Rayzor's One (Alien Bounty Hunters Book 1)

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Rayzor's One (Alien Bounty Hunters Book 1) Page 5

by Michele Mills

  “You cannot go back. You can never go back. You are my Bride. You carry the next offspring in my line.”

  “Bullshit. I am not your Bride.” Her voice was louder. “I’m not anyone’s Bride. We don’t even know each other. You chased me last night and…and…”

  “Claimed you.”

  Her lips pursed. “Yes, well, it wasn’t anything binding, it just was…”

  “You had several orgasms.”

  Her cheeks again flushed an attractive shade of pink. She did that often. He’d never seen a female’s skin change colors according to mood. Humans were interesting—their skin wasn’t truly colorless. It reflected colors like a rainbow.

  “No, no, I can’t stay here. I can’t do this. You’re not listening to me. This is important. I’ll never forgive you if you don’t take me back.”

  It was time to take her mind off these silly notions. “I can see I need to remind you of our bond.”

  He stepped close and lowered his head to kiss her.

  “What? No—”

  Rebecca lifted to her tiptoes, threaded her fingers in Rayzor’s hair and tugged, jerking his head back before his lips could touch hers. She wished this was different, that he was human and they were on Earth, because damn, she really did want to kiss those sexy lips, but a girl had to have standards, and one of those was no kidnapping. “Oh no you don't. Are you drugging me with that kiss?”

  Rayzor’s jaw clenched, his Adam’s apple bobbing along his corded neck. His nostrils flared. “Becca,” he said slowly, “a female Xylan pulls her mate’s hair to signal she requires mounting. Tell me, is this your intention?”

  “Oh,” she gasped, and dropped her hands back to rest on his massive shoulders. His dark skin was so warm and soft. And he smelled so good, so manly and seductive. She wanted to slide her body up next to his and luxuriate in that scent all day and touch and just lie in his bunk with him and explore his beautiful body. Because wow, Xylan warriors were built like buffed-out basketball players with the added bonus of scars from past battles, but… “No, no it isn’t my intention,” she lied. “And I’m not kissing you. You need to take me back to Earth,” she repeated. “Right now.”

  Last night he’d kissed her and everything had changed. His tongue had gone into her mouth and her whole world exploded. Everything alien about him had seemed completely natural, everything strange about him was suddenly the best thing ever—his scent, his skin, his touch—everything. Last night she’d felt the need to run, but now this morning he was trying to kiss her again and she didn’t want to run. She was fighting against a body that wanted him. But she couldn’t want him. This wasn’t just a fling for him, a one-night stand. He said he wanted to keep her for forever and take her away to live God knew where on some alien planet.

  Fuck that shit.

  He stared at her, his muscular chest rising with each breath. “Not kissing me?” His face changed. The ridges on his forehead grew more pronounced “You’re mine,” he snarled.

  Oh, crap. Apparently, she’d released the Kraken.

  Arms of steel wrapped around her and brought her in tight, crushing her breasts against his chest, pressing his hard cock into her stomach. The cock she hadn’t seen yet, only felt. Her pussy clenched, remembering how spectacular it had felt, his shaft pounding into her core. His palm slid along the line of her spine, pushing down the bedding as he went.

  Rayzor’s body was similar to a human male’s, only bigger. Ridges lined up from the top of his nose and across his forehead. It made him look serious all the time. The hands that were touching her had four blunt, claw-tipped fingers. They didn’t hurt, they were just…different. Really, everything about him was different, sexy different. He had easily the darkest skin she’d ever seen on a person, and it was glorious, so soft and yet so hard at the same time. It was mesmerizing. It was difficult resisting an alien that was so handsome. His eyes glowed a bright hazel-brown. She met his lust-filled gaze and she was done. All done.

  “You’re mine and I’m never letting you go,” he growled, and slammed his lips on hers. Just like he’d done last night. Her knees weakened and her body heated up immediately.

  Holy shit, Rayzor was the best damn kisser. Really, his lips were a drug. He kissed her and she forgot about everything but him. Rebecca gave up the ghost for now and stretched her arms around his neck, letting the rest of the sheet fall to the floor. Their kiss deepened, and then he broke it off and buried his nose in her neck and inhaled. She remembered that from last night. He loved to smell her. She shut her eyes, tipped her head back, and groaned. He ran his nose along the column of her throat, and quivers of desire flared through her. Her sex contracted, wet and ready to be filled.

  One of his hands moved slowly, gently, down to skim the side of her breast, exploring. He pulled back slightly, allowing him the opportunity to fixate on her breasts.

  His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. “Mine,” he growled.

  And dear God, his possessive voice, which should have freaked her out, just turned her on more.

  She watched intently as his hand trailed ever so slowly past her nipple. It ached, begged to be touched, pinched and sucked. The taunting of the almost-touch warmed her skin. She lifted her chest, hoping for more. He continued this torture, running his large fingers along her ribs, up under her breasts, along her collarbone. She thought she might faint from the pleasure, from the waiting, from all of the male sexual energy that was pointed her way, not being consummated. He examined every inch of her torso. Her fingernails dug into his biceps. Finally, gloriously, both hands were now near each breast. She held her breath as his fingers inched closer to right where she hoped and prayed they would go.

  “Please,” she whimpered. “Please.” He grinned and pinched both nipples at the same time. It was like she’d been struck down. She gasped as the sharp pleasure sparked through her body and her knees weakened. She leaned against him, both of his hands still on her breasts as she caught her breath, amazed at the mini orgasm that had raged through her body.

  They stood still for a moment as her breath evened out, her head resting against his chest, hazy with sexual bliss. Then he let her go and stepped back, and Rebecca’s eyes immediately lowered.

  Her jaw dropped. His cock was jutting out between them. Finally, she was able to view the monster that had given her so much pleasure the night before. It was slightly lighter than the rest of his skin, and the tip was wider than she thought it would be. Wetness beaded on the slit and slid down the side. She’d never seen a guy’s cock before in real life, so she had nothing to compare it to, but it seemed very large and beautiful. He was hairless down there, and huge. She couldn’t believe it had fit inside of her last night. No wonder it had hurt at first. And she noticed on the length of him, running on the top of his cock from the base to just below the tip, was a series of tiny ridges, just like the ones on his forehead. Her pussy clenched as she remembered how it felt to have him slide that inside of her. The space between her thighs warmed at the thought. She gulped down a breath. Her skin felt tight. She was already so wet she could feel it, heavy between her thighs.

  He went to his knees before her.

  She was startled to see him there but her badass alien warrior on the floor, his thighs bulging and this thick cock swinging out was a sight to behold. He placed a hand on her calf and lifted her right leg and placed it over his shoulder, his rough palm on her left hip. She gasped and held on to his shoulder and put a hand into his glorious hair that swept down the length of his back.

  Oh God, he was going down on her again. This was so much worse than a simple kiss. This was deadly. At this rate she’d never leave. His head was already between her naked thighs and she was spread out for him to see. And for some reason she wasn’t even all that worried about it.

  “Stop,” she said weakly. She was such a wimp when it came to this guy. He touched her and she melted. She needed to get home, needed to convince him to turn the fucking ship around and take her back to
Earth immediately.


  He ran his tongue against her swollen clit, and she threw her head back and groaned. “Yes. That, like that,” she begged.

  He’d said he was a virgin, that he’d never touched a female before last night, but for someone who was supposedly a novice, he sure knew how to work her clit perfectly. He used all the same moves he had before. He listened to all of her sighs and gasps of encouragement, his tongue licking her in exactly the motion she preferred, in the perfect spot. He was a master at this, and already she was close.

  “Don’t, stop.”

  Her stomach and thighs tightened, and she groaned as the orgasm crashed through her. She found herself actually missing his cock, wishing her pussy was clenched around his ridged length while she was coming. He continued to tease her clit with his tongue until her cries died away.

  Afterwards, Rayzor lowered her leg and stood up. He held her tight, keeping her balanced. Rebecca was still glowing and rubbery from the amazing orgasm he’d given her, but she had the presence of mind to wonder what that hard, beautiful cock she was glancing down at would feel like in her mouth. Before she could change her mind, she sank to the floor and grabbed his length, eager to feel the texture in her hand, loving the look of surprise on his face.

  Pre-come beaded on the tip of his cock. She had to taste it. She lowered her head and brought her mouth to him and licked his slit.

  “Becca,” he said, panting.

  She’d never done this before in her life and had no idea what to do next. She was just guessing, using instinct alone. Knowing he’d never done this before either seemed to make it less scary. They were in this virginity thing together, weren’t they?

  She took the head of his cock into her mouth first, gently trying things out slowly. The feel of him was wonderful. She sucked hard. His fingers tangled in her hair and his hips flexed forward, giving her more of him. She tried to take his whole length. One of her hands was at the base of his cock and the other gripped his thigh. Her head bobbed, and she did her best to hold on tight as his length slid in and out of her mouth.

  “I must mark you,” he gritted.

  She didn’t know exactly what that meant, but she had an idea and she was down for that. Oh, yeah. Warmth spread across her chest.

  He pulled out of her mouth and jerked at his cock with a rough grip. An eager, needy feeling filled her body as she watched this magnificent spectacle. His hips and thighs tensed. He let out a husky grunt as he placed a hand behind her head and brought her in close and shot warm spurts on her tongue, across her lips, and on her cheek. She looked up and met his gaze. He stared at her with such possession and tenderness it left her trembling. He used his thumb to rub his seed across her lips. Her tongue darted out and licked it from his finger.

  He was beautiful.

  “My Bride,” he said.

  Those two words brought the outside world crashing back, shattering their intimacy like glass, reminding her this was all temporary.

  Her stomach growled loudly.

  Oh gosh.

  She placed a hand on her stomach and blushed.

  Chapter Five

  “You must eat. You are carrying our offspring and need more food than normal.”

  After that pronouncement, Rayzor carried her to the shower and carefully washed her, even insisting on shampooing her hair. “You are my Bride,” he’d explained. His mood was scary intense, so she’d let him take over, because really, being washed by a seven-foot-tall alien that was cut like a statue of a Greek god wasn’t a hardship.

  She wasn’t carrying his offspring and she was worried he was borderline stalker…but whenever she closed her eyes she remembered how his come felt on her face, on her tongue, and the emotions that had shone in his eyes as he’d looked down at her.

  Physically, he was beautiful. The water sluiced down his muscular chest, over his cut hips and along his epic warrior thighs. And apparently sexual recovery time for Xylan males was two point five seconds, because his cock thrust out between them, eager for more, bobbing and tapping her while he washed her body. She was small next to him, barely reaching his shoulders. She should be scared of this alien, who was so serious about keeping her forever and separating her from everything she’d ever known, but she wasn’t. Watching him wash her, run his rough, clawed, four-fingered hands over her and tenderly cup her every curve—she was mesmerized.

  It was hard to be pissed off at a guy who was so gentle and wanted her so much, but at the same time she supposed serial killers took care of their targets, too.

  Being kidnapped was so confusing.

  And she was not pregnant. Why did he keep saying that? There was no way.

  After the shower, he pressed a button that blew a torrent of wind that made her gasp in amazement. One moment they were wet and the next they were dry. Not that it took her wispy blonde hair long to dry, but still, amazing. He left her alone to use the “toilet,” which thankfully was similar to the one at home, but super high-tech. She smiled to herself because it reminded her of pictures she’d seen of Japanese toilets. When she was finished, she stepped out, completely naked, and Rayzor grabbed clothes out of a small cabinet for the both of them to wear.

  She bit her lip as he handed them to her. “These are the only clothes on board,” he explained.

  Oh, well, what other choice did she have?

  Rebecca pulled them on and sat on the edge of Rayzor’s bunk, dressed in his spare tunic and soft pajama pants, swimming in her clothes. The tunic went down to her knees, and she’d rolled up and cinched the waist of the pants, but they were still billowy and long. She fingered the material, trying to figure out what it was. It was light and soft as silk but felt durable at the same time, like denim. Weird. But at least she wasn’t naked. The room was climate-controlled, so she wasn’t hot or cold. It didn’t matter whether her shirt was long sleeved or short sleeved, or what it looked like, for that matter.

  She stared hard at the floor, quiet and brooding, listening to the rustle of Rayzor getting dressed. He wasn’t all that talkative, was he? This was a plus, because neither was she. She took a deep breath and started biting at a nail that looked all wrong. All her thoughts from earlier, before he’d tried to distract her with sex, began to repopulate her mind.

  “I’m feeding you now,” he said, standing in front of some kind of machine built into the wall.

  Rebecca shifted position, unable to feel comfortable. She dropped her hand and lifted her head.

  He was dressed now, his long hair which seemed to naturally reform into shiny dreads, was flowing down his back. He wore black pants in a leather-like material and a short-sleeved shirt that was also black and stuck to him like a glove.

  She nodded, barely listening. “We’re on this ship alone, just the two of us, right?” she asked.

  “No,” he answered, and turned. “THX238, my target, is in the cargo bay in lockdown stasis. There are four life forms on this ship.”

  “Oh.” She blew out a breath and counted in her mind… “Four?”

  “Yes, four. You, our offspring, the Mandible, and me. Four.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. There it was again, the great pregnancy myth.

  He gestured to what she was wearing. “This is all I have for you until we reach my home. I’m sorry that they do not fit well, but there are no females on board and I did not expect to carry a female on this ship for this mission. All I have is replacement clothing fit for a Xylan male. When we reach my home planet, I can then purchase all the clothes you’ll need.”

  She lifted her chin and met his dark gaze. “I know you think that’s comforting,” she told him, “letting me know you can get me more clothes soon, but it isn’t. It just reminds me of the perfectly good wardrobe I have in my closet at home that I could be using right now if you’d just take me back. I have all my things there, a life there. I need to go home, to Earth.” A few minutes ago, they’d been having sex. She’d been naked in his arms in the shower. S
he’d come on his mouth and he’d shot come all over her face and rubbed it in. It had been so hot, so intimate, that it was weird to be reminding him she needed to leave. But, well, she did.

  Her stomach growled again. She smiled ruefully.

  Rayzor looked worried. He might have kidnapped her and taken her off Earth toward parts unknown, but she had to admit, he was trying his best to take care of her.

  “This discussion will have to wait. It is time for you to eat.”

  She blew out a few short breaths. “You aren’t listening to me.”

  “Becca, you need to eat.”

  Her stomach growled again.


  “This is the food dispenser,” he said, pointing to a machine in the wall similar to the size of a built-in microwave. “It will create any food you want.” He showed her which buttons to press and how to request the foods she might like. “It also responds to voice commands,” he told her. “You can order what you want, but it is all Xylan food. There is no Earth food programmed into the computer.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Oh, that sucks. So no coffee?” she asked.

  He looked puzzled. “Coffee?” he pronounced it more like cuhf-ee. He lifted his chin. “Computer, what is coffee?”

  “Coffee is a caffeinated drink used to stimulate the body.”

  Rayzor didn’t say a word, but she could tell he was thinking it over. He turned and started pressing buttons on the food dispenser screen. She stood behind him, unable to really see what he was doing because his gigantic back was blocking her view.

  Meanwhile she was growing more agitated by the second, tapping her bare foot on the floor. Oh fuck, who was she kidding? She wasn’t getting any coffee. Goddamn alien ship. Without morning coffee she wasn’t fit company, and she was already in a foul mood considering Rayzor had kidnapped her and was refusing to take her home. He wasn’t even listening to her and was shutting her down when she tried to bring it up. It wasn’t like he’d thrown her in the back of his car and she’d woken up in a hotel to find out he’d surprised her with a vacation at Pismo Beach. She’d woken up in a fucking spaceship speeding away from Earth. This wasn’t going to be pretty. She crossed her arms.


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