Wrapped in Silk

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Wrapped in Silk Page 32

by Mj Fields

“Damn Em,” Brody released the scarf around her waist and flipped her on her stomach and pushed into her.

  Emma screamed out with each thrust and tried to pull away.

  “Hell no,” Brody flipped her to her back and shoved two fingers into her, as she peaked his mouth covered her as she let go, holding nothing back until she lay limp.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  “Fuck Em,” he pushed into her and she let out little cries of pleasure until she came again and he did so with her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked when he finally pushed himself off of her.

  “Perfect,” Emma whispered.

  “You tasted perfect, that has to happen every time,” Emma rolled to her back and hid her face in the pillow, Brody smacked her ass, “Got it, no holding back on me, I want it like that every time.”

  Brody pulled her up, “Shower with me, my fucking hot amazing wife!”

  Emma looked up at him and scowled, he was beaming.

  “I wasn’t even in you yet, that’s unbelievable. When you went off… I am so glad I had my mouth…damn Em, you taste amazing… hot damn!” He twirled her in a circle and kissed her.

  Emma buried her face in his neck and giggled.

  Brody cupped her chin and looked at her and smiled, “You are glowing. We are so good together love.”

  Emma felt him growing against him and looked up, “One more time and then a shower, they’ll be here soon.”

  “Brody!” she yelped when he threw her over his shoulder and smacked her bare butt.

  Chapter 17

  Brody woke from his dream and gasped, he looked over and Emma was still asleep. He got out of bed and washed his face and took a deep breath. He walked downstairs and got a drink and sat on the couch and thought about what he had remembered.

  A blonde woman, she reminded him of his first experience with a Dom and he sat back. Why the fuck am I dreaming about this, he wondered. She had a tattoo, it looked more like a brand. He remembered the bar he was at before he was married, with Rebecca when Ariel showed up, the bar maid had the same tattoo, so what, he told himself. He stood and paced the floor and remembered he had seen it again and froze. No big deal, but why the dreams damn it! He asked himself. It’s not like it matters anymore Brody get a grip.

  Brody sat on the couch and tried to stop his brain from going back to his dream. He looked down and grabbed the leather photo album and started looking through it. He came to the last page and froze.

  “Oh my God,” Brody gasped.

  “Everything okay out here?” Henry asked walking past him into the kitchen.

  “Yes, everything is fine,” Brody said and his voice shook.

  Henry walked over and looked at him as he stared down at the pictures, “Brody?”

  Brody shook his head back and fourth, “It’s nothing Henry.”

  “It doesn’t seem like nothing Hines, you look white as a sheet,” Henry said and sat.

  “It’s nothing I have just been having a rough time lately, not a lot of sleep,” Brody forced a smile.

  Henry studied his face, “When you’re ready to talk about it son I am here, is Emma alright.”

  “She is fine, wonderful. I love your daughter very much Henry, I always will,” Brody said softly.

  Brody climbed back into bed and Emma sat up, “Are you okay?”

  “I am Emma, I love you,” he lay down and pulled her onto him.

  “I love you more,” she smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

  They spent the week in the snow. They cross country skied, snow shoed, and ice fished. London had a great time and so did Emma. Caroline and Henry were taking London home with them so that she could have her visit with Troy in the garage apartment.


  “You haven’t had any nightmares this week,” Emma smiled and kissed him, “Maybe we should move up here.”

  “And forget about the outside world, and responsibilities. I think you prefer it away from home as well,” Brody smiled.

  “Why would you say that, I love our home,” Emma asked looking up at him.

  “You seem to let loose more away from home…squirt,” Brody chuckled.

  “You did not just…” Emma snapped and he covered her mouth and she pulled it away, “Or do that!”

  “Hmmm I did,” Brody’s eyes danced.

  “Just so you know that embarrasses me Brody,” Emma said quietly.

  “Why?” he gasped.

  “It’s not normal,” Emma scowled.

  “It’s a fucking gift Em,” Brody turned her towards him.

  “Please don’t call me that,” she looked down.

  “Make a deal?” Brody kissed her gently, “Don’t hold back on me and I won’t, but Em I was not poking fun at you okay? I would never.”

  Brody hugged her tightly and she began to relax.

  “Emma, I have to go back to England for a few days to wrap things up with my father’s estate, as well as do a couple interviews before our tour. I would like to get that out of the way as soon as possible so that I can get back here for our child’s birth. Would you like to go?”

  “I would love to but London is in school,” Emma said softly.

  “I know, I should only be gone a few days, I will have Lila work on it but I want to do it soon is that alright?” Brody asked.

  “Okay,” she smiled up at him.


  Brody and Emma stood at the airport waiting for his flight to be called. Emma sat playing with her hands and he grabbed them and kissed them.

  “Would you stop?” Brody smiled at her.

  “Sorry,” Emma smiled.

  “No Em, I am sorry. I wish I didn’t have to go but I must. When I come back it’s happy from here on out okay?” Brody wiped away Emma’s tear and held her tightly.

  “I don’t mean to…Brody you are my happily ever after. It hurts to think you don’t know that. I Love you and us and our life, I wish you understood that. You are my more,” Emma held him tightly.

  “You are mine as well love,” Brody kissed her, “Listen let’s be happy we have five minutes before I leave, I want to see you smile Em,” Brody kissed her face.

  Emma smiled at him, “That’s better.”

  “Just a few days?” Emma asked holding his face in her hands.

  Brody smiled, “I will be back before you know it.”

  Brody kissed Emma and pulled her up and hugged her tightly.

  “The nursery looks good right?” Brody smiled.

  “It’s perfect, I can’t believe you did all of that,” Emma smiled.

  “We will do more when I get back,” Brody kissed her again, “I need to get going, customs, uugghh!”

  “I love you Brody, see you soon,” Emma smiled broadly.

  “I love you Emma Hines, see you soon,” Brody said and kissed her quickly and turned and walked away.

  Brody walked through the gate and his heart pounded, he did not relish the idea of not telling his wife the other reason for his trip. But it had to be done, he couldn’t go on ignoring what his gut was telling him.

  Brody walked through customs and walked to his gate. He looked around to see if his travel companion was waiting. He smiled shyly and sat down.

  “Thank you for meeting me. I am sorry about all of this secrecy I just don’t want to hurt her,” Brody put his head in his hands.

  “I understand Brody, I don’t want to hurt her either. I am glad you trusted me enough to open up to me about everything. I will not hold anything against you if this does not pan out, I will not say that I am not only hoping but praying things will go well.”

  “I know, but I don’t think I am wrong and it scares the hell out of me. Emma is going to be hurt, I just don’t know how the hell this happened. Never in a million years could I have ever imagined something like this. Unbelievable,” Brody sighed.

  Their flight was called and they walked onto the plane and sat.

  “It’s going to be a wild few days, I hope you are ready for it,” Bro
dy laughed nervously.

  “I am ready, we should rest on the flight over, I don’t think we will get much sleep if we are to get this all wrapped up in a few days. If it takes any longer they are both going to be suspicious.”

  “I agree,” Brody turned toward the window, “I should have just told her, damn it. It’s going to crush her.”

  “Why? If nothing comes of it and you did tell her she would be even more devastated. She does not need to know until we figure it out.”

  “Okay,” Brody said and closed his eyes as the plane took off.


  Emma cried the entire way home. She couldn’t shake the thought that something was going to go horribly wrong. The first time he went to England they nearly broke up. The second time she was drugged and his father died. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something from her or that something horrific was about to happen.


  “Em, I am in London,” Brody said softly.

  “Okay…Brody is everything alright? I can come if you need me. I love you,” Emma began to cry.

  “Shhh Em, I love you. Everything will be fine, I miss you already,” Brody said softly.

  “I am going to come, Mom and Dad can watch London, I should be with you…”

  Brody cut her off, “Emma I won’t be long, you need to be with London and Lila. I want you to know I wish you could be here as well but it will be just fine. When I come home it will be a very long time before I ever leave you again. I love you more Em. Kiss London for me, I will see you soon.”


  They walked into the bar that he had first seen the tattoo. Brody ordered drinks and sat in the booth.

  “Do you see the tattoo on that woman’s neck?” Brody asked.

  “I do.”

  “It’s the same one Henry,” Brody shook his head.

  “Well let’s get the ball rolling, if Elizabeth is alive I need to know,” Henry said with restrained urgency.

  “We will go to the hotel and I will make the call,” Brody said.

  He slammed his drink and they left.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17




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