassandra, who was looking at me kindly.

  “Nowhere. Just memories. What were you saying?”



  I looked around for Thea at the party, but I didn’t see her anywhere in the open spaces. Where the hell had she gotten off to? I was putting my drink down to look for her, when a hand clapped on my shoulder.

  “Look at you, hotshot. I personally think your style is a crock of shit but…”

  “Gerard, amigo,” I beamed, hugging the other man to me and clapping him on the back. “What the hell are you doing in the states?”

  “The missus wanted to come for a visit, and I obliged instead of arguing. She would’ve yapped in my ear for days, and the baby’s crying is enough for me.”

  I barely stopped my mouth from dropping. “I’m sorry, did you say baby? And a wife? Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my friend.”

  The large blonde man shrugged and laughed cheerfully. He’d always looked like he should be playing rugby to me, but he was a damned good player. More agile and quick on his feet than anyone expected from someone so massive. He’d joined another team about 3 years ago.

  “It’s been a,” he rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly, “interesting few months, I’ll tell you that much. You know the chit though. Kimmy? Thea’s old flat-mate?”

  Vague images of a blonde who liked to wear short things and big hair flicked through my mind. “Yeah, yeah, I remember her. How the hell did you end up married, though?”

  “It was the right thing to do. I knocked her up when I was visiting London, and she found me and told me I needed to step up. So, I did. The baby’s 10 months old now, she’s a looker,” he grinned. “Gonna have to fuck up some little shits when she’s of age, I already know it.”

  “If they’re anything like you were, you better lock her in a tower and throw away the key.”

  He grimaced, “I know, mate. I’m terrified. So, where’s Thea? Kim’s showed me the pictures of you two all cozied up. I didn’t realize you’d been keeping a long-distance thing going.”

  “What can I say, there’s only one Thea. Your guess is as good as mine. I haven’t seen her in a bit, but she’s got to be around here somewhere.” I crossed my arms and sighed, leaning against the bar. “She’s not exactly happy with me right now.”

  “I know all about that. If I haven’t done one thing wrong, I’ve done two more. I can’t keep up with that woman.”

  “Tell me about it,” I scowled, smoothing my face as Amina came up to me before she could say something about me looking more pleasant.

  “Luc, I need you for a minute.”

  “Yeah, sure,” I turned to Gerard, nodding my head, “Catch up with you later. Where are you two staying?”

  “We just got in not too long ago, so we’ll check into a hotel.”

  “Stay with us, I have plenty of room.” Gerard was a good, old friend of mine and I didn’t even have to think twice about it before I offered.

  “Really, man? Solid. Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. Just find me if you want to leave before us, and I’ll give you my key.” I went with Amina to a private corner and leaned against the wall. “The story released, didn’t it?”

  She exhaled wearily. “Bingo. I’ve already been getting calls and reassuring sponsors that it’s a complete crock of shit and we’ll be filing suit with anyone that runs with any extra information that’s defamatory. You should be glad I am amazing at discrediting other people.”

  “I am glad, Amina.” I laughed, “You know how much I appreciate you, amiga.”

  She narrowed her eyes, “Enough to get me VIP tickets to a concert next month?”

  “You could get those yourself.” She knew people.

  “I could, but I’ll feel better if you pay for them and gift them to me,” she winked, pulling out her phone as it lit up with a call. “It’s the shoot for tomorrow, I’ll call them back. Can’t have them thinking we’re worried about this and scrambling. It’s not nearly as bad as I thought it might be, so that’s good. Basically, it says you got into a row with your American girlfriend at the time and the police were called, yada yada. They must’ve realized they didn’t have enough information to go full on abuse and sacked it. So basically, you’re in the clear. I’ve talked to almost anyone that needed to be coddled with knowing you’re still a stand-up guy.”

  “Nobody is going to think I beat Thea? Or that I’m an abuser?” I was so relieved, my chest hurt.

  “Not from this article. But I would advise against any arguments like the one you two had earlier within earshot of anyone. It even had me a little worried, and I know you.”

  “We should probably talk to someone about how we deal with things,” I sighed, rubbing a hand through my hair. “We don’t fight about many things, I think, but when we do…dios.”

  “Well, I can tell you two care a lot about each other if nothing else. I was joking about the fake romance thing when her mom was there. I knew from the start that there was nothing fake happening. By the way, your mother in law is terrifying.”

  “What was she saying before I got there?”

  Amina widened her eyes, shaking her head. “Nothing! The woman just stared through my soul like she could see every lie I’ve ever told. I was nervous as hell.”

  “I haven’t told Thea I told her mom everything,” I confessed. “Don’t know how she’ll feel about it.”

  “Maybe wait until after you’ve apologized for going all high-handed on her.”’

  I scoffed, “You too? She was being disrespectful.”

  “Mama James didn’t need you sticking up for her, she could’ve handled it. To Thea, it probably just seemed like you were treating her like a kid. And it already seems like she dealt with some disapproval from her mom before.”

  “Yeah, she might’ve mentioned something like that when she was yelling at me,” I looked at the ceiling, shaking my head, “Mierde, I’m an ass.”

  “First step is acceptance, kiddo.” Amina looked at her phone again as it buzzed. “I’m gonna take this, but find Thea and work it out. Then maybe you two will stop seeping sexual tension every time I’m in a room with you.” She answered the phone as she turned to walk away, and I rubbed my hand over my chin.

  Okay, first step was to find Thea. Second step was to apologize. Third step…benefit?

  I’d mingled enough. It was time to iron things out with my girl.

  If only I knew where the hell she was.

  I checked room after room, even asked a woman to check the bathroom for me. I was checking downstairs and about to just sit somewhere and wait for her to maybe walk by, when I opened the door to a smaller room and saw her.

  I recognized the model immediately. She’d spoken to me when we first got to the party, and teased me about making sure I kept Thea happy before someone else swooped in.

  Since Thea was in her arms, I quickly deduced that apparently, she’d decided to make a move anyway. I was feeling a bit of my earlier annoyance rising. Thea knew the woman was interested in her, and here she was, wrapped in her arms? Que diablos?

  “Teodora,” I snapped, stalking into the room.

  “Luc,” she released the woman, and smiled at me, “Cassie and I were jus—,”

  “I know what Cassie was doing. What I don’t know is why you’re here with her. You’ve decided to give up so easily?”

  “What are you talking about?” She screwed u
p her face, propping her hands on the hips of her fitted dress.

  “Let’s go,” I grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the smirking woman.

  “It’s okay, you have my number, Thea. We’ll talk more later.”

  “Stay away from my wife,” I snapped, giving the woman a warning glare. She knew exactly what she was doing, even if Thea seemed clueless. Cassandra might’ve been a woman and not a man, but that was even more dangerous. She’d try to seduce Thea with understanding and lulling her into a false sense of security since Thea was straight.

  I had female friends like Cassandra. I wasn’t buying the innocent act.

  I tugged Thea after me, stopping only when I saw Amina to ask her to make sure Gerard got to my place when they needed to. Ignoring Thea’s protests, I kept her hand in my grip and left the party, not saying a word to her as we waited on the valet to bring the car.

  When we were in the car and on the way home, she spoke again.

  “Every time I’m ready to give you the benefit of the doubt, you do something to fuck it up.”

  “I find you with a woman who clearly wants you, and I’m the one who is the problem?” I tighten my hands on the wheel, shaking my head. “I don’t understand you, Thea.”

  “You don’t try!” she shouted. I grit my teeth and we lapsed into the same silence that’d plagued us on the way to party. We pulled into the parking garage, and I parked the car, feeling a storm of emotions. Was this what we were good at? Was this going to be our relationship now? Constantly finding something to be mad about if we weren’t having sex?

  I felt the beginning of another headache, and I got out of the car, walking to Thea’s side to let her out. She got out before I could help her, pretending I didn’t exist all the way up to my place. I let us in, and she went straight to the bedroom.

  “Don’t touch me tonight, Luc,” she said quietly, taking the little studs out of her ears and setting them on the dresser.

  “Not a problem,” I told her roughly, jerking my shirt out of my pants.

  So much for apologizing and benefitting.



  Once again, I blinked awake and wished to hell the sun wasn’t so damn bright. And who the hell was that playing music? Was that a woman’s voice?

  Throwing the covers back in annoyance, I gripped the railing as I sped down the stairs, coming to a stop when I saw a blonde in a skimpy pajama set setting something on the dining table.

  I know good and damned well Luc did not bring another woman into this house!

  “Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my home?” Okay, so it wasn’t exactly mine, but we didn’t have to get technical.

  The woman turned around and I recoiled in shock.


  “Well don’t just stand there, get over here!” She squealed, throwing out her arms, and I moved into them in a slight daze.

  What was Kimmy doing in Luc’s place so early? How had she gotten in? What was going on?

  “It’s been ages since I’ve seen you, bugger, you look great. I love the straight hair.” She pulled back and smiled big, and I was still lost.

  “Kimmy, what are you doing here?”

  “Luc didn’t tell you? Gerard and I are staying for a bit. I begged him to come here when I saw the pics of you and Luc. Last I knew, you’d dumped him for being a cheating cad!”

  I squirmed, looking away. “Well…we made up. Things change. People change.”

  “Leopards don’t change their spots, hon. You really ought to make this decision carefully.” Was I imagining the edge in her voice?

  “You and Gerard?”

  “Those special condoms came in handy,” she winked, sashaying back to the kitchen counter and grabbing a pitcher of orange juice. “Snagged me a footballer, finally. Sit, I made us breakfast!”

  Oh my god.

  “Kimmy, you trapped a man into marriage?” I hissed, dropping down into a chair.

  She looked at me like I was the crazy one. “He didn’t have to marry me if he didn’t want to. He likes me. I didn’t make him do anything.”

  “Where’s the baby? How long have you been together? How old is the baby?” We hadn’t talked in forever. Once I made myself give up on Luc because of her telling me about everything he was doing and sending me pictures, I just kind of let the life I’d had when I was overseas fade to the back of my mind. I think Kimmy understood.

  “She’s with my mum. We’ve been together about 5 months now. She’s 10 months old, a wee little thing. Very busy. Looks just like me when I was a kit.”

  Kimmy didn’t look like someone who’d given birth in her barely there pjs, and I couldn’t even imagine her as a mother. The Kimmy I knew was the one that was obsessed with settling down with a well to do man, preferably one who kicked balls for a living.

  I wanted her to put on more clothes before Luc got home.

  “Where is Gerard?” I picked a pancake from the platter, and a few maple sausage links.

  “He and Luc are working out. Playing around. They haven’t seen each other in a while.”

  “I can’t believe you’re really here.” I chewed my food, taking a sip of orange juice after she poured it.

  “So, how are things? I assume you’ve talked about what happened if you’re back together.”

  “Ehhh,” I hedged, shrugging. “There’s enough to hash out with the present, we haven’t talked about the past.”

  “It’s probably best to just leave it alone. Don’t even talk about it.” She cut into her sausage and popped a piece into her red lips. How was she fully made up but not dressed? “So…what’s this about Luc abusing you years ago?”

  I almost choked on the pancake I was swallowing.

  “Come on, Kimmy, you know exactly what happened.”

  She tittered. “Well, you didn’t exactly tell me everything. Just that you’d had a big fight and things got kind of loud and the police were called. I just assumed he put his hands on you that night.”

  I lowered my glass to the table, staring at her.

  “That’s not what I told you at all, Kimmy.”

  She gave me a smile like she was confused. “It’s not?”

  I opened my mouth to ask her what the ever-loving fuck, but the front door opened and Gerard and Luc came in laughing.

  I didn’t know what to think about Kimmy’s version of events, but I resolved that I’d think about it later. Accounts blurred over time, especially if you only heard it second hand. Maybe it was an honest mistake on her part.

  “Thea! Get over here, dove,” Gerard practically scooped me up from the chair, and I giggled. He’d been a hell of a womanizer when I knew him, but he’d seemed like a good guy otherwise. Just out for a fun time, and I knew he’d been one of Luc’s close friends.

  “Hey, Gerard. It’s good to see you, even though it’s a complete surprise.” I glanced at Luc with a raised eyebrow. He gave me a sheepish smile, the first smile I’d gotten since our initial fight the day before.

  “Sorry, I was kind of distracted last night.”

  “Yeah, we know what you were distracted by!” Gerard wiggled his eyebrows and I forced a smile. Yeah, if only that had been the distraction.

  We needed to talk. Not yell, but talk to teach other like normal adults. We couldn’t keep screaming and yelling like children. We weren’t that young anymore. Now, it just seemed stupid and counterproductive.

  But he wouldn’t have come to me if we hadn’t had the fight that’d caused the little rumor. It was the first time I’d said I love you and it was the reason we were having this time together. So, our style of figuring things out wasn’t exactly mature…but we could work on it.

  Before he’d pulled me away from Cassie like we’d been doing something more than hugging, I was about to go find him and tell him I forgave him. Cassie had talked me through my feelings some and made me realize that I needed to work with Luc more, and talk to him instead of just going on the defensive. She’d said it w
as no way to have a relationship, that even though we were older, we needed to mature our ways of communicating too. Then Luc had come in and gone all “jealous husband” on us.

  Yeah, Cassandra was hot, but I wasn’t interested in women at all.

  “Luc, can we talk upstairs?”

  He looked at me with guarded eyes, and nodded, “Of course.”

  “Hey, don’t leave us to go off by yourselves just yet! We have a ton to catch up on. I have to show you two all the pictures and videos of Jasmine.” Kimmy jumped up from the table and flounced away, presumably to get the pictures and videos of her daughter.

  I started to call after her and tell her to get a damned robe while she was at it, but I didn’t bother. Luc hadn’t sent a single untoward glance her way, so there was that. I got the feeling before that he wasn’t too fond of Kimmy anyways.

  I was still going to let her know it wasn’t appropriate to walk around someone’s house with your ass cheeks out. I saw her glancing at Luc like he was her man instead of mine. Clearly, Gerard was her secondary option.

  “I guess we can talk later tonight?” I said, lightly caressing his forearm. I wanted him to know that I wasn’t feeling so mad anymore. It was exhausting. His eyes warmed and the small dimple appeared on the side of his cheek. He put a tender hand under my chin and nudged my face up, dropping a sweet kiss on my lips that made me sigh.

  “We will.”



  I was brushing my teeth when my Dad called.

  I spit out my toothpaste and swiped the answer button.

  “Daddyo, what’s up?”

  “It’s a blue moon, daughter of mine. I just got off the phone with your mother.”

  I rinsed my mouth and winced. Oh.


  “Yes. You have more than a little bit of explaining to do,” his voice was grim. I shut off the light in the bathroom and flopped on the bed.


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