Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers Page 30

by Unknown

  Smiling Shane said, “You’re welcome.”

  Satra took the first bite of her omelet and died and went to heaven. “This is so good….” She crooned in between chewing.

  Swallowing Shane said, “I told you.”

  The rest of their breakfast was beautiful. They spent the next hour and a half talking, laughing, and teasing each other – in more ways than one. They both knew they were flirting with the other and they both clearly enjoyed it. Their conversation turned to family, marriage and children. They shared with each other how many they wanted, their views on discipline, and what kind of education they wanted them to have. To Satra’s delight they were in agreement with their views. Shane wants four kids and Satra was leaning towards three, but was willing to have more if her husband wanted more and if her body reacted well to pregnancy. There were a few times she thought she’d slip and say that she’d have four kids for Shane instead of her husband. Shane couldn’t keep talking about kids because his mind kept wandering to making the babies with Satra, and the more they talked about children the more he wanted them now instead of later.

  Shane opened up to Satra about his family, how they became successful first in Italy and moved to America years later to expand. He shared with Satra that despite his family’s wealth he made it a point to try to live a normal life for as long as he could. He always had a job and worked hard for everything he got and didn’t like lavish gifts from his parents. He also shared with her how he’d sneak to the inner city to play basketball and that’s how he met his best friend Derrick and ultimately fell in love with inner city life and culture of New York. He loves R&B music, Neo Soul, old school hip-hop. He was very educated and immersed in in African American culture and he didn’t speak on it nonchalantly either. He wanted Satra to know that he wasn’t just fascinated with her culture or that he was just trying to fulfill a curiosity.

  Satra listened intently and was simply in awe of the man sitting before her. Never in her wildest dreams would she have guessed any of this about Shane Evans, but it did explain the undeniable swag he had. He was so different he almost seemed weird, but in a good way. He was the complete opposite of what most rich white men were like. He came from money, he dressed impeccably, but he never threw his money around or flashed his wealth. He never talked about his family’s business or what they did. No doubt being burned by money hungry women and so called friends made him that way. Satra was just happy that she decided a long time ago not to bring up his family and to let him do it on his own. She did not want him to think for one second that she was only interested in him because of what he had.

  “Thank you for sharing that with me. You amaze me. You’re like a total contradiction of what most people believe rich people to be and it’s so refreshing.”

  Shane frowned and smiled and said, “Well that’s an interesting way of putting it.”

  “It’s not bad, it’s just you’re the complete opposite of what I’d expect someone in your position to be. Case in point – the first time we met at that business meeting you were very kind and respectful towards me. You gave me your undivided attention and you listened. I can’t tell you how many business meetings I’ve been in where the men were so chauvinistic, rude, or disgusting dogs towards me. Granted I didn’t know you from Adam, but these men were rich and powerful and they made sure everyone in the room knew it. You weren’t like that all.”

  “That’s not true. I did like what I saw when I met you….I just know how to hide it better than others,” Shane said with a sexy smirk on his face.

  Satra narrowed her eyes at him and shot her napkin at him across the table. Shane laughed and caught it and said, “What, open and honest right? Remember our pinky swear?”

  “Only you would take a nice moment and turn it into that!” Satra said rolling her eyes.

  “I’m kidding Bella. Well, no I was being honest. I thought you were the most distractingly beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life the first time I laid eyes on you. That part is very true.”

  Feeling flushed and embarrassed and tingly and every other sort of mushiness, Satra couldn’t look Shane in the eyes anymore, and Shane knew he made her uncomfortable with his blunt statement but he didn’t care. He wanted her to know.

  She bit down the smart response she was going to give out of sheer nervousness and instead said, “Thank you.”

  Shane smiled. He knew that’s not what she wanted to say and was positive she had a smart response for him, but she was learning to take his compliments.

  “You’re welcome,” he said simply in his sexy deep voice.

  Shane paid their bill and they stayed a little while longer so Shane could catch up with Pop and Satra talked Ma.

  “What happened to your leg pop, why are you limping like that?” Shane asked in a concerned voice with his arm around Pop’s shoulder as they walked to a private area to talk.

  “Oh it’s nothing son, I took a spill a few months back, thought I would need surgery but the docs said I didn’t or that it would be too risky because of my diabetes. I’ve been going to rehab ever since but it doesn’t seem to be doing any good. They keep telling me it’s gonna take time, you know because of my age and what not, but I don’t know.”

  Shane frowned. He didn’t like the sound of any of that. He wondered if Pop was getting the run around because of his insurance. “Are you in pain?” Shane asked next.

  “Yeah it hurts, especially when I’m on my feet all day, but this is my life. This is all I know.”

  Shane hid the sadness in his eyes and patted Pop on the shoulder. “I know it is, but you have to take care of yourself too.”

  Shane took out a business card from his wallet and pen and wrote down a name and number and handed it to Pop.

  “I want you to call this doctor tomorrow. He’s a really good orthopedic doctor I know. I want you to go see him as soon as you can okay? He’s really nice and he won’t give you the run around. Don’t worry about co-payments or bills. Just go see him and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “I’ll go see him but I’m paying my own bills son.” Pop said proudly.

  “Just let me take care of this. He’s a friend of mine and he owes me a favor anyway. I don’t like seeing you limping around in pain like this and if anyone can get you better it’s him. His name is Dr. Brian Jacobson and he’s not far from you. Promise me you’ll do this.” Shane asked looking Pop square in the eyes.

  Pop had such a soft spot for Shane he couldn’t say no to him. He was like a son to him and Shane was always good to him and Ma. “Ok son, I’ll call him. This will make Ma happy. She’s been nagging me about getting a second opinion for the longest.”

  Shane chuckled. “Sometimes we have to listen to our women.”

  “So this young lady, you’re pretty smitten with her huh?” Pop said with a knowing twinkle in his eye.

  Smiling back at the old man Shane said, “Yeah, I’m very smitten with her.”

  “I could tell the minute you two walked through the door. She’s smitten with you too. I like her, she’s sweet and down to earth. You know, normal like my Ma.”

  Shane smiled again and said, “Yes she is. That’s why I like her so much too. She’s normal and different, sweet, funny. All those things and more.”

  “Well just make sure we get an invitation to the wedding son.” Pop said winking at Shane as they walked back to the ladies who were laughing and talking.

  They said their goodbyes and Shane and Satra got back on the road heading back to the city. This time Shane took his time getting her back home. They stopped at a fruit stand and bought some fresh strawberries from a farmer couple and he took her on a scenic route back home that gave beautiful views of the countryside.

  They continued their easy conversation the rest of the way home and Shane shared with Satra how he became a big brother to Jason through the Boys and Girls Club. Satra’s heart melted. Her view of him from this day forward was forever changed. He was the most unselfish and kind man on the
face of the earth. He was every woman’s dream. She knew for a fact that he would be a wonderful father to his own children. The love he has in his heart is just overwhelming. When he was done telling her about Jason Satra just looked at him. Shane felt uncomfortable under her gaze because he didn’t know what she was thinking about. Finally Satra spoke.

  “You are an amazing human being. Your heart is as big as the sky. The world would be so lucky if there were more men in it like you Shane.”

  That was a serious compliment and Shane couldn’t hide his blush this time. Stealing a glance her way he smiled appreciatively and said, “Thank you. It means a lot to hear that.”

  Soon he was pulling up in front of her condo. It seemed like they got there way too fast. They talked the entire ride home. Once he was parked in front of Satra’s condo they sat in silence for a moment. Shane didn’t want to leave her. They finally looked at each other and smiled.

  “Today couldn’t have been more perfect. Thank you for sharing Mom and Pop with me, they are such a sweet couple.”

  “You’re welcome. I knew you’d like them, and I knew you’d love the food. I enjoyed myself with you Bella. I always enjoy myself when I’m with you.”

  “I feel the same way,” Satra said bashfully. Why she felt bashful she didn’t know. Maybe it was the way that Shane looked at her. Maybe it was because his eyes were so beautiful and intense and she just wanted to melt in them.

  Shane reluctantly took off his seatbelt and got out of the car and walked around to Satra’s side to help her out. Once she was out and he shut the door behind her and took her hand in his as they walked slowly towards her condo. They both felt that familiar electric zing as soon as their skin touched. He entwined his fingers with hers, making their touch more intimate. Once they were inside of the building and on the elevator Shane gently pulled Satra into his arms. Satra nervously but willingly complied. Shane studied her eyes, her face, taking in her beauty and memorizing every detail. Finally he spoke.

  “I have a question for you.”

  “Okay…,” Satra said nervously.

  “Was our breakfast our first date?”

  Taking a moment to seriously consider his question and hiding her surprise at his questions Satra said, “No, I think that was technically our second date.”

  “I thought so too,” Shane said simply and he let her go and took her hand in his again. The elevator stopped and he led her off the elevator. Satra was puzzled at his behavior but continued to walk with him. Once they were in front of her door she was about to unlock it, but Shane stopped her and turned her around and took her in his arms again.

  “We need to properly end our second date,” he said in a deep, gruff voice before he tenderly captured her lips with his. The kiss started out sweet and gentle as he took his time exploring and tasting her plush lips. Never in his life had he kissed anything so soft and sweet. He needed more, he craved more and he urged her to part his lips for him with his strong tongue. Moaning, Satra complied immediately. He hungrily tasted her, caressed and stroked her tongue with his and then nipped and sucked on her bottom lip before devouring her mouth again with his hungry one.

  Satra could do nothing but moan softly and bury her hands in his silky hair at the back of his head. Her panties were so wet she was afraid her desire would run down her thigh. No man had ever turned her on like this from kissing. Hell, she couldn’t even remember getting this wet for any man! She gave back as much as he gave, taking her turn to explore and tease him. Her shyness melted away as need and desire took over her actions, and Shane loved every minute of it. He knew he had a closet sex kitten on his hands and he planned on bringing it out of her when the time was right. She could feel his desire poking her on her stomach, and boy was it a big one. Shane’s hands were all over her back, waist, and finally her voluptuous booty. He squeezed, massaged, and caressed her into a frenzy as he rubbed his desire against her in slow, torturous circles. Satra moaned in the back of her throat. If this didn’t end soon she was going to cum on his pants.

  “You taste so good baby.” He mumbled against her lips. “So soft…so sweet. I’ll never get enough of you,” he said in between sweet pecks on her lips. Reluctantly he pulled back, his eyes darkened with the same desire that was reflected in Satra’s eyes. They both were trying to catch their breath as their hearts pumped out of their chests. Satra took her thumb and cleaned her lip-gloss off of him.

  “That was some first kiss.” Satra finally said.

  Smiling down at her, his eyes gazing at her kiss swollen lips Shane said, “Yes it was. And I apologize for getting so carried away. I couldn’t help myself…..”

  Satra put her index finger on his lips and said, “Shhh…no need to apologize. I feel the same way. You are an amazing kisser, no a dangerous kisser, and if you keep that up you’re gonna mess around and knock me up.”

  Shane threw his head back and laughed. “I’m going to get you pregnant from kissing you Satra?”

  Giggling Satra said, “Yes, if you keep kissing me like that you’re going to get me pregnant without us even doing the do.”

  “Well I’m here to tell you that when I do get you pregnant you will know, and you’ll enjoy every mind blowing moment of it.” He rubbed her butt seductively and squeezed it to punctuate his words, his eyes hooded and full of desire.

  “I better get away from you before something happens,” Satra said before she gave him one last lingering peck on his lips and slipped out of his arms to unlock her door. Shane playfully grabbed at her and Satra swatted his hands away.

  “Stop it Shane!” She protested weakly when she finally got her door unlocked. She turned around to face him smiling and said, “I had a great time with you today. And you have to promise that when we kiss we don’t get carried away like that again.”

  Shane lifted a skeptical eyebrow at her. “Sweetheart I can’t promise that. Those lips, your luscious body…”

  “Shane….” Satra warned.

  “What?” he asked shrugging his shoulders in surprise. “I’m being honest. What you’re asking of me is damn near impossible! BUT for you, I will try my best to keep things tame.”

  “Try your best.” Satra stated with an eyebrow raised. “For me.”

  “I promise,” Shane said in a more serious tone.

  “I’ll call you later. Bye.”

  Satra closed the door and locked it. For a moment she leaned against her door smiling, still reeling from their first passionate kiss. Shane’s possessive claim on her and his declaration of when he’d get her pregnant didn’t go unnoticed by Satra either. The more she thought about it the wetter she got.

  “I need to get in some cold water…quick!” Satra said out loud to herself as she took her pumps off and ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Shane stood in the same spot outside of Satra’s door trying to process everything that just happened. Smiling he ran his hand through his hair and began walking down the hallway towards the elevator. Keeping things tame between him and Satra would be the hardest thing he’s ever had to do in his life.

  Shane was so caught up in his thoughts about Satra and how much she meant to him that he didn’t see the person sitting in a car across the street from him watching him. Shane started up his car and drove off with a smile on his face as he continued to marvel about the woman he just left, the woman that has claimed his entire heart and then some. The woman that he was head over heels in love with. The woman he wants to marry as soon as possible, and the woman he couldn’t wait to have children with.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Satra took a cold, quick shower and got dressed in her favorite sweats and a retro Milwaukee Brewers t-shirt. She had just put her hair into a sloppy ponytail on top of her head when she heard her doorbell ring. She ran down stairs figuring it was Alinna, wondering why she didn’t just use her key. She whipped the door open and said, “When are you gonna use that….” She stopped speaking immediately when she realized it wasn’t Alinna at all. Her blood went co
ld and she felt sick to her stomach at the face that looked back at her.

  “Cole, what the hell are you doing at my home? How did you find out where I lived?” Satra asked angrily.

  The smile that was plastered on Cole’s face was replaced with a disappointed, angry frown.

  “Well good morning to you to,” he said as he attempted to walk past Satra into her condo.

  Blocking his way Satra angrily said, “I don’t remember inviting you in so back up! Again, what are you doing here?”

  “Where is all this hostility coming from baby? Didn’t we have a good time bowling?”

  Cole was clearly irritated with the cold reception he was receiving from Satra.

  “First of all don’t call me baby, and second, yes, we had a good time bowling Cole, and that’s all it was, bowling! Why do you think it was anything more?” Satra asked.

  “Because we connected, Satra. We have a lot in common, and frankly we look good together.” Cole said smirking. He might as well have said, “Duh” afterwards.

  “Are you serious right now? Cole I’m not interested in you that way. Yes I had a good time with you and your family but that’s as far as things will ever go.”

  “Oh but you’re all for a relationship with some rich white boy huh? I saw you all snuggled up with him last night and I saw him just leave too. You fuckin him, ain’t you? You think I didn’t see y’all giving each other goo-goo eyes and letting him put his arms around you like he owns you. You like being massah’s little hoe don’t you?”

  No sooner than Cole got his last sentence out Satra pushed him further into the hallway and slammed the door in his face and locked it securely. Cole punched her door like some mad man and yelled her name over and over, demanding that she open the door. She called down to the security guard of the building and reported Cole to him and told him to make sure he never gains entry into the building ever again. Turning back to her door she screamed “If you don’t get your crazy ass away from my door in seconds I’m calling the police Cole! Leave me the hell alone and don’t you ever come back here!”


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