Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers Page 39

by Unknown

  “You’re not looking at the big picture Grayson! For years you’ve talked and dreamed about taking this company to the next level and we’ve never gotten there. I’ve watched you bust your ass again and again only to come up short. We’re getting too old for this shit! I don’t have the same energy I had when I was 25 or 30 Grayson. We deserve a nice nest egg. We built this company with our own two hands and got it to where it is now. It’s time to let it go while it’s still very profitable. Don’t you get it?”

  “You’re right. I busted my ass Mitchell. I always did all the dirty, grimy work while you sat back and watched and then you’d swoop in just in time to take the credit. You chose the accounts you wanted to work on, usually the big named accounts that would garner you publicity. I never said anything because that was you. That was your thing, and I had decided years ago that with or without you I would keep this company going. This company is my life and I’ll be damned if I let you or that slime ball piece of shit Di Amato piss it away with the hopes of getting richer! What makes you think he’s not going to double cross you Mitchell? Huh? Have you even thought about that? You know this man’s reputation, his connections to the mob, and yet you’re willing to piss on your own company and join forces with HIM? What is wrong with you?”

  “And yet you also knew his reputation and you made a deal with the devil as well to get Vandalay, so what does that say about you?” Daniels spat back.

  “The deal we made with him was legal and by the book. You were very well aware of the short term goal with this Mitchell.”

  Grayson was incredulous. The man standing before him suddenly looked like a total stranger. All of these years he thought he knew Mitchell Daniels, but in this heated moment he realized he did not. This is the same man he thought of as his closest friend, a brother even. It hurt him to his core. Daniels noticed how Grayson called him Mitchell, something he knew he didn’t do unless he was truly upset with him. The respect Grayson once had for Mitchell was completely gone and it hurt. He saw the hurt and disappointment in Grayson’s eyes, heard it in his voice. He could no longer look Grayson in the eyes. He felt ashamed and sick to his stomach and it angered him that Grayson couldn’t look past his anger and see the bigger picture.

  “I just wanted to give you fair warning that this is happening and it’s happening now. All of the board members are on board, I have the paperwork here.” Mitchell said as he pulled out a thick envelope from his suit jacket full of legal papers all signed by all parties and notarized. The board could out vote Grayson, and Grayson never had the chance to speak to any of them to get them to reconsider and think about what they were doing. This can’t be right.

  Taking the envelope from Mitchell, Grayson said in a cold, emotionless voice “Then I guess we have nothing further to talk about from here on out. Goodbye Mitchell.”

  With that curt, dismissive sentence Grayson turned around, walked to his desk and tossed the envelope to the side and sat down and went back to work. Mitchell stood there for several moments looking defeated. He had truly lost his best friend. Just like that over 40 years of friendship was down the toilet. Slowly he turned around and walked to the door and left, closing it softly behind him.

  Grayson wanted to destroy his office from top to bottom but instead he had to think of a way around this takeover. There had to be something legally wrong with how they did this. He’s a founding partner in the company and he had no say in the takeover. Not even a vote. He needed to get a legal team on this, and not the corporate legal team that his company used. He had to get an outside high powered legal team and quick. As soon as his hands stopped shaking from the rage he felt, he would call up his old friend who is one of the best legal minds in the country and set up a meeting for that night.

  Before he picked up his phone, Grayson saw his voicemail message light blinking. Checking his messages he listened to Shane’s message and called him back.

  “Shane, its Grayson. What’s going on?”

  “Let’s meet somewhere to talk. You familiar with Donovan’s Irish Pub?” Shane asked.

  “It’s a bit early for a beer, but yes, I know where it is.”

  “Meet me there in 10 minutes,” Shane said.

  “I’ll see you there.” Grayson said as he stood up.

  Grayson called his secretary and told her to cancel any meetings he had for the rest of the afternoon. He grabbed his suit jacket from behind his chair, picked up his keys and wallet and headed out of the door. Satra was walking back to her office when she saw Grayson leaving. His face still looked upset so she kept walking to her office. She hated seeing Grayson this way, and she hated not being able to talk to him, but she decided to listen to Shane and give Grayson his space.

  Shane got to Donovan’s first and he picked a booth in the back of the pub where they could have privacy. He ordered scotch on the rocks for him and Grayson. A few minutes later Grayson walked in and found Shane in the back of the pub. He slid into the empty seat across from Shane. They shook hands.

  “Thanks for meeting me on such short notice,” Shane said.

  He saw the anger and agitation in Grayson’s face.

  “No problem. What’s going on?”

  “Di Amato,” Shane said.

  Grayson growled and took a big gulp of his drink before slamming it back down on the table.

  “Damn that snake in the grass. I should have known better than to do business with him. I knew his past, knew his mob ties, but being the “Everybody deserves a second chance” person that I am, I thought he turned a new leaf and was different. Boy was I wrong, and now it’s costing me my company Shane.”

  “Before we go any further, how much do you know about what Di Amato is doing Grayson?” Shane asked.

  “I know he’s been in cahoots behind my back with Mitchell. I know they got the board to vote for this buyout without my knowledge. Why, is there more?” Grayson asked with his brows creased in a frown.

  “Di Amato is on a rampage. He’s trying to get revenge on everyone that he feels wronged him, past and present. The acquisition of Vandalay and teaming up with you and Daniels was just a cover for what he really plans on doing, which is destroying your company.”

  “What?” Grayson said incredulously. “What do you mean destroying my company? I thought this was just a buyout?”

  “His plan is to buy and then completely dismantle Lucas and Daniels. Whatever promises he made to Daniels and the board to get them on his side is nothing but a lie. He thinks you snitched on him some years ago when he was in trouble with the mob Grayson, and he wants revenge because of it.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Grayson said in total disbelief. He sat back against the booth looking at Shane waiting for him to say “I gotcha!” This had to be a joke.

  “Shane I didn’t even know the man back then. I knew of him, but I had nothing to do with him being caught, and I certainly didn’t snitch on him! How could I snitch when I didn’t even know the man or know of his mob ties?” Grayson asked.

  “You mean to tell me all these years I’ve been dealing with a certifiable head case and didn’t even know it?” Grayson continued.

  “You and me both have been dealing with a lunatic and didn’t know it. He hid his craziness well, I’ll tell you that,” Shane said shaking his head.

  “He also has it out for me. He hates me, hates my family and our wealth. Don’t ask me why, he just does. He also wanted to take Satra away from you, and me. He knows how close you and Satra are, and he knows that Satra and I are together. He’s been following us.”

  “How do you know all of this Shane?” Grayson asked.

  Shane smirked. “Cole DaCosta paid me a visit this morning. Said he wanted to warn all of us that Di Amato has gone off his rocker and has it out for all of us. He’s on a plane to Chicago now. He’s moving there.”

  “DaCosta? You sure you can trust what he says Shane?” Grayson asked skeptically.

  “Yeah, I believe him. Trust me, he has nothing to gain in
all of this. I made sure of that.” Shane replied before taking a swallow of his scotch.

  Grayson looked at Shane with a raised eyebrow.

  “Sounds like we’ll have to have drinks again one day soon to have that discussion.” Grayson said as he smirked at Shane.

  “Before you called, Mitchell and I had it out. He called himself coming clean about what he had done behind my back. He told me that everything was going down soon and there was nothing I could to do stop it. Little does he know that he got in the bed with the devil himself and he’s preparing to destroy what we both worked so hard to build. Money hungry Mitchell…that was always his downfall. He always cared more about money than anything else. Now look where that’s gotten us.” Grayson said disgustedly.

  “Di Amato has it out for all of us, and the fact that he tried to use Satra to hurt us both really pisses me off. Knowing him the way I do, he’s not going to stop. And if he’s on this rabid rampage like Cole says he is, he’s not going to stop until he sees blood. We have to act now to stop him once and for all. I already have a plan in mind, but I wanted to talk to you before I did anything since this also involves the future of your company.”

  Grayson listened intently to Shane as he spoke. His face had a mixture of emotions playing on it, but the one that stood out the most was anger. He nodded in agreement with Shane. They needed to act now.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “I’ve had my people digging into every aspect of his life. I know how often the man takes a dump to how much money is really in his bank account. I also found out that he still has mob ties and they have been secretly funding some of his most lucrative business deals. The money is being sent into secret Swiss accounts. Making sure that information gets into the hands of the feds will put him away for the rest of his miserable life. I’ll also see to it that he has no way of starting up another business ever again, even from jail.”

  “You certainly have the means and the connections to make that happen. In the meantime I’ve got to deal with Daniels and the board selling me out, and the Vandalay take over. I cannot believe I’ve worked this hard and this long to be in this kind of fucked up mess.”

  Grayson downed the last of his liquor and signaled to the waitress for another.

  “When I take care of Di Amato, Vandalay will be yours Grayson - if you still want it. You’ve got my word on that.”

  Grayson’s ocean blue eyes were wide with surprise and confusion. Shane swallowed the last of his drink and gathered his car keys.

  “I have no use for Vandalay. Personally I like the company and I think with a little help it could thrive. Vandalay can help Lucas and Daniels though. It’s a win-win situation for you Grayson, just give me the word and I’ll make it happen.”

  Shane stood up and pulled out some bills to pay for their drinks.

  “Hell yeah I want it! It’s what I’ve been working hard to get for the past 3 years; I just didn’t have the money. That’s the only reason why I teamed up with the likes of Di Amato. I guess you can say I got desperate. In any case, thank you Shane. I really do appreciate all that you’re doing.”

  “You’re a good man Grayson, and Satra loves you, and I love her and I proposed to her. So we’re family now.”

  Grayson’s eyes lit up and he quickly got to his feet and hugged Shane.

  “Congratulations young man! I couldn’t be happier for the both of you. Satra is like a daughter to me and I couldn’t imagine a better man for her to marry than you.”

  “Thanks Grayson, that means a lot to me. I hate to rush off, but I have a lot of things to do before I introduce my fiancé to my family. Then next Friday we’ll be hopping on a plane to Milwaukee to meet her family. I don’t want any of this shit hanging over our heads and keeping Satra from being completely happy,” Shane said in a serious, matter of fact tone.

  “I don’t blame you.” Grayson said in agreement.

  I’ll be in touch.”

  Grayson and Shane shook hands, both men smiling a bit more now that they know that Di Amato will be dealt with. Grayson hadn’t smiled in a long time, and for the first time in weeks, he had several reasons to smile.

  Shane called his investigator as he got into his car and told him to meet him at his office with all the files and evidence he had on Di Amato. Shane was going to pay Di Amato a visit today to put an end to all of his madness. The sooner he did so, the sooner he and Satra and everyone else involved could move on with their lives.

  At the office Satra was busy as usual. New campaign shoots were under way, she sat in on new business pitches throughout the day to help cover for those who were out at client meetings or location shoots. Later that day she had several back-to-back client conference calls. After her last meeting Satra was finally able to find some peace and quiet in her office. She kicked off her shoes and put her feet up on her desk and closed her eyes for a moment. Throughout the day her mind continued to drift to Shane and the incredible night they shared, and the beautiful ring that was sitting on her finger. She was so happy that she didn’t care that she was being asked to be a part of meetings and calls that she wasn’t normally part of. The secretaries and her other colleagues quickly noticed the big sparkly rock on her finger, and she enjoyed the giggling girl talk, well wishes and hugs from all of them. Just as she began to truly relax there was a knock on her door.

  It was Donna, her assistant who popped her head in.

  “Sorry to interrupt you, but Frank Di Amato is here to see you.”

  “What? Are you serious?” Satra said surprised, and disgusted.

  “Yup, I’m serious. Do you want to see him?”

  Satra hesitated for moment before saying “Yes, send him in Donna.”

  She put her heels back on and sat up straight behind her desk. Moments later Frank Di Amato walked through her door with a sinister smile on his face. His eyes looked crazed to Satra, which unsettled her, but she refused to let it show.

  “Ms. Sinclair, thank you for seeing me. I know I don’t have an appointment and you’re a busy woman, so I’ll keep my visit short.”

  “Please have a seat.”

  Satra said dryly, offering no greeting in return.

  When he walked towards her desk she noticed he had a manila file in his hand.

  “I’ll get to the point. As you know, Shane quit my firm. Shane is a smart man, brilliant even, but he’s not the man you think he is.”

  “What do you mean?” Satra was irritated now.

  “Well why don’t you take a look for yourself my dear, and tell me if you still love him after reading this.” Di Amato glanced at her engagement ring on her finger and smirked.

  “Let’s get something straight Frank” Satra said icily. “I don’t care if this file says that Shane is a serial killer, there is nothing you or anyone else can tell me about that man that I will believe. Nothing. Now I want you and your sick games to get the hell out of my office, and never come back again.”

  Frank Di Amato laughed as he stood up, though there was no humor in his eyes. “You silly, silly girl. I thought you were smarter than this, but apparently not. I pegged you all wrong. He’ll hurt you, and when he does I’ll be here waiting with open arms. You and I, we could do a lot together. Don’t be stupid.”

  “Get out of my office you delusional fool!” Satra yelled as she stood up.

  Like the slimy snake that he is, Frank Di Amato slithered out of her office without another word, but had a satisfied smirk on his lips. Satra called security to make sure he exited the building and its premises.

  Satra was so mad she was shaking. She thought about calling Shane but knew if she did he’d go ballistic. Her eyes kept looking at the manila file that Di Amato left on the corner of her desk. She knew Di Amato was trying to tear her and Shane apart and she didn’t want to hear or read anything he had to say to make her believe that Shane is anything but the loving, caring, unselfish man that she’s come to know and fall head over heels in love with. She took the file and put it
in the bottom drawer of her desk and slammed it shut. She wanted to shred it but decided to keep it and show it to Shane later.

  “I need to get out of here,” Satra said out loud to herself. She called Alinna and asked her if she could get away for lunch.

  “Of course. Let’s meet up at Elsa’s in ten minutes.” Alinna said happily.

  Satra arrived at Elsa’s first and asked for a private table in the back. Alinna walked in moments later and Satra flagged her gorgeous friend down. Alinna had on a beautiful teal wrap around dress with bright yellow high-heeled sandals. The dress hugged her curves in all the right places, and Satra laughed to herself at all the heads that turned as Alinna sashayed her way to the back of the restaurant.

  “Hey girl! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” Alinna said as she hugged her best friend. Smiling Satra said, “Well this is one reason why.” She held out her left hand for Alinna to see her engagement ring.

  Alinna screamed and jumped up and down before she grabbed Satra into the biggest bear hug ever. The entire restaurant was now looking at them.

  Satra simply laughed and hugged her friend back tightly, jumping up and down with her.

  Finally they sat down and Alinna said, “I want all the details from start to finish. Oh my God I’m so happy for you Satra! How, when? I need to hear it all!”

  This was the distraction Satra needed from Di Amato. She couldn’t help feeling dirty from the moment he entered her office. It was as though Di Amato’s bad energy lingered in the air. They ordered cocktails and Satra told Alinna all the events that led up to Shane’s proposal. She left out the steamy sex, but let Alinna know that it was out of this world amazing.


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