Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 35

by Robert Iannone

  Rose’s face lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree and, in a very undignified and un-queen-like gesture, she ran to her husband and literally threw herself into his arms and kissed him.

  “Are you quite well,” she managed to ask.

  “Never better,” and he kissed her again.

  Rose gathered herself and turned to face the rest of the guests. She had expected to see her daughter, Egg and the entire sisterhood. But before she asked about them, her duty was to inquire about the well-being of the others in the delegation.

  “Soar’elle, how do you fare?”

  “I am well, your Majesty.”

  “Tink’rrr . . . and you?”

  “Uninjured and glad to be home, your Majesty.”

  “And dearest Sassi, you look as radiant as ever. You are well?”

  “I’m fine, Dazzle, and so thankful to my sisters for rescuing me and the others.”

  “Aeri’elle, Bl’azzz and Soo . . . thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yet again, the Hameggattic Sisterhood shows its resourcefulness and courage. I hope you are uninjured?”

  “Bl’azzz ate too many vegetables and Soo swallowed her communications crystal . . . other than that we’re great.”

  Rose smiled warmly at that statement. “Perhaps later you could elaborate. However, I must ask where is Egg, Sylvia . . . and my daughter? Are they well?”

  “My dear, I spoke with M’egg-Alynnia and she sounded well enough. However she mentioned a slight injury but would not elaborate.”

  Alarmed, the Queen asked, “What injury?”

  Only Aeri’elle knew about Megg’s burns but was sworn to secrecy. “Bl’udd burned down one of the villages while Megg and I were there. We did all we could to help, but were caught in the firestorm. She and I . . . were slightly injured.” She extended her wing to show where it had been burned.

  Everyone started to talk at once. Rose finally demanded silence. “By the look of it, that wing was severely injured. There hasn’t been enough time for it to heal. How is that possible?”


  “Excuse me?”

  “Sorry. The Myst Tree sent us some help in the form of a very alien looking girl named Spirit. She’s a Thought Weaver and please don’t ask what that is. Anyway, she was able to fix my wing and to heal Megg’s . . . um . . . injury.”

  “Where was she hurt?”

  “With respect, your Majesty, I promised her I wouldn’t talk about it.”

  Rose exhaled slowly as she considered the statement. “Very well. But, she was cured by this Spirit, was she not?”


  “Where are she and Egg and Sylvia?”

  “They went to find the Time Castle.”

  “A time castle?”

  “I’m not sure I can really explain it.”

  “Perhaps I might offer an explanation.”

  Everyone turned to K’ssss. Soo whispered to Bl’azzz, “What did she say?” The dragon just shook her head.

  Rose turned to the serpent. “Of course, sister.”

  “First, hello Father. It’s wonderful to see you. As to my other sisters, I would venture to guess that they devised a plan to use Reven’s Time Castle to lure Mobius into a trap. Reven is a time construct created by Zynnia, an Old One who was the guardian of the planet much like our beloved Myst Tree.”

  “I do not understand?”

  “Zynnia created Reven as a means to go back in time to correct any problems in the development of her planet. It was never needed and never used. The Myst Tree suggested we could trap Mobius in his past then destroy the Time Castle. If Egg and the others are not here, they most assuredly have found the castle and are laying their trap.”

  “Is this true, Aeri’elle?”


  “And where is this Time Castle?”

  K’ssss h’ssssed. “It’s in the future.”

  Chapter 9 – Show Time

  The Throne Room

  “I still do not fully understand. Be that as it may, I was disappointed that the Sisterhood failed to inform me who the enemy was. Mobius is far too dangerous and I will send armed Sentinels to bring him to justice . . . again.”

  “Your Majesty . . ., “Z’kkk only used that title in front of others when he was about to disagree with his royal wife. “I urge you to reconsider.”

  “You would have our daughter face this monster alone?”

  “Of course not. She has the Sisterhood.”

  “Seven girls . . . young women . . . are not enough.”

  Aeri’elle had to speak. “With all due respect . . . Dazzle (she used the familiar name on purpose). The Sisterhood defeated Mobius once before. And this time, we have ten sisters not seven.”

  “I assume Sassi wishes to go back,” and she looked at the green-skinned girl who nodded yes. “Counting my daughter, there will be eight sisters. Have I missed someone?”

  “Spirit and BreeZee who is a Wind’dancer. They have asked to join and we have agreed . . . assuming Sassi has no objection.”

  “I haven’t met them but I trust your judgment. They have my blessing and my thanks.”

  “Your thanks?” asked the Queen.

  “This will be my last mission, your Majesty. I have served you and Aerianna as well as I could. It’s time I stayed home with my daughter and husband. Besides, I’m getting a little too old for such excitement.”

  “And I, too, will be retiring from the Sisterhood, your Majesty” intoned K’ssss. “With my father’s permission, I will be married and my place will be on Zynn-Zaz’zia with my husband.”

  “Getting married?” bellowed a twice-shocked Tink’rrr. “K’ssss, who is this fellow?”

  “H’sssss. His name is Zazzi and you will love him as much as I do. Trust me Father.”

  “I’m sorry but I've got to ask . . .," said Soo looking at the other serpent, “who are you and what did you do with K’ssss?”

  “Why you loveable, loopy leviathan, it’s just me.”

  “No it’s not. My K’ssss was a slithering sack of silly. You’re an irritatingly intelligent imposter.”


  “Okay, now that’s more like it.”

  “Sisters, if we might continue?” asked the Queen wavering between being amused and annoyed.

  “Sorry, Dazzle.”

  “My apologies your Highness. If I may, sending in armed soldiers may cause more damage than you could imagine. Reven would react badly and no one can guess what destruction she would bring on Zynn-Zaz’zia and its people. Hold them in reserve, but allow Egg and your daughter to lead the Sisterhood through to the end. I truly believe we, the Hameggattic Sisterhood, will once more prevail. I also believe that we have earned the right to be trusted.”

  Before Rose could reply, Z’kkk spoke. “Well said, K’ssss. I, for one, would grant the Sisterhood this opportunity.”

  “And what of our daughter?”

  “She asked me to give you a message. I think now would be a good time to deliver it.”

  “Please continue.”

  “She said that her mother was the greatest role model any child could have.”

  Rose’s eyes widened then went misty.

  “I believe she was referring to Dazzle (the person who fought Mobius and for the freedom of her enslaved people), not to Queen Rose’Alynnia.”

  Rose took a deep breath. “Aeri’elle, please lead your sisters back to the space portal.”

  “Thank you, your Majesty.”

  “I have two requests. First, return my daughter to me without further injury. And, second, I do not wish to be bothered by Mobius ever again. This needs to end.”

  “As you command.”


  The Hour Bridge

  “Meggy, Syl, anybody?”

  “Aeri’elle, its Megg.”

  “Hey, Meggy. We’re back and on our way. Should be there in ten minutes.”

  “Wonderful. Was K’ssss able to return?”

ia, I am here.”



  “Are you well?”

  “Perfectly fine. However, I can’t join you. I must find Zazzi.”

  “I am sure your young man can wait a little longer.”

  “Not what you think. I have a new WingStone and I need to give it to Zephyr who I assume is in Zazzi’s cavern.”

  “K’ssss, correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe the transference from the Circle of Life was successful.”

  It was Soo who answered. “It’s humiliating.”

  “What is?”

  “This quivering quaking quack-a-doodle is smarter than her father and brother combined. Talk about topsy-turvy. The shoe’s on the other foot now.”

  “Lovely phrase.”

  “Stupid earth sayings.”

  “If I might interrupt,” said K’ssss. “I can’t allow anything to happen to the crystal. It would mean the end of the Wind’dancers. Besides, ten Hameggattic Sisters seems like a lopsided advantage on our part and patently unfair to poor Mobius.”

  “I cannot wait to have a more in depth conversation with you, my sister. But for now, I agree with that assessment. Aeri’elle, drop K’ssss off at our base camp. She can swim to Zazzi’s cavern.”

  “Understood. Bl’azzz will fly straight to your location with Sassi and Soo.”

  “Excellent. Call me before you head up here.”

  “Will do.”

  “And, K’ssss . . .”

  “Yes, Princess?”

  “Do give Zazzi a kiss for me.”

  “Sorry, Meggy. Any kiss I give him is for me.”


  Zazzi’s Cavern

  As she swam into the cavern, the hundreds and hundreds of Wind’dancers stopped what they were doing and stared. The sight of a serpent was always a novelty.

  Zazzi had been talking to Zephyr and noticed the commotion. He turned to see the heartwarming, but still goofy looking, love of his life. “K’ssss”.

  “Just the two men I needed to see. Zazzi, as your wife-to-be I would appreciate a welcome home kiss.”

  “I can do that,” and he swam up to the girl and did as he was told. When they stopped for a breath, he asked, “Are you well?”

  “Do I seem ill to you?” she teased.

  He smiled in return. “I assume that the transference was a success?”

  “Indeed, it was. Which reminds me, Zephyr I have a gift for you.” The WingStone had been carefully wrapped and packaged in a container that K’ssss had pulled along behind her. She nudged it over to the Clan Leader.

  “I thank you. May I ask what it is?”

  “You may not. You may, however, invite your wife over as you open it.”

  Not to be rude, the man did as he was told. While he worked to lift the lid, Zazzi introduced his fiancé to Azure. Then they all jumped when Zephyr screamed.


  “Z, what is it?”


  “Oh my. Oh my. Oh my.”

  Turning to K’ssss, the Wind’dancer asked, “Does it work?”

  “Not quite like the old one.”

  “How so?”

  “Your children no longer need to brave an Ascension Storm to activate it. The act of sailing from their home to the ground is more than sufficient.”

  By this time, all of the Council of Elders had arrived – most with their spouses and children. Zephyr explained what he had received.

  “But no more Ascension Storms?” was the oft-repeated question. It was hard to tell if that made them happy or sad.

  Just then, the Circle of Life came down and communicated with Zazzi. Everyone watched in fascination. When it was finished, the Circle rose back up. All eyes were now intently focused on the serpent.

  “Zephyr, I have been informed by Zynnia that she approves of the new WingStone. Furthermore, the last Ascension Storm will happen this evening.”

  It was Fl’air, the mother of two children who had yet to Ascend, who broke the stunned silence. “K’ssss, this is a gift beyond anything I could have ever imagined. And, with Zynnia’s approval, no more children need be put in harm’s way. I can never thank you properly. We can never thank you properly.” And she began to cry from the great relief of knowing her children would be safe.

  “There is one way you could show your gratitude,” said Zazzi.

  “Anything, my friend. Anything,” offered Zephyr.

  “You can all attend our wedding ceremony. It will be the first between serpents on this world. Hopefully, it won’t be the last.” Then he hastily added, “If it’s alright with my wife-to-be.”

  Azure poked her husband. “That’s how a gentleman treats a lady and how a husband treats his wife.”

  It started with K’ssss. “H’sssss”. But before you could say ‘sally sells sea shells by the sea shore,’ everyone was laughing. A great sadness had been lifted from their hearts and replaced with immeasurable joy.

  Unfortunately, back at the Nauti village, no one knew the danger they were in. They had no way to know that later that night there would be a great and terrible explosion. And where once had been a Nauti village filled with hundreds and hundreds of fathers, mothers and children, only a large hole would remain.


  The Hour Bridge


  “Yes, Aeri’elle?”

  “I’m about two minutes away but I have company.”

  “Mobius, I presume.”

  “Sitting on the back of Bl’udd. Shall I try to lose them?”

  “Not at all. Stay ahead of them . . . but let them follow. When you get here, be prepared to cross the Hour Bridge with all due haste. It would not serve our cause if Mobius caught us outside the Time Castle.”

  “How do I cross?”

  “Sylvia will wait for you. Follow her steps exactly lest you be tossed into the River of Time.”

  “Is that what we’re hoping Mobius will do?”

  “No. He would reappear somewhere in the future only to cause more grief. We want him to enter the castle.”

  “How can he do that?”

  “The path is marked. He is intelligent enough to figure it out.”

  “Okay. I’m coming in.”


  Mobius had Bl’udd land then slid off. He looked around to gain his bearings in the gray mist. “This way,” and he walked in the direction that Aeri’elle had taken. It only took a minute or so to find the Hour Bridge. He stopped to examine it and the strange substance it spanned.

  Bl’udd asked the obvious. “What is that stuff?”

  “Intriguing isn’t it”.

  The dragon had no scientific curiosity. “Just weird. Aren’t we going to cross over?”

  “It seems we must. But it also seems way too easy.” He walked up to the bridge and for the first time noticed the stone path. Some stones had the letter H scratched on with white chalk. “Children” he said. “Do they really think I’m going to step on the ones they marked?”

  “So what now?”

  “Cross over. However, avoid the ones with the H.”


  “Do it.”

  With great reluctance and fear, the big dumb dragon did as he was commanded. And a second later, he found himself back where he had started.

  “Curious” said Mobius. “Try it again, but this time step on the marked ones.”

  “Why don’t you do it?” Mobius just glared at him. “Okay, here goes . . .,” and Bl’udd did as he was told. Step by step, he worked his way across.

  “What do you see?” yelled Mobius.

  Bl’udd turned around to say ‘nothing but fog’. However, when he did, he accidently stepped on an unmarked stone . . . and disappeared into the future.

  “BL’UDD,” screamed Mobius. He tried several more times but to no avail. “Very well. I should never have sent an idiot to do a man’s job.” He stepped on the first marked stone, then the next. A minute later, he was across. There was no s
ight of the dragon . . . but he could make out the top of the Time Castle.

  He flashed his evil smirk. “Excellent.”


  Bl’udd reappeared at the foot of the Bridge . . . five minutes in the future. He called for his companion but didn’t get an answer. He hesitated, not sure what to do. He could try to cross again or maybe just wait. He wasn’t very good at making his own decisions.

  Then a breeze began to blow. As the seconds ticked by, the breeze turned to wind. And in that moment, the big cowardly dragon had an epiphany (a sudden answer to a nagging problem). He was, at least momentarily, free of Mobius. More importantly, with the wind beginning to blow, the Nauti Village was about to be destroyed. Instead of following orders of that evil and vile man, he – Bl’udd – could do something of his own accord. Something meaningful. Something good.

  Without giving it any more thought from fear he would talk himself out of it, he bounded into the air and flew as fast as he could to the Nauti Village.

  Flying at breakneck speed, he got there in record time. His first thought was to order everyone to leave, to get as far away from that contraption as they could. But with so many people including children and old ones, it might take them all day. And they didn’t have that long.

  If they couldn’t leave, the only thing to do was to grab that doohickey, fly it to the Sea, and drop it in. Other than some fish, no one would get hurt. In his defense, Bl’udd didn’t know that the serpents lived in that area.

  He landed on the birdcage-like device and opened the door. He had to free the hostages first. But when he looked inside, it was empty. So he grabbed the device in his giant talons and started to fly off. Unfortunately, it was still tethered to the trees. So he pulled and strained with all his great might until the restraints finally broke.

  But the sudden release sent him and his cargo sailing off into another tree. It was the one holding the WingStone. He hit it with such force that the crystal broke loose and fell to the ground. And like the one at the Wind’dancer village, it shattered into so many useless shards.

  Bl’udd couldn’t do anything about that . . . he had a ticking bomb in his feet and was running out of time. He might be a newly minted hero, but he had every intention of being a living one.


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