Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers Page 33

by Unknown

  “I thought you’d be heading home.” She said quietly.

  “Nope, I’m gonna stay here with you as long as you let me,” he said before softly kissing her forehead. A wave of relief came over Satra as she closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. She needed this, needed him. Shane felt her body relax and he knew he had made the right decision.

  The bodyguards came ten minutes later and Shane walked with them around the perimeter of her condo, including the roof. One was placed inside and the other outside of her door and another outside to watch everyone who came in and out the building. They were big men and looked like they were ex-military. They were not to be messed with that’s for sure. Satra wanted to ask Shane so badly where he found these men but figured she was better off not knowing.

  After Shane had the bodyguards up to date on their duties he joined Satra back on the couch. She had popped them some popcorn and made some lemonade for them to snack on while they chilled out on her couch. They found a Seinfeld marathon and laughed their butts off through two episodes. Satra’s eyes got heavy and her breathing got soft and even. Shane pulled the throw over them both and soon he was asleep as well.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The sun had set and it was now dark outside and inside of Satra’s condo. The only light was from the moon outside and the TV that was still on. At some point during their nap Shane had laid out on the couch with a pillow behind his head and Satra was lying halfway on top of him. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept so soundly. The sound of his heartbeat and his easy breathing was so calming and hypnotic. Having her soft body so close to his was the closest Shane has ever been to heaven. He felt peaceful and content. Everything about the moment felt right, as though it was meant to be in every possible way. He too slept more soundly than he could possibly remember and he was the first to awaken. He first looked down at his beautiful woman who was still sound asleep on his chest. He looked around the darkened condo briefly, noting one of the bodyguards standing at the door. He lifted his left arm and looked at the time on his watch and couldn’t believe it was almost seven o’clock in the evening. His growling stomach confirmed as much. Satra smiled at the noise and said in a husky voice “Someone is hungry.”

  Shane smiled and rubbed her back and said, “You heard that huh?”

  “I sure did.” Satra chuckled.

  She reluctantly peeled herself from his chest and sat up. Shane tried to stop her but Satra said, “I need to stretch baby, my leg has cramped up.”

  Shane got up and stretched his long limbs as well. He watched Satra as she took her hair out of the messy ponytail she had it in and ran her fingers through it. It was wild and sexy and Shane loved it. She then turned on lights and closed her curtains and blinds. Her eyes were still sleepy and she yawned occasionally as she went about her task. Shane watched her with love filled eyes, loving how natural she was, how she didn’t run to the bathroom to try to fix herself up for him. She was just her natural self and he loved her all the more for it.

  “Stop staring at me like that,” she said from across the room.

  “Like what?” Shane asked smiling.

  “Like you’ve never seen me before.”

  “Well I’ve never seen you like this before.” Shane admitted.

  God her thighs were so round and beautiful. He couldn’t wait to run his tongue across them. And her ass…damn it if her ass wasn’t the most perfectly rounded and plump piece of perfection. She is what Shane considered to be his type of woman. She had ample curves in all the right places and just enough for a big man like himself. He stayed hard while she lay on top of him during their nap.

  “What, fresh from a long nap with messy hair and sleepy eyes?” Satra said, interrupting his wolfish musings about her.

  “Exactly. You’re more beautiful now than I’ve ever seen you. You’re just your natural self and I love it.”

  “Well if you’re looking to score brownie points with me you just got one thousand extra points for saying that.” Satra laughed as she disappeared into the guest bathroom to relieve herself. She glanced at herself in the mirror and smiled. ‘So this is what he finds beautiful? She said to herself as she washed her hands. After drying them she ran her fingers through her hair a few times. Chuckling to herself she thought “If Shane thought I was gonna run to my bedroom to get all dolled up for him he was sadly mistaken! This is how I look after a nap and he needs to see the good, the bad and the ugly.’ She turned the light off and joined Shane in the living room.

  When she came out Shane said, “Let’s order Chinese.”


  “I know a good place, and they’ll deliver.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll even trust you with ordering,” Satra said winking at him.

  Shane chuckled, remembering when they first met and how he ordered her dinner for her. It seemed like such a long time ago now.

  They ate dinner while watching The Hangover. They both were huge Zach Galifinakis fans and laughed all through the movie. It was now almost 10pm and Shane hated to leave her but he had to. He helped her take their dishes to the kitchen and wash them. He put away the leftovers while she dried and put away the dishes. They worked very well together in the kitchen and he quickly learned where she kept everything.

  Once everything was put away and clean he pulled her into his arms and gave her a long, passionate kiss that ruined her panties. Again.

  “I hate to leave you but I have to go home baby.” He mumbled against her lips.

  “I know,” Satra said sadly.

  Smiling Shane kissed her again before he let her go. He went to the chair where his jacket was and put it back on. He then found his shoes and put them on as well.

  Shane walked to her front door and Sterling; the bodyguard opened it for him.

  Shane gave her one last kiss before he left.

  “I’ll call you as soon as I get home. You’re in good hands with these guys. I love you.”

  He said those last three words with so much meaning it made Satra’s heart smile.

  Looking into his eyes Satra said, “I love you too Shane.”

  It hurt his heart to leave her but he had to. With one final peck on her soft lips he left out the door. Sterling closed the door and Satra turned the TV off and the lights off except for the light in the foyer.

  “Good night Sterling,” she said before she headed upstairs. Sterling simply nodded and said, “Good night ma’am.”


  As promised Shane called Satra as soon as he made it home. Satra took a quick hot shower and got in the bed. She thought she’d have a hard time falling asleep since she took that long nap earlier but that wasn’t the case. The minute her head hit her pillow she was in another deep sleep. She could still smell Shane and his intoxicating cologne mixed with his natural manly smell in her nose. She loved the way he smelled. It was something she’d never get tired of or ever forget, and it was with that thought that she went to sleep.

  The ride into work was interesting with her new bodyguards following closely behind her the entire way. Once she was parked they drove around the parking lot and the entire perimeter of the building noting all entrances and exits. Shane had gotten them the floor plan to the entire building, including the floor Satra worked on and the exact location of her office. He wanted everything covered and he wanted her to be well protected. He was paying them handsomely for their skill and expertise so he expected nothing but the best from them.

  Work was hectic but Satra was thankful for Shane’s calls. Hearing his voice had such a calming effect on her mood. Just as he promised he called her first thing in the morning before she left for work, and then he called her at work a few times just to check up on her and to tell her how much he missed her and loved her. It made her smile and blush, and it warmed her heart. Grayson was wondering what was going on with her and what had her smiling so much. They barely had time to speak they both were so busy. Satra wanted to tell Grayson about everything, but she knew she co
uldn’t without revealing her and Shane’s suspicions about Di Amato and the fact that there may be a traitor within Grayson and Lucas. “Well I should probably tell him about me and Shane. That’s something he’s going to find out sooner or later anyway.” She reasoned to herself. Grayson knew her too well and he always knew when something was up with her just like he knew his flesh and blood daughters. Satra had decided that she’d tell him over lunch one day that week.

  She was prepared to order something in with her assistant and eat in her office when she got a knock on her door. “Come in,” she yelled.

  Grayson opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. He had a newspaper in his hand folded up, but Satra didn’t notice it right away. She smiled happily when she saw that it was her boss.

  “Hey boss. How’s your day going?” she asked happily.

  “Busy as hell, but you already know that. How about you?” he asked smiling back suspiciously at his favorite employee.

  “Busy as hades like you said. But time is flying by which is a good thing and I’ve gotten a lot of things done,” Satra said as she pointed to her large “completed” pile on her desk.

  “You’ve been smiling nonstop today. Does this have anything to do with it?” Grayson asked as he unfolded the MSE newspaper, revealing the picture of her and Shane on the cover.

  Satra could only smile and put her head down after glancing at the picture of her and Shane on the cover. She made a mental note to herself to take her copy of the picture and have it framed. She also knew lying to Grayson would be pointless, and he’d be very insulted if she did so she decided to come clean.

  “Yes, it has everything to do with that…or him if you will.” Satra smiled.

  “I knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of when. I knew he had it bad for you from your first meeting. Then when your dad got sick and he called me asking for help with getting him a gift basket I really knew he was a goner. Shane’s a good man, I like him a lot. Of course I did some checking up on him…..”

  “Grayson!” Satra gasped.

  “After that last jerk you dated I wanted to make sure that the next guy that came along was on the up and up. Evans is a good man. Now his boss is very questionable but that’s a whole other story.”

  So he has his suspicions about Di Amato too? Interesting.

  “Well I’m glad you approve of him, dad,” Satra said smiling at her boss.

  Ignoring her sarcasm Grayson continued, “You’re in love with him aren’t you?”

  Boy is he cutting to the chase!

  “I am,” Satra said quietly. It was time that she finally admitted to herself, and to say it out loud.

  “And it’s the real deal this time. I’ve never in my life felt this way about anyone.”

  “Have you met his family yet?”

  “No, but I’m sure that’ll be happening soon.”

  “You two should come over for dinner one night. I’d like for Maggie and girls to meet Shane.”

  “That would be really nice Grayson. Just let me know when.”

  “I need to lay down some rules with him. I can’t have you with another broken heart.” Grayson said sternly.

  Satra could only shake her head.

  “That poor, poor man. He’s gonna get the third degree from you, my dad and all three of my brothers. Basically all the men in my life.”

  “Well if he’s the man you think he is he’ll be able to take it and he won’t get offended by it. We all love you and want to see you happy Satra.”

  Satra was touched by Grayson’s warm and kind words. What has gotten into him today that he’s so mushy and open with his feelings? She didn’t realize just how much Grayson thought of her as his own child. When she went through that horrible mess with Matt, Grayson wanted to kill Matt and came close to paying someone to beat him up real good and run him out of town. He’d never tell Satra that, but he came close to doing it.

  Satra stood up and walked around her desk to Grayson. “Come on, stand up and give me a hug.”

  Grayson smiled and stood up, his tall frame towering over her. Satra got on her tippy toes and hugged her second father tightly. “I love you too, and thank you for caring so much about me.” Pulling back she continued, “I promise you that Shane is nothing like Matt. He’s the real deal and I love him with all of my heart. I tried to fight it, but he’s the one.”

  “As long as you’re happy and he treats you right Satra. That’s all I care about.”

  “I know you do, and I appreciate it.”

  “Come on, let’s go have lunch. You have to tell me about the ball and the latest gossip.”

  Grayson’s eyes were gleaming with mischief.


  Lunch with Grayson was exactly what Satra needed. She had Grayson in tears the entire time as she recounted all of the funny things that happened at the ball. She only wished she had more gossip to tell him, but since she didn’t know the majority of the people there she was limited in that area.

  Grayson also shared with her the latest about his parents and how they are transitioning them into a posh assisted living home. Satra could tell that this was a hard decision for Grayson to make but he had to do it. His parent’s health is declining and they simply need help. There were so many times during their lunch that Satra came close to sharing her suspicions about Di Amato with Grayson, but she kept remembering Shane’s advice and how now wasn’t the time. She just hoped that time would come around soon. The thought of something happening to Grayson or the company he gave his life to building before she had the chance to tell him would crush her.

  Shane had to work late as well. Besides cleaning out his office at Di Amato’s, he began getting things set up at his new office. Nothing gave Shane more pleasure than walking into Di Amato’s and not speaking to anyone other than Alice the receptionist and his assistant Casey. The moment Casey saw him she got up from her desk and followed him into his office and closed the door.

  She walked up to his desk and said, “Take me with you!”

  Shane looked up at Casey and laughed. Casey was a short, petite red headed woman who had been with him since joining Di Amato. She was sweet, pretty and feisty.

  “News travels fast around here,” Shane said as he rounded his desk.

  “Well there’s that and the fact that Mr. Di Amato has been on an awful rampage. I have never seen him like this Shane, and there’s no way in hell I’m staying here if you leave. Wherever you’re going, whatever you’re doing, please take me with you. You’re the best boss I’ve ever had.” Casey pleaded.

  Sitting on the corner of his desk, Shane folded his arms and said, “It’s funny you say that because I was planning on asking you to be my assistant at my new company. I’ve started my own business Casey, and when I finish packing up a few things here I’m heading to my new offices. To sweeten the deal, I’m going to double your salary and throw in an extra two weeks of vacation on top of what you already get here. What do you say?”

  Casey was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to say. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were wide in surprise.

  “Oh my God. Are you serious right now?”

  “Very serious.”

  “Yes! I accept your offer!” Casey squealed as she ran to hug Shane.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no clue how much this means to me Shane.” Casey said when she let go of her death grip around Shane’s neck. Shane smiled.

  “I only have the best working for me Casey, and you’ve been the best assistant a businessman could ask for. Now, we need to stop talking and finish packing and get out of this dump.”

  “All I need is five minutes to pack.” Casey said as she ran out of Shane’s office smiling from ear to ear.

  “I’m parked out front so meet me out there in ten.” Shane yelled after her.

  Shane only packed away the personal items he brought to his office himself. Pictures, paintings, and some key files full of prospective business opportunities
that he was going to share with Di Amato at one point, but decided to keep to himself. Picking up his box he walked out of his office and turned off the light and never looked back. He stopped at the reception desk to say goodbye to Alice. She was a sweet older black woman who was in her late fifty’s but looked like she was forty. She along with Casey kept Shane abreast of what was going on in the office and with Di Amato. Alice was a great ally to have and Shane was going to miss her. She had classy taste and was always impeccably dressed. She kept her beautiful silver haircut in short, jazzy styles that complimented her beautiful face. She was the consummate professional and worked for Di Amato for many years, longer than any of the other staff.

  “This is goodbye Alice. I’m gonna miss you, and your homemade brownies,” Shane said as he smiled at her.

  Alice’s eyes were sad. Shane was like a son to her. She stood up and walked around the reception desk and gave Shane a big motherly hug and kiss on his cheek. She took his face into her hands and said, “You should have left that crazy fool a long time ago. You’re too good for him. I’m proud of you.”

  Her kind words touched Shane more than he expected. Smiling down at Alice he said, “Thank you Alice, I appreciate that. You’re too good for him as well and should have left him a long time ago too.”

  Alice looked away briefly. She knew what Shane was referring to.

  “I’m gonna stay in contact with you. I’m going to need a receptionist soon…”

  Walking back around the reception desk to take her seat again Alice straightened her perfectly pressed suit jacket and said, “You know where to find me.” She gave Shane a sly smile.

  Winking at her Shane said, “I’ll be in touch Alice. Take care.”

  He walked out of lobby and out of the doors of Di Amato and Associates. Casey was parked behind Shane’s car waiting for him smiling excitedly.


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