The Land: Predators: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 7)

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The Land: Predators: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 7) Page 63

by Aleron Kong

  That was why Richter was so happy that he got another expected prompt.

  Congratulations! You have completed the Specialist Quest: The Essence of Knowledge I

  You have converted five of your known spells into enchantments. Truly, the path of an Essence Enchanter is your true calling.

  Reward: 5 Talent Points. Total Talent Points: 16

  Reward: 156 (base 250 x 1.25 x 0.5) Experience Points

  XP deficit remaining: -98,126

  You have unlocked the Specialist Quest: The Essence of Knowledge II

  Continue to expand your knowledge of enchantments, O mighty Essence Enchanter. No foe will be able to stand against your enchantments as you ensorcel blades to specifically spell their death.

  Success Conditions: Unlock and learn 25 known spells as enchantments.

  Reward: 10 Talent Points.

  Penalty for failure or refusal of Quest: None

  Do you accept? Yes or No?

  That was another reason he had unlocked so many level one spells. He hadn’t known for sure, but he was pretty sure the next link in the quest chain would require him to learn more enchantments. The fact that he needed to convert twenty more was a slight nipple twist, but that could be fun too. Richter planned to start practicing his new Charm enchantment ASAP, but in the meantime, he began to funnel his mana regen into unlocking the item enchantment for Heal. He needed to unlock the item enchantments as quickly as possible if he was going to utilize his new crafting skills.

  Now that he had cleared up his Profession and Specialist quests, at least the ones he could finish quickly, he looked at his overall Talent tree again. There was one more Talent he’d been eyeballing and now he had just enough TPs to buy it.

  You have purchased the Talent: Decrease Required Enchantment Slots for 10 Talent Points. Each rank of an enchantment takes up a specific amount of enchantment slots. Each rank now requires 10% less Enchantment Points. You currently have Rank I in Decrease Required Enchantment Slots. Progressing to Rank II will cost 20 Talent Points.

  You have: 6 Talent Points remaining.

  With a smile on his face, Richter got back to work.

  The chaos seed worked tirelessly until lunch, which was when Randolphus showed up. The chamberlain reminded him that “wooing” the freed prisoners to stay in the village was a priority, which meant getting facetime with them was also a priority. Increasing the population of the Mist Village by several hundred would greatly improve his settlement’s production capacity. It would also put him over the minimum required number of people needed to advance his village to level two. That was one of the first quests Richter had been given, but it also remained one of the most elusive. Despite the difficulty, it was never far from his mind.

  Richter took his shirt off and dunked his head in a nearby bucket of water. Taking a quick bath, he rinsed the worst of the grime and soot from his body. After so many days spent enchanting, he barely noticed the heat and mess of the forge anymore. Others did though. Deera had made more than one comment that though she liked filthy men, perhaps he could take more care in regards to his appearance and smell when around others.

  He pulled a clean shirt out of his bag and slipped it over his head. The dirty one went to a village child along with a copper that the girl plucked easily out of the air. She laughed and thanked him before running down towards where the wash was done. Richter smiled after her. Spoiling kids was a joy that remained the same in any world.

  Now more presentable, Richter and his Companion started walking towards the area set aside for the prisoners.

  CHAPTER 57 – Day 144 – Kuborn 34, 0 AoC

  Randolphus was right. Winning the hearts of the freed prisoners was in the best interest of the village. The real reason that Richter was excited though was that it was a chance to speak with Heman again. The fact that there was another chaos seed in the village was still hard for him to believe. As was the fact that the man had been drawn into The Land years after Richter had been. Clearly his disappearance hadn’t caused too great of a stir if the MMORPG had continued to run.

  The two men walked over to the tables set up for the refugees’ lunch. Richter started feeling that same sensation as before, one that he now knew meant he was approaching a source of chaos, but didn’t see Heman yet. He reasoned the man must still be in one of the tents. Many of the freed slaves bowed their head in deference when they saw him. Richter just smiled easily in response and took a place at the end of the line waiting for food. He began to spark up conversation with whomever was around. Soon, the mood eased and the men and women he had freed were even joking lightly. It was a good sign as far as Richter was concerned.

  He made time to move around to various tables, conversing and reassuring the freed slaves one group at a time. He never pushed or cajoled, but he made it clear that they were welcome to his hospitality. A few asked if they would be able to go back to their homes. Richter was quick to assure them that once they were cleared by Sumiko, he would do his best to get them wherever they needed to go.

  The chaos seed also made it clear, however, that his village would welcome good men and women. He told them he would pay a strong wage and that food and shelter would be included for the next several months at least. That last bit earned him many thoughtful glances. They were already eating and were better cared for than what some of them had experienced for years, even before they were taken captive. Randolphus was always in the background, making small notes of anything and everything.

  It wasn’t overly long before the sensation of chaos strengthened and Richter saw Heman approaching. In great spirits, Richter stood up on the bench he’d been sitting on. He drew the short sword from his back and held it straight up into the air before shouting, “I have the POWER!”

  Some of the people around him got a bit scared, but relaxed when he started laughing. Richter didn’t notice because his eyes were fixated on Heman. The man’s face was set in an expression that Richter didn’t recognize except that somehow it looked hungry. Not the hunger of a man ready for lunch, but that of an animal staring at smaller prey. Richter started to frown, but the expression vanished from Heman’s face like the shadow of a cloud. All that was left was the newly freed chaos seed’s easy smile.

  “It is good to see you, my lord,” the man said extending an arm.

  Richter extended his own, still a bit bothered. It was also strange just shaking hands after so many months. It was the custom in The Land to clasp wrists. Terrod had explained that as a way to ensure there wasn’t a blade up the other man’s sleeve. Richter found it somewhat reassuring to have a little nuance of his old life return, and as soon as they shook hands, the flash of worry he’d felt about Heman faded away.

  “Just call me Richter,” he responded with a smile. “How is everything?”

  “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve given me, man,” Heman said with a grin of his own. “And sorry if I sounded weird with the ‘Lord Richter’ thing. I learned very fast that there are consequences in The Land if you don’t show respect to whoever is in charge.”

  “I’m just happy to finally have someone from back home to talk to,” Richter told him earnestly.

  Heman nodded, “What you’ve built here is amazing. It is such a relief to just be able to sleep without having to watch your back every moment. And being above ground…” the man looked around in admiration, “You truly do have a slice of heaven here.”

  “I’m glad you can appreciate it, man,” Richter replied happily. It felt good to have his efforts be appreciated, “We may be out in the sticks, but I think we’re making something really special here.”

  “I would love to see more of the village sometime,” Heman told him with a smile. “Maybe even the forest outside of the walls. I know you’re busy, but if you ever need a break, just let me know.”

  Richter’s guard immediately went up, though he recriminated himself for being so distrusting. Heman had been nothing but cool, and he had given that wand over without
asking for anything in return. The other chaos seed must have read his face because he quickly added, “I’m sorry. You made it clear that you would like all of us to be tested by your truthsayer before you give any of us access to the village. If I had something so wonderful I would feel completely the same.”

  “Yeah, man,” Richter began, feeling bad. “I’m sorry that I have to take such a hard line, but-”

  Heman held up a hand with an easy smile, “Don’t say another word. I’m just so grateful not to be a prisoner anymore. You have been so good to me and all these people. You didn’t have to help us, but you did. Thank you!”

  Richter smiled back, happy that the man was taking it so well. He really wanted to make a good impression on Heman. “I really appreciate you understanding.”

  The man nodded, and then asked another question, “You know, I shouldn’t have been asking for favors. I should have been offering to help out! Is there anything you would like me to do? I’ve gathered that your village is preparing for something big.”

  A frown started to form on Richter’s face again, but Heman just laughed to assuage his fears. Putting a conspiratorial hand on his shoulder, the other chaos seed whispered loudly, “I’ve found guards like to gossip no matter if they’re goblins, humans or elves. I promise no one has said anything specific, but it’s easy to see that there is a sense of urgency around here.”

  Richter nodded. He didn’t like the idea that his people might have loose lips, but he couldn’t fault Heman for being observant. The man was obviously intelligent and had just made a logical conclusion. “We are preparing for a battle,” he admitted, “but you don’t need to worry about it, man. You’ve been through enough. Just relax.”

  “Honestly, Lord Richter,” the Enchanter fixed him with a slight glare and Heman raised his arms in mock surrender, “- okay, okay, Richter. Honestly, I find relaxation to be a bit stressful. I’m better when I have something to do. As wondrous as The Land can be, they haven’t invented adderall as far as I know.” Heman laughed aloud and Richter laughed with him. “I wish when I was given this body, my ADD would have been cured, but it wasn’t. I would appreciate being given something to do. Even if its mining, I’d be happy to help.”

  “You would go back into a mine?” Richter asked in disbelief.

  “It was the assholes I was working for that I hated, not the act itself. My Mining affinity is high and it’s my highest-level skill. I’m good at it and I usually enjoy doing things that I’m good at. If it would help, then I’d be happy to swing a pick. I can show these guys how we do it back on Earth. Cajun style!”

  Richter just couldn’t get over how great and upbeat the guy was. His old concerns about needing to trap the souls of potential chaos seed enemies now seemed overly dark and ridiculous. Maybe it said more about his own state of mind. He didn’t know if he’d be able to have such a positive outlook if he’d been imprisoned for months. With an appreciative smile, he waved a guard over.

  “Heman here has my permission to help out in the iron mine. See that he gets the tools he needs and that he makes it back here safely at the end of his shift.”

  “It will be as you command, Lord Richter,” the guard responded promptly, clapping a fist over his heart.

  “I still won’t be able to give you immunity to the mists,” Richter cautioned, “but they don’t penetrate underground, so when you make it into the mine you’ll be able to see fine.”

  “Completely understand,” Heman said with a smile. “Thank you.”

  The two men talked a while longer, until a guard ran up and whispered something to Randolphus. The chamberlain thanked the man then looked at Richter and cocked his head. It was clear the man wanted to speak in private.

  Without needing to be asked, Heman stood up, “Thanks for taking the time to chat, Richter. I know you’re busy so I’ll get out of your hair. If you have anytime tomorrow, I’d appreciate being able to catch up some more.”

  “Definitely,” Richter told him, standing and shaking Heman’s hand in farewell.

  “In fact,” Heman added, “if you wanted to show me some of the forest around the village, I do miss the woods. I know you don’t want to show off your village yet, but I’d love to do some hunting. If this is going to be home, I’d be eager to do some leveling so that I could be actually useful to my new friend.”

  The man was so earnest that Richter was slightly at a loss for words. “I can’t promise that I’ll have time. There is a lot to do, but I’d like that too.”

  “Seeing as how what you’re doing is keeping my ass safe and breathing, I won’t be stressing you out over what you need to do,” Heman said with a quick laugh. “Have a great day, my lord!” he added with a quick salute. He just laughed at Richter’s answering glare and walked off with the guard, eager to get to the mine.

  Before Heman had gone more than a dozen yards, he was already engaging the guard in conversation. Another ten steps after that, and the guard laughed out loud at something the chaos seed had said. Richter’s eyes followed them, thinking again how lucky he was that the first chaos seed he’d met was an awesome guy.

  He turned his gaze towards Randolphus, “Okay, so what fresh new hell has shown up at our gates?”

  “You are more right than you know, my lord,” the Spy replied enigmatically. “I think you should see this for yourself.”

  Richter followed his chamberlain. Soon it was clear that they were walking towards the main village gate. Soon after that, the reason he had been summoned became abundantly clear.

  Caulder had his mace out and was waving it threateningly at a small figure across the drawbridge. “I do not care what you thought was going to happen, you slippery kindir bastard! If you set so much as one foot on this bridge, I will brain you. There is no way your sticky fingers are making their way into this village!”

  Shinecatcher was standing on the other side of the trench, staring at the sergeant with a shocked and aggrieved expression. The overall effect was marred by the fact that he was only standing on one foot. The other one was hovering over the wood of the bridge. That boot was slowly lowering while the kindir moved his toes in slow circles. Richter thought that Caulder might be about to unlock a Fire Magic skill, the man’s face was so red.

  “So much as one toe,” Caulder repeated with deadly intensity. “I swear to the banished gods, that-” The sergeant paused, “Is that my dagger?”

  Shinecatcher pulled the blade from his belt and examined it carefully, before responding with a completely straight face. “What dagger?”

  Caulder began to splutter and looked like he was two seconds away from frothing at the mouth. Yup, Richter thought. Definitely unlocking some serious Fire magic.

  CHAPTER 58 – Day 144 – Kuborn 34, 0 AoC

  Richter defused the situation by inviting the kindir inside the village walls to eat and drink. Caulder looked at him with a seriously betrayed expression on his face, but it turned out to be a moot point. Surprisingly, Shinecatcher declined the invitation. “I would love to come in and spend more time with your delightful manservant here-”

  “I am a sergeant,” Caulder snapped.

  Shinecatcher pursed his lips in thought before replying, “I think my uncle had that. I know a cream that should clear it right up.” He turned his attention away from Caulder who now had a vein throbbing in his forehead and continued, “The elders of my village made me promise to find you and return as quickly as possible though.”

  “What’s the urgency?” Richter asked.

  “Oh,” the kindir responded offhandedly, “I think it is because our settlement was attacked last night. Some of our animals were killed, five of us were dragged away and about ten more of us were injured.”

  Richter just blinked at the daffy man and his laissez-faire tone. “Are you under attack right now?”

  Shinecatcher looked around in confusion, “I do not believe so.”

  “He means your village, not you, you daft bastard!” Caulder snapped.

p; “Oh. You really should have specified,” Shinecatcher admonished, “but no. The undead rarely ever attack during the day.”

  And now there are undead, Richter thought to himself. The kindir was really burying the lead on this story. Still, making new friends and getting the secret of the kindir’s immunity to the mists was a priority. “Okay then,” the chaos seed said. “Sergeant, assemble a war party. Make sure you include Sion. I want either you or Terrod in the band, but not both. One of you needs to stay here. I want the remaining guards put on high alert, just in case.”

  The last statement was said with a quick look at Shinecatcher. The small man seemed innocent enough, but so had the Assassin that had literally cut his nuts off. Richter didn’t plan on trusting anyone if he didn’t have to. “Bring two biomancers to help with any injured that might be at Shinecatcher’s settlement. Kit our group with the best enchanted weapons Krom has to offer, specifically the new ones meant to crush undead.” He looked up at the sun. It was about an hour after noon.

  “We aren’t focusing on speed this time. I want everyone dressed for some serious damage and defense. Get a band of about twenty-five people together. They can all benefit from my Forest Movement bonus. Tell Beyan to come along as well, and make sure he brings his pet. I want everyone ready to go in the next twenty minutes.” If Shinecatcher was right about the sun, they had more than enough time to make it to his settlement before another attack happened. The choice of heavy armor would slow them down, but it also meant they’d be in a better combat position when they got to the kindir’s home. Once they arrived, Richter wanted to be prepared for anything.


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