Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 1

by Robert Iannone


  The Complete Four Volume

  2nd Adventure of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  © Copyright, 2014, by Robert Iannone

  All Rights Reserved.

  Summary of 1st Adventure





  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  Summary of the First Series

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood is the story of nine-year-old Eloise Grace Graystone known to friends and family by her initials - Egg. She is very close to her grandmother and namesake and our story begins the day the older Eloise shares an incredible secret.

  From a musty old chest in her attic, she pulls out a flying suit that has been passed down in the family for generations. Who created it and for what purpose is unknown. But it has been fifty years since the suit was last used, and now it is time for Egg to have it. She is also given three mysterious pieces of jewelry whose powers have never been determined.

  Egg begins to use her new abilities as Flying Girl to help others. Along the way, she does what no one else had ever done . . . unlock the powers of the jewelry. What she doesn’t know is that it is a test designed by the suit’s creator to determine if she is ‘the one.’

  From the day she first wears the suit, Egg has a recurring dream about Dazzle, a warrior princess. Eventually she comes to realize that Dazzle is not a figment of her imagination but the person who created the suit.

  When Egg passes the test, Dazzle reveals herself and tells Egg her story. On her home world of Aerianna, the Warrior Princess fought against the evil Mobius who had stolen the throne from her father. M’earth, the rightful king, had brought peace to the world by uniting the three races . . . humans, dragons and sea serpents . . . after centuries of conflict. But now, he and all the other royals have vanished.

  Try as she might, Dazzle was unable to defeat Mobius because he possessed the unlimited power of the Crystal Egg (a gift from the Old Ones, the alien race that created Aerianna). In a desperate plan, she surrenders to Mobius . . . but not before she has her spirit (the very essence of who she is) transferred into a suit made of serpent’s crystals. The suit, her DNA and the three pieces of jewelry are taken to earth.

  The DNA is secretly introduced into hundreds of the most noteworthy families on Earth. It is hoped that when the bloodlines finally merge over the centuries, it will produce an individual who can solve the mystery of the jewelry. Dazzle is hopeful that person will be able to help her defeat Mobius. It takes a thousand years . . . but the plan finally works. That special person turns out to be Egg.

  Dazzle asks the young girl for that help. Egg agrees and, in turn, recruits her best friend Sylvia. Together they travel to Aerianna to find five more sisters for the Hameggattic Sisterhood. They eventually recruit two sea serpents - Soo’nami and K’ssss, two dragons - Aeri’elle and Bl’azzz, and a green-skinned human – Sassi.

  To begin their quest to defeat Mobius, they must cross the seven lands that guard the Crystal Mountain where he keeps Dazzle’s body preserved in a glass coffin. K’actus Kiln, Colorless Wood, Switch Swamp, the AyBee Sea, Crystal Forest, the Maze of Forever and the Never ’Glade are filled with bizarre creatures and incredible dangers. The girls prove themselves to be fearless, selfless and loyal in the face of the perils they encounter; and these tests of courage bond them into a true sisterhood. But the price is high. By the time Egg reaches the Crystal Mountain, she is the only one left.

  With the help of the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl (a representative of the Old Ones), Egg finds a way to bring back her sisters and to return Dazzle’s spirit to her body.

  Once that is accomplished, the Sisters can go after Mobius and his evil minions. In the end, and without the help of her flying powers or the magical jewelry, Egg and her friends win the battle. Mobius is exiled and Princess Dazzle becomes Queen.

  Unfortunately, the cost to Egg is great. The flying suit will no longer work . . . and Flying Girl is no more.

  This story is told in the original series – Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood. There are twelve books (Flying Girl [includes Ham and Egg], Scrambled Egg [includes Broken Egg], Fried Egg with Bacon, Dazzle and the Crystal Egg, Sassi, K’ssss and Soo’, Aeri’elle and Bl’azzz, Oh My Gosh, Goodnight Girlies, All That Was and the prequel Rose’Alynnia).

  Some additional information will be helpful:

  - As mentioned, the Crystal Egg was a gift from the ‘Old Ones’ to the humans of Aerianna. It grants the possessor unlimited power.

  - Hameggattic Sisterhood: When Egg’s best friend Sylvia Hampton moves into a new house, the girls claim the attic as the headquarters of their new club . . . the Hameggattic Sisterhood. (Ham + Egg + Attic).

  - On Aerianna, dreams are considered very important. It is the way for those who have passed before to share their wisdom with individuals worthy to receive it.

  - Dazzle’s real name is Rose’Alynnia. She gave it up on the day Mobius usurped the throne from her father. Only when he was defeated did she reclaim it. But to Egg, and all of the Sisterhood, she will always be Dazzle.

  - Rose’s closest friend from early childhood was the dragon Storm. He died of old age but not before he had the chance to say goodbye to his lifelong friend. His spirit continues to visit Egg (and others) in her dreams.

  - Time on Aerianna passes at a different rate than on Earth (about six years for every one year on earth).

  - Egg and Sylvia both have rings with crystals that can transport them instantaneously to Aerianna. The rings also contain a translation crystal so that they can speak and understand their friends – be they human, serpents or dragon.

  - The capitol city of Aerianna is Q’umulus. It floats two miles above the ground below.

  - Serpent scientists long ago invented a space portal that can be opened between their world and any other.

  - The Hameggattic Sisters are considered the Heroines of Aerianna and are revered by the people. Egg, as the leader of the Sisterhood, is held in the highest regard.

  And here are The Seven Sisters:

  Egg: A natural leader, fiercely loyal to her sisters, unnaturally lucky and a “never-back-down” attitude.

  Sylvia Hampton: Egg’s best friend from Earth. Oddly enough, when they first met at camp, Egg thought the other girl was awful (mostly because she kept beating her at everything). They eventually worked out their differences and when Sylvia moved to town, the girls started the Hameggattic Sisterhood.

  One other point of note: Sylvia is Egg’s Feminion. That’s an Aeriannian term for trusted advisor.

  Sassi: Egg recruited Sassi when they met in the town of River’s Edge (that’s on Aerianna, of course). Sassi is quiet, beautiful and a very talented artist.

  K’ssss: One of the first to be recruited, K’ssss (pronounced kiss) is a slightly overweight (I’m being nice) and not-too-bright (again, I’m being nice) sea serpent. No one understood why Egg recruited the girl. As it turned out, K’ssss saved her sisters on six or seven occasions. Egg voted her M.V.P.

  Soo’nami: Known to her sisters as Soo, this sea serpent is the group clown. She has a wisecrack for every occasion (though most are directed at K’ssss).

  Bl’azzz: The first dragon recruited by Egg was Bl’azzz. She, like all red dragons on Aerianna, is a F’yre Dragon. Unfortunately, she is also a vegetarian . . . a personal choice. Since dragons should be eating meat, not vegetables, this poor sister has a
terrible gas problem. No, not that. She tends to burp a lot. Since she’s a F’yre Dragon, the gas ignites into a ball of fire. Most times it’s just funny . . . if you pay attention. She and Soo are particularly close because of something that happened on the Quest.

  Aeri’elle: This dragon was the last sister to be recruited. She’s unique among the seven for she’s the only college educated one. This proud dragon resented Egg for being put in charge of the Sisterhood and the Quest. But, as time went on, Aeri’elle came to realize that the Princess had chosen wisely.

  Book 1


  Book 1 of Zynn-Zaz’zia

  An Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel

  © Copyright, 2014, by Robert Iannone

  All Rights Reserved.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – Fast Forward

  Chapter 2 – Reunion

  Chapter 3 – Just Like Her Mom

  Chapter 4 – Grammy and the Brat

  Chapter 5 – School Daze

  Chapter 6 – Social-Light

  Chapter 7 – Stupid Cupid

  Chapter 8 – A Royal Pain

  Chapter 9 – What Goes Around . . .

  Chapter 10 – . . . Comes Around


  (From the Epilogue of All that Was)

  Queen Rose’Alynnia and Lord Z’kkk

  “Are you not well, my dearest?”

  “I am fine . . . thank you. It is just a little morning sickness.”

  “Really? I wonder what might be causing it.” He had a sly look on his face when he said it.

  The Queen smiled coyly. “I am with child. I had planned to surprise you this evening.” Then she noticed how his eyes seemed to be laughing at some private thought. “But you already knew, didn’t you?”

  “I do confess that I was hoping . . . but I dared not ask. Rose, my love, I am overjoyed.” He hugged his wife . . . but ever so gently.

  “I believe it will be a girl. Does that disappoint you?”

  “Of course not. Besides . . . this will be our first child — not our last.”

  She gave her husband a kiss. “You must help me with her name. I wish to honor my father and my mother and my sister Egg. That seems like an impossible task.”

  “Hmmm . . . let me think. Perhaps we can use the M from M’earth . . .”


  “Ummm . . . Ahhh . . . and the initials of Eloise (he never called her Egg).”

  “Go on.”

  “And Alynnia from Kat’Alynnia.”

  “Oh my gosh, I love it. That is what we shall call her — M’egg-Alynnia.”

  “Princess M’egg-Alynnia it will be. And I expect she will be just like her mother.”

  “Oh, I sincerely hope not. I was such a spoiled brat.”

  Ham and Egg

  They were sitting in Sylvia’s attic . . . the place where the Hameggattic Sisterhood was first founded.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  “I’m bored.”

  “Yeah . . . me too.”

  “Let’s go back to Aerianna.”

  “Eggggg. We can’t just go back every time you’re bored.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well . . . just because. Besides, we’re going to have to get used to being just Ham and Egg again.”


  “Come on . . . it won’t be so bad.”

  “Syl . . . we fought Mobius and the rest of his evil friends. We made it through the seven lands. We have friends . . . sisters . . . who are dragons and sea serpents. How the heck can we just be us again?”

  “What choice do we have?”

  “Yeah . . . I guess you’re right.”

  After a moment, Sylvia asked, “Tell me again what Storm said.” Egg had her first dream since they returned from Aerianna . . . and Storm was in it.

  “He said something like . . . as I was once asked, so shall you be. And your reward shall be as mine . . . that which is priceless and forever.’”

  The girls went silent trying to figure out what it meant.

  “Still no clue?”

  “None. I even asked Grammy but she had no idea.”

  “Oh well . . . I guess you’ll find out sooner or later.”

  “Yeah. But I hope it’s sooner.

  Chapter 1 - Fast Forward

  Sometimes a journey isn’t from one place to another . . . like from Earth to Aerianna. Nor is it like a trip through the seven lands that guarded the Crystal Mountain.

  Sometimes a journey . . . is a journey through time.

  And along the way . . .

  Young girls . . . become young ladies.

  And memories of battles fought . . . begin to fade.

  And old friends are remembered . . . but no longer experienced.

  And things that were once so important . . . are all but forgotten.


  One Month after the Quest

  They had been back at school for about two weeks. Most of the kids in their class were the same ones as last year including Melody, Presley and Angela. And the coolness between them and these former friends had gotten even chillier.

  There were three new kids . . . a boy named Moses Veil, and two girls Ellen Airy and Susan Inman. Neither Egg nor Sylvia had talked to Moses, which was to be expected since he was a boy. But they had some very nice conversations with the two girls. Unfortunately the three X’s (as they called their ex-girlfriends) were doing their level best to recruit the newcomers into their social club.

  As Egg and Sylvia sat by themselves at lunch, the talk naturally turned to the Quest and their sisters back on Aerianna.

  “Do you remember the look on Aeri’elle’s face when Storm introduced her to Dazzle as his great granddaughter?”

  “Her mouth flopped open . . . it was just too funny. Which reminds me, the next time we go back, make sure we bring a camera.”

  “That’s a great idea. Hey, why don’t we go back this weekend?”

  “Oh, I’d love to . . . but I’m going with my parents to visit my aunt.”

  “Well, I guess I could go by myself,” said Egg disappointedly.

  “Don’t you dare go without me. We promised we’d go back together.”

  “Fiddlesticks . . . oh, all right.”

  “And that’s another thing . . .,” teased Sylvia.


  “Fiddlesticks . . . that’s my word. I made it up when we were in the Never ’Glade. You already have oh-my-gosh.”

  Egg started to laugh at a sudden memory. “Remember how J’azzz-min would tell me to stop with all the ohmygoshes?”

  Sylvia smiled as the memories came flooding back. “What an obnoxious cat. She’s lucky that Bl’azzz didn’t set her tail on fire.” Their sister Bl’azzz was a F’yre Dragon.

  “How about that stupid hat of hers? Every time we knocked it off she’d yell ‘not the hat, not the hat’.” And they both laughed.

  J’azzz-min had been their guide through the seven lands that guarded the Crystal Mountain where Dazzle’s body was entombed. Mobius, the evil king who had stolen the throne from M’earth, her father, had transformed Kat’Alynnia, Dazzle’s mother, into the obnoxious cat. But they didn’t find that out till much later.

  “What do you think was the saddest moment during the Quest?” asked Sylvia. Both girls loved these conversations. It gave them the opportunity to savor every delicious, unbelievable moment on Aerianna.

  “It’s kind of strange . . . it should have been when Storm died. But it wasn’t. It was very sad at the time; but it was so . . . so . . . beautiful. You know what I mean. We could see his spirit float over to Dazzle and they hugged. He looked so young and happy.” Storm had been very, very, very old. But he had lived long enough to see his beloved friend one more time.

  “You’re right. It all seemed so natural. Anyway, I think the saddest thing was when poor K’ssss was transformed into a D’ing bat.” Their silly serpent sister had tried to
save the others from the scary creature; but it bit her. When that happens, you turn into one of them.

  “Oh, that was just horrible.” Egg involuntarily shivered at the memory. “Especially when her green scarf fell off and floated down to the ground.” The scarf had been a gift from Sassi, their green-skinned sister, to K’ssss.

  They ate a little more lunch in silence . . . each one lost in her own thoughts. Finally, Sylvia asked, “What was the scariest?”

  “For me, it was when I was on Q’umulus (the floating capital city of Aerianna) and I finally saw Mobius. He was so big and ugly . . . at that moment I thought I was just about the dumbest person in the world thinking I could beat him.”

  “I wish I had been there with you.” Egg had sent Sylvia to take Dazzle’s body and spirit to Sighing Whorl, the home of the Myst Tree.

  “You had a much more important job.” The Tree put Dazzle’s spirit back into her body and the Warrior Princess returned to the land of living for the first time in a thousand years.

  “I know. I was really proud that you chose me to do it.”

  “Don’t be silly . . . you were my Feminion.” (A Feminion was a term used on Aerianna to describe someone who was a trusted advisor.)


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