Gracie's Plan

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Gracie's Plan Page 11

by Rose Lange

  As Kade unlocked the door, he called out to make sure she wasn’t home. He cast aside the canary yellow blanket she’d used as a makeshift door and smiled. He would have been just fine if she’d decided not to put up anything at all. He cleared his throat, and tried to shake the sexy images swirling in his mind. Of catching glimpses of Annabelle coming out of the shower without a towel, her sinful curves bared to his ravenous gaze.

  “What the hell happened here?” Eric asked, letting out a low whistle as he observed the splintered wood, and the door hanging ajar.

  “Don’t ask.”

  His friend scoffed. “Like hell. You pull me off a big project asking for a favor, and you don’t expect me to be curious?”

  Kade cleared his throat. “Let’s just say, things got a little rough last night.”

  His friends’ eyebrows shot up, a knowing smile spread across his face. “I’ll just bet they did.”

  Kade’s face warmed at the comment. “It wasn’t like that. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  But as he walked further into Annabelle’s bedroom, her scent was everywhere, and assaulted his senses. Her little shorts and tank top lay haphazardly on the bedspread. As did a little red lace thong by the foot of the bed. He swore his face turned beet red without even looking in a mirror. Because he could picture her wearing it, and nothing else as her long hair covered her bared breasts. Her curves taunting him, and her bare ass said hello to his ravenous gaze as she turned away from him. Damn, his imagination was carrying him away like a float at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

  “Kade?” He heard his friend’s voice, but his mind was somewhere else entirely.

  He shook his head as Eric snapped two fingers in front of his face. “Snap out of it buddy, tell me what’s going on? Because your ex-wife sure has you under her spell.”

  Kade didn’t say anything because it was the truth. Whether he liked to admit it or not, Annabelle did have him hypnotized. She had ever since he’d first laid eyes on her again. It still amazed him that after all this time the fire for her had never burned out. And, she was just as on fire for him, the realization of it turned him on even more.

  Eric laughed, putting his tool belt around his waist. “Indulge me. I’ve got all morning, boss.”

  He glowered at his friend. “You know I hate it when you call me boss.”

  His friend chuckled, getting his materials ready to start work on the door. “What’s the matter with you? Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Nothing is the matter.”

  “Kade, I’ve known you for a long time, and I know when something is up. I know its Annabelle.” He eyed his friend quizzically.

  Kade’s head shot up at the mention of her name. “She has nothing to do with it.” He defended much too quickly, knowing his words alone incriminated him.

  “Bullshit, she has everything to do with it.”

  Hanging his head for a moment, he closed his eyes. Collecting his thoughts once again, he looked up at his friend. “Yeah, I guess she has been bothering me lately. I kind of lied to her.”

  “Lied to her?”

  “I slept with her and told her it didn’t mean anything, then I apologized and she is still royally pissed at me. Last night I tried talking to her, tried to explain and she tuned me out.” He pointed toward the door. “And that’s when I blew my top.”

  Eric looked at him sympathetically, as though he could read his mind. “Oh boy, it’s going to be difficult to get out of that one.”

  Kade scoffed. “Tell me about it. And in the mean time she’s driving me crazy and won’t talk to me.”

  “I understand my friend, but you need to try again. Talk to her and tell her how you’re feeling.”

  “I tried, got me nowhere. Obviously, take a look around you.” He motioned to the messy room.

  Eric gave him a hearty whack on the back. “Keep trying, she can’t keep that wall up forever.”

  Kade nodded, and focused his energy on fixing her bedroom. Although it was tempting to just leave it the way it was, he knew she’d never go for that. He didn’t say another word as he strapped on his tool belt and got to work.

  Annabelle was making him crazy, and had been giving him the silent treatment for the past two days now. She hadn’t even thanked him for fixing her door, and damn it, it made him angry. On the third day he couldn’t take it anymore and decided a morning swim would calm his senses. He was glad he’d taken the time to clean the pool before they’d moved in. Especially after the erotic dream he’d had a few nights ago. It had been so vivid and so clear that he felt like it really happened. As though she’d come to his bedroom dressed like a sexy goddess and performed a striptease.

  The morning was drizzly and cloudy but he didn’t care. He dropped his skivvies and dove in. Swimming had a calming effect on him, and the cool water felt good. He wondered what he was going to do about Annabelle, and how he’d get through what was left of their time together. The way she was skulking around the cabin, not saying two words, or any for that matter, and glaring at him. Oddly enough, it made him crazy, and turned him on at the same time.

  He finished his swim, and didn’t bother to put his clothes back on. He quickly ran back into the house, hopped in the shower, and got ready for his workday. At least that was something he could look forward to, something that would keep his mind off of Annabelle.

  Kade realized he was falling in love again . . . or maybe he’d never fallen out of love with her.

  He swallowed the huge lump in his throat. Just vocalizing it in his mind made his stomach do flips. He knew he should be angry with her. It seemed crazy as hell, but he admitted to himself that he’d never stopped, and would never stop, loving Annabelle.

  As Annabelle drove home that night, with the sounds of Garth Brooks on the radio, she allowed her mind to relax. It had been whirling like a tornado for the past week, and most of her thoughts were of Kade. She missed him. More than she thought she would. The last few days of her not speaking to him were driving her crazy. She smiled mischievously. It had been fun watching him sulk around the house, knowing she’d been the cause of his irritation. She should probably forgive and forget, but a stubborn irrational part of her didn’t want to. But oh, how much she missed him.

  Not to mention the fact that he’d told her he had feelings for her, and that when they’d made love, it went beyond physical. And she knew he was being sincere. As much as she wanted to deny it, the same had been true for her; although she wasn’t ready to admit it just yet.

  So when she made it up the driveway and saw his jeep cozily parked, she was grateful. The lights were all on, and the cabin looked homey, warm, and inviting from the outside. It feels even warmer on the inside. Unable to help herself, she smiled.

  As she walked in and set her things down, she saw him in the kitchen. Preparing what smelled like spaghetti and meatballs. At the mere thought her stomach let out huge rumble. She was absolutely starving.

  Sincerity shone from his eyes as he glanced over his shoulder. “Hey, Annabelle.”


  His eyebrows shot up, as though he was surprised with her response.


  He shook his head. “Nothing. It’s just that you’ve been walking around the house for days, not saying anything, and it’s . . . nice to have you back.”

  Annabelle grinned. Grabbing an apple, she sat on the counter and watched him cook. She’d always enjoyed the sight of him cooking, preparing, and cursing like a sailor when something didn’t turn out just right. For some reason the sight of him doing something so domestic made her feel at home. Her body relaxed, both mind and spirit at ease.

  “I’ve decided to call a truce, and accept your apology. And I wanted to thank you for fixing my bedroom door.”

  He smiled appreciatively. “Yo
u’re welcome, Annabelle. You want to help me out and stir the sauce?”

  Annabelle put back the apple she’d intended on eating, and took the spoon away from him as she scooted closer.

  “What are you making?”

  “Spaghetti and meatballs, Vicki, also known as, ‘Mom’ style.” His face lit up at the sound of his mom’s name.

  “I see. And what is the difference between Vicki style spaghetti and regular?”

  Kade wriggled his eyebrows, leaning in closer and mere inches from her face. She sucked in a breath, not able to help it.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? That my dear, is the chef’s secret,” he whispered huskily against her lips.

  She tried to keep her wits about her, but damn, it was difficult when he was within inches of her. His body leaning into hers and those sexy full lips so intoxicatingly close. It was enough to make her wet between her thighs, and her entire body stood on pins and needles. The tiny hairs on her arms rose, and her senses went into overdrive at his proximity.

  Annabelle couldn’t help herself as she licked her now parched lips. She noticed his eyes fell to her mouth, and he looked about as turned on as she was.

  “I will tell you,” he finally broke the maddening silence, “that the secret is in the meatballs. But if I told you the ingredients, I’d have to kill you.”

  She giggled, unable to control herself. She could feel the tension and sexy electricity between them, like a dense fog permeating the entire room, the entire house.

  She took a deep breath as he leaned in closer, if that was even possible, and gently kissed her, as though he were trying to take it easy and at the same time move quickly. She likened it to an eager and horny teenage boy. Like he was trying to enjoy and savor this moment. The spoon left her hand, as her body leaned into his as he deepened the kiss. His lips felt so incredible on her mouth that she swore she was levitating.

  Kade then lowered his hands to the small of her back, and slowly, softly, and gently stroked. His fingers burning her back with his scorching hot touch.

  Then, no longer able to control herself, she put her arms around him, her body now tightly pressed into his; so incredibly close her heart beat fiercely in her chest. She hungrily covered his mouth with hers, and it made her tummy flutter as he fought back, as his tongue gently probed hers. Her hands then traveled up and down his back, grasping at his shoulders as though to steady herself. She gasped as she felt his erection press into her belly, and it made her want to get naked right here in this kitchen.

  It gave her a thrill of excitement, a shock of electricity up her spine, thinking of them having hot steamy sex, right here on this very counter. Amongst the boiling water, and bubbling sauce, and picturing him putting his hands in forbidden places . . . it made her hot just thinking about it.

  Kade backed up suddenly, as if he could read her mind. He shook his head and cleared his throat. “I think we’d better finish making dinner.”

  She frowned but didn’t say anything, giving him his space. She took a deep breath, and gathered her wits about her. She realized it was probably for the best, at least for now.

  Annabelle stretched a good long stretch the next morning, grateful it was Friday.

  Putting on her robe, she quietly padded to the kitchen. She took the coffee out of the pantry, and as she opened it, savored its hazelnut aroma. Turning to get the creamer in the fridge she caught sight of Kade out of the corner of her eye, looking as sexy and sinful as always. Wearing a navy blue long sleeved shirt, and dark wash jeans that hugged him in all the right places.

  Her heart raced liked wild horses at the erotic thoughts going through her mind. She cleared her throat, and realized she had to pull herself together.

  “Good morning,” she said, after what felt like an eternity.

  “Hi.” He grabbed a donut from the counter. “How long before the coffee’s ready?”

  “Oh, not too much longer.”

  He nodded, taking a seat at the table, munching on his breakfast until the coffee was ready. Then he cocked his head and assessed her. “I have an idea.”

  She took a seat next to him, setting the creamer down on the table. “And what’s that?

  “I think we’ve both been going stir crazy hanging around here. Why don’t we go out of town for a day trip? Maybe go see Mt. Rushmore and some other sights?”

  “That sounds nice.” It was perfect that the antique shop was closed on weekends, so it wouldn’t interfere with her work schedule.

  “Okay, we’ll leave tomorrow morning first thing.”

  She smiled despite herself. It would be a nice change of pace for both of them, and couldn’t believe this time they had together was quickly coming to an end.

  She frowned. Why doesn’t that hold the appeal it used to?

  Annabelle packed a small bag that night just in case, and tried to get some sleep for the hour-long drive to Keystone. She was excited at the prospect. It had been years since she’d seen Mt. Rushmore and the surrounding scenery. She always loved going, and she and her parents had gone up every summer until her brother moved out of state. So in a way, it made her sad to think about. Those summer trips were the happiest memories from her home life, because in public they seemed like the “perfect” American family.

  She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. But she found it hard, and spent a better part of the night tossing and turning, as her thoughts inevitably turned to Kade. She blew out a long held breath, thinking about that hot kiss they’d shared in the kitchen a few days ago. About the intimacy they’d shared between the sheets, which had turned disastrous. The mere memories of their lovemaking sent her mind whirling into a wicked frenzy. The way his skin felt beneath her fingertips, and how she’d felt so utterly complete when he was inside her. Being close to him in a way she hadn’t before, and she wanted him again.

  Annabelle sat up in bed and closed her eyes, resting a hand on her chest. Trying to calm her racing heart because every nerve ending of her body screamed for him. She wiped the light perspiration from her forehead and took a cleansing breath. She lay back down, and rolled on her side, determined to clear her mind and get some much-needed sleep.

  The next morning, Kade had everything ready for the road, although they really wouldn’t need much, as the trip wouldn’t take longer than an hour. He packed an overnight bag just in case, a map, and a few snacks for the road.

  He was just pouring coffee into two thermals when she walked into the room, looking incredible in her tight, dark wash jeans and short sleeved red T-shirt. He could not get over those legs. They seemed to just go on forever, and he’d love nothing more than for her to wrap them around his torso, and to settle himself between those luscious thighs.

  Shaking his head, he attempted to break free of the image trapped in his mind. He needed to get a hold of himself if he wanted to make it through this weekend getaway with Annabelle. He really did not want a repeat of the last time. Although it had been phenomenal, that was beside the point. He didn’t wish for this to get any messier or more involved than it was already getting. He shook his head, realizing he was kidding himself.

  Things are already messy and involved.

  “Are you ready?” He handed her one of the cups.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  He couldn’t help but smile back at her, couldn’t stop himself from leaning closer. Her eyes were hazel, which meant she was in a good mood, and possibly slightly turned on. That fact about her eyes had always intrigued him; they would change colors depending on the mood she was in.

  “What are you staring at?”

  “Those incredible eyes,” he murmured.

  Annabelle turned a bright red, and it looked endearing against her ivory skin. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, she lowered her lids, letting out a little chuckle. She looked up at him
once again and shook her head. He just couldn’t get over it. She was the most beautiful person he knew, both inside and out, and he wanted to re-marry and have children with her. A beautiful little girl with fair coloring, red hair, and Annabelle’s spunky personality. But first he had to help her tear down the walls she was constantly putting up. It was going to be a challenge, but he was up for it.

  “Let’s go, before I change my mind.”

  With that he grabbed their bags, and they made their way out.

  The trip was a quiet one, as she really had nothing to say. And she supposed neither did he. Resting her chin in her hand, she let her mind escape for a moment. Wondering how her life had become so complicated in a matter of weeks, and it seemed, overnight. One minute she was minding her own business, working, taking care of herself, enjoying her hard-earned independence, and the next Kade was back in her life. It was a mind-boggling puzzle she couldn’t figure out.

  It didn’t take long once they arrived to pay for parking and enter the park. It wasn’t too crowded for it being so early in the morning. The view was beautiful, the sky was clear and bright blue and the mountains looked huge and majestic. Just the way she remembered them. Being here brought back some good memories. The few good ones from her childhood, and because they were so few and far between, she cherished them dearly.

  “I used to come here a lot with my family, before my brother moved away.” She didn’t realize she’d spoken aloud until he reached for her hand, and held it.

  Annabelle looked down at their intertwined hands, and stared up into his eyes, realizing she could sit in the same spot and stare into them forever. His hands were large, strong, and reassuring. She felt secure when he held hers in them.

  “I know how that must still hurt. I lost my mom years ago, and I still miss her.” He drew her close. He unclasped their hands and put his arm around her shoulder.


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