Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 8

by Robert Iannone

  Sylvia kissed him . . . again. However, this time her lips brushed his . . . by accident of course.

  “What about you?” demanded Egg.

  “Me what?”

  “Are you sorry you’re not with them?”

  Zeke unfortunately hesitated too long before saying, “No . . . no way.” Not only did that not get him a kiss; Egg actually pulled her hand away.

  As she stood there watching everyone stare at Meggy and her friend, Sylvia got an idea. “Egg . . . come with me to the girl’s room.”

  “Already? We just got here.”


  “Oh, all right.”

  When they were out of sight of the boys, Sylvia said to her friend, “I think we should tell the guys to ask Meggy to dance.”


  “Look, she’s only here for a few months. When she’s gone, she’ll be in a different part of the universe. They’ll never see her again.”

  “So what does that have to do with anything?”

  “You just know she’s going to ask them . . . if for no other reason than to irritate us. Let’s beat her to the punch. And, besides, think of what it does for us.”


  “We’ll be dating the guys that Meggy wanted for herself.”

  That kind of made sense . . . but seemed awful risky. “I don’t know . . . what happens if she says no?”

  “She’s going to say no.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “She wants to ask them to dance to annoy us . . . but she’ll expect that you and I won’t let them. But if we say yes . . . then she has to say no.”

  “You’ve gone completely nuts. Now, you stay right here while I call 9-1-1. We’ll get you all the help you need.”

  “Egg . . . she can’t dance. Well, at least she can’t dance earth dances.”

  “Oh . . .,” and as understanding began to seep into her brain, she looked at her Feminion with great admiration and said, “You are one very devious girl.”

  “It’s the company I keep. Come on, let’s get back.”

  They pushed their way through the crowd and made their way to where they had left the boys. But as they got closer, they stopped and stared in horror.

  Both Zack and Zeke were dancing with M’egg-Alynnia. What was worse . . . they were each wearing little puppy dogs expressions — goofy wide-eyes and uncontrollable grins.

  “Nice plan,” said Egg sarcastically.

  “Well, fiddlesticks.”

  “But you gotta give her one thing . . . she’s good.”

  “I don’t have to give her anything . . . especially my boyfriend.” Sylvia marched out to the dance floor and Egg scrambled to keep up.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Sylvia didn’t answer. She just walked up to M’egg and tapped her on the shoulder. The Princess slowly spun around; the twins stopped dancing and everyone within twenty feet turned to watch.

  “Ah, my two dear friends,” said M’egg with the utmost insincerity. “I was just enjoying a little dance with these two handsome young men. I do hope that I have not transgressed on some local social custom?”

  “What?” said Egg frowning.

  “You have,” said Sylvia with a snarl.

  “Oh, dear,” said the Princess trying to suppress a smile. “I believe the correct phrase at this time would be ‘My Bad’.” A few people giggled.

  “The correct phrase would be, ‘I’m sorry for being such a twit’”.

  “I accept your apology.”

  Now it was Sylvia’s turn to say, “What?”

  “You are being rude and boorish. I am a guest in this country for such a short time (she glanced at Egg with a knowing look) and I would like to experience all of your culture. Surely asking these young men to dance was not such an offense as to cause you to assail me.”

  “I didn’t do anything to you.”

  “I beg to differ. You placed your hands on my (she was about to say royal, but changed her mind) person. Surely, that is unacceptable behavior in any society?”

  “Okay . . . what’s going on here?” It was Miss Payne . . . gym teacher and dance chaperone.

  Everyone turned to look at the woman.


  “We’re just talking,” said Egg.

  Turning her attention to the Princess, the teacher asked, “Meg . . . are you okay?” As the coach of the volleyball team, Miss Payne was already fond of the new student . . . and team member.

  “Thank you, for asking Miss Payne,” then she hesitated as if she was wrestling with some important thought. “I believe Sylvia and her quaintly dressed friend (meaning Egg) were just leaving.”

  “Don’t you dare make fun of her clothes,” said a very angry Feminion.

  “I assure you that I had no intention of demeaning what the poor girl is wearing. I just find the outfit has a certain unique charm.” Again, there was a smattering of giggles.

  “You’re such a . . .”

  But Miss Payne cut her off from finishing the thought. “That’s enough. I want you and Eloise to stop harassing Megg. Now . . . go find another part of the dance floor and leave her alone.”

  “But Miss Payne . . .”

  “I said enough. Now, go.”

  Sylvia glared at the teacher then at the Princess before turning around and walking away. Egg glanced at the twins . . . shooting daggers with her eyes. Then she, too, turned and walked away.

  Zack and Zeke knew they were in trouble. But only Zack had enough sense to say, “Thanks for the dance, but I’m with Sylvia.” And he ran after his date.

  Stupid Zeke just stood there for a few seconds not sure what to do. “Perhaps you should run after your friend,” suggested M’egg-Alynnia.

  “Oh, yeah. Okay. Bye.” And he hustled after his brother and the girls.

  “I do believe those two boys are in a bit of trouble,” the Princess announced to the crowd of kids who had watched the whole encounter. And they rewarded her by laughing at her pronouncement.

  When Zack caught up to the girls, he said, “Hey, Syl . . . I’m sorry. I didn’t want to dance with her but she said that she had asked you and you said it would be okay.” Then when Sylvia turned around and gave him a death stare, he added, “I guess you didn’t, huh.”

  “What do you think?” If she had been Bl’azzz, fire would have come out of her mouth.

  “I think you would have. You’re such a nice person . . . and I know she’s staying with Egg’s grandmother. It just seemed like something you’d say.”

  Sylvia stared at him to see if he was telling the truth or just trying to get out of trouble. After a moment, she made her decision. Walking up to him, she kissed his cheek for the third time then took his hand and pulled him out to the dance floor.

  That left Zeke standing there with Egg.

  “What’s your excuse?” she asked him.

  “Ummm . . . no one that cute ever asked me to dance before. I just forgot that I was here with you.”

  WOW . . . was that ever the wrong thing to say. Sometimes an honest answer is not the right answer.

  Egg’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. She was standing next to the refreshment table so she turned, picked up a coke and dumped the liquid contents on Zeke’s head. “You are an idiot.” She turned and stormed off.

  “But . . . but . . .” But Egg didn’t care what he had to say. As far as she was concerned . . . they were finished.

  Chapter 8 – A Royal Pain

  She was pleasantly surprised.

  When her mother had exiled her to earth, she thought it would be the worst experience of her entire life. But she was wrong . . . and she wasn’t too proud to admit it. She was having fun . . .

  Virtually the entire sixth grade class was hers to command.

  The eight graders that were considered the cream of their class – namely Izzy and her circle of friends – were under her spell.

  Almost all of her teachers, and of course Principal Kn
otworthy, were treating her as was proper . . . namely as a princess.

  She was the star of the volleyball team . . . though she was willing to grant that Izzy was almost as talented.

  And with almost no effort at all, she had caused an irreconcilable breach between Eloise and her silly boyfriend. What a wonderful lesson for that puffed-up, pompous and irritating girl. Unfortunately, she had not quite achieved the same results with Sylvia. But . . . there was time.

  The only thing she hadn’t yet accomplished was to put the old woman (meaning Grammy) in her place. M’egg-Alynnia simply couldn’t abide with anyone who presumed to be her better. And this . . . this . . . person had the gall to try to instill her silly beliefs and principles on the next Queen of Aerianna. The woman was not even of noble birth. Her audacity was beyond belief.

  But, again, there was time.

  And she smiled with great satisfaction at what she had accomplished.

  And, she tingled in anticipation at what was left to be done.


  “Good morning,” said Grammy to her houseguest.

  “And to you,” said the Princess with absolutely no feeling.

  “What would you like for breakfast?”

  On Aerianna, the Princess would normally be offered such things as bacon and eggs, pancakes, pastry, fruit . . . all the food that you might order if your parents took you to a restaurant on Sunday morning.

  What she never had was cereal and milk. No one on her home world had invented such a thing. But from the first time she tried it, Meggy was hooked. She loved all the different varieties . . . from toasted O’s to Magic Charms.

  But she would never admit to anyone that she found this new type of food so delicious. It was obviously something that only the common people would eat . . . and she, of course, was a princess.

  “One of those packaged foods will suffice,” she answered haughtily.

  “When we’re in a rush during the week, cold cereals are fine. But on the weekends when we have all the time in the world, I insist that you have something more substantial.”

  Megg knew that Grammy loved to cook . . . and did it extremely well. That’s why she said, “Your preparation of even the simplest meal leaves much to be desired. I suggest you take lessons from someone with more talent. In the meantime, I believe I will accept a bowl of those wafers of grain with the dried fruit (that would be raisin bran to the rest of us).”

  The insult to her cooking didn’t go unnoticed. But Grammy was much to wise to be taken in by M’egg-Alynnia’s insults. “I’m so sorry you find my food so unpalatable. Perhaps I’ll ask Egg to go back to your mother and get some of your favorite recipes.” Grammy smiled to herself and waited for the expected reply.

  Obviously, the Princess wasn’t anxious for Egg to be talking to her mother about what had been going on with her daughter. So she quickly said, “Thank you for your concern, but that is not necessary. I am here to experience all that Earth has to offer . . ., which, I presume, includes your cuisine. I will list the meals that I find least objectionable and ask that you limit yourself to those. In the meantime, a bowl of cereal will be sufficient.”

  “As you wish. The bowls are in this cupboard, spoons are in this drawer, the milk is in the refrigerator and the cereal is over there. Help yourself.” And she turned her back on the princess and left the kitchen.

  M’egg-Alynnia fumed at such rude treatment. But, in truth, she was just angry that her nasty words apparently fell on deaf ears. ‘Stupid woman,’ she thought to herself, ‘she does not even recognize an insult.’

  As she was getting her own breakfast, the phone rang and she heard Grammy pick it up. Her words were muffled by the closed kitchen door but Megg did hear her say something like, ‘good-bye sweetheart’.

  It obviously was Egg.

  And then a wonderful thought came to her. Besides cooking, the one thing that this woman prized above all else was her granddaughter. Though why that might be, Meggy could not fathom.

  So, she would find a way to sever that relationship . . .

  . . . and, while she was at it, the one between Egg and Sylvia.

  Then she could go home.


  “Where are you going?”

  “I intend to visit your neighbors.”

  “Young lady, first and foremost . . . do not leave this house without discussing your plans with me. Do you understand?”

  “Am I a prisoner?” Being nasty just came so easy to the Princess.

  Grammy didn’t answer right away . . . afraid she would lose her temper. Instead, she took a deep breath, forced a smile to her lips and said, “You are my guest and my responsibility. Someday when you are Queen of Aerianna, you, too, will have people for whom you are responsible.”

  “Obviously. But you are no queen.”

  “Nor are you,” and Grammy kept her gaze fixed on Megg.

  They stared at each other — neither one intending to be the first to blink. But after a good sixty seconds, the Princess yielded. “I understand your position.” However, she wasn’t about to apologize.

  “Good. The second thing is that on earth, we usually call before we drop in uninvited to someone’s home. We consider that a common courtesy.”

  “I am not common.”

  “Perhaps not; but you are on earth. So, please call.”

  M’egg-Alynnia had had enough of this petty nonsense. She zipped up her coat, pulled on a hat and said, “They are your neighbors, and this is your custom. I suggest you make the call.”

  And before Grammy could say anything, Meggy turned and walked out.


  Mrs. Z opened the opened the door. “Hello. Can I help you?”

  “I am Megg Alynnia. Perhaps your sons have mentioned me?”

  “Oh . . . yes they have. Yes, they have. Well, very nice to meet you Megg. Please . . . come in out of the cold.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I am Mrs. Zambroski . . . Zack and Zeke’s mother” and she offered her hand.

  The princess looked at the appendage without the slightest interest in shaking it. “Forgive me, my hands are so cold . . .,” and she shrugged as if to apologize.

  “Oh, that’s okay” and Mrs. Z pulled her arm back. “Now, what can I do for you?” Since she had picked up her sons and their dates, she knew all about what had transpired at the dance.

  “I wish to speak to Zeke.”

  “Do you?” Mrs. Zambroski really liked Egg and her grandmother. The idea that this girl might come between her son and his girl (temporarily ex-girl) didn’t sit well with her.

  But before she could decide what to do, the twins came into the room. They had heard the doorbell and then Megg’s voice.

  “I wish to talk to Zeke . . . alone,” announced the Princess. And she pointed at the boy as she said it.

  “How can you tell them apart?” asked their astonished mother. Only she, Egg and Sylvia could do it. Her husband got it right only about half the time.

  “Is it not obvious?”

  “To me, yes. Most people can’t.”

  “Sylvia can,” said Zack feeling the need to defend his girlfriend though he wasn’t really sure from what.

  “So can Egg,” said Mrs. Z seeing that Zeke wasn’t about to say anything.

  “All very fascinating,” intoned the Princess who was utterly bored with this discussion. Turning to a blushing Zeke she asked, “May I have a word with you . . . in private?”

  “Uh . . . sure,” but he didn’t move.

  “You two can make yourselves comfortable here. Zack, you come with me” and she led her other son back to the kitchen.

  When they were gone, Megg said, “I wish to go to the movies with you . . . tonight. Will you take me?”

  Zeke’s mouth dropped opened and the pink blush was turning a nice shade of red. “Ummm . . . yeah.”

  “Good. But you must be sure that your brother and his date go with us. Will you do that for me?” and she grabbed both his hands in her
s. Now the red was turning to an impressively deep scarlet.

  “Uh . . . uh . . . uh huh,” was the best he could manage to sputter.

  “Wonderful. Pick me up at seven” and she kissed him on the cheek and left.


  “Hi . . . it’s me.”

  “Hi, Egg.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I was working on that book report. How about you?”

  “What a co-inky-dink; I was supposed to be working on it too.”

  “Supposed to be?”

  “I tried . . . really. But it’s such a sad book. Every time I think about it, I cry.” (She was referring to Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls).

  “Eloise Graystone . . . don’t try that excuse on me,” said her friend who was only half-kidding. “The paper is due Wednesday.”

  “Exactly. And today is only Saturday. I have plenty of time.”

  “You are impossible.”

  “Meggy is impossible . . . I’m just undisciplined. Anyway, why don’t you come over when you’re finished? You can stay for dinner then we can go catch a movie.”

  “I can’t. Zack already invited me to the movies. Sorry.”

  At the mention of her boyfriend, Egg suddenly felt . . . well, she wasn’t sure what she felt. Maybe jealousy that Sylvia still had a boyfriend; maybe annoyance that her ‘ex’ was such a dope; maybe anger over what Megg had done . . . or maybe all three.

  “Egg . . . you still there?”

  “Yeah. Well, I guess I should get back to the book report. Have fun tonight.”

  “Egg . . . don’t be like that.”

  “Sorry. It’s not your fault. Call me tomorrow.”

  “Sure. See’ya.”

  “Yeah, see’ya.”


  As Zack and Sylvia approached the minivan, she asked, “I didn’t know Zeke was going. Does he have a date?” It was hard to see because it was one of those evilly dark winter nights when even the moon was afraid to come out.

  But before he had to answer, the side door slid open automatically. And there was M’egg-Alynnia sitting very close to Zeke . . . holding his hand. Sylvia stopped dead in her tracks and stared in horror at the unexpected sight.

  “Good evening, Sylvia. I am so very pleased you could join us,” said the Princess with heartfelt sincerity. Of course, it wasn’t from the expectation of an enjoyable evening with three dear friends . . . but because it was the next step in her sinister plans.


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