Rebekah--Girl Detective #6

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Rebekah--Girl Detective #6 Page 2

by PJ Ryan

  Rebekah had to think fast. The man didn't believe she was a mummy. If she didn't get to the gems, he was going to get away with stealing them! So she shoved the mummy toward the man and bolted into the room where the gems were.

  “Hey!” the man shouted as he tried to get the mummy out of his way. “Just what do you think you're doing?” he demanded. Rebekah snatched up the gems and ran right back out of the office.

  “Stop!” the man shouted.

  “You'll never steal these gems!” she shouted back and ran toward the door at the end of the hallway.

  “Wait! Come back!” the man pleaded and chased after her.

  Rebekah reached the end of the hallway. She glanced around quickly. There was an emergency exit that she knew would set off alarms if she ran through it. So many times she had been told by teachers and other adults not to push on those doors, they were not toys! But today, she had no choice. She had to get away and get the gems safely back to the museum staff. When she pushed on the door and swung it open, she heard the man's footsteps running behind her.

  “Stop right there!” he bellowed.

  Chapter 7

  Inside the museum Mouse heard the alarms go off. He cringed and knew that Rebekah's plan had not worked out the way she wanted it to. He checked his watch, but it had only been ten minutes. He had promised he would not tell Mrs. Konti until twenty minutes had passed. The children and staff were still looking for the mouse when the alarms began to ring.

  "Alright children, stay calm," Mrs. Konti said and held her hands up into the air. "We are going to have to evacuate the museum, so please line up."

  Of course the students who were already hyped up over the mouse and stunned by the sounds of the alarm did not get into a straight line. They started running in all different directions!

  "No! No! Come back!" Mrs. Konti cried out. Now the museum staff was busy gathering up students and getting them into a line, while the other patrons of the museum began walking out into the parking lot.

  "Is there a fire?" one woman asked another.

  "Has there been a theft?" a man asked one of the museum staff.

  "We don't know sir," the staff member said. "But it is best if everyone evacuates the building until it can all be sorted out," he said. "Maybe that pesky mouse has something to do with it!"

  Mouse checked the pocket of his book bag to make sure Arthur was still there. He sighed with relief when he saw him nibbling on a hunk of cheese. As they began leaving the museum, Mouse looked over his shoulder. He hoped that Rebekah was okay.

  Chapter 8

  Rebekah was not okay. She was being chased by the gem thief! She had hoped he would give up once she got out the door, but he was right on her heels! Rebekah ran as fast as she could across the parking lot. She knew she shouldn't leave the museum with the gems, but she was sure the staff would understand when she returned them safe and sound. With the gems clutched tightly in her hand she continued to run as swiftly as she could.

  “Young lady stop this instant!” the man shouted after her.

  “You'll never get these gems!” she shouted back over her shoulder. But he was not slowing down. He was running very fast, and catching up! She was almost at the end of the parking lot, and the alarms were blaring in the museum. She cringed as she wondered how Mouse was handling things inside. She didn't have much time to think about it, as she could hear the man's footsteps getting closer!

  Chapter 9

  She didn't notice as the entire museum began to empty out into the parking lot. Mrs. Konti was counting off the students in her group, when she gasped in horror.

  "Oh no! One is missing!" she cried.

  Mouse winced. "Oh Mrs. Konti, Rebekah was using the bathroom!" he said quickly.

  “Oh dear, oh no,” Mrs. Konti was very frazzled. She waved to one of the museum staff members. “We still have a child inside!”

  “Don't worry,” the staff member assured her. “We have people clearing each room and the restrooms. If she is inside we will find her.”

  Mouse frowned as he wondered what would happen when they discovered that Rebekah wasn't inside the museum.

  “Maybe she went back inside,” he thought, and then glanced over his shoulder. In the distance running across the grassy field, he spotted Rebekah's red braids.

  “Oh no!” he groaned as he saw the gem thief chasing after her. “Run Rebekah!” he shouted.

  His shout made the other students see what was happening, as well as the teachers.

  “Look!” one of the kids shouted. “Where's Rebekah going?”

  “Rebekah!” Mrs. Konti and Mrs. Morris screamed at the same time.

  Rebekah heard her name screamed across the grass, but she kept running. She knew if she let the man catch her, she might never be able to keep the jewels safe. When the museum staff saw the scene unfolding they weren't sure what to do at first.

  Then they saw the man chasing after Rebekah, and they went right into action. The security staff began charging after Rebekah and the man she was running from.

  When she heard the sound of more footsteps behind her, she glanced over her shoulder. She was relieved to see that the security was coming. They would be glad that she had kept the jewels safe. She also saw that the man chasing her was getting tired. He was not running nearly as fast as he had been. His cheeks were very red, and he was huffing and puffing. The security staff was getting closer. At the edge of the parking lot, their tour guide stood with his hands on his hips and his eyes narrowed behind his glasses.

  "Is that one of your students?” he demanded. “Has she stolen something from the museum?”

  “Of course she hasn't,” Mrs. Konti said sharply. “Rebekah may cause mischief, but she is not a thief!”

  “Well we'll see what security has to say about that,” the man replied with a snarl.

  Chapter 10

  Mrs. Konti did not want to let Rebekah get into trouble for something she didn't do. She reached into her large purse and pulled out her sneakers. She changed quickly from her dress shoes into her sneakers and bolted across the grass. Mrs. Konti ran marathons. She was a track and field star when she was in high school. Mrs. Konti outran the security staff.

  "Rebekah!" she shouted. Rebekah's eyes widened as she heard the voice. She knew that she was in real trouble now. But she was sure that once the teacher heard about how she had foiled a gem theft, everything would work out just fine. At least she hoped so. Rebekah was so busy looking over her shoulder at Mrs. Konti that she tripped over a rock in the grass.

  “Oh no!” as she fell her hands opened up, and the gems she had been carrying scattered into the grass.

  “Rebekah!” Mrs. Konti said with a frown.

  “Young lady!” the gem thief growled.

  “What is going on here?” the security staff demanded.

  "Get him!" Rebekah announced. "He stole gems from the museum!" she pointed at the man standing over her.

  "I didn't," he panted. "I didn't steal anything!"

  The tour guide and some other members of the museum staff had caught up in time to hear Rebekah's accusation.

  "That's John Reynolds, he's our gem expert," the tour guide said with a frown. "He didn't steal any gems."

  "But, but," Rebekah stammered. "They were missing from the display and then I saw him with them," she frowned.

  "Of course you did," he said as he stumbled back toward her. "I was cleaning them. Some dust had collected on them and they were losing their luster, so I was cleaning them to make them nice and shiny for the field trip. I had hoped to have them ready before you left," he sighed and drew a deep breath.

  Rebekah looked up at all of the adults glowering down at her. She arched a brow and tried a small smile, hoping that she could charm them into understanding that it was all an innocent mistake.

  "Sorry?" she said hopefully.

  "Sorry for nearly giving Mr. Reynolds a heart attack?" the tour guide asked.

  "Sorry for setting off an emergency alert with t
he security staff?" one of the security men asked.

  "Sorry for causing such a disaster on our field trip?" Mrs. Konti asked.

  “Sorry, I dropped the gems,” she winced and started sifting through the grass.

  “The gems!” everyone gasped.

  "I was just trying to help," Rebekah sniffed as she looked through the grass.

  Chapter 11

  Everyone started to look with her. It wasn't too long until they had collected all of the gems but one. Rebekah searched and searched.

  “Here it is!” she suddenly called out and picked it up off the ground. When she did she brushed some dirt aside from something else on the ground.

  "Let's go Rebekah," Mrs. Konti said with a sigh of relief as she handed the last gem to Mr. Reynolds.

  Rebekah was too busy with her new mystery to answer. She looked down at what she had found closely.

  "Look at this," she said quietly.

  "Enough mysteries Rebekah!" Mrs. Konti said.

  "No, it looks interesting," Mr. Reynolds said as he eyed the piece. "It looks like a piece of a clay pot."

  Other museum staff members began gathering around Rebekah and Mrs. Konti.

  "Oh she's found it!" one of the staff members cried out.

  "What do you mean?" Mrs. Konti winced, hoping that Rebekah had not caused any more trouble.

  "We knew that this once was the location of an Indian tribe," the tour guide explained. "It was one of the reasons the museum was built here. But we've never been able to find any evidence of the lost tribe. Now this," he sighed as he crouched down in front of the piece of the clay pot. "This is amazing!"

  Rebekah smiled a little. Mrs. Konti arched a brow. Rebekah stopped smiling.

  "What happened here today was very serious Rebekah,” she said firmly. “You caused a lot of trouble with your mischief.”

  Rebekah lowered her eyes. “I know,” she sighed. “I really didn't mean it.”

  “I know you didn't Rebekah,” Mrs. Konti smiled a little. “But you could have just told me about it.”

  “I tried to,” Rebekah protested.

  “Next time, try harder!” Mrs. Konti said. “This was supposed to be the best field trip of the year. It's time to head home Rebekah and now we'll never get to see the museum," Mrs. Konti sighed as she glanced at her watch.

  "Well, since you missed your field trip, and without Rebekah's antics we never would have found this site, how would you and your students like to assist us in excavating the site?" the tour guide offered. "I am sure the owner of the museum would agree to it."

  "Oh can we?" Rebekah pleaded as she looked up at her teacher. She was sure Mrs. Konti would say no. She always seemed so serious. It was only then that Rebekah noticed the sneakers peeking out from Mrs. Konti's skirt. Maybe there were a few things she didn't know about this teacher.

  Mrs. Konti couldn't help but smile and shake her head. "Of course we can Rebekah."

  Over the next few months the students were able to visit the site once a week and assist in uncovering the artifacts of a lost Indian tribe. They found items that were used to cook with and some tools. It was the first evidence of the tribe living on the land that the museum had purchased. It drew visitors from all over the world to observe the excavation.

  "I guess you were right, as usual," Mouse muttered as they sifted through some dirt.

  "Right about what?" Rebekah asked curiously.

  "There's always something to discover," he laughed.

  Next Steps

  This book is part of the children’s series, “Rebekah - Girl Detective”.

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  PJ Ryan

  Now Available in Audio

  Rebekah - Girl Detective #6: The Missing Gems is now available as an audiobook!

  You can listen to a free sample here:

  More audio versions coming soon!

  Visit the author website at:

  Please enjoy the following preview for #7 Swimming With Sharks?!

  Chapter 1

  One of Rebekah's favorite times of year was summer. Not just because school was out, which meant no homework, there were other reasons too. The sun stayed out longer, giving her plenty of time to investigate. There was always an ice cream truck around the corner. Sometimes her family would eat dinner out back under the stars. But her favorite part of summer, hands down, was spending the day at the lake. The lake was not far from her house and had a sandy beach to play on. The water was always cool and easy to splash in. During the summer she and some of her friends from school would meet up at least once a week to go swimming together. It was something she looked forward to.

  This week was a very special week because Rebekah was going to swim under the water for the first time. Rebekah liked to swim, but she didn't like putting her head under the water very much. She was just a little bit scared to do it. Mouse had shown her dozens of times that it was easy, but she still didn't want to try. After seeing one of her friends dive under the water and come back up with a big rock, she decided she wanted to be able to investigate under the water too! So for the first time she was going to be brave about this underwater business. She was finally ready to put her head under the water! Of course she had to make sure she had the proper equipment that she needed in order to succeed at her underwater journey. She had the perfect swim cap! She was able to tuck all of her red curls under it. It was a little snug, but at least her hair would be safe. She also had a brand new pair of swimming goggles, so that she could see under the water. Rebekah didn't like to miss anything and this was the main reason she wanted to take on this mission. She imagined there might be a sunken ship, or some lost treasure, or even fossils of ancient animals hidden beneath the surface of the lake. It was too exciting not to take a look!

  Chapter 2

  When she arrived at the lake her best friend Mouse was already there. He was busy beside the edge of the lake setting up what looked like a miniature swimming pool.

  "Mouse? Did you bring your dolls to the lake?" she asked with surprise as the pool looked just like the one she had for the little dolls she still liked to dress up and play with.

  "No," Mouse shook his head and smiled. “It's not for dolls!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out one squirmy white mouse. This was how Mouse got his nickname. He didn't look anything like a mouse, but he had several mice as pets. He always had one with him, sometimes more than one. In the little pool he had placed a pile of sand, a little lounge chair and small bowls of food and water.

  "Why should I get to have all the fun?" he asked with a grin. He put the mouse gently into the pool. "Little Lochness here needs a day in the sun too!"

  "Lochness?" Rebekah rolled her eyes at the name that Mouse had chosen for his pet. "Are you serious?"

  "Well sure," Mouse shrugged. "We're at a lake, it seemed like Lochness would be the right mouse to bring along. He is named after a famous lake monster after all."

  "Oh Mouse, there are no such things as lake monsters," she shook her head and placed her hands on her hips.

  "There might be," Mouse said firmly. "There have been a lot of sightings, pictures, and stories, about strange creatures that lurk in the depths of lakes all around the world!"

  "Stories would be the key word," Rebekah said with a smirk. "Because they are made up, like fairy tales. They're just little stories people tell each to scare one another."

  "If you say so," Mouse shrugged and dropped some cheese into the pool for Lochness. "But one thing is for sure, if there is a lake monster in our lake, I'm going to get proof!" he held up his waterproof camera. “So we
'll see what you have to say when I get my photograph!”

  End of the preview. Continue reading to discover why Rebekah and Mouse get kicked out of the lake in their determination to save everyone.

  Get #7 Swimming With Sharks?! Here:

  Save BIG on the “Rebekah - Girl Detective” 8 Book Bundle:

  All Titles by PJ Ryan Can be Found Here

  *Visit the author page to save big on special bundled sets!


  “Rebekah - Girl Detective”

  #1 The Mysterious Garden

  #2 Alien Invasion

  #3 Magellan Goes Missing

  #4 Ghost Hunting

  #5 Grown-Ups Out To Get Us?!

  #6: The Missing Gems

  #7: Swimming With Sharks?!

  #8: Magic Gone Wrong!

  #9: Mystery At Summer Camp

  #10: Zombie Burgers

  #11: Mouse's Secret

  #12: The Missing Ice Cream

  “Mouse's Secret Club”

  #1: Let It Snow (Inside the Gym!)

  #2: Haunted Playground

  “RJ - Boy Detective”

  #1: The Mysterious Crate

  #2: Vampire Hunting

  “Rebekah, Mouse & RJ: Special Editions”

  Prank Gone Wrong

  Halloween Haunted House

  Thanksgiving Turkey Trouble

  Christmas Party Mystery

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.


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