Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 33

by Robert Iannone

  “I no longer have the . . . the desire to carry out Zynnia’s wishes. It now seems unnecessarily cruel.”

  “That is commendable and understandable. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t help these youngsters. Even if we had a WingStone, they could not activate it. Their wings are going to wilt.”

  “I have no answer for you, my friend. However, I intend to do nothing with the children until the unspeakable happens. That could be years away, could it not?”

  “A year, perhaps two.”

  “Then you and I must hope for a miracle.”

  Zephyr had a flashback to his conversation with Spirit. “Perhaps we both might get that wish.”


  Somewhere near the Nauti Village

  As Aeri’elle watched, the Nauti guards dragged Bl’azzz to the Endless Sea. Whatever they had in mind for her sister, it obviously included water. As creatures of the sky, dragons disliked the ocean (even if it was called something else). For a F’yre Dragon such as Bl’azzz, it was much worse. To be immersed in water was like a human covered from head to toe with buckets and buckets of wiggly, writhing worms.


  Make that a double yuck.

  Aeri’elle decided to act . . . other that the six Nauti, there was no one else around.

  She dove straight down, shrieking as loudly as she could. For a prim and proper college professor, she could eek as noisily as any dragon.

  To say the Nauti were taken by surprise would be an understatement. Their first impulse was self-preservation . . . meaning that they wanted to save themselves from this terrifying screeching creature. It was such a strong feeling that even Mobius’ mind control could not stop them. They flew off as fast as possible, with only an occasional look back to see if they were being followed.

  Aeri’elle landed next to her friend. “Are you alright?”

  “Uh . . .,” the rest was lost as Bl’azzz burped and burned.


  The Hour Bridge

  The girls crossed the Hour Bridge apparently without incident. As they stood on the far side, they felt the same way - a bit disappointed. The trip from the ‘here-and-now’ into Reven’s future was unexceptional. They had thought there would be some kind of weird feeling or spinning lights or the unnatural howling of time sprites. But nope.

  “Did anyone feel anything?” asked BreeZee who was the last to cross.

  “Like what?” answered Sylvia over her shoulder.

  “We just traveled through time. Shouldn’t something have happened?”

  Meggy turned around to respond, but stopped. Her eyes grew very wide. She cleared her throat then said in a calm voice, “BreeZee, when Wind’dancers age, how does it affect them physically?” That caused the other two girls to turn . . . and BreeZee to look back at her wings.

  “OH!” she gasped in shock and horror. “OH”.

  Those beautiful yellow and red wings had turned gray. That was not the color a Wind’dancer wanted to see. Not ever.

  “Do you feel alright?” asked the Princess with genuine concern. “Do you wish to go back?”

  The girl moved her wings – testing them. “They seem to be fine. I’ll be okay.” She was trying to be brave but her heart was thumping pretty hard from this unexpected transformation.

  “I guess when a Wind’dancer gets old, their wings turn gray. On earth, when a person gets old, their hair can turn gray or white,” explained Sylvia unhelpfully.

  “How old do you think you are now?”

  “Well, with wings this gray, I’d guess at least fifty years older than when I started.”

  “Why didn’t the rest of us age?” asked Sylvia to no one in particular.

  “The only explanation is that we are not of this world,” suggested Megg. No one chose to argue.

  “I think we should continue as quickly as we can,” offered Spirit. “This place creeps me out.” Her phrasing was so unlike her – and a lot more like the sisters – that Sylvia and the Princess were both forced to smile.

  “I agree. And I believe we should head in that direction . . .,” and Megg pointed. Sure enough, off in the distance the mist had thinned allowing them to see the top of the Time Castle . . .

  But before they could continue, the gray fog in front of them swirled like a mini-tornado and out floated Reven . . . um, one of the Revens.

  If she was the very old Reven that Spirit had described, she didn’t look it. Her face was young and attractive. And as you might expect from the mistress of a time castle, she had an hourglass shaped figure. The only trait that gave away her age was the gray hair . . . with face coloring to match.

  “Did Zynnia send you?” she cackled. Her dry, raspy voice was definitely that of someone who had been around a seriously long time.

  “She did,” answered the Princess who stepped forward. “She sends you her warmest regards and hopes you are well.” Meggy really was a trained diplomat even at her young age. With Egg in trouble, there could be no doubt that she deserved to be the acting leader of the Sisterhood. Yet another prediction of the Myst Tree had come to pass.

  “Are you being cruel?” asked the apparition in a hurt voice. “Look at my hair.”

  “It is gray and in no way detracts from your beauty. I envy you.”

  “Now you are making fun at my expense. I’m just a withered old crone. You’re the one that is beautiful.” She turned to look at the others then added, “All of you.”

  “Fundamental beauty can never be destroyed by something as ordinary as the passage of time. Besides, on my world, the attractiveness of an individual is not judged by their appearance, but by the person within.”

  The construct said nothing as she absorbed the girl’s words. “Very interesting concept, but one that only I . . . the Reven before you . . . could find comfort in.”

  “And may I ask why?”

  Reven’s laugh was more of a bark. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”

  The Princess understood. “Because the rest of you are young and only require a mirror to confirm your beauty.”


  Acting on an impulse, Megg unwrapped the scarf from her face revealing the ugly pink scar. Spirit had, of course, seen it but Sylvia and BreeZee gasped. The thought Weaver told the girls, “She received it during the fire storm.” From the lack of response by Reven, she apparently couldn’t ‘hear’ the telepath.

  Reven floated up to the girl for a closer inspection. “You are damaged.”

  “On the contrary. It is a badge of honor.”

  “One that you hide. I think not.”

  “On my world, we do not flaunt our achievements. Nevertheless, am I not the same person that a moment ago you complemented for her beauty?”

  “You’re trying to befuddle an old woman.”

  “Not at all. I am trying to prove to you that exterior beauty is of no consequence. It is the person inside that is important.”

  Reven went quiet again, presumably thinking about what she had just heard. A few moments later, she said, “You’ve come to rescue your friend and you need my help.”

  Meggy smiled warmly. “Beautifully reasoned,” she replied — purposely emphasizing the first word.

  Reven grinned, “Not bad for an old biddy.”

  “Is she alright? Will you help us?”

  “My younger self has captured your friend to whom she has given a time-out.” (Now wasn’t the time to ask Reven to explain). “As to helping you, sorry can’t do it. That version of me isn’t very nice. In fact, she’s downright nasty and maybe a little crazy. Lucky for me, I outgrew it. I’ve seem to mellow with age.” She paused then added, “Besides, she banished me from the castle.”


  “Because I am what she desperately wishes not to become. Old.”

  Chapter 7 – Tea Time

  Somewhere near the Nauti Village

  “What the heck is it?”

  The Nauti didn’t answer Soo . . . they just started to strap her to the evil lo
oking device.

  “Wait . . . wait . . . wait . . . wait,” wailed the serpent. This contraption terrified her.

  The guards stopped. One of them said, “We can either continue what we are doing or you may provide Mobius with the information that he seeks.”

  “What does this thing do exactly?”

  “Do you wish to find out?”

  “No, no, no, no, no. Just asking. You know, friendly chit chat.”

  The Nauti turned back to the others and said, “Continue.”

  “NO. I said wait.”

  “We can either continue what we are doing or you may provide Mobius with the information that he seeks.”

  “Yeah, I heard you the first time.”

  The Nauti stood silently.

  “Oh, alright. Take me to your leader.”


  High Above the Nauti Village

  “She’s moving.”

  “Which way?”

  “Looks like they’re headed back to the village.” Aeri’elle had another device provided by the Science Minister. This one could track the signal from the communications crystal.

  “Now what?” asked the F’yre Dragon.

  “Now we stay out of sight and wait.”

  Bl’azzz responded by burping and burning.

  “Stop that.”

  “Sorry. I ate so many vegetables that I’m about to explode from the gas.”

  “That’s disgusting.”

  “Hey, you try eating a ton of asparagus and spinach and see what happens.”

  “Do me a favor . . . and move over there.”

  “It’s just gas.”

  Aeri’elle glared at her friend. “Over there . . . now.”



  “Kissy, slow down.”


  “You’re going a mile a minute. What’s the hurry?”

  “This is so fascinating. A crystal with high energy capacitance that is triggered by static electricity to cause a neural pathway to form between the left and right hemispheres of a Wind’dancer’s brain in order to establish the synaptic connections that allow the wings to receive an adequate blood supply . . . it is both elegant and simple. Just extraordinary.”

  “You’re partly right. It is elegant but it is certainly not simple. And the only thing that’s extraordinary is you.”

  “Brother, how sweet.”

  “I can’t wait to see Dad’s face when he gets to talk to you. He’s going to flip out.”

  “And that is why I need to hurry. I have to finish this so I can go back and help my sisters. Dad is depending on me.”

  “Well, he’s in good hands.”

  K’ssss stared at her brother. “What did you say?”

  “Oh, sorry. It was something Soo was complaining about – goofy earth sayings. I thought it was amusing.”

  “It’s actually hilarious.” The serpent hesitated then asked, “You like her, don’t you?”

  “She is pretty unique,” he replied with a smile.

  “More like an amazing amalgamation of awesome.”



  The Hour Bridge

  “Would you excuse me for a moment? I need to confer with my sisters.”

  “Take as long as you like. I’ve got all the time in the world,” and the old woman chortled at her own joke.

  Megg walked a little distance away and signaled for the other girls to join her. “Spirit, when you said she would be a friend, may I infer that I can tell her the whole truth about our mission?”

  “Meggy . . .,” interrupted Sylvia. “You want to tell her that we’re here to destroy her time castle and . . . well . . . and her? Don’t you think that might be an itsy bit upsetting?”

  “Remember, sister, she is not human. She is not even alive as you and I reckon such things. Her reaction may surprise you.”

  “Are we really willing to take that chance?”

  This time Spirit interrupted. “Princess, telling her the truth is something that you feel is right and proper, isn’t it?”

  “Asking for her help – but deceiving her of our ultimate purpose – seems very wrong to me. She should have all the facts, especially as they concern her future, before she makes a decision. I will not lie to her.”

  “I didn’t say lie,” replied Sylvia defensively. “Just don’t tell her everything.”

  “That is . . .,” but Sylvia cut her off.

  “I’m sorry. Not telling her is the same thing as lying. I’m just worried about Egg.”

  Megg took Sylvia’s hand and squeezed it. “I am very glad that you feel as I do.”

  BreeZee brought the conversation back to where it had started. “Spirit, why did you ask the Princess that question?”

  “Because by telling the truth, she will be doing what comes naturally for her. The future that I saw was based on . . . (she smiled) . . . Meggy being Meggy. So, Princess . . . my advice is to be you.”

  It was the sign of a good leader when she asked, “Then it is agreed?” and she looked at the other girls in turn. They all nodded yes.


  The Nauti Village

  “Would you care for some tea?”

  “Nice doesn’t suit you. On the other hand, you do a mean nasty.”

  Mobius laughed at the serpent. “I will admit that you and your meddlesome gang are feisty.”

  “Hey, that reminds me. Know any good earth songs?”

  The smile on the evil one’s face instantly vanished as he remembered the years of listening to the wretched singing of the sisterhood. “As a matter of fact, there was one refrain that I did like. It seems very appropriate now.”

  “Really? Which one?”

  “Let me see. Oh, yes. “Left turn, right turn, U turn, MY TURN.”

  “I prefer ‘we can, we can, do it, do it, do it’. But your choice is nice.”

  “Very kind of you to say . . . but now my patience is at an end. Tell me what I want to know.”

  “Which is?”

  “Where is Egg?”

  Soo was ready to ‘spill the beans’ as it were but it wasn’t because she was afraid for her own safety. Egg had instructed her to tell Mobius about the Time Castle so he would (hopefully) go looking for it. However, she had to make the big ugly believe that he had forced her to reveal that information, otherwise he would be suspicious that it was a trap.

  “Out and about.”

  “I will ask you one more time. If I’m not satisfied with your answer, I will personally take you back to the Wheel of Misfortune and strap you in. Are we clear on that point?”

  “Wheel of Misfortune – nice name.”

  “Are we clear?”


  “So where is Egg?”

  Soo sighed in fake resignation. “She went to Reven’s Time Castle.”

  Mobius stared at his prisoner to see if she was lying. “What is that?”

  “Something Zynnia made but never used.”

  “To what end?”

  “To travel in time, of course.”

  “Really?” and Mobius immediately started to evaluate the possibilities.


  The Hour Bridge

  The Princess and her sisters returned to Reven. “My apologies”.

  “Aren’t you the polite one? No apology required.”

  “By the way, are we keeping you from other tasks?”

  “Ha. I float outside the castle all day, every day. You and your friends are a welcome distraction.”

  “I do not envy such a life. Reven, are you happy?”

  “Happy? I never thought about it.”

  “Is there somewhere else you would rather be? Something else you'd rather be doing?”

  “Like what?”

  Megg didn’t really have an answer . . . but Spirit did. No one had noticed that her eyes had been glowing that eerie red. When they returned to their natural black color, she told Megg, “Ask her if she would like to see th
e beginning of time?”

  Megg took a quick glance at the Thought Weaver then posed the question to Reven.


  “Remind her that she herself said that she had all the time in the world. Why not spend it watching how the universe evolves . . . from the first day of creation.”

  Intrigued by Spirit’s line of questions, Megg did as she was asked.

  “Well, I could use a Time-Tripper and travel as far back as I want. But the problem is I can travel in time but I’ll always be right here . . . standing in front of the Castle. That sounds like more of the same so why would I?”

  Megg again repeated what Spirit said. “There is a way to free you from this place.”

  “Well, of course but that would mean destroying the Forever Glass.”

  BreeZee asked the obvious question. “What is the Forever Glass?”

  “It’s the thing that holds the sands of time - a much bigger version of this,” and she raised her hand that was holding the hourglass.

  And now the message from the Myst Tree made sense when it said to ‘release the sands of time’.

  Megg made a mental note to congratulate Spirit. The girl was brilliant and would make a wonderful Sister. “And if it is destroyed, so will the Time Castle?”

  “Yes. And all the other Reven’s along with it.”

  Megg’s reply was none too subtle. “You are referring to the ones that are nasty and mean?”

  Reven smiled. “I guess I am.”

  “And in the end, there would only be one Reven – you. Is that not true?”

  “You’re right. Just little old me.”

  “But you would not be old if you travelled back in time.”

  Reven’s cackle was so loud and unexpected that the four girls jumped at the sound. “I’d be young . . . and I could kiss this grey hair goodbye.”

  “Then, if it pleases you, we would like to help.”

  “Now, now. I’m old not stupid. You’ll help me if I help you free your friend . . . right?”

  “Yes. And assist us in trapping another individual in his past.”


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