Shine Bright Like A Diamond: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story

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Shine Bright Like A Diamond: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story Page 14

by Keys, Sherie

  Jacob walked into the mansion’s foyer and was greeted by a maid and Mrs. Nettle. After conferring with the latter quietly for a moment to make sure they had their story straight, he took a deep breath and set off to find Almasi upstairs. He turned to Jeremy plaintively, and Jeremy gave him a reassuring look.

  “Good luck,” said Jeremy. “I’ll be in your study, sorting out papers and such. Holler if you need me.” Of course, by “holler,” Jeremy meant “send me a text or walk over and talk to me,” but Jacob appreciated the funny word choice on Jeremy’s part, so he smiled a little and turned to go upstairs.

  As Jacob was climbing up the second flight of stairs, he heard a sound in the guest hallway, and suddenly Mr. Kofi Kumi was standing in the stairwell. Jacob was taken aback. “You,” he said.

  Mr. Kofi Kumi smiled, looking infuriatingly calm. “Me,” he said. Jacob wanted to throttle the man right then and there. He would have tried to, too, but Mr. Kofi Kumi was bigger and probably stronger than he was, and murdering a business partner’s brother would probably be deemed uncouth by most people, including Mr. Arko Kumi.

  “How does it feel to ruin a marriage?” asked Jacob. He stepped closer to Mr. Kofi Kumi.

  The other man laughed. “Ruin a marriage?” he said. “I wouldn’t know. When your beautiful wife came to me, bored and lonely and begging to be had by someone who would pay attention to her… well, I didn’t think that conceding to a lady’s wishes was an act of ruination so much as a saving grace for the young woman.” He took in the expression on Jacob’s face. “What, Mr. Adamson? Did you think that it was I who had seduced Almasi? Oh, no,” he said, chuckling softly. “It was she who came to me.”

  Jacob was aghast. Was he being played? Every word that came out of Mr. Kofi Kumi’s mouth sounded so convincing, but what he was describing… That was the opposite of the person he knew Almasi to be. You haven’t known her for very long, he reminded himself, and she is a good actress. He thought back to the first day when they had still been very much play-acting at the couple’s affection.

  He remembered the way in which that perfect stranger had made herself seem so close to him, how she had put on such a perfect show of comfortable domesticity even before they had known each other well enough to be real. So was the rest of it that followed all contrived, too? Had she been faking at everything?

  Mr. Kofi Kumi didn’t wait for Jacob to reply. He continued, relishing the look of horror on Jacob’s face. “Why yes,” he said. “It was, if I recall correctly, on the third day of our visit here in your lovely home. She beckoned me up to the hallway near your bedroom—where you’re going now, I presume—and approached me while she was wearing only a bath robe!

  You can imagine how scandalized I was at the impropriety of it all. Certainly, my brother would have been terribly shocked if he’d heard, but when she spoke to me… Well, I could tell that she was feeling the icy impact of your neglect, and then she kissed me, and well, what is a man to do? I allowed her to start the affair with me.”

  Jacob was stunned. This… This couldn’t be Almasi. There must be some other explanation. He would be able to understand if she had been seduced away, but to actively seek out another man’s attention? She would never take such ridiculous risks. If there was one thing that Jacob knew for sure, it was that she was cautious. Even if she had been conducting this secret affair intentionally, this was not how Almasi would go about it. Something was wrong with this picture, and Jacob wanted to talk to Almasi and find out what was really going on. He didn’t want to believe that this well-spun tale that Mr. Kofi Kumi was telling him was true.

  Mr. Kofi Kumi, seeing that Jacob was still remaining silent, continued further. “Of course, it began with mostly innocent things. It always does, does it not? Shared jokes, whispered secrets, clandestine walks in the garden…” he made a show of listing off items that seemed believable enough so that Jacob would be convinced. “And then, well. You saw how it was on the patio. I told her to be careful, but Almasi… She is a fiery one, and she simply couldn’t resist me.”

  The bastard looked so smug, and Jacob wanted to slap his face. Instead, he counted to ten, trying to breathe and be reasonable and contain his fury. “So, you’re trying to tell me that my wife has chosen to be with you? What will she do when you leave and go back to Ghana? Clearly your affair cannot last.”

  “Ah, but you see,” said Mr. Kofi Kumi. “There’s the catch. She was going to tell you on Friday. Almasi has chosen to come back to Ghana with me.”

  Jacob’s blood froze in his veins. “She… She has?” said Jacob.

  “Ah, yes. The girl craves adventure, she wants the excitement. Who would want to be a preppy little house wife in the American countryside when there are so many opportunities all around the world for her to see new things and live life to its fullest?”

  Jacob shook his head. This was too much. “And what if I tell your brother that you’ve been coercing my wife and filling her mind with these ridiculous things behind my back? Surely that won’t go over well with him.” Jacob had a point, and he knew it. Mr. Arko Kumi was a man of honor and dignity, and he would likely not take kindly to his brother’s behind the scenes shenanigans.

  “Ah, but you see,” said Mr. Kofi Kumi. “Then I would have to tell him that your marriage to Almasi is a sham.”

  No. It couldn’t be. How could he know? Even if she had chosen to love another man, Almasi wouldn’t break her contract. “Wh— Did Almasi—?”

  Mr. Kofi Kumi chuckled. “No, dear God, no. Almasi didn’t tell me outright. It was easy enough to guess, though, and after some digging… Well, no secret is that hard to expose.”

  Jacob couldn’t deal with this any longer. He didn’t know if Mr. Kofi Kumi was lying or telling the truth, but he had to talk to Almasi if he wanted a satisfying answer. Even if it meant she would be leaving him, and even if it meant she didn’t love him… He would rather hear it come out of her mouth that have it come from this manipulative man.

  Without so much as granting Mr. Kofi Kumi a goodbye, Jacob pushed past him and continued up the stairs. Once he got to the hallway where the master bedroom was, he began to look for Almasi. He checked their—His? If she was leaving him now?—bedroom, and she wasn’t there, although to his slight relief, her things were still in the room. He checked the guest rooms, the extra bathroom, and Almasi’s dressing room, but she was nowhere to be found.

  He even tried calling out her name, but he had no luck. Where was she? He understood why she would want to hide from him. He too, would want to avoid a confrontation like that if he were in her position, but surely, even if she didn’t love him, she could give him the decency of telling him that to his face, rather than letting him find out from her charming, but slimy, new lover. Jacob shook his head at the thought. It couldn’t be true… Could it?

  Meanwhile, Almasi walked around outside, trying to get out of this state of panic. It wouldn’t do to cry and get upset, she told herself. She would simply have to tell Jacob the truth. She would tell him about Mr. Kofi Kumi finding and reading the diary, even if it embarrassed her and make him think she was unprofessional. She would tell him that she hadn’t wanted anything to do with Mr. Kofi Kumi.

  She would tell him that that kiss had not been consensual and that all she wanted was to stay with Jacob. She would even try to tell him she loved him, if she could get the words out, and if he would listen, if he would believe her, then she would tell him about the pregnancy. About how she was carrying his child; their child. Surely, he would not forsake her then.

  Almasi paced through the garden until she realized she was going in a loop. She would have to confront this situation eventually. So she took a few long, deep breaths, patted her belly gently as if to comfort the baby inside, and then Almasi made her way up to the mansion.

  Since he couldn’t find Almasi anywhere, Jacob finally gave up on searching and went to talk to Jeremy in his study. All of this… he needed to clear his head. He needed a fresh, objective mind to tell
him what to do, and Jeremy was the perfect man for the job.

  The door to the study was open, so Jacob stepped inside and greeted Jeremy, who was sitting studiously at the desk and going over some papers. He looked up when he saw Jacob. “Any luck?” he asked.

  “Well,” said Jacob, “I didn't find Almasi, but I did find someone else, and I think you will be interested in hearing what he had to say.”

  Jeremy closed the folder of documents he was perusing and raised his eyebrows, giving Jacob his full attention. “Okay, go on. I’m listening,” he said.

  Jacob walked over to the sofa and sat down, putting his head in his hands. “Well, I talked to Kofi Kumi… And he told me that Almasi initiated their affair.” He felt like crying, but held it in anyway. There was no point in being anything but professional about this situation.

  Jeremy shook his head. “That sounds so unlike her,” he said. “I mean, legally, doing that technically doesn’t go against the contract we had her sign. Her sexual life was still her own to dictate, and she just had the play the role publicly, but beginning an extramarital affair with the brother of the man whom she was supposed to be convincing that she was piously married? That just seems like bad form, and I don't think that Almasi would engage in that with so much at stake.”

  Jacob shrugged heavily. “I thought that, too, but who knows? Maybe we’ve all been wrong about her. We did, after all, hire her to play a role, not to be sincere about it.” The thought broke his heart, but he had to acknowledge it. “But there’s more.” he continued.

  “Oh?” said Jeremy. What more could there possibly be? His expression seemed to ask.

  “Kofi Kumi knows that the marriage was contrived to convince his brother of the whole ‘family values’ thing.” Jacob paused to watch Jeremy’s facial expression as that sunk in. “And he says that if I don’t let him take Almasi back to Ghana with him, he’ll reveal the secret to his brother.”

  Jacob and Jeremy were so invested in the conversation that neither noticed the sound of the floorboards creaking outside the door. Almasi, having come back from the garden, had gone to look for Jacob, and when she hadn’t found him in their room, the next place she had checked was his study. When she heard his voice coming from inside, she stopped outside, resolving to listen in and get an idea of what was going on before going to address him. Who was he talking to? She leaned in close to try and hear more.

  It was Jeremy’s voice, and not Jacob’s, which she heard. She recognized the crisp tone. “Well, if that is indeed the situation,” said Jeremy, “Then the safest option would be to let him have what he wants.”

  It was Jacob who spoke now. “I know,” he said. “It is the most responsible thing to do. So if she wants to go back to Ghana with Kofi Kumi… Well, fine. Whatever. Let her go with him.”

  He didn’t hear the quiet gasp from the hall or notice the light footsteps of his eavesdropping wife as she ran away in tears.


  Almasi’s eyes welled up with tears, and the room felt like it was spinning. So it’s true, she thought. Jacob really had never loved her. She turned away from the study and walked away, faster and faster until she was running. She couldn’t stand being there anymore. She’d heard enough.

  Clearly, Jacob saw her as nothing other than a trading piece in this diamond deal game. She had been so, so stupid to think that he could ever want her as anything more than that. She went up the flights of stairs to the master bedroom. If Jacob wanted her to leave, then fine. She wouldn’t spend another night in his bed.

  She could’ve taken it before, but this was a mockery now. If he didn’t care about her, if he would be willing to send her off with Mr. Kofi Kumi… Then she would at least not subject herself to playing his game of pretend marriage. Almasi picked up all of the things she had left in the room and her favorite pillow, and then she marched over to the guest room where she had stayed that first night so long ago, dumping everything on the bed.

  She would stay here for the rest of the week. She wouldn’t allow Jacob, charming, handsome, heartless Jacob to sleep next to her anymore. Even if it meant never waking up in bed next to the man she loved, it was the principle of the thing. Tears ran down Almasi’s face as she thought about it, and after putting all of her possessions away in the pink guest room, she curled up on the floral duvet and cried, allowing her shoulders to shake as she sobbed. Oh, Jacob. Why had he forsaken me like that?

  If Almasi had waited a moment before she had stormed away, she would have heard the rest of Jacob’s sentence.

  “Let her go with him,” he said, “if that’s truly what she wants. It breaks my heart, but,” his voice was filling with the sound of unshed tears, “I love her too much to force her to stay with me.” He buried his face in his hands while Jeremy sat uncomfortably at the desk, waiting for Jacob to finish emoting so much. Jacob’s shoulders began shaking, and suddenly he was full on crying. “I love her,” he repeated. “I love her.”

  After a moment, Jeremy cleared his throat. “I know,” he said kindly. He didn’t fully understand, but he realized that this was a heartbreaking situation for Jacob, so he tried his best to soften his voice and speak gently. “I know that it hurts, but you’re making the right decision, Jacob. You’re letting her do as she wishes, and you’re also saving the diamond deal with Mr. Arko Kumi. I’m proud of you, and I know it hurts for you to have to do this and give her up, but I assure you that you’re doing the right thing.”

  He stood up then, and crossed the room to sit on the sofa next to Jacob, touching an awkward hand to the other man’s shaking arm. “I’m proud of you,” he repeated. He knew that was not enough, and that it could not ever be enough for Jacob’s broken heart, but it was all Jeremy could offer him in solace, so that was what he gave him.

  Jacob smiled wanly, trying to seem less broken than he was. “I appreciate it,” he said shakily. “Seriously. Thank you, Jeremy.” Jeremy smiled back at him reassuringly, and Jacob’s tears welled up in his eyes again. He knew it wasn’t manly, and that as the twenty-eight-year-old CEO of a big business with a serious reputation to uphold, but at this point, he didn’t care. Jacob let go and allowed himself to sob into Jeremy’s shoulder.

  He felt like a stupid, stupid child. His father would never have made such a mistake. Jacob was supposed to be running a business, not falling in love and falling apart all over the place.

  Little did he know that the woman who was breaking his heart was also suffering from heartbreak at his expense, and that two floors up from where he was sitting, his beloved wife was also breaking down and crying. As Jacob muffled his tears in Jeremy’s shoulder, Almasi muffled hers in a soft, fluffy pillow as she curled up on the guest room bed, sobbing. If only, they both thought, If only my love had been reciprocated.

  When Jacob managed to get his tears under control, he forced his face into a serious expression and began to talk about the final details of the Kumi Diamonds deal with Jeremy again. They discussed the remainder of the plan in a businesslike manner, behaving as if Jacob hadn’t just had a serious emotional breakdown.

  When they were done, Jeremy got up to leave, and Jacob stood with him, deciding to go upstairs and have a nap. He knew that it was early in the day to be sleeping again, but he was exhausted, and he didn’t really have anything to do for the rest of the day. He was also still a little hungover, and he had a headache from crying, so he reasoned that it would probably be best to sleep it off.

  He went upstairs to the master bedroom, thankfully without meeting Mr. Kofi Kumi in the stairwell this time. When he got to the room that he had been sharing with Almasi, a pit formed in his stomach as he noticed that something was different. All of the little things that had made this room feel like it belonged to both of them—her robe, her jewelry box, even her favorite pillow—they were all gone.

  He went to the master bathroom and looked in the cupboard, and all of her toiletries were gone, too. Her makeup, her skincare products, even some of the fancy soaps had disappeare
d. Jacob sighed.

  So now that her affair has been discovered, he thought, she sees no reason to pretend to be with me anymore. He went back to the bedroom and sank onto the bed. He felt so heavy. Everything in the world was sinking down on him, and he didn’t even have his wife around anymore to help him alleviate the strain.

  He laid down on the duvet without so much as getting undressed. It still smelled like her; the bed. That was one thing that she hadn’t managed to take away from the room. Jacob basked in that scent until quiet sleep took over, and he slept deeply and soundly, sprawled across the bed, forgetting everything that had happened and allowing himself to let go of all of his hurtful thoughts and feelings.

  A few doors down, Almasi eventually stopped crying, and she uncurled herself from the fetal position she had been in and slowly sat up. She had things to do, she remembered. There was another dress fitting with Yifeng this afternoon. She thought carefully for a moment, and then decided that perhaps it was time to start confiding in the other woman.

  What did she have to lose now? Every outlet she had had been cruelly taken away from her, and she needed someone to talk to so she could keep from going insane. Who else was there, other than Yifeng? Yifeng had proved her capacity for discretion time and time again. Thank God, she was the only other person who knew about the pregnancy other than Almasi! So Almasi resolved to talk to her when she arrived, and to unburden herself to the younger woman. Maybe Yifeng could help her find a way to get out of this mess relatively unscathed.

  Yifeng arrived just a little after one breathlessly explaining that she had nearly forgotten her purse at home and that she had had to turn around and go back to get it. Almasi smiled and forgave her. Yifeng was almost never late, and it was not as if they had a tight schedule to follow. . She was sure that if Mrs. Nettle were around it would be a different story, but Almasi was just happy to see that her personal stylist and burgeoning friend had arrived at all. So together, they unpacked the bags of fabric and clothing that Yifeng had brought along and set out to plan some subtle maternity dresses.


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