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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 12

by Robert Iannone

  When everyone was settled, the Queen began to explain the situation. “Bl’azzz, you are the only one here who may not know of the delegation I sent to the planet Zynn-Zaz’zia. It was led by Lord Z’kkk. With him were Princess Ss’ong, Prince Soar’elle, Tink’rrr and your sister Sassi.” She paused to let the F’yre Dragon absorb the information.

  “Actually, I did, your Majesty. Sassi asked the four of us to keep an eye on her daughter while she was gone.” She and the other three sisters from Aerianna were Life Guardians to the baby Kiss’immee. It was like being a godmother back on earth.

  “Of course; I should have known. How is the child?”

  “She’s beautiful like her mother.”

  “I’m sure she is.” Dazzle took a deep breath. With all that was going on, she had completely forgotten that Sassi was married and had a daughter. That just made a bad situation even worse. “My sisters, there is no easy way to say this. We have received word that Lord Z’kkk and his party have been taken prisoners by an unknown enemy.”

  “Oh, no,” cried Aeri’elle.

  “Oh, not Sassi . . .,” wailed Bl’azzz.

  “Oh my goshes,” moaned K’ssss.

  “I must tell you that we do not know their condition since they were taken captive. But we have no reason to believe that they have been harmed.”

  Neither K’ssss nor Aeri’elle reacted to this statement . . . the dragon because she was too proud to show any emotions in front of the Queen, and the silly serpent because she really didn’t understand how dangerous the situation actually was.

  “What can we do, your Majesty?” asked Aeri’elle.

  “Egg has volunteered to go to Zynn-Zaz’zia. I am hoping that you will join her.”

  “Of course, I’ll go.”

  “Count me in,” added Bl’azzz.

  K’ssss had long since proven how brave and fearless she was. So it was no surprise when she said, “I have to help my dad and Sassi.”

  “That is wonderful. But I should tell you that if Egg did not insist, I would not have asked the Sisterhood for help. You have already done more for me and this planet than anyone had a right to ask.”

  “With respect, Majesty . . . this time we do it for selfish reasons. It is your husband, our fathers and dear Sassi. Whoever has taken them best be prepared to face six very angry young women.”

  “Seven.” Everyone turned to look at M’egg-Alynnia. “It is also my father who is held hostage.”

  Aeri’elle and Bl’azzz both stared at the girl as if she had gone insane.

  But it was K’ssss who spoke up . . ., “H’sssss. You can’t go. You’re not a Hammygatic Sister. You’re just a princess.” The other three Aeriannian sisters cringed at those words. They assumed Her Royal Nastiness would go ballistic . . . but they were wrong.

  M’egg-Alynnia didn’t really know K’ssss very well. In fact, she had hardly ever spoken to any of the Sisters. But she had heard that the serpent was very brave but also . . . ummm . . . intellectually challenged. “K’ssss, I would like your permission to go on this rescue mission. Like you, I cannot sit home while my father is in danger. Can you understand that?”

  Well, that was good enough for a simple sea serpent . . ., “Okay.”

  However, Aeri’elle was in no mood to put up with M’egg-Alynnia’s nonsense. “Princess, you might very well be the next Queen of Aerianna but, like K’ssss said, you are not a Hameggattic Sister. You will only get in the way. I’m sorry but taking you is simply out of the question.”

  With these harsh words, the room grew very, very quiet.

  Now, at this point, you might have thought that the Queen would say something in defense of her daughter. But she purposely did not. It was up to M’egg-Alynnia to convince the sisterhood that she was worthy to join them on this rescue. So Dazzle (to the Hameggattic Sisters, Rose’Alynnia would always be Dazzle) just sat back and watched.

  “Aeri’elle . . .,” said Egg trying to defuse the situation. But M’egg-Alynnia cut her off.

  “Please, Egg,” she said as she touched the girl on her arm (a gesture that surprised the others). “I would like to respond to your sister.”

  “Ummm . . . sure.”

  “We can certainly agree on two of your three points, Aeri’elle. I do not belong to your sisterhood and I will be the next Queen of Aerianna. However, I pray that it will be many, many years before that comes to pass (and she gave her mother a quick smile). As for getting in the way, as you described it, I beg to differ. I have not faced any of the life-threatening dangers such that you and the others have. But I have faced danger. Foolishly, I might add . . . and against my mother’s wishes. Nonetheless . . . I am athletic, skilled at many things and I most certainly would never shy away from a challenge.”

  “Oh, please. Do you think your childish games could possibly prepare you for whatever awaits us out there?”

  “Aeri’elle . . . she’s still the Princess,” said Bl’azzz in an effort to keep her sister from being beheaded . . . or worse.

  “Isn’t that what all of this comes down to in the end? She’s royalty and she can do whatever she pleases.” That comment was made to Bl’azzz. Aeri’elle then turned back to M’egg-Alynnia and said, “You have no business coming along on this mission . . . but I assume I can’t stop you.”

  Everyone tensed as they waited for the other girl’s reply.

  “Aeri’elle . . . you did not think my mother should have put Egg in charge of the Quest. Were you wrong then?” M’egg had read that in Egg’s diary.

  If dragons could blush, Aeri’elle would have. Instead, she stood up taller and said, “I was wrong.”

  “Is there any chance you could be wrong about me?”

  The dragon stared at the Princess before answering. “Perhaps. But I don’t think so.”

  “If I told you that Egg thinks I should go, would that change your mind?”

  Aeri’elle hadn’t expected that. “Egg . . . is that true?”

  “Yes, and I’ll tell you why in a minute. But first I want to ask you and the others a question.”


  “The real reason you don’t want her to go is because you think she’s just a conceited spoiled brat? Am I right?” Bl’azzz and Aeri’elle looked like they wanted to run away rather than answer that question. Soo’ just stared at the ground. However, leave it to K’ssss to be honest.

  “She’s really mean.”

  “Okay, just shoot me now,” said the F’yre Dragon thinking that they were all about to die at the hands of a crazed princess.

  “Oh, K’ssss. I am sorry that I was mean — to you and to everyone else. But that was the old me; you can thank these two (she pointed at the two earthlings) for opening my eyes to what a truly horrible person I had become.”

  K’ssss didn’t quite understand what she had just heard. “Are you only mean when your eyes are closed?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Egg and Sylvia opened your eyes and now you’re nice. So when you close your eyes do you become mean again?”

  “Oh, you are one dumb ditzy denizen . . .,” teased Soo’.

  “Thank you.” And as K’ssss was wont to do . . . she made everyone laugh despite themselves.

  “You are a very unique individual K’ssss. I can see why the others are so fond of you.”


  “Now what?” asked the other serpent.

  “I think she said something nice.”

  Aeri’elle brought the conversation back to the matter at hand. “Egg, are you suggesting that in the short time the Princess was on earth, you and Sylvia were able to . . . to . . .,” but she didn’t know how to finish the sentence without saying something rude.

  “Let me tell you what happened. First of all, she’s good. Really good. It took her about four hours to take control of my class. At the end of one week, she owned the whole school . . . including the teachers. She learned to play an earth game called volleyball in about thirty minutes . . . and bec
ame the star player. And when she set her sights to get even with me and Sylvia . . . she was incredible. Mean doesn’t do her justice; she was awesomely evil. If Mobius had her on his side, there’s no way we would have won.”

  M’egg-Alynnia smiled at the characterization of what had transpired . . . it made her proud to know that Flying Girl thought so highly of her.

  “So why is she different now?”

  “Ummm . . . suffice it to say that my Feminion came up with an awesome plan and it worked.” Sylvia smiled and nodded in agreement.

  M’egg explained. “You would have been proud. These two completely and totally humiliated me in front of the entire school. I had never experienced anything so humbling in my life. Then, when I was feeling sorry for myself, Grammy Eloise made me read Egg’s diary. That is when I truly understood what heroes all of you were. I also realized that I was just a make-believe princess. I had done nothing to earn the right to rule this world.”

  The girls tried not to smile at the image of the high and mighty M’egg-Alynnia brought low by their two sisters . . . but failed. However, they were also more than a little touched, and very much surprised, by her confession. She certainly sounded like a different person.

  Then Egg added the magical words, “Besides . . . I just have a feeling that she should go.”

  “Geez . . . why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” groaned Bl’azzz. That was all they needed to be convinced. The girls had learned that you simply never went against Egg’s feelings or dreams. Never.

  “M’egg, you need to agree to two things,” said Sylvia. “First, Egg’s in charge. Second, other than that, we’re all equals . . . at least until we get back. Okay?”

  “I understand.”

  “Who’s M’egg?” asked a confused K’ssss.

  “That was my earth name. I would be very pleased if you called me that also.”

  “Okay . . . but only when your eyes are opened.”

  Soo’ cringed. “You make my head spin, you nutty nincompoop.”

  They all giggled at this exchange . . . but it was soon replaced by an awkward silence.

  Dazzle, who had watched all of this without interfering, was bursting with pride at how her daughter had handled herself and how the sisterhood had accepted her. But it was still obvious that Aeri’elle had been persuaded more by Egg’s feeling than by M’egg-Alynnia’s arguments. But that could be easily fixed.

  “Daughter, tell Aeri’elle of your dream.”

  “My dream?” she asked not understanding what her mother was referring to. Then it came to her . . ., “Oh, you refer to Prince Storm.” She turned to look at his great granddaughter. “After the lessons I learned on earth, I dreamt of the Prince. He congratulated me on my new awareness and he asked if he could visit with me more often. I was honored.”

  If Aeri’elle had any lingering doubts, those words put them to rest. If Storm approved, then the Princess must really and truly have changed for the better. Her trust in the judgment of her great grandfather was absolute.

  “I have one condition,” and everyone turned to look at the dragon. “If you are to come with us, you must agree to become a Hameggattic Sister.”

  M’egg-Alynnia smiled from ear to ear and ran over and threw her arms around Aeri’elle. The other five joined in and they shared a group hug.

  Heck, it wasn’t every day that the sisterhood got a new member.

  And it wasn’t every day you got to hug a real live princess.

  Chapter 2 - Trees and Dreams

  “Why are you bringing that outfit, dear?”

  Egg was dressed in her flying suit . . . something she hadn’t done in over two years. “Now that I’m Flying Girl again (those words brought a smile to Grammy’s face), I thought M’egg would like to wear it.”

  “That is very thoughtful of you. I’m sure she’ll love it.”

  What they were talking about was the outfit that Dazzle had given Egg when the girl gave up the flying suit. It was also the one the young Princess had worn the night she became engaged to Prince Z’kkk.

  “Grammy, thank you again.”

  “For what, love?”

  “For covering for Syl and me while we’re away.”

  “Don’t be silly. I always wanted to take a sea voyage.” Grammy had received permission to take the girls on a cruise ship during spring break. Of course, she would be going alone, while the girls went about their rescue mission.

  “Still . . . without you, I don’t know what I’d do.” She looked at her grandmother and noticed that her hair was getting a bit grey. Next month would be her sixty-fifth birthday . . . and for the first time Egg became aware that her grandmother was beginning to get along in years. She threw her arms around the older woman and hugged her tightly. “Grammy . . . I love you.”

  “And I love you too. I can’t possibly tell you how much joy you’ve brought me since the day you were born. You are an amazing young woman.”

  That was true in more ways than one. Egg had reached the age where a young girl’s body begins to take on the first hints of the woman she will become. “Grammy, no matter how old I get, I’ll always be your little girl.”

  They held their embrace for a good minute. It would have gone on longer, but Sylvia was waiting to be picked up . . . and there were a bunch of people that needed saving.


  The seven sisters were with the Queen in her antechamber waiting for the Minister of Science. That was the person who was in charge of all scientists as well as the Explorer Force, which controlled the space portal and the exploration of promising new planets.

  While they waited, the conversation was chatty and light . . . their way to ward off the nervousness they all felt about the upcoming rescue mission.

  “Either I’ve seen that outfit before or every royal brat gets the same cool costume,” said Bl’azzz purposely testing the Princess with her sarcasm.

  “It was my mother’s. I cannot thank you enough, Egg. And thank you for letting me use a copy of your flying belt . . . the Sword and the Rose should be my family’s new crest” (it was the symbols Rose’Alynnia wore when she became a Knight Guardian in the Order of the Crystal Egg - a rose for her name, and a sword that she had named Dazzle).

  “Now that I have my flying suit back, I thought you should have it.”


  “What now, you lovable, laughing leviathan?”

  “I think we should have a Hammygattic uniform. Maybe all of you could wear a scarf like mine.” It was the green scarf that Sassi had given her during the Quest.

  “Hey, K’ssss, I like that idea. What do you say Egg?” asked Sylvia.

  “Let’s put it to a vote. I say yes.”

  “I’m in,” said Bl’azzz.

  “What the heck,” added Soo’.

  “Oh . . . alright,” answered Aeri’elle who was less than thrilled with wearing clothes. It was something dragons and sea serpents never did.

  “Then it’s unanimous,” added M’egg. “I will ask the royal seamstress to make them tonight.”

  As the girls continued to talk about the scarves and human clothes in general, the Queen walked up to Egg and asked, “May I have a word with you.”

  “Sure,” and the two walked to the other side of the room.

  “Sister . . . there are many things I need to say, so please bear with me. First and foremost, thank you again for volunteering. But I do hope you understand that this can be as dangerous, if not more so, than the Quest.”

  “I think we all know that.”

  “Dear Egg, I say this with all due respect . . . do not let your success against Mobius give you a false sense of invincibility. I look at you and your sisters at this very moment and sense mostly confidence. None of you believes that this mission can fail. And that worries me.”

  “Are you saying we should be scared?”

  “I am suggesting that over-confidence can cloud one’s judgment. Do not allow that to happen to you or the others.

  “I think I understand.”

  “Good. Now as to my daughter . . . M’egg-Alynnia is to be treated as you would treat the others. No more, no less.”

  “I know.”

  “Whatever threats you would face . . . so should she.”


  “However, do not let her do anything that you yourself would not do. She loves a challenge. And if it is dangerous, so much the better.”

  “I’ll keep her from doing anything stupid.”

  “Thank you.” The Queen grew quiet for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. “If it is not possible to save my husband and the others . . . so be it. Do not take unnecessary risks. Losing any of the sisterhood would make a tragic situation even more unbearable. You must give me your solemn promise.”

  “Dazzle, I promise.”

  “Allow me to give you one last piece of advice. Sometimes it is the wiser course of action to admit that you cannot succeed and to walk away. As long as you are alive and free, then victory is still possible.”

  Egg thought about those words then realized that Dazzled had once done just that. “Like when you gave up your fight with Mobius and put your spirit into the flying suit.”

  The Queen smiled warmly. “Yes, my sister. That is exactly correct.” And she rewarded her young friend with a hug.

  They walked back to the join the others. As they stood there, the Queen looked at the seven girls and said, “I believe K’ssss was correct in suggesting everyone should wear a scarf. It is a tribute to Sassi and a symbol of your devotion to each other. With your permission, I will have the badge of the Sisterhood embroidered into each one.”

  “What badge is that, Mother?”

  “The girls carry a communications crystal in a piece of jewelry designed by Sassi . . .”

  Egg showed hers to Megg.

  “It is very clever. Should I not have one also?”

  “Yes,” said the Queen. “The Minister will bring it with her when she arrives shortly.” And as if on cue, the guards announced the woman’s arrival.


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