Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 117

by Angela Blake

  “Generous as that offer is, I think I’ll have to pass,” Camilla responded, very dryly.

  “Anyway, back to the matter at hand, are you sure you cleaned up properly?” Katherine narrowed her eyes as she studied Camilla as if somehow she could scare the germs away.

  “There’s only one way to find out.” Camilla took a step forward, casually.

  “What’s that?” Katherine’s eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

  “Give me a hug.” Camilla opened her arms and moved towards Katherine. Katherine shouted as she sidestepped and jumped to the back.

  “No, no, don’t touch me. What if you still have germs?”

  “Well, then we’ll have germs, together,” Camilla said wickedly as she chased her down the hallway.

  “You always said we were like sisters, and we share a lot of things,” Camilla called out as the laugh bubbled up in her throat.

  “I didn’t mean that, obviously. To quote what you said earlier ‘there is such a thing as oversharing’.”

  “Aw, come on, Kat. Come get a little Cam love.”

  Katherine made a face at Camilla before she ducked behind the couch. Her head popped up. “No, thank you. Keep your Cam love.” She used air quotes on the last thing.

  Camilla ran towards the couch and tackled Katherine to the ground. “Do you surrender?”

  Katherine squirmed as she tried to get away from Camilla. “Never.”

  The front door clicked open, and both women froze as they stared up at a tall, muscular man with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes.

  His eyes trailed down to the two women sprawled at his feet, and his eyes lit up with amusement. “Now, this looks like the intro to this wet dream I had the other day.”

  Katherine blushed as she scrambled up. “I’m not sure I want to know.”

  “Oh, you’d have loved it, babe. Although, no offense, Cam, but I’d rather not have a wet dream starring my little sister.”

  Camilla made a gagging noise as she stood up. “You little perv. Why would you even have a dream about two women fighting?”

  Leroy, Camilla’s brother, stood there with his hands wrapped around Katherine’s shoulder as he placed a kiss on the side of her head. When he told Camilla that he liked her roommate and best friend Katherine, Camilla was skeptical and afraid that if things didn’t work out, she’d lose one or both of them, but it was two years later, and they were still going strong.

  “I’m a guy, why wouldn’t I have a dream about two women in a cat fight?”

  Katherine elbowed him in the side. “I hope I’m at least one of those women.”

  “You win every time, baby,” he said as he winked at her.

  Camilla groaned. “At least wait until I leave the room, guys. I mean, I don’t want to see my big brother and best friend going at it.”

  “You might have to deal with at least hearing it,” Leroy said without looking at her. His eyes never left Katherine’s face. Katherine bit her bottom lip as he drew her closer to him.

  “I’m leaving, jeez.” Camilla threw her hands up as she stepped around the two and made her way back to her room down the hallway.

  “I guess this means we’re not going out tonight?” she called out across her shoulder, not really expecting an answer.

  She paused as she debated whether or not to turn around, but when all she heard was giggling, she decided against it and sighed as she trudged down the hallway.

  Chapter Two

  Camilla sat in her bathrobe and channel surfed as she realized that she didn’t even feel like changing into some actual clothes. After all, she wasn’t going anywhere, so what was the point of getting dressed?

  She huffed and blew on a loose strand of hair that came out of her bun as she decided whether she should watch The prestige or a rom com that was airing.

  Deciding that she could use a good dose of Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, she settled on the channel and turned the volume up.

  She realized that the movie still had a few minutes before it would start, so she got up and slowly open her door.

  The door creaked open, and she poked her head out to see if they were anywhere.

  “Hello?” she whispered as she opened the door wider and took a step forward.

  When she heard the sound of muffled laughing coming from across the hallway, she stepped completely out of her room and made a beeline for the kitchen to pop some popcorn into the microwave.

  She unwrapped it and set the timer for three minutes. She drummed her fingers on the counter as she waited for the timer to finish. Her stomach made a loud gurgling noise, and she splayed her hand across it as she realized that she hadn’t eaten dinner yet.

  She pursed her lips as she grabbed the take out menus and perused them. She settled on a pizza and sighed as she made her way down the hallway.

  She banged on Katherine’s door and waited for a response. An annoyed, “What?!” came out a while later.

  “I’m going to order a pizza, do you guys want anything?”

  She rolled her eyes as she heard more giggling. “I’m pretty hungry.”

  “What? I thought I did a pretty good job satisfying you.” Leory’s voice wafted through the doors.

  Camilla made a fake gagging noise. “Lee, I really don’t want to hear that. I’m asking a simple question about food, you in or out?”

  “Well, I mean that’s oversharing, don’t you think, Sis? But now that you mention it—“

  Camilla groaned as she placed her hands over her ears. “Why did I even bother asking you two horn dogs anything? Anything I say at this point will only lead to further embarrassment on my end, and entirely too much laughing at my expense, so I’ll just get your usual with ranch dipping on the side.”

  “That’s what she said,” they both yelled out.

  Camilla glared at the door. “Oh, real mature, guys. Honestly.” She wheeled around and stalked back to the kitchen, an amused smile making its way to her lips.

  She teased them about not being able to keep their hands off of each other a lot, but the truth was, she kind of wished she had that. The last few guys she had dated were more interested in getting to the finish line than the actual process.

  She missed having someone who would not only touch every inch of her skin, but also every inch of her soul.

  She picked up the phone and dialed the pizza place. She cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder as she hunted around for a bowl for the popcorn.

  She poured the contents of the bag into the bowl and tossed the bag into the bin. She made the order and after a quick thank you, she hung up, grabbed her bowl of popcorn, and made her way back inside.

  She hopped onto her bed as she un-paused the movie, and settled in.

  She muttered under her breath as the doorbell rang a while later. She waited to see if they would get up and get it and sighed when the doorbell rang a third time. She shoved her feet into a pair of fluffy slippers and made her way towards the door. She grabbed her wallet and took out some money as she made her way down the hallway.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she called out as she finally reached the door. “So that’s 39.95$, right?” she asked as she swung the door open.

  Only it wasn’t the pizza delivery man standing in front of her. It was an older man, distinguished looking with day old stubble on his face forming the beginnings of a beard and a mustache. He had on a suit, but the tie looked askew as it hung around his neck awkwardly. He had on a pair of loafers, and his brown hair was swept carelessly to the side.

  His brown eyes sparkled with annoyance which turned into amusement as he regarded the blonde before him.

  “Can I help you?” Camilla tightened the robe around her as she mentally calculated the route to the closest weapon.

  “Well, I can think of a number of ways you can help me especially when you’re dressed like that though I don’t think any of them would do you justice.”

  “Excuse me?” Her mouth hung slightly open as annoyance crossed h
er features.

  “You heard me correctly.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he gazed at her. “My offer hasn’t changed just because you’re in denial.”

  Camilla blinked at him. “Do you make a habit of ringing a random strangers’ house and then proceeding to hit on them?”

  One corner of his mouth titled upward. “Not particularly, no. Although if it should yield results like tonight then I might have to try it more often.” His gaze penetrated hers, and it was like he could see beneath the very thin fabric of her robe, but instead of feeling like it was invasive, Camilla felt like she was on fire. Like he was lightly caressing her with his eyes.

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

  One eyebrow shot up. “Not into men?”

  Camilla choked back a laugh and began coughing before she glared at him. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I am in fact into men.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest as she realized that he wasn’t a threat at least not physically. The worst he’d do is make her feel frisky.

  Understanding dawned on his features. “You’re with someone then.”

  Her mouth turned into a thin line. “My answer shouldn’t matter if I’m simply not interested.”

  One corner of his mouth went up. “It matters simply because I make it a habit not to go after another man’s girlfriend, and as to the second part of your statement, you can try to pretend you aren’t interested, but your body language is telling me something else.”

  One eyebrow went up. “Is that so?”

  He nodded. “It is in fact. If you weren’t interested then you would’ve slammed the door in my face because I take it you are not in fact the kind of woman who lets random guys hit on her.”

  “A fair assessment,” she conceded. “However, it still isn’t any of your business if I’m seeing someone.”

  “It would be a pity if you were.” The man abruptly straightened up. “Well, as fun as this has been, I see my sister standing behind you looking like she’s about to kill me.”

  “Sister?” Camilla echoed as she heard Katherine come up behind her.

  “Hey, little Sis.”

  Katherine screamed as she hurled past Camilla and threw herself into her brother’s arms. Camilla awkwardly took a step backwards as she made eye contact with Leroy.

  Leroy shrugged as he leaned against the nearest wall.

  “Jayden, what’re you doing here? You weren’t supposed to be arriving till tomorrow. You’re already settled across the street? I thought the movers weren’t done yet?”

  “Well, it turns out they work a lot faster if they’ve got incentive, and Abigail insisted that we hit the road as soon as we could.”

  Katherine looked up at her brother who towered over her. “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger, doesn’t she?”

  Camilla felt something lurch in her stomach, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Camilla inwardly rolled her eyes as she realized that this man was probably a womanizer who was probably used to getting anyone he wants, anywhere he wanted, and she doubted that any woman had actually said no to him especially with his brown eyes, mischievous smile and chiseled cheek bones.

  Leroy coughed to remind them of our presence. Katherine colored as she hastened to Leroy to tug him forward. “Jay, you remember my boyfriend Leroy.”

  Jayden held out his hand as Leroy shook it, and they did some kind of complicated handshake. “Of course, it’s good to see you again, Lee. It’s good to see you’re surviving my little sister.”

  Leroy laughed good-naturedly. “Honestly, she’s the one who puts up with me, I don’t know why, but I’m thankful.”

  Katherine grinned as she blew him a kiss. Leroy pretended to catch it, and Jayden rolled her eyes. “Two years, and you guys are still doing it.”

  “We just need to find you someone, Jay. That’s all.” She ruffled his hair playfully as he gave her a wryly grin.

  Katherine bounded towards Camilla and dragged her towards Jayden whose brown eyes bore into hers.

  “I can’t believe you’re finally going to meet, Camilla. I have been trying to introduce you guys for such a long time. Camilla this is my big brother, Jayden. Jayden, this is my roommate, and best friend Camilla.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” Camilla held out her hand, and Jayden lightly wrapped his hand around it. His eyes twinkled. “Charmed, although we hardly need an introduction after our little prologue at the door.”

  Camilla flushed as Katherine slapped him on the arm. Jayden gazed at her curiosity as he rubbed his arm. “What was that for?”

  “Just because you’re older than me by like twenty-five years doesn’t mean you get to hit on my friends while I’m standing there.”

  “Twenty-five years?”

  Katherine turned to face Camilla. “Yeah, my parents weren’t exactly planning on having another kid twenty-five years later. This big lunkhead over here got used to being an only child, but that all changed when I came along. Now he realizes how fortunate he is to have his little sister around, and how I really am something else.”

  “You’re something else alright. A pain in my ass,” he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began rubbing her hair.

  “Hey, hey,” she muttered as she squirmed beneath his grasp. “Watch the hair.”

  Jayden held up his hand in mock surrender. “Wouldn’t want to mess with the do. After all, I learned that lesson the hard way.”

  “I’m so glad to see the things I taught you back then have resonated,” she said sweetly.

  “How can I forget? You left me a rather obvious momento,” he commented, very dryly.

  “One of my finer dares.” She winked at Camilla. “He was visiting for dinner, and I was about to go on this big date, and he messed up my hair, so I told him I’d get my revenge. He dared me to shave one eyebrow off, and so I did.”

  Leroy burst out laughing. “You didn’t.”

  “Oh, but she did.” An amused smile tugged on the corner of Jayden’s lips. “It was pretty late, so I decided to crash on the couch and head back into the city in the morning. Little did I know that when I woke up the next day, I’d look like I was permanently curious.”

  Katherine began to chuckle at the memory. “It kind of looked like that woman whose plastic surgery went horrible wrong in the movie Just go with it.”

  A snort escaped Camila’s chest. “No way. That bad?”

  “Worse,” Jayden responded grimly as he gave Camilla an easy smile.

  “Where’s Abigail?” Katherine stood on her tiptoes as she peeked over Jayden’s shoulder.

  Jayden waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, you know, Abigail. She doesn’t waste time in getting to know the place, meeting people, and whatnot.”

  Katherine tried not to look disappointed as she lowered herself. “That’s true. Well, how about you come over for dinner tomorrow night? We can make something special.”

  Jayden shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’d like that.”

  “Cool, so come by tomorrow at around seven and I hope you’re planning on wearing something much comfier.”

  “I’ll see if I can oblige.” He deadpanned as he shook his head and laughed. “Anyway, I’ll see you later, little sis, Lee.” His eyes sought out hers. “It was lovely to meet you, Camilla.”

  Camilla shivered as little tingles went up and down her body at the way her name rolled off his tongue.

  He’s got a girlfriend. Snap out of it. Her head screamed as she gave him a polite smile in response. He waved goodbye and made his way out the door.

  Chapter Three

  Camilla zoomed in and out of traffic as she cursed under her breath wondering if she’d make it to work on time. She had woken up on time, gotten dressed and left at exactly the same time she left every day, but much to her chagrin, the street was completely backed up, and she was left drumming her fingers ag
ainst the steering wheel. She hummed under her breath as she leaned back in her chair and sighed.

  She began to fiddle with the radio dial until she turned to her favorite station. She tuned out the world around her and began to listen to a funny story the radio host was telling.

  Once the radio host was done, she grinned as the new Coldplay some came on. She reached for the dial and turned it up and began singing out loud to the song something just like this.

  She turned down the volume when her phone began beeping. She put her phone on speaker and answered. “Kat, hey, what’s up?”

  “Cam, hey, Listen, I’m at work right now, but I’m going to stop by after work and pick up some things for dinner. I was thinking of making tacos and burritos.”

  “A little Mexican, huh?” Camilla honked as the car in front of her refused to move.

  “Yeah, Jayden is really into Mexican food, and he doesn’t get to eat authentic Mexican cuisine that often.”

  Katherine was part Mexican on her mother’s side, so she always made a fuss about what was considered genuine Mexican food and what wasn’t because her abuela taught her everything she knew about food.

  “You know I love your tacos and burritos, in fact, I’ll probably be salivating all day at work thanks to you.”

  “Sort of like you were salivating over my brother yesterday.”

  Camilla made a dismissive noise in the back of her throat as she made a U-turn. “I wasn’t salivating over your brother. I thought he was just a random guy who hit the doorbell and was you know lost or something.”

  “Uh huh. Then why didn’t you just give him directions or tell him to eff off?” Katherine’s voice sounded smug.

  Camilla hit the brakes as she spotted a prime parking spot. She put the car in reverse and began to maneuver into the spot. “Well, I’ll admit, I was curious.”

  She switched off the car and began shoving everything into her bag.

  “Curious isn’t exactly the word I’d use for it. Don’t forget he lives across the road now. But hey just remember that we’re best friends even if my brother ends up breaking your heart or something. I mean obviously I’d kick his ass, but our friendship wouldn’t change.”


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