Arabia Felix

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Arabia Felix Page 37

by Thorkild Hansen

Druses, 342

  Dulcigno, 82

  dyestuffs, 79

  earthquake, 348

  eclipse, 198

  Edessa, 339f.

  Egypt, 90ff.

  Elim, Vale of, 198

  equipment, 152f.; Niebuhr’s, at Mosul, 336

  Erbil, 331

  Estague, 68

  Euphrates, 326, 329, 330

  Eve’s grave, 203

  Fabricius, I. C., 278

  Failaka, 310

  Falck, Jonas Peter, 39ff., 43, 139

  Faran oasis, 176, 177, 181

  Farhan, Emir, 211, 215, 224, 226

  Feludsje, 310

  Finisterre, Cape, 66

  fire, shipboard, 201

  Fisker, Commander, 55, 58ff., 72, 74, 75, 78, 198

  Flagellum, 66

  Florence, 46

  Florent, 84f., 132f.

  fluorescence, of sea-water, 65, 88f.

  Focsani, 350f.

  Forsskål, Peter: selection for expedition and early career, 14, 19, 24ff, 55; portrait, 30f.; attitude to Kramer, 39ff., 56; and Niebuhr, 36; at Marseille, 68; and von Haven, 73, 74, 100f., 126, 128, 144, 255; Flora Melitensis, 76; at Constantinople, 79; letter to Bernstorff from Rhodes, 84ff., 131; at Alexandria, 93ff.; letters to von Gähler, 100f., 204; collects flowers in Egypt, 101ff.; linguistic gifts, 104f.; attacks by robbers, 105, 111f.; Gähler on, 135, 138; and Djebel el-Mokateb, 160f.; at Suez, 163ff., 184, 196; at Tor, 198; foretells eclipse, 198f.; at Djidda, 204, 210f.; at Loheia, 217ff; at Beit el-Fakih, 231; at Taiz, 235ff.; finds balsam tree, 236f.; at Mocha, 242ff., 257; death, 255, 264f., 271; last journey, 265ff.; will, 272; burial, 272f.; Niebuhr on, 273; estimate of, 273f.; fate of collection, 275ff.; herbarium, 276, 279; manuscripts, 277, 280f.; publication of work, 359f.; diary, 59, 62, 65, 93, 175, 280f. et passim; other references, 49, 51, 64, 67, 72, 82, 99, 128, 135, 158, 159, 189, 193, 194, 195, 209, 215, 258, 300, et passim

  Forsskalea, 282-4

  fossils, and pyramids, 117

  Franciscans, 344

  Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 19, 55

  Frederick V, King of Denmark, 17, 19, 354; statue of, 356

  Gähler, von, 78, 82, 96, 98, 109, 119, 123, 128, 275, 328, 342, 348 et passim; letter to expedition at Cairo, 100, 125; report to Bernstorff, 131ff.; on members of expedition, 135f.; letter to von Haven, 140ff.; letter to Bernstorff, 187

  Galanthus nivalis, 63

  Gannemie, 226

  Gaza, 113

  gazelles, 163

  Ghalefca, 229

  Ghobeibe, 164

  Gibraltar, Straits of, 67

  Gizeh, 111, 116, 122

  Gloyer, 364

  Gouen, Antoine, 68

  Greenland (ship), 52f., 55, 56, 58ff., 74, 78; equipment, 63

  Grotefend, 322

  gumbo fruit, 104

  Hadie, 231

  Hadjsir, 295

  Halesi, 294

  Hälsingborg, 58

  Hamburg, 48

  Hamel, von, 49

  Hanover, 352

  Haran, 340

  Harris, 228

  Hassan, Sheik, 177, 179

  Hasselquist, 76

  hats, Egyptian, 121

  Haven, Friedrich Christian von: selection for expedition, 14, 17f., 21ff., 45ff., 54; journey to Marseille, 62f., 70ff.; and Forsskål, 72ff., 80f., 126; purchase of arsenic, see arsenic; letter to von Gähler, 98f.; at Cairo, 119ff.; and Djebel el-Mokateb, 123, 159ff., 166ff.; Gähler on, 135; Gähler’s letter to, 140ff.; death, 189, 250f.; reports to Bernstorff, 217, 222; gift of stallion to, 224; malaria, 239f.; burial, 252; Niebuhr’s summing-up, 252f.; estimate of, 254f.; diary, 156, 166ff., 188, et passim; minor references, 16, 194, 204, 229, 300, et passim.

  Hell, M., 356

  Helsingör, 58f., 61, 62f., 70

  Hetland, 64

  hieroglyphics, 117f., 172, 175, 184f.

  Hilla, 330

  Himyarites, 213

  Hindus, Niebuhr on, 306f.

  Hoddafa, 285

  Hodeida, 211, 227, 229

  Horn, 348

  Hornemann, 279

  hospitality, Arab, 215

  Iceland, 64f.

  India, 256, 302ff.

  Indian Ocean, 302, 310

  inscriptions, 123, 138, 169, 172ff., 183, 342; Cufic, 184; cuneiform, 320; Himyaritic, 285; see also Djebel el-Mokateb

  Ireland, 66

  Isfahan, 315

  Iskanderun, 342, 343

  Israel, crossing of Red Sea by, 164, 166

  Jaffa, 343, 344

  Jan van Gent, 64

  Jerim, 267ff., 271, 284, 290, 294, 300

  Jerusalem, 343ff.

  Jidda, see Djidda

  Jussieu, A. de, 276, 279

  Justinian, 79

  Kaas, Sophie, 38

  Kahme, 229, 234

  Kamenetz Podolsk, 351

  Kampfer, Engelbert, 315, 322

  Karbala, 330

  Kästner, A. G., 33, 146

  Kattegat, 59, 70

  kelleks, 333ff., 335

  Kharg, 325f.

  Khotin, 351

  kishr, 228

  Klopstock, F. G., 20, 355

  Konia, 347

  Kotumbel, 211

  Kramer, Christian Carl; early career and selection for expedition, 14, 38ff., 54; Gähler on, 136; and Djebel el-Mokateb, 160; lost watch, 207, 212; at Loheia, 216f., 221f.; death, 303f.; other references, 56, 67, 73, 79, 82, 96, 99, 120, 139, 153, 204, 229, 231, 249, 253, 256, 267, 269, 277, 284f., 292, 297

  Kramer, Johan Christopher, 38

  Kratzenstein, C. G., 38, 41, 139, 277, 355

  Kronborg, 58

  Kudmie, 219

  Kullen, 59

  Kurds, 318, 337f.

  Kurtub, 238

  Kusma, 231

  Kuwait, 310

  Laesö, 59

  Larnaca, 342f.

  Latakia, 346

  Lauad, 266

  Lawrence, T. E., 328

  Leghat tribe, 173

  Lemberg, 351

  Lemlum, 330

  Lindberg, 283

  Linné (Linnaeus), Carl von, 20, 25, 28, 29, 31, 41ff., 68, 79, 93, 102, 105, 139, 237, 255, 276, 277ff.; and balsam tree, 237f.; and Forsskalea, 282f.

  Löfling, 31

  log-glass, 63f.

  Loheia, 207, 211, 213ff., 241, 243, 300

  London, 305, 307

  louse, 215f.

  Lublin, 351

  Lyons, 71

  Machfur, 229

  Madie, Lake, 97

  malaria, 240, 264, 292, 361

  Malta, 75f.

  Maraua, 226

  Mardin, 336, 339, 341

  Marib, 213

  Marmora, Sea of, 78, 79

  Marseille, 63, 68, 69, 71, 72

  Martin, John, 297f., 302f.

  massage, Arabian, 333

  Masseyk, Herr von, 341, 342, 346

  Matara, 102, 105, 154

  mausale, 228

  Mausjid, 296

  Mayer, C., 34, 35, 146, 352, 356

  Mazdaism, 307

  measurement of distances, 168, 227

  Mecca, 196

  Meldorf, 360ff.

  Mencil, 266, 267f.

  Merdast, 316, 318, 319, 324

  Meshed Ali, 330f.

  Michaelis, David, 15ff., 34, 40, 47, 116, 122, 188, 238, 278, 298, 299, 308f., 327, 352

  Miller, P., 276, 279

  Minaeans, 212f.

  Mocha, 49, 206, 211, 212, 213ff., 241ff., 256, 257, 275, 284, 294, 296f., 302; map, 251

  Mofhak, 294

  Mokaja, 231

  mokkaias, 228

  molluscs, 67

  Moltke, Count A. G., 19, 23, 43, 62, 70, 102, 119, 137, 222, 354; Baurenfeind’s portrait of, 38

  monsoon, 302f., 305

  Montpellier, 68

  Moor, 219

  Mormordica balsamina, 93

  Mosbeha, 163

  Moses, 123, 166, 167, 177, 181

  Mosul, 335

  Mudania, 348

  Müller, Otto F., 278

  Münter, Bishop, 322

  Musa, 258

  Muscat, 206, 308, 309

  music, 221

  musical instruments, 129

  Mustapha Pasha, 120

  Naaman, 219

  Nabataeans, 213

  Napoleon, 116

  Nazzab, 183

  Nereids, 66, 88

  Niebuhr, B. G., 34, 365f.

  Niebuhr, Carsten: early career and selection for expedition, 14, 18, 32ff., 48; as treasurer, 50, 52; position in relation to party, 51ff.; and Greenland’s equipment, 63f.; and von Haven, 73, 87, 101, 126ff., 145; dysentery, 76ff.; on proselytising, 88; at Cairo, 106ff.; map of Delta, 108f.; at pyramids, 114ff.; copies hieroglyphics, 116ff.; Gähler on, 136; Gähler’s letter to, 142f.; letter to Gähler, 145ff.; and Forsskål, 145; on dromedaries, 156; and Djebel el-Mokateb, 161ff.; climbs Mount Sinai, 183; chart of Red Sea, 196f.; at Djidda, 203f.; at Loheia, 217; map of Yemen, 217, 227f.; at Beit el-Fakih, 226ff.; at Taiz, 235ff., 260ff.; malaria, 239f., 255, 266ff.; at Mocha, 242ff.; on von Haven’s death, 250f.; on Forsskål, 273; and Forsskalea, 283f.; meets Imam of Yemen, 288f.; journey to India, 302ff.; at Bombay, 306f.; journey home, 308ff.; at Persepolis, 315ff.; letter to Gähler, 319f; adopts Arab way of life, 328ff.; at Aleppo, 341f.; at Jerusalem, 344; crosses Asia Minor, 346ff.; crosses Europe, 348ff.; return to Copenhagen, 353; last years, 354ff.; publications, 356ff.; marriage, 359; moves to Meldorf, 360ff.; elected to French Academy, 362; blindness, 363; death, 365; son’s estimate, 365f.; diary, 61f., 65, 66, 74, 77, 83, 87, 89, 90, 95, 106f., 110, 112f., 148, 167ff., 198f., 201, 215f., 220, 221, 230, 238f., 245ff., 256, 263, 297, 304f., 312ff., 359, 360, et passim; other references, 56, 58f., 67, 75, 83, 99, 156, 158, 193, 195, 226, 300f., et passim; see also astrolabe

  Nineveh, 335

  Norden, F. L., 94, 108

  Norway, 360

  Nubia, 94

  Nyborg, 353

  Odibaschi, Pasha, 120

  Oeder, G. C. von, 20, 37, 276, 279

  Omar Kháyyam, 325

  Opobalsamum, 94

  Oude, 238

  palanquin, 305, 306

  palm trees, 93

  Palsgrave, 228

  Paremble, Nicolo, 120

  Paris, 71

  Parsees, 307

  Pasha, Captain, 83, 87

  Pastor roseus, 77

  Paul, St., shipwreck of, 76

  Peluche, 310

  Pennisetum typhoideum, 219

  Persepolis, 312, 315ff.

  Persian Gulf, 309f., 326

  Peter III of Russia, 55

  Pharaoh’s Bath, 169

  place-names, 168f.

  plague, 90, 350, 351

  Plessen, Chamberlain von, 38

  Pocock, E., 122, 342, 343

  Preisler, J., 37

  prostitutes, 197

  pyramids, 111, 114ff.

  Rashid, 97

  Rask, Rasmus K., 324

  Rebecca, 340

  Red Sea, 158, 160, 163, 197, 213

  relics, 76

  Rhamnus spinosa, 76

  Rhizopods, 66

  Rhodes, 83ff., 90

  Romchun, 313

  Rome, 45f., 70

  rose-starling, 77

  Rosetta, 97, 108; Stone, 118

  Roskilde, 358

  Rottböll, 279

  Rousseau, J.-J., 71

  Sabaeans, 213

  Sabr, Mount, 261f.

  Sacy, A. I. S. de, 363

  St. Anthony, Cape, 298

  St. Vincent, Cape, 66

  sakiya, 107

  Salech, Ismael, 207, 212, 215, 243ff., 275

  Saly, 356

  Samfur, 294, 295

  Samos, 83

  Sana, 204, 213, 241, 254, 256ff., 286ff., 295, 300

  Saunders, Admiral, 74

  Sauvage, François de, 68, 276, 279

  Sawalha, 147, 158, 161, 162

  Schück, Henrik, 280f., 283

  Schumacher, 87

  Scott, 297

  sea-owls, 64

  seaweeds, 59

  seeds, Forsskål’s collection, 276

  Sehan, River, 295

  Seif, Ambar, 226

  Sennar, 103

  Seven Years’ War, 55

  Sheba, Queen of, 213

  Shetland Islands, 64

  shipbuilding, 165

  Shiraz, 312, 314, 321, 324

  Sicily, 76

  Sidon, 346

  Sinai, 124, 137f., 176, 183; Archbishop of, 120, 123, 178, 179; St. Catherine’s Monastery, 166, 176, 177, 178ff., 182f., 253

  Sirwah, 213

  Sjerdsje, 296

  Sjagerrak, 61, 63, 71, 81, 198

  Skagen, 59

  Skuas, Great, 64

  slave girls, 82f., 87ff.

  Smyrna, 74, 77

  snake poison, 246

  snakes’ eyes, 76

  snowdrop, winter, 63

  Söderberg, 18

  Sohag, 104

  Soleiman, Sheik, 326

  Solomon, King, 213

  Soúrak, 261

  South Africa, 29, 40, 68, 79

  stallion, gift of, 224, 226

  Stanislaus Poniatowski, King, 351

  stars, brightness, in East, 309

  Stavanger, 64

  Ström, 16, 17

  Struensee, J. F., 278, 358

  Suez, 147, 158, 159ff.; inward and outward trade, 165

  Summara, Mount, 266, 267f.

  Surat, 305

  Taaes, see Taiz

  Taiz, 234, 257ff., 271, 294

  Taja, Mount, 157

  tarrád, 206f.

  Tehama, 213ff., 226, 257

  Temler, 119, 122, 124, 125, 277

  Tenedos, 78, 83

  Tessin, Karl Gustav, 72f.

  thief, detection of, 203

  Tigris, river, 332, 339

  Tor, 165, 198

  towers of silence, 307

  Trankebar, 15, 49, 275, 289, 303

  transmigration of souls, 219

  Turdus seleucus, 77

  Turkey, 348

  Turks, 78

  Udden, 236

  Urfa, 339

  Venus, 75

  Voltaire, 71

  Wahl, Martin, 279

  Waldau, 352

  Wargentin, P. W., 238

  Warsaw, 351

  water-wheel, see sakiya

  Wielandt, Jochum, 21

  Wielandt, Marie, 21

  women, Niebuhr’s observations, 201f.

  Xerxes, 324

  Yemen, 56f., 211, 212f.; Imam of, 288ff.; map of, 227, 232f., 291; the name, 300; see also Arabia Felix

  Yezidis, 334

  Zab, Great and Little, 332, 333, 335

  Zach, F. X., 363

  Zebid, 229, 295

  Zoëga, 278




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