Wrapped in Silk

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Wrapped in Silk Page 3

by Mj Fields

  -Cool, I love you Mom.

  -Love you more!!!!

  -We love each other more Mommy.

  -Of course we do. Call me when you can.

  Emma smiled, “Are you all better Emma?” Lila asked.

  “Not all better, but that certainly helped,” Emma smirked.

  “Can we still go out tonight?” Lila said smiling.

  “Sure, just don’t let me drink. I hate throwing up,” Emma laughed.


  Brody walked into his new hotel room and his things where all there. Lila had suggested it. He wished he could just go home. It sucked living out of hotel suites. He opened his laptop and read the email from Lila.

  Date September 3, 2011

  SUBJECT- The situation

  Check this out and tell me what you think. I would suggest putting it on Twitter and Facebook. I will do a press release upon your pleasing.

  The photos plastered on the paper this morning where interesting. My publicist invited a friend to hang out this weekend. I literally ran into them at the park, pretty comical. I asked her to dance and she was deeply touched by my music, like the rest of you are. I think my song Blue Love, made her cry, lol. So I gave her a tissue. I haven’t moved on yet ladies, still healing. To the idiot who decided this was news…well there are many more important things going on in the world than my jog or a dance with a friend of a friend….Cheers


  Brody laughed nice spin. So this is what he had been avoiding, he never thought the idea of hiring someone like her, a publicist. They always seemed so damn dishonest. Lila did what was asked of her. I like her.

  Date September 3, 2011

  SUBJECT- The situation

  To: Lila

  Nicely done, I will put them online now. What are you up to this evening? I am doing an acoustic set at The Place, maybe you could drop in. You could bring your friend. I would like to apologize to her.



  Brody Hines moved from England seven years ago. He grew up in Liverpool with his parents, brother, and sister. He was twenty seven and his music career had peaked in England and he hoped to become even bigger in the United States. He worked hard and kept to himself. He knew that if he was a publicity junky his career would have taken off much quicker. He was tall and handsome. His brown messy hair and his large bluish green eyes could be mistaken for no one else. He hung with his band and they all kept pretty much to themselves. They went to small bars when they went out and watched local bands play. He enjoyed when they played original music but when he was drunk and wanted to dance it was always more fun to listen to and sing along with covers. He was drunk at an award show the night he met his wife. She was a tall leggy woman and was handing out the awards. He won his first MTV music video award and she handed it to him. When he left the stage he saw her and kissed her. They had been together ever since. His drunken moment of bravery, as he had always thought it was, ended up being just the type of drunken brainless moment he had avoided all his life. They traveled together and laughed a lot. When her career took off she traveled often. When he wasn’t touring he traveled with her. When she wasn’t working she went with him on tour. He believed she loved him, why else would she say she did. He would never understand why she would not tell him if she was unhappy. Or instead of breaking up she did this. He himself had plenty of opportunity to cheat on her but respected her enough to not. He was hurt at first that quickly turned to anger. They had only spoken a hand full of times, a few she asked if they could fix this and at first he considered it. After a month passed and anger turned to disgust he told her no. Now Ariel was living with a different guy, not even the asshole she cheated with. They were speaking only through lawyers. His phone chirped and it was Lila.

  -After a lot of persuasion Emma finally agreed to come watch you perform…Lila

  She hates me, he thought. He couldn’t blame her, he was pretty heartless this morning. He knew what she was going through, sort of. Eleven years of marriage, how old was she. It doesn’t matter he thought, as he tried to wipe her out of his mind.

  -Alright, I wanted to apologize, that’s all. It really is not a big production…Brody


  Emma and Lila walked right past the security team. “Look at you Lila, all important,” Emma laughed.

  “I told you one day I would be, should have known,” Lila laughed as she flipped her hair.

  They walked to a table marked reserved and sat and talked. Brody came on stage.

  He smiled, “Thanks for coming out tonight,” he said looking over the crowd. He quietly counted, “One two three, two two three, three two three.”

  The crowd clapped and cheered when the first song finished.

  He smiled shyly, “Thank you”.

  He played three more songs. His voice was amazing and smooth. Each song was a story that pulled you in. Brody didn’t interact with the crowd; there was no dancing or jumping around. His music felt like it was a part of him. You watched as he got lost in it, he closed his eyes a great deal as he performed. When they were opened he didn’t look into the crowd but over it. His guitar playing was for him as well. He cradled the guitar like he was keeping it safe and close. You could feel the love he had for his music. He didn’t want to give it to you, but you could join him if you wanted.

  Emma was lost in his music. She felt like she was looking through a window watching a very private and personal moment, one that she could not walk away from, one that Brody allowed you to watch from a distance. The wall he put up was infinite, but not built of stone but instead shatterproof glass.

  When he ended he stood and smiled, “Thank you, goodnight.”

  He said looking over the crowd. Brody glanced down and saw Lila and Emma sitting with his manager and a couple of his friends. Smiling slightly he walked off stage.

  “Pretty good isn’t he?” Lila smiled looking at Emma who was still staring at the stage with her mouth opened slightly.

  “Yes. He is very, intense,” Emma said and shook her head.

  She noticed Lila trying not to grin.

  Emma smiled, “I wonder if there is a Kids Bop version.”

  “I don’t think so,” Lila laughed.

  Brody joined them at the table. He sat next to Emma.

  “Thanks for coming. I wanted to say I am sorry about this morning,” he whispered sincerely into her ear.

  “Thank you, I am sorry as well,” Emma said and looked away.

  He smelled like heaven and his hot breath hit her ears making the hair on the back of her neck stand.

  “So what did you think?” Brody asked.

  Emma was looking the other direction and he laughed.

  “Emma,” Lila said. “Brody asked you a question.”

  “I’m sorry, what was the question?” Emma asked.

  “Was it alright? The music, last night you said it was alright. What did you think?” Brody asked looking amused.

  “Yes it was very good,” she smiled and immediately looked away.

  The waitress brought a tray of drinks and put a beer in front of her. She looked at it and glanced across the table.

  “I wouldn’t mix that with vodka if I were you,” he said trying not to laugh.

  Emma shook her head and smiled, “Thank you.”

  Another band took the stage and Emma sat back and sipped her beer. She smiled at Lila and the band played. She quickly looked at Lila and bit her cheek trying not to laugh. Lila laughed and Brody watched and looked down.

  “They are really awful,” Emma said to Lila and they both laughed.

  Everyone at the table heard her and laughed. Emma turned red and tried not to smile.

  Emma excused herself and went to the bathroom. She received a text message from London

  -Mommy I am scared and I need you…London

  -Can you talk? Can I call you?...Mom

  “London what’s wrong baby?” Emma asked as she answered the phone.

  “Mom there is a lot of
people here, I got up to go to the bathroom and saw lots of people, Daddy is arguing with his girlfriend, they are all drinking and Mom I am scared,” London said crying.

  “Where are you right now?” Emma asked.

  “In the bathroom upstairs,” she cried.

  “Lock the door, I will be there as soon as I can be, where is your father now?” Emma asked as she walked out of the restroom and grabbed her jacket off the back of the chair.

  “What’s going on Emma?” Lila asked.

  She shook her head and tears fell down her face, Lila followed her out the back door.

  “Honey I will be there as soon as I can be, just stay in the bathroom. Did you lock the door?” Emma asked. “Okay good girl, is your phone charged up?”

  Emma stayed on the phone trying to get a cab. None stopped. A black limo pulled up.

  “Get in,” Lila yelled to her as she opened the door.

  Emma jumped in, “Hey London we are on our way okay? If your phone dies I won’t be able to call you when I get there so don’t play any music or games okay? I love you and it should not be that long. Do you want to stay on the phone honey? Okay, don’t open the door for anyone do you understand, anyone. I am going to call you every five minutes London and I will be there as soon as I can but if you need me call. I love you more,” she hung up the phone and buried her head in her jacket.

  “Emma what’s going on?” Lila asked as she rubbed her back.

  “I fucking hate him!” she screamed and looked up.

  She was shocked when she saw Brody sitting in the car. He looked down.

  “Sorry,” she said trying to pull herself together. “He is having some sort of party and there are many a great number of people there that she doesn’t know. Her father is apparently arguing with someone and she is scared. I can’t believe this Lila, he can’t handle two nights.”

  “We will be there in an hour, Jersey shore right? Do you have the address?” Lila asked.

  She gave them the address and called London, “Hey sweet girl are you okay? Good…Okay...Soon baby very soon.”

  She sat back hiding her face with her hair.

  “Emma we should call the police,” Lila said.

  “I thought the same thing but I am afraid they will take her, or she will be scared. I don’t want her to watch her father get arrested she has already been through so much. What do I do?” she asked Lila.

  “I have a suggestion,” Brody said, his tone was direct. “If you wait until we are almost there to make the call you’ll be killing two birds with one stone. You’ll know she is safe and he won’t have a chance in hell at court. But only if you feel that she is safe. ”

  “I agree with Brody Emma,” Lila said.

  She looked out the window and tried to breathe, tears fell again, “Okay,” she whispered.

  Brody handed her a tissue.

  She shook her head, “Thank you.”

  “We are thirty minutes away. Shall I make the call for you?” Brody asked.

  “Yes please.” Emma said and called London.

  “Mommy there is a fight, I hear people fighting,” London cried.

  “Okay you’re still in the bathroom right?” she asked softly.

  “Yes Mommy,” London said crying harder.

  “Okay we are coming London, and we are going to make sure you are safe. If someone knocks on the door don’t open it though, I will be there very soon. I am so sorry London. You won’t have to deal with this again,” Emma said.

  They pulled in front of the beach house and Emma opened the door, Brody grabbed her arm.

  “Might I make a suggestion?” he asked as he pulled her back in. “Call her and have her flash the bathroom light so you know where to go, and if you could wait for the police, it may work out better for you in court.”

  Emma’s hands shook as she dialed her phone and he grabbed them to steady her, Emma took a deep breath and settled down a bit.

  “London can you turn the bathroom light off and on really fast until I tell you to stop?” Emma asked.

  She saw the light flash.

  “Okay baby look out the window and you will see me.” She stood outside and saw her. “Yes honey you can ride in the limo” she laughed. “But you are going to wait until I get to you so I can come help you get your bags together. Yep Lila is here, it’s her friend Brody’s limo.”

  London’s phone died.

  “Her phone is dead” she started to feel panicked again.

  “Emma you are here, everything is going to be okay,” Brody said softly.

  “She can’t see you, I mean after this morning and the paper and tonight, she can’t see you. Oh God,” she said grabbing her hair, “This is your car, I need to get a cab, Lila…” she started.

  Brody interrupted, “I will sit in the front she will never see me, the Police are pulling in, get it together there are little eyes watching you now from the window up there,” Brody said and pointed up.

  “Thank you so much,” Emma said and hugged him.

  She immediately felt odd and turned to Lila and did the same. She wiped her eyes and got back out.

  The Police knocked at the door and no one answered. The music was very loud. They opened the door and walked in. Emma was disgusted and angry. She walked past the Police and started towards the stairs.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Troy asked grabbing her arm.

  “Getting my daughter,” Emma said and tried to pull away from his grasp.

  “She is asleep!” Troy yelled.

  “No she had been awake for awhile now, she has been locked in the bathroom scared out of her mind waiting for me. Now let go of me!” Emma yelled and tried to pull away.

  He pushed her down and ran up the stairs. Before he reached the door the Police apprehended him and brought him outside.

  “London it’s Mom, open the door baby,” London unlocked the door and Emma walked in and grabbed her in her arms and hugged her tightly as they both cried.

  “You are okay baby,” she said and wiped her face. “You are going to hide under this towel so none of those weirdo’s see you,” she said and laughed as she put the towel over her head.

  She grabbed London’s phone and hugged her all the way to the car.

  They walked out and Emma was giggling with London who was still under the towel, “Hey London you are going to hang out with Lila for a few minutes, if that’s alright with her, so I can go talk to your Dad okay?”

  Emma shut the door and turned around.

  “You alright Emma?” Brody asked from the front.

  She jumped and laughed nervously, “Yep I am great, thank you so much for everything tonight, I am very sorry.”

  Emma turned around and stormed up to the house.

  The Police had Troy in hand cuffs reading him his rights.

  “Are you happy now Emma?” he yelled.

  “I am happy my daughter is safe, not that her father has turned into someone I don’t even recognize. You should be ashamed of yourself,” she said and fought back tears, “Do you need me for anything,” she asked the policewoman.

  “We would like to get in contact with you later, we need your phone number. But right now you should get her home and to sleep,” the officer said.

  “Thank you,” Emma handed them a piece of paper with her name, number, address, London’s full name, and date of birth.

  “Get it together for her and for yourself,” she looked at Troy sadly.

  Emma jumped in the Limo and London and Lila were laughing.

  “What’s so funny in here?” she asked and smiled.

  “Well London was just telling me how Troy googled my friend Brody, you remember him right?” she laughed, “Apparently London likes his music and thinks he is very cute. She also thinks he would make a perfect boyfriend for you, although Troy disagreed with her.”

  “Well I don’t have time for a boyfriend, and even if I did, he is way too young. Maybe someday I will date someone my own age and from the same social
circle,” Emma laughed and hugged her daughter. “Are you alright London? Do you want to talk about tonight?”

  “No Mom not now, alright?” London said with a sweet smile.

  “Okay,” Emma said and hugged her tightly.

  “Mom you’re squashing me,” she laughed. “I want Lila to tell me all the famous people she knows.”

  “Well you already know that I know Brody, this is actually his car,” she smiled.

  “Is it really?” London asked elatedly. “How did you get his car?”

  “Well he is my friend and your mom needed to get to you fast and he offered. Wasn’t that nice of him?” Lila asked.

  “It was very nice of him,” Emma said and gave her a look, “So tell her more.”

  Within ten minutes London was asleep lying on Emma’s lap.

  “What do I do for someone like him as a thank you?” Emma whispered.

  “Tell him,” Lila said and tapped on the window.

  “Everything alright?” Brody asked peering into the back.

  “Yes, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your help tonight,” Emma said. “If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.”

  “You are welcome, by the way your daughter looks just like you,” he smiled. “Is she alright?”

  “She is thank you,” Emma said stroking her hair.

  “London would love to meet you Brody,” Lila said smirking.

  “Alright anytime,” he smiled. “By the way Lila, when is your birthday?”

  “In February,” Lila said.

  “How old will you be?” Brody asked.

  “Well I will be,” Lila paused, “How old are we Emma?”

  “We are thirty five, how can you forget how old you are?” Emma laughed.

  “I am not sure,” Lila said raising her eyebrow as she looked at Brody.

  The car stopped in front of Lila’s building. Emma stepped out with London draped around her.

  Brody rolled down the window “Goodnight ladies.”

  Emma turned and smiled, “Thank you again.”

  “Goodnight Brody, by the way when is your birthday and how old are you?” Lila said loudly.

  “I will be twenty eight in May,” Brody said and scowled at her.


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