Walking on Sunshine

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Walking on Sunshine Page 14

by LuAnn McLane

  “By all means,” Mattie replied, and then turned toward the door. She took a sip of her bourbon but nearly choked when she felt Garret’s palm at the small of her back. The touch, although featherlight, somehow felt intimate. As they walked Mattie noticed a slight increase in pressure, the movement of his thumb, and it was all she could do not to toss her fine bourbon over her shoulder, grab him by his Western-cut shirt, and drag him against her for an endless kiss.

  When they reached the sliding door, Garret removed his hand, making Mattie long to grab his wrist and put his hand back where it belonged . . . touching her.

  “Nice evening,” Garret commented, and Mattie nodded. Her voice, if she found it, would surely come out breathless, so she took another sip of her drink and looked out over the cove. “You should take me on the bourbon trail sometime,” he continued casually, and Mattie had to wonder if he was feeling any kind of reaction to her nearness at all. When she only nodded again he frowned. “Everything okay, love?”

  Mattie managed a smile and a nod. She followed him over to the railing and they stood there looking out over the marina.

  “So, has the ham bandit struck again lately?”

  Mattie knew he was trying to strike up a conversation and she felt awkward not saying anything. After inhaling a breath she said, “No, Rusty is too busy being in love.”

  Garret turned and leaned one hip against the railing. “Come again?”

  “There’s a little beagle mix named Abigail that belongs to a couple who rents a slip for their ski boat. Rusty follows Abigail all the way to the dock and watches wistfully when they pull away. Ham has been the last thing on his mind. In fact, I felt so sorry for him that I offered him a chunk yesterday.”

  “Poor lovesick fellow. Does Abigail return the affection, I hope?”

  “I don’t think so or maybe she’s just playing hard to get.”

  Garret gave her a sideways glance. “Is that going to be your tactic with Colby?” he asked in a light tone, but his gaze seemed to sharpen while he waited for her answer.

  “Do you think that’s the way to go?” Mattie asked, trying not to sound disappointed. “I mean, I guess he has to notice me first before I play hard to get, don’t you think?”

  Garret reached over and trailed a fingertip down her cheek. “What makes you think he’s not noticing you?”

  Mattie shrugged. She had noticed Colby looking her way since Garret had started with his lessons. “Maybe he is a little bit.” She held her thumb and index finger an inch apart.

  “Well, there’s not a man on the face of the earth who wouldn’t notice you in that dress, Mattie. You look lovely tonight.” He took a sip of his drink and glanced away. “If I took you out on the town you would most definitely turn heads. Stop traffic, even.” He looked down at his drink and said, “And Colby would all but swallow his tongue.”

  Mattie remained silent.

  “Don’t you believe me?”

  “I suppose.” Mattie dug deep for the courage and then after a heart-pounding moment she said, “Well, then, you need to step up the lessons and include, um, seduction.”

  “C-come . . . again?” Garret stood up straight and looked at her as if she’d asked him to train her as an assassin.

  “I want you to teach me how to be . . . you know . . . sexy.”

  “Mattie, you are sexy, love.”

  “Well, I guess I mean I want to know how to act sexy.” She swallowed hard and then said, “How to . . . entice. Flirt. I want to be irresistible.” She inhaled a deep breath and looked up at him beseechingly. “I want to know how to kiss.”

  “Kiss? I’m sure you know how.”

  “No, I want to kiss like an expert. Can you help me, Garret?”


  Sooner or Later

  GARRET BLINKED AT MATTIE FOR A FEW SECONDS. OVER the years he’d gotten himself into some pretty damn stupid situations, but this particular scenario ranked up there with the best of them. But seriously? Giving a girl he was falling for lessons in how to entice another man was about as horrible as it got, and he’d had his share of horrible. After all the crappy things he’d selfishly done, perhaps this was karma rearing its ugly head. Ha, he should have known it would happen sooner or later.


  Garret had once wanted his own reality show, but his acting skills were suspect. Still, he tried to act pleased and put a smile on his face. “Oh . . . uh . . . sure. We could work that in, I guess. So, when would you like to begin?” Like never perhaps? Never worked really well for him.

  “My daddy used to say that there’s no time like the present.”

  “The . . . present. Like in . . . now.” He pointed down at the deck.


  Garret jabbed his thumb toward the cabin. “Not, like, after dinner maybe?”

  “No . . . now.” She took a sip of her bourbon and waited. “Now is fine.”

  “Okay. Yeah, now is a good time as any to start. I’m just going to refresh my drink. You . . . you okay with yours?”

  Mattie looked down at her glass. “Yes, I’m nursing mine. But you go ahead. I’ll just think of a few questions.”

  “Would you like pen and paper?”

  “Mmm . . . no, I think I have them all right up here.” She tapped her temple. “I’m going to have a seat on the swing. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Garret opened his mouth, closed it, and then nodded. “Right. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” When he turned around he winced. Jiffy? Who said jiffy these days? God . . . Garret took his sweet time walking toward the kitchen, trying to remember when he’d been this damn flustered. After putting a few more cubes of ice in his glass, he added a generous pour of bourbon but then told himself to go easy or he was going to get smashed. Maybe he needed to get smashed to get through this lesson.

  Garret sighed. He really did want to go to Nashville to shop for boots and to take Mattie on the bourbon trail or wherever the hell else she wanted to go. He wanted to take her to London and . . .

  Oh God.

  Meet his mum.

  When had he ever wanted to take a girl to meet his mum? Addison, maybe. That was about it. And in truth, he’d adored sweet Addison and she taught him a life lesson about what love is really all about.

  But he’d never felt tied up in knots like this around a girl ever. Jittery . . . sweaty palms. Ew, were his palms really sweaty? He wiped his palms on a dish towel, checked his breath, and sniffed under his arms. Dear God, he felt edgy . . . no, hyper . . . What the hell was this crazy-ass feeling?


  Wow . . . love?

  Holy shit.

  Was it possible to fall for a girl this quickly? No. Yes. Apparently so.

  Garret grabbed the edge of the sink and drew in gulps of air. There was no denying it. Well, he could deny it, but it would be a big fat lie. He was completely captivated by Mattie Mayfield. He knew it the moment he’d opened the door and tried to act completely casual when he wanted to press her up against the wall and kiss her senseless. But if he let on, if he told her or even gave an inkling of how he truly felt, the lessons would end and she would be out of his life.

  Wait . . . maybe during these so-called lessons she might fall for him too? Garret scrubbed a hand down his face. Right . . .

  Garret shook his head and had to find some humor in the situation. “Karma, you are such a bitch.” He took a sip of the cold bourbon and a thought hit him that had him shaking his head. He actually wanted to call his father and ask what the hell he should do about this situation he’d gotten himself into. Dinner at Shane McCray’s. And soon he was supposed to take Mattie to Sully’s for her big reveal. And perhaps the following Sunday to Nashville. Maybe if he kept her occupied that damn Colby chap wouldn’t stand a chance.

  But a local bloke like Colby is what she wants, Garret told himself, and pushed away
from the sink with a sad groan. He was what she’d dreamed of all her life, and he’d promised to help her achieve that goal. Maybe he should just carry on with the lessons and squash his feelings for her. Or at least do a bloody good job pretending. A true hero would want her to be happy even at his own expense.


  “What makes you think you’re a fucking hero, Ruleman?” he whispered.

  Garret thought of Mattie’s sweet goodness and of the trust she was putting in him and knew he had to do the right thing for once in his damn jaded life.

  Putting a smile on his face, he knew he had to go back out there onto the deck and do as she asked. It was just so . . . weird.

  But he could do it. He would show her how a touch, a look, a lingering glance could drive a man crazy. He added another splash of smooth Woodford Reserve to his glass and paused to put on some soft rock piping through the outdoor speakers to set the mood.

  “Hey there.”

  Seemingly lost in thought, Mattie looked at him with surprise.

  “Sorry I took so long, but I was checking on . . . dinner.”

  “Oh, do we need to eat?”

  “No, it’s keeping warm.” Garret sat down next to her, making the swing glide back and forth. He noticed her bare feet that barely reached the deck. “You’re such a little pixie.”

  Mattie groaned. “I hate being short. It’s so annoying not to be able to reach things, and jeans are always miles too long.”

  “It’s cute. So are your feet.”

  “Oh, sorry, but I toss my shoes off whenever possible. And those were pinching my toes a little bit.”

  “No worries. Your little toes make me smile.”

  Mattie looked down at her toes and laughed softly. “I’d go barefoot all the time if possible. I guess that’s not what a lady is supposed to do, though, right?”

  “You don’t have to exactly be a lady, Mattie, just soft and feminine. Bare feet are both of those things. In fact, if you want to put those cute feet up on my lap I’ll give you a foot rub.”

  “But . . . I thought I was doing the, you know . . . seduction.”

  “I’m not trying to seduce you, merely soothe your aching feet.”

  “Oh . . .” She blushed in the waning sunlight and he thought it was the sweetest thing.

  “You might just want to express that your feet are tired from working all day and if I were Colby I’d offer to give you a foot massage.”

  “You say massage funny.”

  “Part of my charm, right?”


  “Oh, so you find me charming, do you?”

  She pulled a face and waved a hand in his direction. “Right . . . ,” she scoffed, but her comment made Garret chuckle. Maybe she liked him more than she was letting on. Denial is always a big sign. Perhaps there was hope for him yet.

  “You told me that you liked me, remember?”

  “A moment of insanity,” she said, but grinned. “Let’s just begin the lessons.”

  Garret nodded. “Okay, so darkness is falling and I put on some mood music coming through the outdoor speakers. Now you should touch me . . . just barely. Brush up against my leg or graze my arm lightly. Make like it was an accident or that you don’t even notice. But I’ll notice . . . or, you know, I mean Colby will notice.”

  “Simple enough,” she said, but failed to touch him.

  “Go on. . . .”

  Mattie nodded but didn’t move. “I . . . I feel awkward. You know what’s coming.”

  “Okay, it can be part of conversation. Say something and then touch my arm.”

  “I . . . it’s . . . oh, I can’t!”

  “All right, then, let me demonstrate.” Garret turned just slightly toward her and said, “So, I heard that Rusty is in love,” and put a hand on her arm for just a second and then leaned in next to her ear. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  Mattie giggled but then sobered at his pointed look. “See, I suck at this. I will never get married and have babies, and my parents will never come home from Florida.” She raised her hands skyward.

  “I think you’re overreacting just a tad.”

  She nodded. “I tend to do that. Sorry.” She folded her hands in her lap and twiddled her thumbs.

  “It’s okay.” He nodded but he thought it was funny and cute. “Right, now do it. Say something and then touch me.”

  “Did you say punch you?” she joked, and lightly punched his arm.

  “Mattie . . . get with the program, love.”

  “I’m just nervous. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Make conversation. Like the bourbon trivia earlier. That was fantastic.”

  “Right.” She licked her bottom lip as if in thought and then tilted her head and said, “Did you know that the Cricket Creek Cougars are in first place in their league?” She reached over and briefly put her hand on his forearm.

  “I didn’t know that. We should go to a baseball game,” he said, and then smiled. “Excellent work, Mattie. You also led into getting a date to go to a game.”

  “I did!”

  “So we should go.” When her eyes widened a bit he quickly added, “You know to, like, a practice date.”

  “Oh, right, sure. To practice. Good idea.” Mattie nodded and then put her hand back on his arm and gave it a light squeeze. “So, do you like baseball?”

  “I do, in fact.” When Garret nodded she rubbed her hand over his hand.

  “I do too.” She leaned closer so her arm pressed against his side and then pulled back. “How was that? Too much? Not enough?”

  “Good.” Garret swallowed hard. “You’re getting the hang of it.”

  “Sweet!” she said, and put her hand exactly where it was before and left it there longer. Her small hand felt cool against the heat of his skin. She didn’t seem to realize it and that made her touch all the more enticing. “So there’s hope for me yet?” Her eyes lit up and he wanted to kiss her so badly that it felt like a physical ache.

  Garret put his drink down, turned toward her, and nodded slowly. “I do believe so.”

  “Yes!” She fist-pumped so hard that the swing lurched forward, putting her off balance. When she put her hand on his thigh for support, she left it there and then gave him a shy smile. “Is this where I should swoop in for the . . . kiss?”

  “Yes.” Garret’s heart thudded. “By all means . . . swoop.”

  “So, do I, like—”

  “Do this?” Garret pulled her to him and captured her mouth with his. Her lips were so soft, so warm. He felt her little start of surprise, but then she melted against him and put one hand on his chest. The swing rocked back and forth and he put his arm about her waist, pulling her closer.

  Her light floral scent filled his head and he tasted the bourbon on her tongue. He’d anticipated this kiss for days, but the reality of having her in his arms was even better than he’d imagined. Garret deepened the kiss and longed to pull her onto his lap, but he wanted her to be in control and to take the lead. But when her tongue touched his Garret felt a jolt of desire that carried more punch than the fine Kentucky bourbon.

  Mattie didn’t need lessons. She was a good kisser in a natural, organic way. She explored his mouth and ran her tongue over his bottom lip back and forth, and to his utter surprise she suddenly swung her leg over his waist and straddled him, barely breaking the contact of their mouths. Her hands clutched his shoulders and she moved against him . . . just slightly but enough to drive Garret wild with wanting her. Her hands moved to his cheeks, caressing his stubble as if liking the abrasion against her palms. With a soft moan she slid her hands upward and threaded her fingers through his hair. She slanted her mouth, taking him deeper. He felt her breasts against his chest, making him long to tug the strapless dress down to her waist and feast his eyes on her breasts before taking
her nipples into his mouth.

  She pulled back and Garret thought the kiss was over, but she tugged at his shirt, popping the first few snaps open, and then put her hot mouth at the bottom of his neck. She kissed him lightly and he could feel the tip of her tongue tasting his skin.

  A hot tingle traveled down his spine and he became completely aroused. Garret knew she could feel his erection pressing against her panties and he wanted to slip his hands beneath the skirt of her dress and cup her ass. The memory of the silky wisp of lace he’d pulled from his dryer filled his head and he nearly groaned. Her fingers tugged at his shirt, popping the snaps to reveal more of his chest, followed by the teasing heat of her mouth.

  “You smell so good.” Her shoulders moved up and down as if taking deep breaths.

  “So do you.” This little lesson was getting out of control, but Garret was powerless to stop it. He didn’t want to stop it.

  And then she suddenly pulled back.

  “How . . . how was that?” Her voice was velvety soft but husky. Sexy as sin. Her dress had somehow slipped lower, revealing the soft swell of her breasts. Was she wearing a strapless bra or nothing at all?

  “G-good.” He cleared his throat, trying hard not to press his mouth to her bare shoulder. “Excellent, in fact.”



  “Then you must be a good teacher.”

  “Well . . .” Garret rubbed the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “I’ll take credit, but in truth you have a natural sensuality about you that’s completely enticing.”

  She played with the collar of his shirt. “Sitting on your lap wasn’t too much?”

  “Does it look like I’m complaining? I mean, I’m sure that Colby wouldn’t complain. The move was unexpected, which made it all the more exciting.”

  “I’m usually a doer first and a thinker later.” She looked at his mouth and then her gaze locked with his. “Gets me into trouble sometimes.”

  “So, what do you want to do right now, Mattie Mayfield?”

  “I want to kiss you again.” She dipped her head and pressed her warm mouth against his and kissed him with a light, teasing, barely there pressure that made Garret long to pull her closer. The swing tilted back and forth in a gentle simulation of the act of making love, making Garret want to scoop her up and take her into his bedroom and make sweet, sweet love to her. She deepened the kiss just a bit and when she lightly nipped at his bottom lip, Garret couldn’t suppress a groan. When she slid her hands into the open part of his shirt and explored his chest, Garret nearly gave in to the desire to tug her dress down and do some exploring of his own. But he refrained.


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