Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 25

by Robert Iannone

  “Oh. H’sssss, you’re pretty.”

  “And so are you.”

  “Gee, I hoped we helped you a little with that one,” teased Egg.

  “For that I will be eternally grateful.” Since that sounded way too serious, she quickly added, “Perhaps I will be able to find a suitable way to repay you and Sylvia for such utter, and total, humiliation. Something that perhaps you will not be expecting. Something memorable,” and she gave the girl a very evil grin.

  “Shucks, your eternal gratefulness is more than enough.”

  “Yeah,” added Sylvia. “Don’t give it another thought.”

  “What else you got there, Princess” goaded Soo.

  “The others I shall keep private for now.”

  “In that case,” said the serpent, “let’s hear your story.”

  “Since the story has to be about some life-altering experience, I will offer you one. However, this particular incident sent me down the wrong path . . . the one that helped create the infamous Mega-brat. Would that serve?”

  “Ha. Kind of like how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. You gotta love it.”

  Though Sylvia smiled at the reference, needless to say everyone else just stared. Soo, of course, chose to speak first. “Egg-o, you’ve got one minute to explain what you just said or me and the rest of us are going to tickle you until you turn . . . “ She couldn’t remember what the color was so she looked at Sylvia.


  “Oh, yeah. Until you turn purple.”

  “First off, as the leader of this group of alien misfits, I absolutely forbid anyone to tickle me. No tickling. None. Got it?”

  “Ain’t your choice and your minute is half up.”

  “It’s from a movie back home. There’s a bunch of good guys that protect the universe . . .”

  “Kind of like the Hameggattic Sisters,” offered Bl’azzz.

  “Kind of. Anyway, one of them goes from being good to being bad . . . that’s the Darth Vader guy.”

  “What happens to this individual?” asked a curious Princess.

  “Oh, in the end he turns out to be Luke’s . . . “

  “Don’t,” warned Sylvia.

  “Right. In the end he goes back to being good.”

  “Just like our Megg,” added Aeri’elle.

  “Perhaps it is too soon to reach that conclusion,” the Princess added mischievously.

  “Say what?” asked Bl’azzz.

  “I kid.” Everyone kept staring so she repeated, “Truly, I was joking.”

  “Just tell the story,” insisted Soo.

  “As you wish.” She paused to gather her thoughts then began. “By the time I was nine, I had managed to alienate all my friends. Apparently, even young girls found me rather . . . bothersome. In retrospect, perhaps I was a tad bit smug, arrogant, conceited, haughty and, as you might say on Earth, full of myself. However, I did not care, for a Royal Princess, the next Queen of Aerianna, always had playmates.”

  “I knew someone like that once.” The other girls turned to look at Soo’ with none-too-friendly stares. “No, no, no . . . I was talking about my cousin,” said the serpent hastily . . . but totally unconvincingly. “Sorry.”

  M’egg just stuck her tongue out and continued her story. “Anyway, one day I was dueling two boys . . .”

  “WHAT? With swords?”

  “Two at once?”

  “Yes, with swords that were made out of wood. And, yes, it was two against one . . . unfair of me, I know. They were a year older and very good . . . but I beat them in less than a minute. As you might imagine, that did not sit well with them. But I was a Princess and all they could do was swallow their pride, praise my superior ability and take their leave.

  When they were out of earshot, one said to the other some very unkind words about me. Very, very unkind words.”

  “And just how did you know what they said?”

  “I did not have friends, but I did have spies. A Princess needs to know what is going on at all times; I am sure you would agree.”

  “Well, of course,” replied Egg sarcastically.

  “When I found out what they had said, I was furious and was determined to show these two impudent swines my displeasure. Since I could not confront them directly with knowledge of their conversation without giving away my spy, I invited them to duel again . . . to give them a chance to get even. Or so I told them. They accepted and the duel was held in front of the same group of people as the first. This time the boys were able to win . . . both landing their blades to my stomach and chest. They were ecstatic until I clutched my body and fell over screaming in pain. The startled ruffians ran over . . . and to their horror they saw blood streaming from the wounds they had inflicted.”

  “Let me guess . . .”

  “Shush,” yelled the other girls at Egg.

  “Yes, I had faked the wounds. I had hidden pouches of red paint under my protective garment. When I grabbed at them, they spurted their contents in a very realistic fashion. The boys thought they had mortally wounded me. When they saw the ‘blood’ one of them fell to his knees and vomited. The other poor lad actually wet his britches.”

  The girls applauded and laughed.

  “How deliciously wicked,” said BreeZee. “But how was that life changing?”

  “Excellent question, my new friend. You see, up to that point, I was a little girl, a spoiled Princess, who insisted on getting her way. After this mock duel, I knew – in my warped mind, anyway – that I really was superior to all my future subjects. I was the best . . . not only by birth, but by intellect, cunning and physical ability. From that point on, what little humanity that I might have had vanished under the all-consuming veil of conceit. On that day, I crowned myself Mega-brat, though I would not hear that phrase until I went to Earth.”

  “Well, I find all of that very hard to believe,” said BreeZee. “Not the duel but the person you became. We had such a wonderful time on our flight. You were sweet, honest, interesting and supportive. I can’t even imagine Mega-brat.”

  “She was mean,” said K’ssss. “But now that she has her eyes open, she’s really nice.”

  “Eyes open? I don’t understand?”

  “Don’t ask,” said Soo.


  It was finally time for bed and for Egg to dream. Zazzi said goodnight and left for his cavern while the two serpents dove into the cove. BreeZee had told her parents she would be away for a few days so they made room for her in one of the tents. After a few minutes, the last of the chitchat had faded away and everyone closed their eyes and began to dream of the conflict to come.

  M’egg, who was lying next to Egg, leaned over and whispered, “Every time I remembered that incident it would make me laugh. Now it does not seem so funny anymore.”

  “That’s because you used to be Mega-brat . . . now you’re a Princess.”

  “Thank you, Egg . . . for everything.”


  “Egg of Earth”.

  “Hi, Myst Tree. Zazzi said you wanted to talk to me?”

  “Someone to help you with your problem has been dispatched.”

  “Who is it?”

  An image formed in her mind . . .

  “Oh my gosh. What is she?”

  “A Thought Weaver.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Zazzi said. I’d ask what exactly a thought weaver is but I’m guessing you won’t tell me.” She paused hoping he might, but nope – not a peep. “So she’s coming to help us with the Reven stuff, right?”

  “That and more.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Ignoring the question, the Tree said, “After you have trapped Mobius in his past, you must destroy the Time Castle. My cousin should never have built such an abomination.”

  “How do we do that?”

  “Release the sands of time.”


  “Once time has stopped, the Castle, and Reven, will cease to exist.”

  “We don’t w
ant to hurt anybody?”

  “Reven may look human, but she is simply a manifestation of time.”

  “No idea what that means.”

  “She is also Loony Tunes and very Darth Vader like.”

  “Myst Tree, are you being funny?”

  “The thought had never occurred to me . . . until I met you.”

  Egg smiled in her dream. “Glad I could help.”

  “Beware. Though Reven lives alone . . . she has herself to keep her company.”

  Now that’s a statement that made absolutely no sense. “What exactly does that mean?”

  Not surprisingly, the Tree didn’t answer. Instead, he said, “Remember the Earth saying - age before beauty - if you are to succeed.”

  “Whatever. What should we do with Bl’udd? Trap him too?”

  “He is Mobius’s pet . . . treat him like one.”

  “Myst Tree, why don’t you just come out and say what you mean. Why all the riddles? It’s really very annoying.”

  “What can you expect from a talking tree?” and then he was gone.

  Chapter 8 – Into the Fire

  Wind’dancer Village, that morning

  “Zephyr, come quickly,” called his wife.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They’re back. Skye and Windy . . . they just sailed in.”

  Zephyr dropped his fork, took one last loving glance at his delicious breakfast, and jumped up. He also jumped off the veranda, which, of course, is what Wind’dancers did.

  He followed his wife down to a clearing and to a knot of people that had formed around the newly arrived couple.

  “Make way, please. Step aside. Come now, let me through,” growled the clan leader. People reluctantly did as he commanded.

  He made his way to the young couple. “Are you alright? Are you injured?”

  “We’re fine.”

  “Are you sure? No bumps, no scratches . . . maybe a pulled muscle?”

  The two young adults smiled and shook their heads no.

  “Good. Good.” Then Zephyr took a deep breath and bellowed, “WHERE IN THE NAME OF ZYNNIA HAVE YOU BEEN?”

  Everyone took a shocked step backward . . . Skye and Windy took two.


  “We . . . um . . . we wanted some time alone and one thing led to another and before we knew it we were close to the Nauti village. We had been sailing all day and were really tired so we landed and asked for hospitality (it was a common practice between the clans to attend to whatever needs a visitor might have).”


  “Z . . . stop yelling.”

  “I’M NOT . . . I’m not yelling.” He turned back to the two truant kids and said, “Everyone has been worried sick about you two.”

  “Sorry. We didn’t mean to do that.”

  “Fine. Just tell me what happened at the village. Did they treat you well?”

  “Of course. And we met the most amazing person. That’s why we rushed back. He wants to meet you.”

  “What person?”

  “He came in a spaceship. I guess a meteor knocked it off course and he crashed into the sea not far from the Nauti village.”

  “He’s from outer space?”

  “Yes. But he’s not like us. No wings.”

  “No wings?”

  “No. But he’s really amazing. He’s a scientist and he wants to meet with you to discuss . . . um . . . um?”

  Windy finished for him. “He wants to discuss his technology with you and with Howl. He said it could change the way we live. But because it’s so advanced, he wants to make sure the two clan leaders approve before he does anything. So that’s why he wants to meet you.”


  “As soon as you can. Today would be great.”


  “He didn’t exactly say. I just assumed it’s at the Nauti village.”

  Zephyr went quiet as he considered the message. “Did you happen to see an unusual creature? Something big and red with wings?”

  “Oh, sure. That’s Bl’udd. He’s a friend of Sui’Bom.”


  “The guy from space.”

  “Right . . . the guy from space. And this creature, what is it?”

  “A dragon.”

  “Is it friendly?”

  “Sui’Bom says he’s just like a pet . . . but not as smart.”

  Island of Zaz’zia, that morning

  “He made a joke. Can you believe it? I asked him why all the riddles and he says, ‘what can you expect from a talking tree’. How weird is that?”

  Sylvia responded with, “Egg . . . he’s a talking tree. That’s like the ultimate in weirdness. A funny talking tree isn’t any weirder.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “So tell us exactly what he said.” said Aeri’elle.

  “Okay. Well he said . . .,” and Egg relayed the dream in as much detail as she could remember.

  “Can you describe the Thought Weaver?” asked the Princess.

  “In a way she kind of looks like that picture of the Old Ones your mom once showed me . . .

  . . . with really weird eyes. But she was tall and beautiful in a different sort of way.”

  “That’s it? That’s your description? How are we going to recognize her?”

  “I promise you, Aeri’elle, that once you see her, you’ll know.”

  “When will she arrive?” asked Syl.

  “He didn’t say.”

  “Do we wait for her?”

  “Um, I don’t think we should, Bl’azzz. We’ve waited long enough and it’s time to get this show on the road.”

  No one could argue with that.

  “Okay, first things first” and she glanced at Soo waiting for a snide remark.

  “Don’t look at me.” Then she added, “O mi goth”.

  Now everyone did look at the serpent. “What did she say?” asked Bl’azzz to no one in particular.

  “Why you silver-tongue sea serpent, that was pretty good”. And now everyone looked at Sylvia. “She just said oh my gosh . . . in earth English.”

  “Very impressive” said Aeri’elle, ever the professor.

  Reverting back to serpent speak, Soo said “thank you, thank you. I know you all think I’m just a pretty face . . .”

  . . . but I’m also incredibly talented in so many. . .”

  She couldn’t finish because everyone started whacking her with their pillows. It was a great way to release their nervous energy before facing Mobius.

  “Okay, enough,” said Egg. When everyone settled down, she continued. “I want all of you to put on your green scarves now.”

  “Why?” asked Aeri’elle who never really cared for the idea.

  “It’s our uniform. I want everyone on this world to recognize it and know that whoever is wearing the scarf is a member of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  When she put it that way, the girls instantly liked the idea . . . even the reluctant dragon.

  Sylvia leaned over and whispered to her friend, “What about Bree and Zazzi?”

  “Oh, yeah. Hey, everyone, I need a sisterhood vote. I would like to present Zazzi and BreeZee with honorary scarves if that’s okay? All in favor raise your hand.”


  “Sorry, sorry. All those in favor say yes,” and it was unanimous. Each girl had a spare scarf so Egg and Syl went and found theirs. “Since you two have volunteered to help the Hameggattic Sisterhood, we would like you to wear one of these. We made them in honor of Sassi – one of the hostages – who gave a scarf just like it to K’ssss when we were in the Seven Lands.”

  “H’sssss”. This time it was Zazzi. “I have never worn clothes before nor have I ever been part of a Sisterhood. I am deeply grateful.”

  Egg laughed. “Zazzi, you’ll probably be the one and only boy to become an honorary member. Never thought it would happen, but you’re pretty special.”

  “H’sssss. He’s pretty.

think so too, K’ssss.”

  “And I will treasure this for the rest of my life,” added BreeZee who hugged it to her chest.

  “Great. So here’s what we’re going to do. K’ssss and Zazzi, now’s the time to start your reconnoiter. If you see anything – any place where the hostages might be, call me. If you get in trouble, call me. In fact, once every hour, call me and tell me where you are. Understand?”

  K’ssss and Zazzi nodded.

  “Okay, good luck guys and be careful. Mobius is bad news.”

  The sisters all hugged the two serpents and they slithered off, dove into the water, and disappeared beneath the surface.

  “Aeri’elle do you know how to find the village?”

  “BreeZee gave me great instructions.”

  “Then, Meggy, jump on her back and good luck. Remember, the same goes for you two . . . call every hour or whenever you have something to report. Got it?”

  “We do,” and they all hugged again.

  The remaining girls watched as the dragon and her passenger disappeared out of sight. When they were gone, Egg turned to her four remaining sisters. “Slight change of plans. Syl, I want you to ride on Bl’azzz.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “I got to thinking that two wasn’t enough. Mobius will be expecting more.”

  “And . . .,” Sylvia knew her best friend all too well.

  Egg smiled, “And I want him to know the Hameggattic Sisters are back. I think he’ll figure it out when he sees the three of you.”

  “Why is that good?”

  “Because he’ll worry where the other four are. People who worry make mistakes.”


  “Just one thing . . . don’t let him capture you. That would be really bad.”

  “Did you hear that Bl’azzz? Guard me with your life.”

  “Not to worry. I’ve eaten so many vegetables I’m about to explode. I dare anyone to get close.”

  “Big bird, if you burp and burn my butt I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Soo-Soo . . . how could you ever doubt me?”


  “Okay then,” and Egg hugged her three sisters. “Off you go . . . and be careful. Soo, remember; call me with your location if you can. Otherwise, good luck with your escape.”


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