Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 31

by Robert Iannone

  Aeri’elle remembered something the alien girl had said. “Spirit, you mentioned that the new WingStone would be more than anyone could have hoped for. What did that mean?”

  “I prefer to have K’ssss tell you and the Wind’dancers. After all, it will be her genius that creates it. She deserves the right to break the news.”

  “And you said you don’t know how to be a friend,” teased Egg. “Pretty much that’s how you do it.”


  Back on Aerianna, the doctors were hovering around the fallen serpent.

  “Well?” demanded Ven’trrr. “How is she?”

  “As far as we can tell, she’s in perfect health.”

  “She collapsed in a heap . . . how healthy can that be?”

  Just then, K’ssss began to stir. With the help of the doctors, they were able to get her up. They offered her a water bottle, which she drained in one gulp. She looked around at the faces staring at her.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “Sis . . . you had us worried. You fainted.”

  “Curious. For the life of me I cannot think why?”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Excellent. Thank you for asking.”

  Ven’trrr made a face. “You don’t sound like you.”

  “Whom do I sound like?”

  “More like Dad.”

  “That’s very kind of you to say.”

  “You’re welcome.” Turning to the doctors he said “Sorry for the false alarm but she appears to be fine now. If I need you, I’ll call.”

  After they left, Ven’trrr said, “You had me worried, Kissy.”

  “I apologize however I can assure you my loss of consciousness was involuntary.”



  “Sylvia told me about the Circle thing. Apparently it worked.”

  Instead of answering, K’ssss slithered over to a white board filled with equations that her brother had been working on . . .

  She studied it for a minute then said, “Do you see your mistake?”

  “What? What mistake?”

  “In your secondary differential equations you didn’t allow for the effects of quantum fluctuations at the sub-atomic level. If you simply replace the quark positive spin to negative, it will eliminate all of those annoying infinite loops.”

  Ven’trrr stared at his sister . . . then at his equations . . . then at his sister . . . then at his equations. “Oh. Oh yeah. I see it now. Thanks.”

  “No problem. By the way, were you given a shard of crystal to give to me?”

  “Yes . . . here it is.”

  “Thank you. If you’ll excuse me, I need to talk to the Queen.”


  “I’m going to get her permission to commandeer the entire scientific community to work on a little project that I’ve been thinking about.” She turned to go, stopped then turned back. “Brother, did I ever tell you how much I love the nickname Kissy?”

  “Not really.”

  “Well, I do. Almost as much as I love chocolate.”

  “You don’t love chocolate . . . you love eel.”

  “Yuk . . . Whoever told you that?”


  Somewhere near the Nauti Village

  “Ladies, very nice of you to pay me a visit”.

  “Geez, I almost forgot how ugly you are?” said Soo who would have been shaking in her boots if she actually had feet to put into them.

  “Have we met?” Then a light went on in his evil head. “Oh, how inconsiderate of me not to recognize such lovely faces. You two are part of the Yama-Banana Sisterhood. Never did get your names.”

  “That’s Hameggattic Sisterhood like you really forgot.”

  “I could care less what you call yourselves. In fact, I could care less what your names are. However, I would very much like to know where your dear leader might be. Her name I do remember. Egg . . . even after all this time it still sounds absurd.”

  “Sorry, she couldn’t make it. Too much homework she said.”

  “Oh, I think not. My guess is that she and the other four are out there as we speak, plotting and scheming. I also think you two are less than willing to give up that information. So . . . I do believe I will let you contemplate the error of your ways for a while. When you change your minds, please do not hesitate to let me know.”

  Mobius turned around and yelled, “Guards, escort our guests out.”

  As a dozen hands grabbed at them, Bl’azzz squawked, “Hey, be nice.”

  She was talking to the guards but it was Mobius who answered, “Sadly, for you, this is the nice part. You may find the next few hours much less enjoyable.”



  “K’ssss, my sweet sister, I was told you had an urgent need to speak to me. Did Egg send you with a message?”

  “No, your Majesty. I am here of my own accord.”

  Rose stared at the serpent. “Are you well, dearest one?”

  “My heath has never been better . . . thank you for inquiring. As for the matter which I need to discuss, it has to do with this,” and she showed the Queen the shard.

  “What is it?”

  “A piece of the Wind’dancer WingStone destroyed in a fire. Without it, they will eventually perish. I believe I know how to duplicate it, however I could use the services of as many scientists and engineers as you are willing to assign to me.”

  Rose just stared at the serpent. Finally she said, “K’ssss, forgive me for saying this, but you are not you.”

  “I can assure Her Majesty that I am.”

  “Assuredly, you are most definitely not.”

  “With respect, who do you think I am?”

  “I have absolutely no idea. Did something . . . unusual . . . happen to you while on Zynn-Zaz’zia?”

  “Oh, yes. Sorry, apparently the change is more noticeable to others than to me.”

  “Please explain.”

  “As you command. It started when I fell in love with Zazzi . . . “


  Back at the Sister’s Camp

  “Okay, what’s next?” asked Sylvia.

  “You, me, Megg and Spirit will wait for BreeZee to return. Aeri’elle, you really need to get going.”

  “Going where exactly?”

  “Head towards the Nauti village but stay out over the water so they won’t see you. If there are any clouds, keep them between you and the ground.”

  “And what is it I’m doing . . . looking for the hostages?”

  “That and I’m hoping Soo or Bl’azzz will try and get a message to us. If they do, you’ll be in position to swoop in and help them.”

  “Good thinking. And you guys are heading for the time castle?”


  “Try to stay out of trouble.”

  “I always try . . . I just never succeed.”

  “I’ve noticed. Okay, everyone . . . good luck.”

  “Same to you. And call me if you hear from them.”


  The four remaining girls sat around a fire. Egg showed Spirit how to toast marshmallows. “Just stick it on a twig and put it in the flames until it begins to burn. Then after it’s all burnt, you blow it out and eat it. Careful, ‘cause it’ll be hot.”

  Spirit gave it a try. But when it came time to eat the blackened, gooey mess, she lost her courage. “Sorry . . . it looks awful.”

  “It’s an acquired taste . . . watch,” and Sylvia stuffed the whole ugly glob in her mouth. “Yummy,” she declared.

  “Are friends allowed to say no?”


  “Then, no.”

  “Your loss”. Sylvia started to cook another one.

  “Tell us more about yourself,” said Megg to the alien girl.

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Do you do anything just for fun?” asked Egg.

  “I enjoy music.”

  “So do we. Our favorite band is Fandango Sally.�

  “I don’t suppose that music from your world sounds anything like music from mine.”

  “Probably not.”

  “I also play an instrument.”

  “Really. What’s it called?”

  “A res’sikk . . .” and an image appeared in their heads.

  “It kind of looks like a recorder . . . that’s what we call it on earth.”

  The Princess said, “As you recall, I am familiar with recorders (from her time on Earth). This, however, is much more like the Angel’s Reed that we use on Aerianna. Do you play well?”

  The girl’s modest answer was, “I have been playing for many years.”

  “Meggy is really good, too. Maybe you guys could play a duet,” suggested Sylvia while licking the last of the marshmallow goop from the corners of her mouth. “Did you bring it along?”

  “Yes, it’s on my ship.”

  “Great. When we get back to Aerianna, you two can give us a performance.”

  Egg was more interested in something else. “I really, really love your dress. Do you have a lot of nice clothes?”

  Spirit looked surprised. “No, of course not. Just this.”

  “OH. MY. GOSH!”

  “What would I do with more than one outfit?”

  “You’re joking, right?” The Princess was horrified. Sylvia and Egg were only stunned.

  “Why would I joke about my clothes? Do earth girls have more than one outfit? I assume a Princess might have several.”

  “Ha. Maybe like a hundred. What about you, Syl?”

  “Hundred and one.”

  “Why would you need that many? It makes no sense?” Then she added, “You’re teasing me, right?”

  “No. Heck, I’ve got five outfits with me now. Here take a look” and she went over to her supplies and dumped out her clothes.

  Spirit walked over and examined each piece as if it were a work of art. After satisfying her curiosity, she said, “When this is over, would it be possible for you to take me shopping? Is that the word?”

  “Oh yeah. And now you’re talking my language.”

  “What size are you?” asked Sylvia.

  “The size that you see me,” responded the confused girl.

  “No, no. I mean when you bought that outfit, what size did you get?”

  “Buy it? I did not buy it. When I reached maturity, I made it.”

  “You make your own clothes?” Egg wasn’t sure if she was impressed or disturbed by the idea.

  “One cannot shop for clothes on my world. You may purchase material but then you must make it yourself.”

  “Well, we can cross off Paradox.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “From our list of places to visit. We ain’t never going there. Never.”

  Chapter 5 – Time Out

  They were getting impatient to start the next phase of the mission but they had to wait for BreeZee and the Wind’dancers. It was only a bit more than two hours, though it seemed like a little longer than forever. “Here they come . . . finally,” said Sylvia.

  BreeZee landed next to her friends. “I REFUSE to ever be clan leader,” were the first words out of her mouth.

  “Nice to see you too,” replied Egg.

  “I gather it was difficult to convince your people to follow you here?” ventured the Princess.

  “Grown-ups! I’ll never understand them. I always thought that people are supposed to gain wisdom as they get older. I was so wrong.”

  Egg and the others couldn’t help but grin at the Wind’dancer’s obvious frustration. “What happened?”

  “Once my father explained the situation, and what he wanted everyone to do, a . . . a . . . veritable verbal Vortexx began.”


  “Oh, sorry. A Vortexx is a whirly wind storm that comes out of nowhere and just irritates everyone.”


  “How did your father finally prevail?” asked Meggy.

  “He told them what Spirit said about the WingStone.”

  “Why would that convince them to come?” the alien girl asked.

  Bree flashed a very mischievous smile. “He might have told a little lie . . . saying that you wouldn’t help unless they all agreed to hide in Zazzi’s cavern. One minute later, we were on our way.” She paused at some inner memory then said with obvious pride, “He’s really a very good clan leader.”

  “Someone talking about their old man?”

  “Dad . . . you shouldn’t eavesdrop. How can I compliment you if you listen?”

  “My bad. Anyway, ladies we are here.”


  He made a goofy face at his daughter. “Well, we are.”

  “I think maybe Aziz’s here too,” said Sylvia. “Every Wind’dancer just jumped like they’ve seen a ghost.”

  “What is a ghost?” asked BreeZee.

  “Just an earth expression, sorry.”

  The serpent politely gave everyone a wide berth as he slithered out of the water and up to the Sisters. “I am ready to receive my guests.”

  “Great. How do we get them in there?” It was a question Egg should have asked before she made the original suggestion.

  “Look at the mountain behind us and you will see a large rock outcropping about half way up.” Everyone looked, but it was Spirit who saw it first.

  “I see it,” and she pointed.

  “I do too,” said Zephyr. “Is that an entrance?”

  “No. There is a cave off to the right. It is hidden from view by a stand of Sun-Seeker Trees. If you would follow it for perhaps a quarter mile, it ends at a massive stone which blocks the passage.”

  “And how do we get past it?”

  “All you need do is repeat these words, “For Zynnia’s Love,” and it will swing open.”

  The girls were impressed but for the wrong reason. Only Zephyr understood. “Thank you for entrusting such knowledge to me.”

  “We are all Zynnia’s children,” responded the serpent.

  “What are you two talking about?” asked his daughter.

  “He has given me . . . us . . . the means to enter his home. Think of it as a key to a lock; something you would only share with family and friends.”


  Turning to the girls, Zephyr said, “We will go and wait for you to give us the all clear. However, if you need us, or me, send word. We owe you everything.”

  “We haven’t done anything yet,” replied Flying Girl. “But thanks.”

  Zephyr turned to the serpent. “I’ll gather my people.”

  “I will meet you in the cavern shortly.”

  The clan leader hugged his daughter. “Be careful.”

  “I’ll try.”

  They hugged again then the man walked off.

  “Thanks for your help, Zazzi,” Egg told the serpent.

  “I am a Hameggattic Sister. I could do no less.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  “Egg, is there any word from K’ssss?”

  “None . . . but Spirit said she’s going to be fine. If we hear anything, we’ll let you know.”

  “Thank you. Then I shall say goodbye and wish good luck to all of you.” With that, the serpent slithered off.

  “Nice guy,” said Sylvia.

  “Hey, he’s a Hameggattic Sister . . . what do you expect?”


  “Okay, let’s go find us a castle. Syl, you and Spirit are with me. Bree, you take Megg. Be sure to bring your backpacks with the supplies that we talked about. Everybody ready?” That was greeted with a chorus of yeses. “Then, we’re off to see the Wicked Witch in the merry old Land of Oz.”

  “What is she referring to?” asked the Wind’dancer.

  “An earth story . . . it’s really not important. She just being a goofball.” answered Sylvia. “That’s like a Winged’Nut but without bumping your head.”

  “Oh. Got it.”

  The girls took to the air and headed for the tallest mountain on the island. Egg had to
go slowly so BreeZee could keep up . . . which was a little frustrating, but understandable.

  Finally, they reached the summit. It was a snow-covered wasteland drenched in blue green hues . . .

  “Kind of pretty.”

  “Give me a hot, sandy beach anytime,” was Sylvia’s answer to her friend.

  “How do we find this Hour Bridge?” asked BreeZee. She was exhausted from the flight . . . it would have been difficult by herself; it was near impossible carrying a passenger.

  “There’s a mist shrouded forest of dead trees that leads to the bridge.”

  “Geez . . . that sounds inviting.”

  “Would you mind if we take a break first?” asked the Wind’dancer.

  “Actually that’s a great idea. Everyone can rest while I go scout out the area.” Flying Girl could not pass up an opportunity to be . . . well, to be Flying Girl.

  They found a reasonably sheltered spot and landed. “Okay, I’ll be back before you can say, “Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better – three times.” Knowing she was about to hear any number of sarcastic remarks, she bounded into the air and quickly disappeared from view.

  “Our dear Egg is quite the character, is she not?” asked the Princess.

  “Definitely unique,” answered the Wind’dancer. “She always seems to be in a good mood.”

  “Not when she is sleep deprived due to the snoring of her Feminion or yours truly.”

  “Hey, Meggy. Do you realize that you and she are related?” Sylvia was referring to the fact that Flying Girl was a product of Dazzle’s DNA.

  “That thought had occurred to me. But it is so many generations removed as to make the blood bond almost untraceable.”

  “Which means that she could marry your younger brother if they were to fall in love,” said Spirit with a sly smile.

  “Are you predicting her future?” asked the Princess with great interest.

  “No. Just chit-chatting”.

  “I’ve never met your brother,” said Sylvia. “In fact, I don’t even know his name.”

  “It is Ben’edikk. He is eight years my junior.”

  “Four’s a little young to be falling in love, don’t you think?”

  “I have found that youth can be cured given sufficient time,” responded Spirit mysteriously.


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