Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 35

by Angela Blake

“The terms of the bet,” he breathed against her neck as he placed a feather light kiss there, “is to make the other person beg for it.”

  Justine’s brown eyes connected with his, and she placed her hand on top of his shorts and gently stroked. “I think I understand. Any rules?”

  “None,” Mark responded swiftly as he helped her out of her shirt.


  Mark cursed as he sped down the hallway, knowing Rob was probably going to kill him for being late, but he couldn’t help it. Justine had been quite the pistol, and they had just finished with round 4 by the time Mark had realized that he was late.

  He began a stream of curse words as he ran around the room grabbing his stuff before he quickly ushered her out. He dropped the keys off with the manager and gave Justine a quick wink before he flew out the door.

  He skidded to a halt in front of the hospital and switched off the ignition as he reached in the bag for his baseball cap and sunglasses. He slipped on his leather jacket and put on his disguise which frankly wasn’t much of one, but it was the best they could do. He looked left and right before making his way to the back door.

  He knocked twice before the door opened. He took off his glasses, so the person could see him, and they wordlessly let him through.

  The nurse who had opened the door for him led him brusquely down a dimly lit fluorescent hallway, and Mark found himself wondering why hospitals had an odd pungent sort of smell that clung to the walls. They made a series of turns, the nurse never once stopping to make sure that he was keeping up. He got the sense that this nurse didn’t like him very much.

  The nurse finally stopped in front of the children’s ward. He took out what looked like a pager and pressed a button.

  “Dr. McAndrews will be here shortly,” the nurse announced. Mark had his nose pressed against the glass as he took in the sight of all those children lying on their beds looking very miserable.

  He felt a deep aching sadness. Kids shouldn’t be locked up inside a room; they should be outside playing, screaming, running around and just living.

  He tried to shake off the feeling because he knew that this was a PR stunt, but suddenly he felt like he didn’t want it to be. He just wanted to go in there and make those kids smile.

  “Nurse Russ, I’ll take it from here,” a smooth voice announced a while later. Mark ignored the voice thinking it was probably some snooty doctor who would look down at him for choosing to be an athlete and waste their time while they were busy saving lives. Most doctors had a superiority complex.

  He heard the sounds of receding footsteps, so he figured he’d better turn around and acknowledge the doctors presence, lest have Rob hammer into him about being rude…again.

  He turned around fully prepared to get a holier than thou lecture, but he was stunned speechless when he took in the sight of Jenny standing in front of him writing on a clipboard.


  Another athlete here for a PR stunt, she thought to herself as she scribbled furiously. She’d just give him a quick tour, pretend to be shocked that the press found out and be on her way. It really wasn’t bad for the hospital to be honest, it gave them exposure, and a lot of people wanted to donate afterwards. She just wished for once that one of these athletes who came strolling through here looking to save their image, would actually try to save lives.

  “Mr. Hummel.” She lifted her eyes from the keyboard, and she blinked as she took in the sight of the guy in front of her. Those piercing green eyes, that shaggy blonde hair, and that tattoo peeking out from underneath the hem of his shirt.

  “Mark?” she queried.

  “Hey, Jen.”

  “It’s so good to see you again.” Jenny’s mouth split into a warm grin. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked rather chagrined, as if he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t. “What about you? I see you got that transfer you wanted.”

  When she met him, she’d put in an application for the children’s ward, but it hadn’t been processed yet even though she’d proven herself to be one of the most competent doctors they’d had in years, especially given that she was also the youngest doctor here.

  “Yeah, and you, I’ve seen you on TV a few times, you’re a big NBA star now.”

  Mark forced out a chuckle. “Yeah, yeah.”

  “I’ve been meaning to go to one of your games, but I’m afraid I haven’t had the chance,” she said apologetically.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Well,” she self-consciously straightened her coat and adopted a more professional tone. “Let me show you around and explain what we do here.”

  She began her tour of the hospital as Mark followed behind, pausing every now and again to ask questions. Jenny was pleasantly surprised to find that it seemed like he did have a genuine interest in what they did beyond what they could do for his image.

  He even asked about donating so the kids could have an indoor playground, because they looked miserable. It had been one of their biggest issues with the board because they didn’t have enough donors, and playgrounds were considered a luxury.

  Jenny drew her curly hair up into a messy ponytail as she continued to walk and talk. If Mark had any trouble keeping up, he never said anything.

  Jenny was just beginning to think that perhaps what she had seen of him on TV wasn’t real, until she noticed that when she bent down to pick something up, his eyes had gone to her breasts.

  She cleared her throat and adjusted her coat. At first Mark looked a little embarrassed, but then his green eyes met her blue ones in a direct stare as one half of his mouth turned into a lazy smirk.

  Not so different from his reputation, then, she mused as she straightened her spine and continued forward, pretending the whole incident had never happened.

  Jenny tried to ignore the heat of his stare as he made it clear that he was checking her out. It’s not that he wasn’t attractive, she’d have to be blind not to see that, it’s just that there were certain elements in her life that couldn’t risk being affected by his presence.

  No matter how charming she remembered him to be.

  “I’ll have a beer,” Brad announced as he plopped next to her and began to belch rather loudly. Jenny tried to hide her discomfort as she told herself that she shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and that she had agreed to go out with Brad to give him a chance. Yet here she was, 5 minutes into the date, and he was already ignoring her. Brad was slightly taller than she was with black hair, brown eyes and an average build. She had seen him around the hospital a few times, and when he asked her out for a drink, she had seen no harm in saying yes.

  Brad had arrived late, already slightly tipsy and didn’t even bother to greet her except with a very nonchalant ‘hey babe.’

  She loathed when men treated her like that, but she figured she owed it to herself to see this thing through just to make sure she had left no stone unturned.

  “So, Brad,” She cleared her throat as she sipped on her glass of wine. “What is it you told me you do?”

  Brad swiveled in his chair as he nursed his beer, he meet her gaze and took a sip of his beer. “I’m a repair man.”

  Jenny studied him over the rim of her glass. “Aha, and do you enjoy it?”

  Brad shrugged as he let his eyes trailed over her body before settling on her face. He leaned in closer. “I like fixings things.”

  “Really? That’s very interesting. How did you stumble upon this passion of yours?”

  Brad blinked as if he hadn’t quite understood her question before he scratched his head thoughtfully. “I suppose it’s because my dad wasn’t around much when I was younger, so I learned to help my mum around the house.”

  Jenny thought that was sweet, and she placed a hand on his arm. “Well, I think it was very sweet of you to want to help around the house, I’m sure your mum appreciated it, and what a handy thing to learn.”

  Brad shrugged as he title
d his beer back and swallowed it in one gulp. He signaled the waiter for another one. His eyes began to examine the bar as if looking for something. Jenny waited for him to say something in response to her statement, and when the minutes ticked by awkwardly, she was about to open her mouth to say something until he turned to her. “How do you feel about sports?”

  “Oh,” Jenny paused as she considered the question. “Well, I’m not really big on sports, but I suppose basketball is an interesting game.”

  Brad snorted. “Basketball? That’s for wussies. Football is a real man’s game.”

  “Is it now?” Jenny took a huge gulp of her wine and smiled at him pleasantly. “Why is that?”

  Brad’s eyes lit up as he began to crush a peanut between his fingers. He popped it into his mouth before chewing thoughtfully. “Men are meant to be aggressive, but with all these rules society places on us, we can no longer be as aggressive as we want, so we find other ‘civil’ outlets, football provides that.”

  Jenny thought over what he said. “I suppose that is a valid point, but isn’t it a rather violent sport?”

  “Exactly!” Brad slammed his hands on the table enthusiastically. “Best thing about it.”

  “Hmm,” she said noncommittally as she gave him a tight smile, already writing him off in her head. She’d just give it five more minutes before she made her way out of here. After all, her mother did raise her to be proper and polite.

  A minute later, a bottle head blonde sat in the seat next to her Brad and began to flirt with him. Jenny watched in amusement as Brad completely ignored her and began to turn his attention to the blonde who was lavishing him with exactly the kind of attention he wanted. She was nodding during all the right moments, and touching his arm every chance she got. She could practically see them undressing each other with their eyes.

  Jenny rolled her eyes as they leaned towards each other and began whispering. She could practically feel herself gag in the back of her throat, and yet she still felt a twinge of sadness; not over Brad. Of course not.

  Rather over the fact that this was her first night out in a really long time, and it hadn’t gone well. She reflected over that for a while and was just about to get up and leave when a voice stopped her.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  She was just about to turn him down not feeling like dealing with another Brad for the evening, but when she turned around to face him, something about the way his green eyes regarded her intently made her change her mind.

  “Sure,” she said finally as the man sat next to her. He was even more attractive up close with shaggy blonde hair, an athletic build and piercing green eyes, he was what most women considered eye candy. She couldn’t help but notice a tattoo peek out from underneath the hem of his shirt, and she wondered what it said.

  “Can I get one red wine and a Budweiser?” The man told the waiter before he turned around to face her.

  “I’m Mark.”


  “It’s nice to meet you, Jenny.” The bartender placed their drinks in front of them, and Mark tilted his back and took a small sip. “I see your date has vanished.”

  Jenny took a peek over her shoulder and noticed that Brad had indeed disappeared with the blonde. No real loss there, she thought to herself as she turned her attention back to the green eyed blonde. “It would appear he has.”

  “His loss,” Mark winked at her as he held up his drink. “To happy losses.”

  Jenny laughed at the unexpected choice of words before clinking her glass against his. “To happy losses.”

  “So Jenny what do you do?”

  “I’m a doctor.”

  Mark’s eyebrow shot up. “I didn’t see that one coming.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I don’t know, if you were my doctor, I think I’d be too distracted to do anything.”

  One corner of her mouth turned up. “Does that line always work?”

  “You’re the first person I’ve tried it on, how am I doing?” he whispered conversationally. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was just that for the first time in a long time she felt desirable, but Jenny laughed quietly and briefly placed a hand on his arm. “It could work,” she said coyly.

  “Oh, it could, eh? Well, I shall have to change that then,” he gave her a grin that had her heart skipping a beat.

  Jenny wasn’t the type to indulge in one night stands, she just couldn’t imagine being intimate with someone like that and then have them disappear the next day, but for the first time in her life, she found herself contemplating whether or not she could break that rule.

  Mark seemed nice enough, and he was definitely making her libido scream, so maybe she could give in just for one night.

  What could it hurt?

  “What about you? What do you do?”

  “I play sports.”

  “Like for the NBA?”

  Mark chuckled. “Not quite yet, but hopefully it’s my lucky year, for now I just work at a gym coaching until I get my big break.”

  “Have you always been a fan of basketball?”

  “Pretty much since I first picked it up as a kid. I never really found anything that inspired me to want to be the best until I picked up a basketball and made my first basket.”

  “What did it feel like?” Jenny leaned forward suddenly wanting to hear more. She was absolutely captivated by the far off dreamy look in his eyes.

  “It felt like everything zoomed in on that one moment when the ball went flying out of my hands and landed perfectly in the middle. I had never felt anything like that, that rush, that stillness.”

  Jenny smiled softly. “You sound like you really love it.”

  Mark’s eyes snapped to hers. “I do. What about you?”

  Jenny ducked her head, feeling shy all of a sudden as she ran her thumb over the rim of her glass. “Well, I know it’s kind of cheesy, but I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the world, and the hospital I work at might not be big in the grand scale of things, but at least in some corner of the world, I’m helping people, making a difference, you know?”

  “That’s not cheesy at all,” he said quietly as an absent minded smile played on the corner of his lips.

  Before she knew what she was doing, Jenny had leaned over and placed a slight kiss on the corner of his mouth. She pulled back wondering where she had gotten the courage from.

  Mark eyed her speculatively before smiling, a beautiful heart-stopping smile. “What was that for?”

  “I just wanted to,” she offered.

  Mark leaned forward and paused mere centimeters from her lips. His eyes gazed into hers as if asking her a question. She nodded slightly before he pressed his lips to hers. Jenny’s eyelids fluttered closed, and she found herself sighing and leaning into the kiss.

  Dimly, she was aware of the fact that he had picked her up and placed her on his hip, but she didn’t mind. Usually she hated PDA, but there was something about the way he touched her and kissed her that made all rational thought fly right out the window.

  Mark kept his mouth lightly on hers, barely brushing her lips. Jenny made an impatient noise in the back of her throat before she wrapped her arms around his neck and gently nibbled on his lip.

  She could feel him smile into the kiss, so she bit his bottom lip gently causing his mouth to part in surprise. He moaned as his tongue collided with hers, and they began a battle for dominance.

  They pulled back a short while later aware that they were still in a public place. He leaned his forehead against hers and breathed deeply.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” he asked as he placed his arm on the small of her back.

  This was it, her chance to back out if she wanted to, but much to her surprise Jenny found herself nodding as she hopped off his hip and tossed some money onto the counter. Mark did the same as he grabbed her hand, and they raced out onto the street like a bunch of giddy, hormonal teenagers.

  “My place isn’t too far from here,” sh
e said as he hailed down a cab. Mark nodded as he opened the car door for her. “Shall we?”

  Jenny gave him a slow seductive smile before sliding in. She rattled off her address, and the second Mark was in the cab, he yanked her, so she was on top of him, and he began kissing her with renewed urgency, his hands exploring everywhere, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.

  Jenny began her own tentative exploration surprised to find that he actually trembled at her touch. She pressed herself closer to him, feeling the fire burning within her continue to blaze, and knowing that only he could quench the fire.

  They arrived at her address a short while later, and they stumbled out of the cab in a mass of limbs and laughs.


  Jenny shook her head, trying to clear off the fragments of the memory that had entered into her mind unbidden when she noticed that Mark had stepped away from her and was talking to one of the children.

  They were standing in the middle of the children’s ward, and one of the children had cautiously wandered over to where they were standing.

  Most celebrities just gave the kids a tight smile and patted their heads absent mindedly. She had expected the same out of Mark, but instead he leaned down and began to ask the little girl about her action figure.

  “But most little girls like Barbie,” he was saying.

  The little girl-Gemma was her name-made a face at Mark as if the suggestion was preposterous. “Well, Barbie is cool, but action figures are so much better.”

  “Are they now?” Jenny could practically hear the surprise in his voice. “And why is that?”

  “Because action figures have superheroes like Captain America, Thor, Ant man.”

  Jenny pretended to be reading something on her clipboard as she eyed the little brunette who was staring at Mark speculatively. For his part, Mark looked absolutely befuddled and couldn’t figure out what to do with a little girl who didn’t like Barbie’s.

  “Who’s your favorite then?”

  Gemma brought her hand up to her chin and gazed into the distance as if she was pondering a very serious question. “Captain America,” she announced finally, sounding quite pleased with herself.


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