Chasing Dreams (Devil's Bend)

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Chasing Dreams (Devil's Bend) Page 19

by Edwards, Nicole

  Another approving groan and then Cooper stood tall once again. Tessa grabbed one more handful of soap and then continued as she reached around him, letting her hands slide down his chiseled abs, then teasing the hair beneath his navel and following it as it trailed downward.

  When she reached his cock, she wasn’t shocked to find him thick and hard. Using what she had, Tessa wrapped her hands around his erection, her breasts pressed against his back as she stroked slowly, letting the slippery soap work in her favor.

  “Tessa.” Her name came out on a growl, and she laughed.

  “You like that?”

  “Too much,” he moaned.

  She didn’t stop, just squeezed his cock in her hands, not too tightly, but not too gently either. “Turn around.”

  Cooper’s sudden movement made her giggle. Excited much? When he looked down at her, she was thrilled to see that the tension in his face had eased and that dark hunger was back in his eyes. Taking the shower sprayer from the wall, Tessa doused him with it, washing away the soap from his entire body, and then spending an extra minute letting the water cascade over his cock.

  She met his eyes and smiled. Now she was ready to send him over the edge.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Cooper’s eyes damn near rolled into the back of his head when Tessa dropped to her knees the first time. But now, with her eye level with his cock, he might just pass out altogether.

  For the last ten minutes at least, he’d been enjoying the way she focused her attention on him. She had obviously known just what he needed to relax because her determined touch, the way she kneaded the tension out of his muscles, had him feeling boneless.

  Soft, wet hands gripped his cock, making his whole body jerk, and he put his hand on the wall at his side to keep himself from swaying. The shower was tiny, almost too small for both of them to fit comfortably, but the bathtub was at least long and narrow.

  As Tessa’s lips closed over the head of his dick, his muscles tensed up yet again, but, not in a bad way. Shit. Her mouth was hot and wet and… and… and… Hell, what was he thinking about?

  Oh, right. Torture. The gentle teasing of her fingers and the soft flicks of her tongue were fucking torture. She laved him with her tongue, her eyes continuing to watch him as he stared down his body at her.

  She had the ability to hypnotize him at any given time with just a look, but there was something uniquely erotic about the woman as she knelt before him, her green eyes sparkling while she sucked his dick. Unable to help himself, he slid his fingers into the wet strands of her hair, holding firmly but not forcing himself on her. He let her explore him with her mouth, her tongue, the gentle scrape of her teeth along his shaft.

  “Fuck, baby,” he groaned, his balls tightening ever so slightly. Shit, he wished he could do this all night. The hot cavern of her mouth was excruciating in the best of ways. “Suck me, Tessa.”

  God, she was good at that. So fucking good.

  One small hand cupped his balls, rubbing them gently for long seconds. When the pressure of her hand increased, so did the suction from her mouth, and Cooper’s hands tightened in her hair.

  “You want me to fuck your mouth?” He had no idea how far he was allowed to push this, but after their intense romp at the bar, and the assertive way she was bossing him around when they got to her house, Cooper got the impression Tessa liked it a little rough.

  She moaned and as the vibrations sent a shockwave of ecstasy right up his shaft, he took that as a yes. Holding her hair tightly, Cooper shifted so that he could take control, pushing his cock deep into her mouth. He wasn’t interested in gagging her, but he longed to feel her mouth on all of him. She sucked hard as he pulled out, then let him slide in again.

  He continued to drive deep, maintaining the steady rhythm as more heat washed over him. After how hard she’d made him come earlier, he doubted he would be able to do it again, but it didn’t take long for her to prove him wrong. Tessa squeezed his balls firmly as he fucked her mouth faster, his groans echoing off of the tiled walls until he was coming with a rush. He watched as she sucked him dry, his body shuddering with all-consuming pleasure as he watched her swallow.

  Shutting off the water, Cooper pulled Tessa to her feet and then dragged her out of the shower. Her giggles made him laugh. They were tromping down the hallway when she tugged on his arm, a blatant indication that she wanted to go back. He relented, letting her snatch two towels from the bathroom cabinet before she led him to her bedroom.

  That would work too. He’d been heading back to the living room, but if she wanted to go to bed, who was he to argue.

  Once in her room, he tossed one of the towels on the bed and then pushed her down onto it, making her giggle more as she bounced on the bed.

  “You like when I’m forceful with you, don’t you, darlin’?” he asked as he proceeded to dry her with the other towel.


  Maybe hell. She loved it. And he loved her all the more for it. They had so much in common, both their interests and their goals, not to mention sex between them was an exploration of souls. She didn’t fight him, but rather embraced whatever he needed at the time.

  He was a selfish bastard.

  Before the thought could piss him off, Cooper focused his attention on her body, leaning over her. She was naked and soft and so responsive. He started at her neck, kissing her smooth skin as she squirmed beneath him. Once he reached her breasts, Cooper climbed up onto the bed and straddled her, trapping her legs beneath his body. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Nope,” she said, that expectant tone back once again.


  Sitting on his heels, his thighs bracing her hips, he stared down at her. Cooper rolled her nipples using his forefinger and thumb, watching as her eyes glazed over. Her back bowed beautifully as she pushed up against him.

  “You’re so fucking hot, baby. I love to watch you squirm beneath my touch.”

  He released one of her nipples and leaned forward, sucking her into his mouth. He teased her, holding the hardened point between his teeth as he lashed at it with his tongue until she was moaning, her hips trying to buck him off.

  “Like that?” he asked when he switched, taking her other nipple in his mouth.

  “Yes. Oh, yes!” she moaned.

  When she continued to writhe beneath him, Cooper knew he had to push her over soon, or she would get frustrated. That was one thing about this little cowgirl, her patience was thin when it came to her pleasure. Grabbing her hips, Cooper flipped them so that she was straddling his stomach. Once she was on top, he grabbed her ass and pulled her forward quickly, her hands grabbing the headboard to keep from falling forward. With her perched above him, her knees on each side of his head, he buried his mouth in her pussy, teasing her clit ruthlessly.

  Tessa began fucking his mouth, grinding down to ensure he was right where she wanted him. Gauging how close she was by the moans that tickled his ears, he continued, focusing all of his attention on the little bundle of nerves. He had to shift so he could add his hand to the mix. When she realized what he was doing, she resituated herself so that he could drive two fingers up inside of her while he continued to lick her pussy.

  “Don’t stop! That feels so good,” Tessa moaned as she continued to push her hips down, impaling herself on his fingers while he latched his mouth onto her clit.


  Her high pitched scream told him she was close, and after the way she had taken care of him, he knew he had to send her over. But he wanted to watch her come and he couldn’t in this position. Sitting up, he forced her onto her back, never pulling his fingers from inside of her. Once she was beneath him again, he locked eyes with her and fucked her hard and fast with two fingers.

  “Come for me, Tessa. Fuck my fingers until you come.”

  Tessa’s hips were thrusting against his hand, and he was ruthless in his pursuit of her orgasm. She held off for longer than he thought she would, but then her head
fell back, her neck straining as she groaned her pleasure, her pussy gripping his fingers as she came.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he whispered as he dropped onto the bed beside her, his fingers still lodged deep inside of her. “I don’t think I’ll ever tire of watching you come.”

  Tessa’s eyes opened, the green even more vivid as she smiled. “I hope you don’t.”

  Cooper pulled is fingers from her warm sheath and then dragged her closer. Their heads were at the wrong end of the bed, but he was too tired to care. Tessa nestled into his arms, her head resting against his chest, one silky leg thrown over his thigh and Cooper closed his eyes.

  Nope, he would never get tired of this.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Tessa woke up the following morning – or rather afternoon – feeling incredibly sated, but more than a little sore. So, apparently, ordering Cooper around equated to some highly imaginative sex. Even though she was fairly active, Tessa was going to have to get some exercise under her belt if she intended to keep up with him. The man only needed a couple of hours of sleep before he was ready to go again, and Tessa had been hard pressed to keep up. Although she did her best, without argument.

  “Morning,” she greeted Cooper sleepily when she walked into her kitchen to find him sitting at her table drinking coffee and working on his laptop.

  As if seeing him doing something so domestic in her kitchen hadn’t been enough, when Cooper stood from his chair and made his way over just to kiss her good morning, Tessa was a hairsbreadth away from melting into a puddle.

  God, she’d missed that kind of interaction. Loving someone was not easy. There were ups and downs, sure, but to wake up each day, or go to sleep each night in the arms of the person who would undoubtedly cherish everything about you… nothing was as heartwarming as the smile on their face.

  Not that she loved Cooper.

  She didn’t.

  “How ‘bout coffee?” Cooper asked when he pulled away, leaving her staring after him. He wore jeans and nothing else, his delicious upper body chiseled and sleekly muscled. Letting her gaze travel over him, she stopped to check out his bare feet. Why were bare feet on men so damn sexy?

  “Sounds perfect,” she answered, forcing her feet to move forward. Reaching out to take the cup, she smiled up at him. “What’s on your agenda for the day?”

  A flash of the same vexation she’d seen on his face yesterday distorted his features briefly, but Cooper morphed back into his easygoing self almost immediately. “I’ve got to meet with Marcus later this afternoon.”

  They never did have a chance to talk about the actual conversation Cooper had with Marcus the day before. Even though he had so rudely dismissed her at the time, her curiosity hadn’t been diminished, so as she dropped into one of the kitchen chairs, she figured she’d ask. “How’d it go with him last night?”

  Cooper’s descent into his chair slowed as he stared back at her. From where she sat, he looked like he was holding his breath, but then time kicked back in and he sat down, his focus on the coffee cup in front of him.

  “Not as good as I expected,” he said, peering over at his laptop screen. “But that’s not the worst of it.”

  Oh, crap. She didn’t like the sound of that.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Cooper shook his head as though telling her nothing was wrong, but then his eyes met hers. “Looks like the press has officially found me.”

  For absolutely no substantiated reason, Tessa glanced around her kitchen as though she might find some reporters hiding behind the kitchen counter.

  “No, darlin’, they aren’t in here.”

  She knew that, but she looked anyway, and then laughed at the way he regarded her as though she’d lost her mind.

  Wait, he had specifically said in here. Did that mean they were…?

  “No, I suggest you don’t go outside dressed like that,” Cooper told her, and Tessa glanced down at her tank top and boxer shorts.

  “They’re out there?”

  “’Fraid so.”

  Tessa wanted to jump up and run to the front door to see if her lawn was littered with news vans and cameras, but she forced herself to stay seated. They were at her house. Not Cooper’s. Which meant they knew Cooper was at her house. Crap.

  “Do you think it has to do with Marcus?”

  “Maybe. Doubtful, but maybe.”

  “Well, what are we supposed to do about it?” Tessa asked hysterically, wondering whether she was ever going to be able to step outside her front door again.

  “We’re going to go about our business. I’ve got a phone call out this morning. I’m not expecting Marcus to handle this one, so I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands.”

  Tessa wasn’t sure how she felt about that. And what was business as usual if their small town was swarming with reporters? It would probably cause an uproar. Hell, just Cooper’s appearance in town had brought people out of the woodwork.

  “Don’t worry about it, Tessa,” Cooper said solemnly.

  Tessa nodded just to placate him, sending a quick look his way. There was no way she wouldn’t worry. She didn’t know how to handle the spotlight, and she knew that when people started digging, they were going to find things that she didn’t want them to find. And just like every other time, there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she declared as she pushed up from her chair, nearly spilling her coffee. She needed a few minutes to think this through. And she needed to be alone.

  Thankfully, Cooper didn’t follow her to the bathroom, so she locked herself in and hurried into the shower. Letting the water cascade down her body, the memory of the night before flashed briefly, but she quickly pushed it away. Not that remembering how incredible the sex between the two of them was a terrible thing, but Tessa really needed to get her head on straight.

  What was going to happen when Cooper found out about her past? Was he still going to want to have anything to do with her? And she knew without a doubt that the press would easily be able to unearth her demons.

  But they were a long time ago, she told herself. What she did as an unruly teenager didn’t mean she was that same person. In fact, she had worked for years to lose that reputation, to ensure that her past didn’t catch up with her. It was one of the main reasons she worked with troubled kids, wanting to offer them some help so they didn’t end up in the same situation she had.

  She remembered how easily everything had been brought back up when she broke up with Chad…


  Grabbing the shampoo, Tessa washed her hair and then followed it up with a glob of conditioner while her memories took hold, transporting her back to a time she didn’t particularly care to revisit. Her heart never handled reliving the past very well.

  “So, what are you in for?” A rough, melodic voice sounded from somewhere on the other side of the stable.

  Tessa glanced around, noticing only a line of stalls, all but two containing a horse. “Where are you?” she called out, unable to see a human being anywhere in the near vicinity, and as much as she would like to find out that the horses were talking to her, she knew better.

  “This side,” the deep voice chuckled, and Tessa followed the sound.

  She had to walk outside and then in through the other door to get on the far side of the stalls that lined the middle of the huge stable.

  “You gonna tell me what you’re in for? Or are you just gonna stand there?”

  Tessa finally found the guy attached to the voice. He was in one of the empty stalls, shoveling manure with a big shovel into a backhoe sitting just outside the door. Exactly what she was supposed to be doing. Although she was trying to buy herself some time.

  “Why would you ask that?” she questioned, curious as to what he was in for. It was true, she was there as punishment, but she wondered how he would know that.

  “Most kids in here don’t come for the fun,” he chuckled.

  No. S
he could clearly see how they wouldn’t find shoveling horse shit a fun way to pass the day. She sure as hell wouldn’t be doing it if she hadn’t been caught.

  “So I take it you find this fun?”

  “I don’t mind it,” he said, a cute smile slipping her way from underneath the brim of his straw hat.

  “So, you’re not in trouble?”

  “Nope. Come here every day after school.”

  “Why would you do that?” Tessa glanced around, wondering if she should grab a shovel and help him. Although, he seemed to be doing a fantastic job all by himself. He was almost finished.

  “FFA,” he said simply.

  Future Farmers of America.

  Tessa had heard of the organization at her school.


  “But that doesn’t answer why you’re here,” he said as he turned toward her, carrying the shovel as he moved closer.

  “Hey, I know you,” she said, recognition dawning. “Richie Donovan, right?”

  “Yep. And you’re little Tessa Dryden. Adam’s baby sister.”

  Tessa didn’t make a snide remark, but she wanted to. She hated being referred to as Adam’s baby sister. And she definitely didn’t approve of being called little.

  “So, why are you here?”

  “Mr. Deluth didn’t tell you?” Tessa asked curiously.

  Considering Mr. Deluth had caught her red handed when she brought his prize thoroughbred, Texas Shadow, back into his stall early that morning, she figured half the town would know what she’d done by now.

  “Nope. Haven’t seen him today,” Richie said as he opened the adjacent stall door and headed inside, leaving Tessa to stare at him from just outside.

  “I got caught bringing Texas Shadow back this morning.”

  Richie’s head snapped her direction, a deep frown on his face. “You stole Shadow?”


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