Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 151

by Angela Blake

  The brunette studied him before she put her hand on his knee. Lucas was surprised to find a jolt of desire race through his body at the simple touch. “So you feel the same way when I do it.”

  “Pretty much yeah,” Lucas tried to appear nonchalant, but he was already picturing what he could say to get her to go home with him for the night, how she’d look with that skirt pooled around her knees, and how she’d look lying flat on her back as he ploughed into her.

  He felt himself beginning to grow aroused, so he shifted, so she wouldn’t notice. He knew that if he wanted to get her home, his usual moves wouldn’t work. She was a classy one, the type who wanted to be wooed and then bed.

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to go through the effort, but the way her gray eyes darkened when they flickered to his lips had him wondering if maybe he should just try to see what would happen.

  “It’s just a theory anyway.”

  She looked disappointed when he pulled back, and she tried to cover it up by going. “Just a theory? It sounds like it might actually work.”

  “Well, you’d have to have a more thorough demonstration.”

  “Really?” the brunette gave him a slow smile.

  “You’re a professor, right?”

  The brunette looked confused at the question. “Yeah, I am.”

  “What do you teach?”

  The brunette toyed with a loose strand of fabric in her sweater, a sign of nervousness. “I don’t teach one specific thing, mostly literature, but sometimes drama, humanities, and history.”

  “Do you use a lot of visual aids in class?”

  Confusion continued to flick in and out of her features. “As often as I can actually, it really helps get the point across.”

  “So you demonstrate things sometimes.”

  The brunette nodded. “It’s necessary. Sometimes it’s not enough to show them a visual aid, sometimes you have to act it out for them.”

  “It’s the same for my theory. I could tell you all about it, or I could take you back to my place and give you a very detailed first hand demonstration.”

  The brunette opened her mouth to respond, but they were interrupted when Lucas’s teammates interrupted. They were all drunk and loud and crowding him asking why he hadn’t come over to the table to play pool.

  “Hey guys,” he said tightly cursing his luck because they had just interrupted when he made his move.

  “Come on, Spanish. You said you had game. Show us,” they yanked him out of his seat and began to push him towards the table.

  “We’ll bring him back,” Keith called out as he made his way to the other side of the table.

  “You’re Spanish?” she called out, a strange look in her eye.

  He nodded sheepishly as he pointed towards the tattoo she hadn’t noticed earlier. She frowned as she watched him intently as if she was looking for something.

  He shook his head and grabbed one of the beers the guys offered and took a swing.

  “Venga,” he said in Spanish. He gestured that they should come forward. For the first time instead of mocking him, the guys hooted and hollered as they slapped him on the back.

  He leaned down and aimed his stick. He managed to sink quite a few balls on his first try, and he felt a flush go through him at the look of awe in Keith’s eyes.

  He looked up to see if he could show off to the brunette, but she was gone. His eyes quickly scanned the place, but she was nowhere in sight. He stood on the tips of his toes to see if maybe she had moved, but he couldn’t find her face anywhere.

  A flash of disappointment flooded through him as he dragged his attention back to the game.


  Lucas squinted as he tried to focus on the table in front of him. All those beers he had were making it extremely difficult to concentrate, but he was determined not to quit.

  He was, against all odds, beating Keith.

  He had no idea what stroke of good luck had befallen him, but he wasn’t able to throw it away just because he felt like stopping.

  No, first he would win this round then he would find a woman and take her home for the night.

  He began to chew on his lip as he debated which side of the table to approach from, and which balls he should try to knock into the hole. He moved back and forth before he finally settled and stuck his tongue out of his mouth.

  He bit his bottom lip in concentration and got his pool stick ready. He leaned over the table, tried his best to make out the balls through his blurry vision then he shrugged and figured he’d give it his best shot.

  He was able to knock down most of the balls on the table, and he grinned as he tried to pretend that he did it on purpose.

  Luckily for him, Keith was even more drunk then he was.

  He stumbled to the table. “Wait till you get a load of me,” he squinted as he tried not to slur and he jutted his stick out nearly hitting one of the guys on the head.

  “Watch it, or you’ll gut someone with that,” one of their teammates yelled out crossly.

  Keith chuckled. “You worry too much, you pansies. Let the master show you how it’s done.”

  Keith puffed up his chest and tried to swagger over the table. He leaned over, took a deep breath and ended up overshooting, so his pool stick went up in the air instead of hitting the ball.

  Everyone snickered as Keith’s ears reddened in anger. “Bloody ball keeps moving.”

  “Oh, look when he’s drunk and angry, he turns bloody English,” one of the guys mocked as the rest of the team roared in laughter.

  Lucas shook his head in amusement as he sighed in exasperation. “Right, are you pansies ready to see a real man play?”

  “Ooooooh!” they all went.

  Keith stiffened as he stared at Lucas with an unreadable expression. Lucas wondered if maybe he had taken the joke too far and was prepared to apologize because he didn’t want to jeopardize this newly found truce when Keith’s mouth erupted into a grin.

  “Think you got game, eh, Spanish?” Keith gestured to the pool table and held out his hand in a sweeping gesture. “If Barcelona here would do us all the honor.”

  “I’d be bloody glad to governor,” he pretended to tip his hat at Keith who began to shake, Next thing he knew, Keith was roaring with laughter, the tears streaming down his face.

  He wiped away the tears. “I like you, Ramirez.”

  He held out his hand, so that Lucas could shake it. He placed his hand in his, and the two men held on firmly for a few minutes before letting go.

  “Doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass though.”

  “It’s on, English,” Lucas went up to the table and sighed in concentration.

  He managed to get all of the balls into holes, and he pumped his fist in the air as the whole team started to hoot and holler.

  Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a bottle head blonde leaning over the counter watching him. Her skirt was so short it could practically be considered panties, and her breasts were barely held in place by her tight see through shirt.

  She gave him a slow seductive smile as she noticed him observing her body. She had long smooth legs, and she turned to the side and slowly shook her ass to give him a full view.

  Lucas licked his lips as he began to imagine what she would look like without clothes.

  He muttered distractedly to his teammates as he made a beeline for the blonde. He finally reached her, and he stopped just a few feet away. She gazed at him in confusion wondering why he hadn’t covered the space between them in two strides.

  He raised an eyebrow at her and lifted one finger and beckoned her closer. One corner of her mouth upturned into a smile as she sashayed towards him.

  “Like what you see?” he asked casually as he leaned against the wall and crossed one leg over the other.

  “That depends,” she tossed her hair behind her shoulders and batted her lips in what was supposed to be a flirty gesture. Lucas inwardly grimaced at her attempt before he smiled again. “Depends on

  “Do you like what you see?” she inquired as she traced one finger over his chest.

  “I could like it better,” Lucas shrugged as if it was no big deal.

  The woman pouted as she pressed herself against him so there was practically no space between them. He could practically smell her arousal, and it made him horny just to think about it.

  The growing bulge in his pants became more noticeable until the blonde finally gazed down at it and smirked. She rocked her hips once causing Lucas to grunt as he tried to maintain control.

  He leaned forward and pretended to nuzzle her neck as he whispered into her ear. “I’d like it better if you were lying on your back naked and ready for me as I thrust into you.”

  He smiled against her neck as he saw her Adam’s apple bop up then down, no doubt affected by his words.

  She took a deep steadying breath trying not to let his words affect her. “I’d like that too,” she said breezily, and if it wasn’t for her pulse hammering in her neck, he’d have thought she wasn’t affected by him at all.

  He pressed his lips on top of her pressure point and kissed softly causing the woman’s hands to grip his shoulders tightly before grabbing a fistful of his shirt.

  “I’m Jasmine,” she said as she hooked one leg around his.

  Lucas pulled back as he smiled at her. “Well, then consider me your Aladdin for tonight.”

  He inwardly cringed at the pickup line he used, and he cursed himself for being drunk enough that he couldn’t come up with something less tacky.

  Jasmine didn’t seem to mind though, and said as she humped his leg. “Does this mean I get to see your magic lamp?”

  Lucas raised an eyebrow. “I’ll even let you have more than three wishes.”

  She giggled, a fake high pitched sound that Lucas tried to ignore as he untangled her leg from around his. They made their way out into the cold night air, and Lucas wasted no time in kissing every inch of skin available on the taxi ride to his place.

  Chapter 3

  Lucas groaned as he cursed under his breath in Spanish, and his eyes flew open. He let out a stream of curse words in both English and Spanish as he searched for the source of the shrill noise.

  He stumbled over knickknacks all over the floor until he was finally able to reach his phone. He slid answer and all but growled into the phone.

  “Of course I’m asleep. Que pasa? What time is it?”

  Lucas rolled his eyes as he rubbed his head and moved sluggishly looking for his watch. He leaned over the watch and squinted at the clock. “It’s eight o’clock, man. That meeting isn’t until eleven.”

  Lucas scowled. “I can get myself to that meeting,” he paused as he yawned. “Yes, I know where it is. I’ll be there.”

  He hung up the phone and stared it wondering why he’d bothered to get such a perky manager. It was because she was the best in the business.

  Even though he’d originally hired her because he wanted to sleep with her, she quickly put a stop to that by proving that she was not only not interested in him, but that she was head over heels for her boyfriend.

  At first it stung his pride, no woman had ever turned him down before, but he quickly realized that he needed Lauren as a friend.

  She had all sorts of connections, and she was able to make sure he kept his nose clean, stayed out of trouble, and not to mention she loved Spain since her boyfriend was half Spanish.

  He heard a voice grumble from somewhere in the room, and he froze as he tried to rack his brain to remember if he had company last night.


  He smiled, a wicked smile as he made his way towards the bed and crawled on top of it. Jasmine lay on her side, her hair splayed out on the pillow, her face buried in the pillow.

  Normally, he’d get up and jog before he went to go meet Lauren, but he figured this could qualify as a work out too.

  He pressed himself to her side and began to nuzzle her neck. She sighed in her sleep as Lucas began to gently nibble.

  He placed his hands on her stomach and lightly traced her skin. She mumbled something under her breath and pushed herself closer to him. Lucas ran his fingers lightly over her arms causing goosebumps to rise.

  He brought his hands up and began to play with her breasts until they stood erect and stiff. Now he knew she was fully awake.

  “What time is it?” she groaned as he pushed her hair away from her neck and began to kiss it again.

  “It’s eight o’clock.”

  “That early?” she asked. He could detect a hint of annoyance in her voice. Probably at being woken up this early, he was sure she was the type to sleep in until noon or something.

  “I have to leave in a bit,” he murmured against her neck. He rocked his hips against hers letting her know what he wanted. She titled her head, so she was facing him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

  Lucas pulled back, opened his drawer and got two pieces of mint. He popped both of them into his mouth and climbed on top, so he was straddling her. He began to kiss her, slowly at first but then harder as he coaxed her mouth open.

  Once she opened her mouth, he used his tongue to slip the mint into her mouth, and she smiled against his mouth as she moaned into the kiss.

  He continued to stay still not doing anything until Jasmine began to grind her hips in impatience. Lucas chuckled against her lips as he tore his lips away.

  He lay down next to her and pressed her against him, so she could feel him pressing against her back. “I want to take you from the back, I want to make you scream so hard, you’ll be seeing stars.”

  Jasmine whimpered in the back of her throat and bucked her hips backwards. Lucas slowly entered her and waited until she adjusted to this new position. His hands cupped her breasts and began to knead as he thrust in and out of her.

  It didn’t take long for Jasmine to begin crying out his name. He began to kiss her neck slowly until he gently sunk his teeth into it and sucked hard.

  Jasmine yelped, in pain or pleasure, he couldn’t tell which, but considering that she started to rock faster, he had to assume it was in pleasure.

  Her hand reached backwards and tangled itself in his hair as she played with the nape of his neck. Soon her hand traveled down as her nails dug into his flesh.


  Lucas grunted as he moved in a flurry around the room searching for his jeans. He finally found them and slipped them on before he went to the closet and pulled out a clean shirt.

  He slipped it on and gave Jasmine a smirk as she lay on the bed watching him, her eyes clouded over with lust. She was laying there, propped up on her elbows, fully naked, and she looked very enticing. Lucas had to remember that he had a meeting to get to otherwise he would’ve plowed into her until she could no longer stand.

  The look she was giving him let him know that she was thinking something very similar. She bit her lips and beckoned Lucas closer.

  Lucas grabbed his keys and walked over to the bed. He knelt down in front of her and placed his hands on either side of her.

  “Like what you see?” he murmured huskily as he began nibbling on her ear.

  “Do you like what you see?” she challenged as she let the sheet fall down in order to reveal her chest. Her breasts were already erect and staring him in the face begging him to take them in his mouth.

  Lucas chuckled under his breath as he twirled a strand of hair between his thumb and forefinger. “As a matter of fact, I like it very much, but I happen to know, you like it even more.”

  “What makes you think that?” she inquired huskily as she tried to push herself closer. Lucas moved backwards a fraction of an inch, and he caught the flash of disappointment in her eyes.

  “Your quick intake of breath just now, the way you moved yourself closer, and if it weren’t for the fact that I have a meeting to get to, we wouldn’t be discussing this, instead I’d just be showing you.”

  Jasmine pouted as she threw her arms around him and tried to push him
in between her breasts. “Do you have to go? I mean, I’m sure what I have to offer you is far more interesting than what they’ll be giving you at that meeting.”

  Lucas gently disentangled her hands from around his neck. “You make a very compelling argument, but-”

  Jasmine interrupted him by pressing her lips against his. Lucas barely held onto his control as he felt her naked body press itself against his. He growled in impatience at the layer of clothing that lay in between them, and when she bit his bottom lip, he groaned and pushed her backwards, and climbed on top of her.

  The pace of her kissing changed and became more enticing, more sensual, not as fevered but just as passionate.

  As he pushed himself against her, he lifted her legs up and tossed them over his shoulder. She whimpered in pleasure, and Lucas grinded against her.

  The sound of her moaning was like music to his ears, but he suddenly remembered that he was going to be late, and his manager might just skin him alive.

  His eyes flew open as he removed her legs slowly and covered Jasmine with a sheet. “Believe me, I wish I could continue this, but I really do have to go.”

  Jasmine stared at him through hooded eyes. “It’s your loss.”

  Lucas moved off the bed and straightened out his shirt and jeans. He moved closer, so he was pressed up against her face. “If I could stay, you wouldn’t even be able to think, and you definitely wouldn’t be able to walk.”

  Jasmine gave him a sly grin. “How about I come back later, and you can show me?”

  Lucas grinned as he grabbed his phone and wallet. He winked at her. “Coffee is in the kitchen.”

  He took the stairs instead of the elevator, so he could get some blood pumping through his veins, and so he could cool off before he got to his car. He didn’t want to have to walk into that meeting with a bulge in his pants he couldn’t hide.

  He slipped into his corvette a while later and pulled the top down. He turned the music up and slipped his shades on as he cruised down the streets.


  Lucas pulled up to the address a while later. He got out of the car and was beeping it shut when he caught a flash of brown hair in his rearview mirror. He couldn’t believe his luck!


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