Runaway Wife

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Runaway Wife Page 1

by Powerone

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  Renaissance E Books

  Copyright ©

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  ISBN 978-1-60089-055-0

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © 2007 Powerone

  This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission.

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  Sizzler Editions/B&D

  A Renaissance E Books publication


  A Secret No one Knew

  She finally heard the door closing—Jim was leaving for work. She lay back in the bed, relaxing now that he was no longer home. So began her morning ritual, Keri glancing at the clock, checking the time, waiting the mandatory one half hour it would take to assure that she would be completely alone. This was to make sure that Jim didn't forget something and sneak back into the house, catching Keri in her most intimate time. It wasn't really cheating on him, after all; it was only herself that excited her body to the fever pitch that finally gave her the sexual relief she needed each day.

  She got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and caught a glimpse of her in the mirror as she went back into the bedroom. She looked good for thirty-two. Thirty-two, had it been that long? Where had all the time gone?

  They had started out as a loving couple—or at least Keri thought Jim loved her. Over the years she began to doubt her own assumptions. She was smart, having graduated from college with a degree in Art History, while Jim moved on to law school. They had frequently seen each other while in college, dating on and off while he was in law school. Once he graduated and passed the bar exam, he began to take more of an interest in her. Keri just thought he had more time and was serious about a family, but she now thought it was because of her Father. Her Father, who ran the head of one of the most prestigious law firms in the country, with the main office headquartered in New York, and small satellite office located in Denver. He had refused to let his family live in New York City, preferring to commute regularly from their home in Denver, Colorado. Keri suspected that Jim wanted to move up the corporate ladder at a rate quicker than what his abilities would normally allow, and what better way to do so than to marry the boss's daughter?

  The wedding had been a grand affair by Denver standards, her Father happy that his only daughter was finally wed. He liked Jim and had welcomed him into the Denver office, even though that was not where Jim, who had higher aspirations, wanted to remain. That had been seven years ago. Their first year was a happy time, or at least Keri thought it was. Than came the 9/11 tragedy. On the West Coast, although it had been regarded as a terrible incident, the population remained somewhat distanced from the event because most people didn't know anyone personally affected by it. Not so with Keri. Her father's Law Office was located on the 85th floor of The World Trade Center. It was directly impacted by Flight 175, the plane having smashed through floors 78 to 85. It was the second tower to be struck, but the first to fall down. There were no survivors of her Father's law firm, her father and mother among the victims. It was one of those rare times that her father had convinced his wife to go to New York with him, her mother eager to do some shopping in the big city.

  The firm never survived the disaster, which left the smaller Denver branch the only part remaining. Aside from the office itself, most of the talented lawyers that made the firm the success it was perished as well in New York. It was less than six months before the Denver office was sold to another law office, Jim having been forced to go with the new firm, his chances for the big-time in law greatly diminished in Denver. Jim had changed after that, had become more moody and less attentive with Keri, almost as if he resented her for her parents’ untimely death. It had been a far more difficult time for Keri, having to cope with the loss of both her parents and the realization that she was now more alone than she had ever been. Even her parent's wealth was dissipated by the disaster, their most valuable asset being the New York Office. With all the partners having perished in the disaster, there was nothing to sell and the clients were forced to move quickly to new representation. After the countless lawsuits were settled, Keri's final inheritance amounted to less than $500,000. Jim had quickly purchased a home with the bulk of it, the rest salted away in some investment. It was last year that Keri had discovered, purely by accident, that Jim had purchased the home in his name only, which made her in turn believe that the remaining money was beyond her reach. Jim had found a calling in divorce law in Denver and he was good at husband asset protection.

  Jim didn't allow Keri to work and kept her begging for money. Keri wasn't sure why he did that, but guessed that he liked to keep her beneath his thumb. And sex had been non-existent, at least for the last two years. While they slept in the same bed, he never made a move to have sex with her and Keri was too shy to do anything, even if she had the desire. She spent most of her day in masturbatory fantasy, from the minute Jim left for the office, to the time he came home. Keri pulled herself from her musings and glanced at the clock, noting that the half-hour was up, sure that Jim was safely at work. She stood in front of the mirror, taking off the sexless men's pajamas she usually slept in, stripping until her naked body shone back in the full length mirror. So began her fantasy.

  It hadn't started out as a fantasy, this imagined encounter she relived on a daily basis; in fact it had begun as more of a nightmare, keeping her sleepless for almost a year, forcing her to move back in with her parents, the only environment in which she felt safe. The incident had occurred over ten years ago, before she was married to Jim. She had moved out of her parents’ house after graduating from college, having found a nice small one bedroom apartment downtown. She had always been very sexually conservative, having lost her virginity to a boy when she was nineteen. The loss of her innocence had taken place in the dark, Keri taken back when the boy had forced her to touch his cock. He had rolled her onto her back and Keri had felt shame as he spread her legs like a whore, his cock pounding in her virgin pussy until he came inside her, without a care for her own enjoyment. They had had sex only once more, the second coupling not much more enjoyable than the first. Keri supposed that disastrous encounter had inhibited her somewhat. Even after being married for seven years, she still refused to let Jim see her in the nude, not that he was ever interested any longer. And she didn't engage in oral sex. At least, she hadn't since that night.

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  It had been a warm summer night ten years ago, Keri leaving the windows of the apartment open. She had slipped into bed, a bra and panties all that covered her lean twenty-two year-old body. She slept under the cool sheets, falling asleep quickly. She had always been a sound sleeper, not that it would have made a difference.

  He had been planning this for weeks, ever since he had seen Keri tanning on the lounge chairs by the pool. He cleaned the pool once a week, arranging his schedule around Keri's, her tanning almost routine. Everything third day she would lay out for two hours from 10:00 A.M. to noon. Brad made sure that he caught her on his weekly visit. He had tried talking to her, although he never felt that his interest would be returned by the young beauty. After all, he was only the pool man—though he did catch her looking at him as he cleaned the pool in his tight bathing suit, his cock bulging out the front, Keri's bikini-clad
body and the way the suntan lotion glistened on her bare flesh giving him a perpetual hard-on when she was around. She was cordial enough to him, but she always quickly ended any attempt at conversation. He wasn't good enough for her. He guessed her to be about 21, ten years younger than he was. The more he saw of her that summer, the more she rebuffed him, until Brad finally reached the breaking point in July. He had checked out her apartment when she was lying by the pool, having been able to make a copy of the master key that the landlord unwittingly left in his possession one day when Brad was talking to him. He had used the opportunity presented when the landlord left him alone with the keys for a moment, to make a clay impression. The landlord had never suspected a thing when he came back. A friend had made the key, the $300.00 Brad had paid him enough to gain his silence in the future.

  Brad stood outside her apartment, the moon only at a quarter, the complex dark. He waited for an hour after he saw her bedroom light go out, taking his cock out and stroking it until it was hard and thick. Tonight she would pay. He would bring her down a peg. He looked at his watch, making sure to slip silently toward her door, even though most of the complex's residents were already in bed and would most likely be unaware of any noises he made. He held his breath as he put the key in the lock and heard the click of the tumblers opening as he turned it, the anticipation of what he was about to do jump-starting his heart. He pulled out the knife he carried, the blade over a foot long, serrated and gripped the thick handle, the butt as thick as his cock. It would come in handy in many ways. In his other hand he held a gym bag which contained rope, a digital camera and a wide collection of sex toys. Brad had spent many nights on the Internet buying the toys he would use to violate her body.

  He slipped silently into her room, his soft sneakers not making a sound, the only noise that would have given away his presence being his heavy breathing He could see her shadow in the bed, illuminated by a small nightlight shining in the bathroom. He could see her chest rising up and down beneath the sheet, her legs parted slightly as she lay on her back, unaware of the fate that would befall her tonight. She stirred slightly when he got on the bed, her mind off in a dream, never realizing the danger that was so close to her.

  Suddenly Keri was shocked awake, a strange hand on her mouth, sealing her lips closed, pushing her head into the pillow. She opened her eyes, a dark shadow kneeling next to her on her bed. The shadow alone was not what scared her, however. Rather, it was the light from the bathroom reflecting off the long blade of the knife placed only inches from her neck that sent pure terror running through her veins. She froze, her eyes opened wide in fear, trying desperately to suck in air through her nose, her chest rising and falling, the hand almost suffocating her. “MMMMGG,” she cried, her muffled plea barely intelligible.

  "You lay real still Keri, and I wouldn't have to hurt you.” Brad whispered. His cock throbbed to be released, her terror sexually exciting him beyond expectations. He pressed the sharp edge of the blade against her throat, applying pressure until a trickle of blood fell from the shallow wound. “You make any noise and the next time I'll slit you from ear to ear before anyone can help you.” He waited a beat to let her fully grasp the reality of the situation. “Nod if you understand.” he prompted. He loosened his hand on her mouth slightly, just giving her enough room to shake her head up and down, his body poised to pounce on her if she defied him. “That's a smart girl. Now I'm going to take my hand away from your mouth.” He pressed the knife in her face again to emphasize the alternative. He pulled his hand away from her mouth hesitantly, waiting to see if she would disobey and was pleased when the only sounds that came from her mouth were her whimpers. “Good girl. Now reach over and turn on the light,” he ordered her. He stayed close to her as she turned the light on, the room suddenly bathed in the bright light. The sheet had fallen away, leaving her naked except for the sexy bra that encased her lovely tits. His cock jerked in pleasure as he watched her breasts dance in the cups of her bra as she turned back over onto her back. Her hand went to pull the sheet over her semi-nude body, and he quickly grabbed her arm, preventing her from covering herself. “Don't!” he cried hoarsely. “Leave it alone. You have nice tits. You should show them off."

  The man that pinned Keri to the bed wasn't even wearing a mask and she instantly recognized the pool man. Brad, she thought his name was. She was so scared she was afraid she would pee herself, her thighs clenched tightly. The knife barely hurt when it sliced her skin, Brad showing her red blood on the edge, the shallow cut beginning to burn. She saw him looking lustily at her bra as the sheet slipped off when she turned on the light. Her hand went up to cover herself again with the sheet, only to hear his demanding voice tell her “no” again. She lay back down on the pillow, afraid of what would happen next. Would he kill her? Is that why he didn't even try to cover up his identity? It was only then that she saw the gym bag lying next to him on the bed, fear in her throat as she wondered what was in it. She looked at him, bigger and scarier than before. He had tried upon several occasions to start a conversation with her by the pool, only to have her blow him off, as he was not her type. But the fact that he did not share her social status hadn't stopped her imagination from running rampant while he did his job out by the pool, her eyes always ending up in the same place. The large bulge in his bathing suit. She had turned red when he once looked up to catch where her gaze had landed and she had closed her eyes, knowing that her face was still flushed. She brought her attention back to her present situation and the knife at her throat and cried “Whatttt dooo you want?” Her voice trembled in fear.

  Brad smiled. “I'm going to teach you a lesson, Keri. I saw the way you looked at me, hungrily devouring me, your eyes drawn to my cock. You wanted it, but you think you're too good for me. I'm going to show what you would have missed.” He pulled the sheet off of her body, revealing her in her bra and panties.

  She felt shame as he stripped the sheet from her body, leaving her in her bra and panties, her body shaking in fear. The bright light in the room shined so harshly on her almost-naked body. She had known at that moment that he was going to rape her and she couldn't do anything to stop him, the knife sitting on the pillow next to her, the dried red blood on the blade a reminder of his power over her.

  The night was still vivid in Keri's mind. He hadn't just raped her and left. No, he had stayed for over six hours. Her fantasy remembered him opening the gym bag, slowly spreading the items within out on the bed so he could watch her eyes as she gazed at them. First the rope, thick, rough hemp, two coils of it.

  Her mind slipped back, remembering as he stroked the rope almost sensuously as he stared at her. “Ever felt your naked body bound with rope?” He had asked. His hand stroked up the rope. “It's real rough. Imagine it on your silky skin.” He put it down, his hand going back into the bag, taking out a digital camera. “Just in case you decide to call the police. I'm going to take some lovely pictures of you. Naked and in very obscene positions. You say one word and they will be on the Internet before the police can even arrest me. Imagine your parents seeing their lovely daughter with a vibrator in her pussy or her lips curled around a hard cock. What do you think your friends or co-workers will be thinking about when they see you after seeing your revealing pictures? Do you really think that they wouldn't think you were asking for it? Especially when they see the perverse acts in the pictures?"

  "No,” she mewed in protest. “Don't take my picture. I wouldn't tell anyone.” She couldn't even imagine how humiliating it would to have her bound and naked body posed while he looked through the view finder, catching for posterity all of her most intimate parts.

  He hadn't even acknowledged her plea with an answer, putting the camera down, dumping out the wide selection of toys. “Dildo's, vibrators, nipple clamps, even anal probes. All for you Keri. I just want to make sure you are satisfied before I go.” He laughed at her.

  She had heard of such things, some of her girlfriends in college even had them, but not Keri.
While she did masturbate, she only used her fingers to bring her off. These were perverse items, meant to humiliate her.

  * * * *

  With Jim gone, the house was silent at last. She slipped on the lacey bra and panties that she had just bought, having stolen from the grocery money to buy them. The panties were cut low, leaving a wide expanse of naked skin, Keri able to make out her mound beneath the tight panties. The bra did little to cover her breasts, her nipples already pushing out the thin cups. She could still feel him standing in back of her that night, his hard cock pushed against her ass cheeks, making her stare at the mirror that reflected her lingerie-covered body. She followed his every order that night, precisely and quickly, the knife in his hand a good motivator. She arched her back until her breasts were pushed out obscenely, sobbing quietly as he made her reach back and slip the bra off. Hands behind her head, her elbows pointed to the side, her pose made her look like a slave girl on the auction block, his cock rubbing back and forth over her cheeks, his cock throbbing as her hands were forced to rub her nipples until they grew hard and throbbing.

  She spread her legs for him, her panties just a puddle at her feet, her naked sex revealed in the harsh bright light, his hand around her waist as he humped her like a dog in heat. She was ashamed as her fingers played with her pussy, just as she would do in the privacy of her own bed. But this was different, Brad's hands were rubbing her nipples, making them so hard they ached. And she could feel her pussy getting wet in spite of the terror. Or maybe because of it.

  Keri writhed on her bed, lost in her fantasy of that night many years ago, wishing she could find a way to wrap her body in rope to relive the night when Brad had introduced her to the world of bondage, her naked body thrown onto the bed, her arms thrust behind her back. But she was always afraid that Jim would come home early, catching her with her legs spread to the edge of the bed, her hands scrambling to unloosen the rope, Jim finding out her secret and using it to his advantage.


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