Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 24

by Max Jager

  They stood waiting until he finished, then Amber got his attention,

  Pointing to a door, he said,

  "In there." Once inside, he apologized for the disorder.

  "We're really overwhelmed here, we manufacture a lot of specialized mining and harvesting equipment here and we're already swamped with orders, they've begun a new mining operation out on Stos Itzak," you know where that is?" Everyone shook their heads.

  "Well never mind," He replied, I'm not real sure I know where it is as well. Anyway mining must be pretty tough out there because they are going through a lot of equipment, and it's got us all pushed to the limit. Well so much for my problems are you here to pick up Drok Irdurg?"

  "Yes," replied Amber, Apparently he has to get to Ussen Ommo?" Deegom made a face then slowly shook his head.

  "Well Drok comes from that god cursed place, why he wants to return is beyond me, but he has convinced a lot of people the place has potential, have any of you ever been there?"

  "I have," replied Amber,

  "Well then you know. Well anyway, I'll send for him, he's just graduated from Dy Meda, and is ready to make his mark in the galaxy, but I could think of a million other places to do it than on Ussen Ommo."

  Matt then spoke up,

  "Sir, everyone keeps talking about this place like its really bad and all, so what's the problem?" Deegom squinted his eyes, and studied the boy for a moment, then asked.

  "Who are you and were are you from?"

  "My name is Matt Grainger sir; I and Kaitlyn here both come from earth."

  "You mean Terra," replied Deegom.

  "No sir, earth, the planet earth, you've probably never heard of it, it's the only inhabited planet in our galaxy, third planet from the sun." Deegom grimaced as if he was trying to think of something.

  "Earth…Earth," he then began to touch a small screen on his desk which Matt assumed was a computer. Muttering to himself, he was obviously trying to bring up some information, finally he exclaimed.

  "That's it…Terra, yes, yes, I thought so, he then gave Matt and Kaitlyn curious looks,

  "How did you two get off that planet, the report from the Varox expedition indicates the inhabitants had no interstellar space travel, and were close to blowing themselves up, you didn't did you?"

  "No sir," said Matt shaking his head, "We've come close several times but we're still out there. Now that could change at any time, but so far so good. So there was an actual expedition there?"

  "Yes," replied Deegom, "As a matter-of-fact, I have a second cousin who was on that expedition, he's getting along in yarns now but the way he tells it they just barely got out of there with their lives."

  Matt and Kaitlyn groaned,

  "Earth, or Terra as you call it must be a real tourist attraction from the number of people I've run into that say they have been there," stated Matt, "No wonder there were so many UFO sightings."

  "What's a UFO?" Asked Deegom.

  "Never mind, you don't want to know," replied Matt, "So this Ommo is a real crappy place huh?" The Loridian rep frowned,

  "Except for one small area, the whole planet is a dead battlefield, in fact it's commonly used as an example of what can happen if you decide to take up arms and start attacking your neighbors, or in their case their fellow citizens. Vast areas are contaminated, only cyborgs or androids can function in those places. The planet is literally covered with destroyed fighting machines and the moldering remains of the dead. I've also heard stories about armies of ghosts and spirits roaming the plains in search of their enemies."

  "Do you believe any of that," Asked Gandric. Deegom shrugged,

  "I've never seen them, however I've talked to many others who have, it's one of the reasons nobody has bothered the place since their last war and that was almost a hundred and eighty yarns ago, or something like that."

  Gandric immediately jumped into the pause in conversation to ask about his manufacturing problem.

  "Mr. Deegom you said something earlier about having problems keeping up with the manufacture of mining equipment, perhaps I might have a solution."

  Deegom gave him a hard look, then said,

  "I'm listening; Gandric then introduced himself, then went into the problem on Xandrus, along with his mission to re-start production on his planet. After hearing him out, Deegom asked.

  "I know where Xandrus, or Maltorret is, and I'm quite aware of it's sorry past." Gandric took this to mean that the Loridian representative wasn't interested, and expressed it in his face.

  "Just a moment there," replied Deegom, "I haven't dismissed your offer, but we have a problem of logistics, but you say that there are a lot of unemployed androids and robots on your planet?"

  "Yes, replied Gandric, "Too many."

  "Look, I've got a million things swirling around in my brain right at the moment, actually you might be able to help with another problem, one that directly involves Ussen Ommo, in fact it's one of the main reasons the company is putting a field rep on that planet. I need to make some inquiries, some might take awhile to get an answer and we will definitely need to involve Drok in these discussions so if you don't mind I need you to stick around for a few days. One question though, how many of these androids do you think would consent to travel to Ussen Ommo?"

  "What?" Asked Gandric, "As guest workers?"

  "They would operate under the auspices of the Loridian Trading Company mind you; I see on my computer here that you are already engaged in trade with Denedra and Doradus. Although they are considered class three planets they are listed under Loridian protection and trade rules. In order for what I have in mind to work, Xandrus is going to have to enter into a contract with us, you're free to read the contract stipulations and make your decision. I take it you have been authorized to speak for your planet?"

  "I have," replied Gandric.

  "Good," replied Deegom,

  "Do you mind if I ask why you're so interested in acquiring my people to come here and work?" Asked Gandric,

  "Not at all," said Deegom.

  "There are but a few Gri'Foda left on Ussen Ommo, Drok Irdurg is a member of that race. For one reason or another, they have finally consented to a modified terra forming of their planet. Basically what this involves is bringing in massive purifiers which are for all intends and purposes are spacecraft in their own right. They will slowly travel over Ussen Ommo's contaminated areas sift the soil, decontaminate it and return it to its original state. This will allow large areas to once again become productive. And this is where your people come in Gandric."

  The Loridian rep was then interrupted with several calls, but when he was able to return to Gandric, he said.

  "We are going to need a lot of people who can operate in heavily contaminated areas, not only operating the purifiers, but in scrap recovery as well, still interested? Oh, and that's another thing, if these purifiers could be built on Xandrus, and ferried here, it would save a lot of time and credits.?" Before long Drok Irdurg arrived, Both Matt and Kaitlyn thought they were looking at the red version of the "Incredible Hulk." The guys seemed friendly enough, but Matt had no doubt he could knuckle your head before you could count to three. His skin was a little redder than that of an American Indian, but it was his height and physique that made Matt a bit nervous. Unlike the comic book character, Drok's hair was short and red; he also sported a short beard which made him look rather distinguished. He stood around six feet high and must have weighed close to 275 pounds. He had yellow cat-like eyes that lent a sinister look, but he behaved normally, and was very interested in the plan Airron and Gandric were working on.

  "Let's do this," exclaimed Deegom.

  "I've got some other business to finish up here, how about we meet for dinner at the Peak star, they have incredibly good food, and we can make a start in putting this thing together. Drok, I want you to stick around as you can help me with some information. As for the rest of you, meet me at twenty-one hundred hours at the restaurant, tell the hostess who you are, and
she will seat you, I'll see you then."

  Chapter 31

  Titan Stand Chapter 31

  Amber and Gandric weren't sure if they needed to get a room at a nearby hostelry so everyone returned to the ship until it was time to meet Deegom and Irdurg for dinner.

  "Well Gandric," said Matt, "This might be the break you were looking for, but these purifiers Deegom was talking about, do you think they could be built on Xandrus?"

  "Oh they would have to be constructed in space, but it wouldn't be that hard.

  Everything would be constructed as separate units, the engines, the various decks; each room would be built separately, then lifted into space as needed."

  "How long would they take to build?" Continued Matt.

  " Not all that long, I would have to see the design prints first, but if they are really serious about this, it would be a truly incredible boon for Xandrus."

  Before they left for the restaurant Matt thought it might be a good idea to change out of their cammo's and tee-shirts, and into something a little more upscale.

  If we were going to Bronco Dave's I'd say it wouldn't matter we'd probably be overdressed." Kaitlyn groaned,

  "Oh god! Did you go there as well?" Matt shrugged,

  "Fraid so, but when mom got food poisoning there, no more Sunday night dinner at that joint." Kaitlyn laughed and shook her head,

  "That's weird, my mom liked that place as well I never got sick there, but my friend Jill got some intestinal thing she swore came from their salad."

  "What are you talking about?" Asked Bria.

  "Bronco Dave's Corral," began Matt. "It's a restaurant in the town we lived in, some of their stuff was pretty good, their carrots and corn were really good, so were their lima beans. The customers were something else though, dad liked to say it was the only place in town with a free "floor show."

  "Floor show?"

  "Yeah, mothers screaming at their kids, kids running around like they were at home. We were there once when some big fat lady bent over to pick up a piece of chicken her son dropped on the floor, her tit popped right out of her top. I about spit out my potatoes when I saw that." He then asked Kaitlyn,

  "Did you ever see little kids just reach under the cough shield and just grab food right out of the containers?"

  "Uugggh!" Yeah I did, I told mom about it but she didn't care, she loved that crappy pot roast they served."

  "I hear ya, well I've got a pair of jeans that are pretty clean, but I'll have to go with my cleanest dirty shirt."

  "Same here," replied Kaitlyn, "It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up some nice clothes along the way if we're going to be doing this a lot."

  "How about you Bria?" Asked Matt, "At least you're wearing dresses."

  "I think I've got one clean one left," she replied, "We need to find someplace to wash all our dirty clothes sometime."

  After everyone changed, Matt exclaimed,

  "I guess this will have to do, hopefully this place isn't real fancy, I'll really feel like "Joe Shit," if it is."

  "We all will," added Kaitlyn.

  Much to their relief, the Peak Star appeared to have a relaxed dress code, Kaitlyn pointed to a couple people dressed in what looked like flight gear. There was also the problem of what actually constituted "good clothes." So far, all they had seen people wearing were everything from coveralls, high boots, and cargo type pants like they wore, to robes, and uniform type outfits. Bria then spotted Airron and Drok sitting towards the rear, cutting through the tables, they made their way to the back.

  "That certainly was timing," said Deegom, "We just sat down."

  "We didn't exactly bring a lot of clothes with us," stated Matt, "We weren't sure what kind of place this was."

  "What do you mean?" Asked Deegom.

  "Oh you know," replied Matt, "All fancy and formal, well dressed people and all that." Both Drok and Airron laughed,

  "This is a manufacturing planet, look around you; does it look like people are dressed in their finest?"

  "Well, no," he replied, actually I couldn't tell if they were dressed up anyway."

  "Well trust me," replied Airron, "Peak Star is a favorite with spacer crews, mid level management types, and machine operators, now what will it be?"

  "How do we know what they serve here?" Asked Bria, "I don't see a menu."

  Deegom chuckled,

  "You don't need a menu here, when the waiter comes around just tell him, but since you two come from Ter…Earth, I'd go with something you may have eaten on your travels." Matt was caught in a dilemma, should he stick with Eabak or go with pippa riku, which as far as he was concerned, was turkey. Along with that, he'd try ronol, zaca, and plenty of yama nice warm bread. Kaitlyn was having trouble making up her mind as well however; Bria was going with Kedra, Kidyne, and ronol. When the waiter came around, everyone, with the exceptions of Amber and Gandric placed their orders. Matt hoped that he had chosen right, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of the Loridian reps by letting food go to waste. While they waited, Deegom opened the discussion with information he had pulled up from his computer.

  "I contacted Zeb Kifire at Fort Kamata, and he's ready to help. Naturally he will share in the credit, but everything will even out in the end."

  "Now Gandric," continued Airron, "Will you need to return to Xandrus or can Zeb act in your behalf?" Gandric looked at both Loridian field reps.

  "I have been entrusted with full authority to act in the best interests of Xandrus. If Kifire, and Mocon can act on my behalf on their end there should be no reason for me to return to Xandrus."

  "We take it then that there is someone on your planet who will take charge of constructing these purifiers, and can recruit people to man them as well as come here to help," asked Drok

  "Yes," replied Gandric, "Before I left, I set up just such an organization. Zeb has already dealt with them, so there should be no problem."

  "Well that's great to hear," replied Airron, "You could assist us at this end so hopefully we can get a smooth start here."

  Then Gandric asked Drok what the situation was really like on Ussen Ommo.

  In his gruff voice, He explained,

  "There is but one small area where the few survivors of the war fled, and I do mean a few. Over the yarns the population slowly grew, I believe at last count we had something like two hundred thirty-two citizens. And let me tell you, every one of those people sacrificed their souls to send me to collage in the hopes that I might be able to do something for our world." Then Drok gave them all a look that left no doubt he meant business.

  "Make no mistake, I mean to make sure my people's sacrifices were not in vain."

  Then Matt asked,

  "What was the war all about anyway?" Drok studied him for a moment, then replied.

  "To be quite honest, nobody really knows anymore, and unless there's something out there in the dead lands, no records exist anymore. It happened so long ago there's no one left who has even one memory of that terrible time. Besides, nobody speaks of the past anymore, it's a bad memory left in the dust of time. Nobody wants to remember, the future is the only way for us to survive. That's why all our hopes are on this project that will hopefully turn the artifacts of our past into the means to finance our future."

  Then Airron placed a small device in the center of the table which then appeared as a holographic screen.

  "I found some images of purifiers at work on Dreia Jikim several yarns ago; this will give you an idea of what we're talking about here."

  Matt and the others watched as a video began showing an incredible large machine that looked like it was just resting on the surface of the planet.

  "How big is that thing?" He asked, "It doesn't look like its moving."

  Airron tapped a couple buttons on his keyboard which caused a small yellow object appeared next to the machine.

  First of all, the purifier is moving, roughly at a fast walk for most. That object I superimposed on the screen represents the height of
an average individual, as you can see the machine is quite large." Matt figured that thing had to be like two aircraft carriers stacked on top of each other.

  "That is one hellva big machine," stated Matt, "So it just sucks everything up cleans the soil lays it back down and just keeps moving?"

  "That's pretty much it," replied Airron, "Depending on how contaminated the soil is and the area, and two of them working, you're looking at six to eight yarns for the whole process."

  "What about stuff like metal or old bones?" he asked.

  Drok spoke up,


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