The Land: Predators: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 7)

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The Land: Predators: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 7) Page 81

by Aleron Kong

  Richter remembered his first conversation with the gabby kindir. Shinecatcher might not have explicitly given the secret of the salve away, but he had let Richter know that his immunity to the mists had something to do with a potion within the first thirty minutes of them knowing each other. That memory did not exactly fill Richter with confidence. The kindir could be crafty, but they could also be ditsy nutterbutters.

  “Uh huh,” the chaos seed finally responded dubiously. “Is there any way to contact them? The kindir who have already left?”

  “No,” Flit responded regretfully, but then his face brightened, “Only fifty or so kindir have left since the mists appeared though!”

  “Uh huh,” Richter responded again, his heart dropping. Suddenly, he felt the need to increase the height of the village walls ASAP. Shaking his head, he realized that he couldn’t do anything about that at the moment. He had to focus on what he could control. Now that there was another nearby friendly settlement, within the domain of his village no less, there were new opportunities. “Well, I’m happy that we could help you with your problem. Please feel free to call on us again if you have need.”

  “Is that a formal offer of protection?” Glintgrabber asked quickly. There was an intensity to the gazes of all three elders now.

  “What?” Richter asked. He was caught off guard by the seriousness that had suddenly appeared in the conversation. That wasn’t a feeling he normally associated with the jokey kindir.

  “Is that a formal offer of protection?” Glint repeated. “If it is, in the manner that a liege lord would extend to a vassal, then unfortunately I must tell you that our relationship simply hasn’t progressed to that level yet. You have done much for the people of Verget Kunig, and while some of us may like you personally quite a bit, even enough to be loyal to you, the relationship between our two settlements just isn’t strong enough yet. Is there anything else you might be able to offer us to make us feel comfortable with your proposal?” The other two elders looked at the chaos seed with grins on their faces and Jewel even waggled an eyebrow.

  Richter blinked in shock when he realized exactly what was happening. These three bastards were looking for a bribe! He wasn’t even sure what they were offering in return for the graft, but hadn’t he just saved their people from a horrible death? How was that not enough? The chaos seed was starting to get why in some countries these crafty bastards were shot on sight!

  He took a deep breath and forced himself to be calm. He had to think about this like a ruler and not just like a man that wanted to flip the table over. His relationship with the wood sprites of the Hearth Tree had paid insanely massive dividends that he hadn’t foreseen at the time. It was entirely possible that his relationship with the kindir of Verget Kunig could do the same. Besides, he’d been meaning to either give or barter this to the kindir anyway.

  Forcing a congenial tone, Richter pulled out the Blueprint he’d found. “I actually did find something interesting while we were in the dungeon.” He placed it on the table and turned it around so they could see it.

  The three elders immediately began ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ over the item, then Flit looked up and asked, “This is a gift from your people to ours, yes?”

  “Of course,” Richter replied, with a smile only partially ruined by the fact that he was speaking through gritted teeth. As annoying as the three old fogies were being, the chaos seed just had a feeling that this would be worth it.

  You have given an extravagant gift to the kindir of Verget Kunig that is specifically tailored to benefit their people. All relationship bonuses doubled for such an appropriate gift.

  +4,180 (base +2,090 x 2) settlement Relationship Points of the Kindir Hamlet of Verget Kunig towards the Mist Village. Total Relationship Points: +56,993

  Congratulations! The Relationship of the Kindir Hamlet and the Mist Village has improved from Trusted (+35,000) to Loyal (+55,000). “We will stand by you through good times and bad. May our friendship be everlasting. May our enemies fear our might.”

  Know This! The relationship of your village with a Minor Tribe, the Hamlet of Verget Kunig, has progressed to the rank of Loyalty. You may now adopt them as a Vassal State.

  What? What! Richter thought again, feeling complete shock. Before he could even say anything, Flit stood. All joviality was gone from his voice as he swept into a formal bow. When he rose, he looked Richter squarely in the eye, “We kindir are a people of curiosity, who love adventure and cheer. We travel through many lands and can bring you news of what we hear. Though we are not known as warriors, we will fight fiercely for our own and can bring a variety of skills to bear. If you will have us, we would swear to be your vassal in exchange for your protection and aid.”

  Richter heard a sound like the blaring of three trumpets when the next prompt appeared.


  A Minor Tribe, Verget Kunig, has offered to become your vassal. If you accept their pledge, you will promise to protect them and offer aid as needed. In return, the Mist Village will benefit from the standard and unique perks of having a Vassal State.

  Know This! All rewards doubled and all penalties are halved for having the Vassal State within the domain of your settlement.

  The specific perks of a Level 1 Vassal State Relationship with the Minor Tribe of Verget Kunig are as follows:

  1) Unique Perk of Verget Kunig: +4 (base +2) Luck for every citizen of the Mist Village

  2) +10% Morale and Loyalty (base +5%): Having another settlement as vassal will fill your people with happiness and pride

  3) +10% Commerce (base +5%): The kindir travel far and wide and will bring items to trade from time to time

  4) Random boosts in Diplomacy Points with regards to other settlements dependent on the gossip and news the people of Verget Kunig bring back from other realms

  5) +250 Crime Points (base +500 Crime Points) in light of the kindir’s propensity to “acquire” new objects

  6) Taxes may be levied against your new vassals, though this may decrease your relationship and lead to future problems

  Those perks were awesome! Richter had been right that improving his relationship with the kindir might pay dividends. Increasing the Luck of everyone in the village was amazing, but the other perks were great too. The boost in Morale would be more than welcome, and though he hadn’t dived into understanding the Commerce City Mechanic yet, the mere fact that the kindir would come with items to trade was outstanding.

  The fact that the sticky-fingered kindir would up the Crime in his settlement wasn’t great, but at least the penalty was halved. He also still had a pretty good Corruption rank. His village being decent reduced Crime by 30%. That meant even with the +250 Crime Points, his village would still keep the same negligible rank that it had now. He wasn’t looking forward to the day that the Mist Village accumulated five hundred crime points and reached rank two, petty crime.

  Reading the prompt again, it just seemed like accepting the kindir as a Vassal State would be a win-win all around. He could even levy taxes against them, though he’d obviously need Randy to guide him on exactly how that was done. Richter couldn’t see a valid reason to refuse the offer. Then he read the next prompts.

  Know This! The liege-vassal relationship begins at Level 1 and may progress as the relationship evolves. Current Vassal Points with Verget Kunig: 0/1,000.

  Know This! Your lack of a Townhall creates a problem in maintaining a vassal. Construct a functioning Townhall within 7 days or risk losing your vassal.

  Know This! The current Morale, Loyalty, Health and other City Dynamic factors are unknown to you due to your lack of a Townhall. Ignoring these factors could lead to revolt, sabotage, plague or other calamitous events. Nurturing these elements could lead to spontaneous gifts, undying loyalty, major boosts to the growth of your Vassal State or other wonderful eventualities. Once a Townhall is created, assign a Diplomat to increase the relationship of your Vassal State towards the Mist Village and to obtain more up-to-date
statistics regarding Verget Kunig’s City Dynamics.

  As soon as he saw the word “revolt” every bloody war he’d ever learned about in history class came crashing to the front of his mind. A civil war or guerrillas waging battles against government had always seemed like anecdotal stories to him. After the Western Confederation had triumphed in WWIII, there had been global stability. Thinking about revolts was like thinking about the Dark Ages.

  Richter looked at the smiling and expectant faces of the kindir and couldn’t imagine them carrying torches and pitchforks, but he’d seen stranger things since coming to The Land. One thing was clear: accepting the kindir as vassals was an actual responsibility that had major benefits, but potentially deadly consequences as well. He knew one thing. He wasn’t about to make a serious decision like this without asking some questions.

  “What would be specifically required of me if you became my vassal?” he asked.

  “Right now, nothing more than what you have already done,” Flit assured him. “We will deal with any random attacks on our own. We are used to taking care of ourselves. If we come across another dungeon or enemy that is beyond us, however, then we will call upon you for aid. Your best effort in these tasks is all we would ever require. As of right now, we have no further needs.”

  That all sounded good to Richter. In fact, it sounded like the kindir might be able to help him find monster dens before they evolved into nests or lairs. He also had a sneaking suspicion that having the kindir as vassals might turn them into a quest factory. Seeing as how there was no better way to get XP than to complete quests, he wanted to encourage that. Richter told Flit that he would always be interested in monster locations as well as hearing any needs they might have. The kindir seemed happy with Richter’s response so he moved onto the next question, “If you became my vassals, I would need a point man.” Seeing their confused expressions, he clarified, “I would need one person elected to be able to make decisions for all of Verget Kunig. Does Flit speak for the two of you?” This was addressed to the other two elders.

  It was Jewel who responded, “We have been administering the needs of our hamlet as a council, but that has as much to do with drinking together as it does with need.” She let out a cackling laugh, once again revealing her five bedazzled teeth. “Truth be told, Flit does most of the work, and it has always been said that his family had royal blood in it.” Glintgrabber raised a mug of ale to signify his agreement.

  “Now do not start spouting that old nonsense,” Flitwalker admonished the woman. “We haven’t had a king since the old hall was lost centuries ago. What Lord Richter needs to know is that we will stand by our word.” He looked the chaos seed in the eye again, and earnestly stated, “We will. The truth is, we need your help, my lord. The undead aren’t the only danger we have noticed. Stronger and stronger monsters have been seen prowling the lands around our hamlet. We have also seen bugbears, goblins and even kobolds and orcs pushing into regions that had not suffered their presence for many, many years. If you bring us under your protection, I would also feel comfortable letting a few other small settlements in the area know that you are a man to be trusted.”

  Before Richter could ask, ‘what other settlements?’ another prompt appeared.

  Know This! Flitwalker has promised to speak on your behalf to other Minor Tribes if you agree to accept his settlement as a Vassal State.

  Richter’s eyes widened. There were more Minor Tribes out there? And they were in the area? His mind immediately started racing. Verget Kunig was going to increase the Luck of everyone in his village and a host of other bonuses that seemed to reflect their wanderlust nature. What might a more militant or research-focused tribe add to his village?

  As earnest as Flit was, Richter could also see a merry glint in the man’s face now. The codgy old bastard knew he’d dangled a final carrot that the chaos seed couldn’t help but chomp down on. Thinking about the connotations of that put a crimp in Richter’s mood, but then he had a devilish thought of his own. Kindir seemed to love fun above all else except for maybe exploration. What would Flit hate more than responsibility?

  To get a little bit of his own back, Richter put forward one stipulation. “As I said before, if I agree to this, then I will need one person to be in charge, not three. Do the three of you agree to make Flit formally in charge of the hamlet?”

  Both Jewel and Glintgrabber shouted “Yes” at the same time that Flit shook his hands back and forth and shouted, “No!”

  “It’s settled then,” Richter intoned with a tone of extreme satisfaction. Knocking the cocky old kindir off his game brought a merry cheer to his heart. “It’s settled?” he repeated as a question while extending a hand towards Flit.

  The kindir looked back at him sourly for a moment, before a rueful grin crossed his face, “It is.” The two men clasped wrists, bound in agreement. Then Flit went down on one knee, and looked up at him expectantly.

  Do you accept the Minor Tribe, Verget Kunig, as a Vassal State of the Mist Village and Flitwalker as its ruler? Yes or No?

  Richter chose “Yes” and words appeared in his mind that he spoke right after. Just like when he accepted oaths of fealty, the words felt as if they were flowing through him and that they originated from something very powerful and very old. The air in the house grew heavy with portent.

  “I, Richter, Master of the Mist Village, do extend to you an offer of vassalage. You and your people will come to my call, in war or in peace. You will act in the best interests of me, your liege, and never against me or mine. In return, your fields will be protected as my lands, your people will be protected as my blood, your lives will be as my very own. Do you accept this offer, Flitwalker of Verget Kunig?”

  “I, Flitwalker, leader of Verget Kunig, do swear to make your enemies my enemies, and your friends my friends. My people are now your people, and our lands are your lands. We will serve you, Lord Mist, and may The Land shake with the power of our steps.” Once Flit finished the words, the feeling of pressure vanished. Notifications appeared in Richter’s vision accompanied by the sound of trumpets again.


  Congratulations! You have secured the vassalage of the Minor Tribe, Verget Kunig. You are no longer simply a tribal leader. You are now a Chief! You may now be known as Chief Richter, the first of your name. Long may you reign, Chief Richter I. Guard your throne well, for every lord must guard against dangers from within as well as without.

  Know This! The Special Bonus of a new vassal is multiplied by 5x for one week: Each member of the Mist Village has Luck +20 for the next week.

  Congratulations! You have reached skill level 9 in Diplomacy. +9% to negotiating power. +9% more likely that representatives from other settlements will take both threats and offers more seriously.

  Richter looked at the still-kneeling Flit with wide eyes. He didn’t even know where to start! The kindir looked back with a smile, his youthful face at odds with his grey hair. Another feeling of pressure entered the air. It was less severe than a moment ago, but apparently Flit wanted to make his own stance towards Richter clear, “My Chief! I formally swear allegiance and loyalty to you, Lord Richter, Lord of the Mist Village. From now, unto my very death, I will protect you and your interests to the best of my ability and without deceit.”

  The ritual words spilled from Richter’s lips in turn, “I accept your oath of fealty, and swear to honor your pledge with the same gravity in which it was given.” Then Richter pulled the kindir to his feet. “Let’s share the good news with everyone!”

  Flit smiled in return. That smile turned sour when Jewel curtsied to him and Glintgrabber bowed. The mockery was evident on their faces. As Richter walked towards the door, flanked by the three elders, they had already fallen back into well-worn grooves of bickering. The sound brought a smile to the chaos seed’s face. Flit was in charge now, and that could go to a man’s head. That fate was far less likely though if you had old friends around to keep you grounded with a hug… or
a kick in the ass, as needed.

  Once they were outside, the faces of every kindir and every conscious member of Richter’s warband turned towards them. Flitwalker stepped forward and shouted, “After countless centuries, Verget Kunig is once again part of the Mist Chiefdom! Three cheers for Chief Mist!”

  Everyone present cheered and threw their hands in the air. More than one kindir danced a jig, and more than one lass kissed a guard. Unbeknownst to the war party, more than one guard had some coins “liberated” in the confusion, but they would later decide it was well worth it.

  In the pandemonium, Richter reached into his Bag of Holding. He took the ring with the kindir signet ring out and concentrated. A prompt appeared.

  Do you wish to grant Flitwalker the status of a kindir noble under your command? Yes or No?

  He chose “Yes,” and immediately afterward, a window opened in the kindir’s vision as well.

  A look of horror crossed the Flit’s face as the enormity of his new responsibilities sunk in. With sickly sweet satisfaction, Richter spoke, “That’s right, subchief Flitwalker. You’re a noble now, with all the duties that come with it. One of those duties is to supervise the administration of the Sepulcher of Verget Kunig. I expect you to show up at my village within the week to clarify with my Chamberlain exactly what taxation there will be. You will also be responsible for spawning skeletons to serve us. Half will stay here to guard your hamlet and the other half will be sent to supplement the forces of my village. It’s very important that you don’t share too many details about this with my village healer, Sumiko. There’s a good chance she’ll punch you in the nose if she finds out about what we’re going to be doing.

  “I also want you to explore the sepulcher to see if there is any information you can gain about your past. I have a feeling it might be related to this old kindir hall you were talking about before. Ideally, you can compile a compendium of…”

  As Richter kept talking, surrounded by the cheers of kindir, men, elves and sprites, Flitwalker’s face grew sadder and sadder.


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