Gracie's Plan

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Gracie's Plan Page 13

by Rose Lange

  Then he surprised her and gathered her in his arms, but not in a sexual way. He merely held her close, until they were face to face as he softly stroked her hair. His gaze penetrated into hers and made her break out in goose bumps. Her insides melted because he was looking at her, like she was the most beautiful woman on earth. She wished she could bottle up what she was feeling right now, and be able to feel it anytime she needed to feel safe and sound. To feel happy when she was feeling depressed and lonely.

  “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  Annabelle closed her eyes, reveling in the way he held her. His body pressed up against hers warmed her, and his fingers soothed, as he ran them through her hair. She opened her eyes to look at him, and found him staring back intently. Neither said a word, and she had never felt so good as she did right at this moment. He was so close their breaths intermingled, and she knew how he felt about her without him saying one word. It made her heart jump out of her chest and do a happy dance.

  “Thank you.”

  “Sleep now,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple, “I’ve gotcha.”

  She smiled, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

  Before she knew it, morning came. No signs of the previous night’s storm as the sun shone brightly, hitting her square in the eyes. She looked down to find Kade’s arm draped over her hip. A slow smile crept across her face as she remembered how comforting he’d been last night. Alone, the nightmares had her waking in a cold sweat, afraid and unable to fall back asleep. With Kade, he’d been there to chase her fears away, to hold her close and comfort her.

  She shut her eyes, relishing in this forbidden moment, she snuggled closer against his front. The sound of his even breathing against her cheek sent shivers up her spine. The warmth of his body against hers pure heaven, and this felt like they were a real married couple. Sleeping together and spooning together in the most gorgeous hotel suite. She smiled and wiggled her butt against him, trying to get closer if that was possible. Relishing in his strength and his heat.

  “I wouldn’t do that again if I were you.”

  Annabelle’s eyes popped open and she stopped moving. His voice reverberated against her spine, making her tingle with desire.

  “Unless you intend on finishing.” The seductive words were whispered in her ear, sending her stomach into multiple flips.

  She scooted away from him. Her cheeks warmed. “Sorry.”

  Kade flashed her a wicked, sexy grin. “No need to apologize, babe.”

  Annabelle got out of bed, gathering her things for a quick shower. Turning back, she observed him lying there, hands behind his head, the crisp dove white sheet splayed across his waist, leaving his chest naked to her hungry gaze. His hair was tousled and boyishly sexy. Then her eyes connected with his and she knew exactly what he was thinking.

  Clearing her throat, she held a hand to her belly, trying to quell the butterflies.

  “Well, I’ll just take my shower and we can decide on breakfast.” She made her exit as quickly as she could.

  In less than fifteen minutes she was showered and made her way out. She was surprised to find a lovely breakfast set already, eggs, bacon, toast, and waffles with lots of butter and syrup. Her stomach growled, and she smiled. He’d remembered her favorite things for breakfast. She felt warm and all lit up inside as she took her seat across from him, because he never forgot even the tiniest details.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled, bringing a cup of coffee to his lips. “You’re welcome.”

  After breakfast they packed up and were heading home. Secretly, part of her wished they could stay an extra day. And extra night because God help her how she wanted to christen that bed. Being with Kade these last few weeks, brought joy back into her life. And it hadn’t just been the sex, the fiery glances, and the scorching hot kisses, but just being with him made her happy. Made her feel whole again.

  On the ride home, she tried to keep her eyes on the scenery, but could still smell him, and feel the heat radiating from him within the compact jeep. She looked up at his profile, so strong and serious. His hands gripped the steering wheel like he was trying very hard to focus on something other than driving.

  Annabelle realized he was an obsession, a temptation she felt she’d be damned for taking. Only it was getting stronger and hungrier as each day passed. Somewhere in all the middle of this crazy mess she realized she’d never stopped loving Kade.

  Chapter 11

  The realization of her thoughts hit her full blast, like a fire hydrant. Falling, and being in love meant losing control, and the last time she’d done that it hadn’t been pretty.

  “What is it Annabelle?” Not looking in her direction, his eyes still focused on the road.

  She shook her head, feeling foolish at having been caught. “It’s nothing.”

  They paused at a stoplight, and she was thankful they were nearing town.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, everything is just fine.”

  Kade seemed to take that for an answer, for now anyway because he stopped questioning her.

  Twenty minutes later they pulled into the driveway of the cabin, and she was happy to be home. It was Sunday and all she wanted to do was relax for the rest of the weekend. Wanted to put on her lounge pants and T-shirt, watch old movies, and eat popcorn.

  She smiled, and decided that was a lovely idea.

  His voice startled her out of her thoughts.

  “Really, Annabelle, I know you better than you think I do. I also know when something’s bothering you.”

  “I’m fine.” She repeated, sounding like a broken record. Exiting the car, she got her bags, and unlocked the front door. But stopped at the threshold.

  She could feel her wall starting to come up, because as wonderful as Kade was, she couldn’t shake the memories of Brad from her mind, from her body. He’d been so possessive, controlling, and hardly ever allowed her to leave the house. Things most people took for granted, like a car, a job, or friends, she’d never been allowed such luxuries.

  Whenever she had to go somewhere, he’d take her. When she needed basic necessities like shampoo or body wash, he’d drive her. He never allowed her out of his sight. Her body shook as she recalled the time she’d managed to leave the house without him, and the harsh aftermath. He’d given her two black eyes, and left her lying on the kitchen floor. Her eyes so swollen she hadn’t been able to see clearly for three days.

  Annabelle took a deep breath, because the harsh reality was she’d been a prisoner both body and soul.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  She jumped, only then realizing her mind had drifted, bringing her out of the awful memories and back to the present.

  “I’m okay.”

  Gently he grasped her by the shoulders, and turned her toward him. She looked up into his face, and was met with a frown.

  “My goodness you’re shaking like a leaf. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She nodded, taking another deep cleansing breath. “Yeah, I’m okay. Really.” With this she turned to step into the cabin.

  She had to remind herself, this wasn’t Brad’s house, it’s Aunt Gracie’s cabin. He can’t hurt me anymore.

  Annabelle shook her head of the cobwebs, and was glad for the short change of scenery, and wished they had done it sooner. But she was also happy to be home. Home, she thought to herself. She wondered when she’d started to think of this cabin as home. She also realized it felt like home because Kade was in it.

  Realizing her thoughts were running away with her, she quickly came back to reality. Because when the time was up, they’d each be going back to their own lives. She tried to push the suddenly depressing thought from her mind as she began to unpack.

  A half hour later she was parked in front of the
TV with Kade. Comfortable in a plain T-shirt and lounge pants. Gone with the Wind was on and it was her all-time favorite movie. She’d always been a Clark Gable girl, ever since she was little. When things would get rough between her parents, she and her brother would lock themselves in her bedroom and get lost in the story of the Old South, a world where nobody could hurt her. And where the hero was the perfect gentleman she’d always dreamed of, sweeping his ladylove off her feet.

  During a commercial she got up to get herself a drink of water and make some more popcorn. She grabbed the salt from the cupboard, and as she turned around, bumped into Kade. Looking up at him, she smiled, but said nothing. Feeling for some reason that words weren’t necessary.

  Feeling that he was the gentleman that her dreams were made of. As though he was her Prince Charming.

  Her stomach did flutters at the thought.

  She held her breath as he leaned in closer. He gently held her chin between his thumb and forefinger and kissed her, achingly soft and achingly slow. The kiss was so different from the others, as his tongue gently probed her mouth open, nipping at her lips. She moaned not able to help it. He made her dizzy and feverish, as though she would evaporate on the spot. Her hand gently stroked his forearm, but he continued to be gentle. She felt like a porcelain doll in his arms with the way he held her. Her skin warmed from her head to her toes. Every part of her body was acutely aware of him and screamed desperately for sweet release.

  Annabelle rested her hands on his stomach. The soft material of his T-shirt felt heavenly on her fingertips and as it bunched from beneath her hands, she felt bare and smooth skin. Then, both hands traveled up to his neck, her arms wrapping around him, as she deepened the kiss. Her mouth searing itself to his, and he groaned as she greeted his tongue with her own.

  She moaned in frustration when he pulled back. But then he slowly began nibbling her neck. She tilted her head back as she closed her eyes, not knowing how much longer she could hold out. The delicious scent of him was everywhere, earthy, heady, and seductive.

  “Annabelle,” he breathed, as he continued to place moist, hot kisses along her neck and jawline. His hands grasped the curve of her hip, tenderly squeezing, as though to memorize.

  “Kade, why must you . . . torture . . . me this way?”

  He stared into her eyes for what seemed an eternity, a distant not quiet their look in them, before he said. “I don’t know why I torture myself this way.”

  As if to collect his thoughts, he stepped back and rubbed the back of his neck, then shook his head. “I’m sorry Annabelle, but I just couldn’t help myself.”

  She smiled big through the hazy fog covering her mind, and couldn’t believe he was apologizing for the kiss. She could kiss him all day long and never tire of his sweet lips. Could never tire of those incredibly pliable hands all over her body. “Oh, I see.”

  He didn’t say anything, which unnerved her even more. She couldn’t help the heat creeping up into her neck, as it did so frequently when she was around him.

  Deciding a change of subject was in order, she blurted, “Well then, shall we get back to the movie?”

  He nodded, as he grabbed another ice-cold beer from the fridge.

  They ate breakfast the next morning in relative peace. She was puzzled because he didn’t say much, just sat there staring down at his plate. His jaw appeared tight with tension as he mindlessly played with his food. She frowned, and wondered what had changed between the lovely time they’d had last night to now. Why he was in such a sour mood, and like his evil twin had taken over overnight.

  “Kade, what’s wrong?”


  “Why are you so damned moody?”

  She watched as he clenched his fist, as though trying very hard to control his emotions. Good or bad, whatever they may be, from exploding all over the place. But she wasn’t going to back down.

  “I’m fine,” he said between clenched teeth.

  She rolled her eyes, taking a hearty swig of her orange juice. “Knock it off, what’s with the attitude?”

  Annabelle knew and could understand he was probably sexually frustrated, but he was acting like a child that couldn’t get its way. She got up to clear her dish, when he suddenly stood, pushed his chair down, and looked at her like a wild man gone crazy. The dish slipped through her fingertips, and made a loud clatter on the kitchen floor.

  Kade literally knocked the wind out of her when he came nose to nose with her. Her eyes must have looked like two giant saucers, and her heart skipped an erratic beat. Then, without speaking, he pushed all the plates off the table and pinned her down, and held her arms captive behind her head.

  Annabelle’s heart pounded, and for a moment she forgot where she was. Was brought back to the past with the loud clatter of the dishes . . . the broken glass everywhere . . . Brad raising his hands to her, saying it would be the last time, but it never was.

  Shaking her head, she brought herself back to the present. This was Kade, not Brad. It seemed an almost daily ritual, and she had to keep reminding herself Kade would never hurt her.

  Annabelle looked up and met his eyes, dark with need for her, and she smiled.

  “I just can’t take it anymore.” He quickly released her hands and removed his shirt, chucking it to the side. She kept her hands where they were, thrusting her breasts forward in a silent invitation.

  Then she watched with agonizing slowness, as his expert fingers unbuttoned her blouse, and tossed it to the side. She reached behind her back and swiftly removed her bra, and realized she was being crazy and wasn’t thinking straight, but could have cared less. Slowly, his hands traveled down her midsection, until they came to the fastening on her jeans. She held her breath as he took his time in unbuttoning them, lowering the zipper until only a scant amount of skin was exposed. Her mouth parted as he lowered his head, and started scattering kisses from her neck, all the way down to her stomach, and just above her most intimate area. The prolonged anticipation built up inside her, almost unbearable.

  The hot, sticky sweat between their bodies was like a lusty promise of things to come. The heady realization that he was about to make love to her on the kitchen table sent shivers of anticipation up and down her spine. From her head to her toes, she was fully aware of him, and wanted him so badly she could taste it. Her entire body could feel him, inside out and upside down.

  She propped herself up on her elbows to greet his waiting mouth with hers, when the phone rang into the silence of the cabin.

  “Damn.” The soft curse landed against his lips, and as she looked into his eyes, knew exactly what he was thinking.

  Kade didn’t say a word, but she noticed his shoulders slump as he pulled back, and she couldn’t help but grin at the huge bulge in his jeans.

  She went to answer the phone, now feeling more frustrated than ever.

  It was Kade’s dad, and as she handed him the phone, she headed back to her bedroom to straighten herself out for work.

  Annabelle lay awake that night, staring at the wall for what seemed like hours. She just could not get all the mixed emotions out of her mind. She must have been crazy. That was the only way to explain it for what almost happened earlier to make any kind of sense. She felt the same way about him, even though she knew it was irrational. She wanted him but she was hurt, not because of anything he’d done, but because she’d been stupid enough to leave him all those years ago. She got up, and decided to go sit outside, in need of some fresh air.

  She put on her flannel robe, and went outside. Perching herself up on the wooden railings, she took a deep breath.

  The dark night sky was clear except for the bright stars glimmering. The air was crisp as it blew against her face. She liked to think Aunt Gracie was up there, looking down on her, and smiling, watching her and protecting her.

ng the tears prick her eyes, she wiped them away. Crossing her arms over her breasts, she wondered how on earth her life had gone from relatively normal, all things considered, to chaotic in the space of a few weeks. First her aunt had passed away, after several months of illness and agony. How she hated to see her suffer the way she did. Then, her ex-husband came out of the woodwork, out of nowhere, didn’t make any sense to her either. It was as though some other force was at work, because logically none of it made sense. Her aunt passed away, and her ex came back into her life within the space of weeks.

  When she divorced Kade, she thought it would be done and over with, and she’d never see him again. Although she’d been secretly dreaming of nothing else, and thinking about what it would be like to see him again, although she’d never expected it to actually happen.

  Annabelle hung her head, placing her face in her hands, and couldn’t stop the heavy flow of tears that fell. Her entire body shook from crying; desperately wishing she could turn back the hands of time. To undo all the wrongs she’d done. Wished her aunt were here to console her, and give her unending and invaluable words of wisdom.


  She glanced at Kade through blurred vision, but still able to see him standing next to her, wearing his T-shirt and pajama pants. Unable to control herself she put her arms around him, and just held him tight, grasping at his T-shirt. It bunched up from beneath her fingers, and she buried her nose in the crook of his shoulder and reveled in his comforting scent. He ran his fingers through her hair, and then smoothed them down her back. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, and snuggled tightly against him. Enjoying his comfort and warmth, already feeing the tears starting to subside.


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