Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 32

by Max Jager

  "Umm, well, it's pretty far out there," replied Matt. Tiag then lowered the device,

  He could just hear the other girl ask.

  "So what are you two doing, I heard that your parents are just letting you two travel around for awhile." Tiag looked at Matt and smiled,

  "Looking for adventure, and whatever comes our way, you know my brother."

  There was a suggestive giggle from the girl on the screen.

  "So are you two going to this earth?" Tiag frowned, and looked at Matt.

  "We have no idea, Slavek hasn't made up his mind yet, they've just issued a raider alert for the Zan-Argo system so we're not sure yet."

  "Let me speak with that earth boy again," said Niope. Tiag handed Matt the comm device. He held it like a phone until Niope scolded him.

  "What are you doing? Just hold the vision plate in front of you, yes, like that."

  He saw her looking at him in her device screen but at the same time trying to give him a better look at her.

  She also seemed to be doing something with her vision plate or whatever they called them.

  "Say!" She then announced,

  "Are you trying to pull something on my friend there? I show no data on any planet named earth."

  "It's a real planet and all," replied Matt, "Like I told you, it's so far out half the world doesn't believe there is anyone else in the universe."

  "Well what kind of stupidity is that?" Then Niope raised her voice loud enough so that Tiag would hear her.

  "Tiag, don't go anywhere with this person, I think he's lying to you." Tiag took the device and attempted to calm her friend.

  "Just calm down Niope, he certainly looks honest to me, look, I've gotta go, father is going to kill me when he sees the call charge, talk to you later." She brushed the screen with her hand with the screen going blank.

  "She sounds like my old girlfriend," commented Matt, "All I can tell you is that I'm who I say I am, I'm honest and trustworthy, but right now, I've got to find a job so I can get back to Fort Kamata."

  "What sort of job are you looking for?" Came a voice from behind. It was Tiag's brother Slavek. Matt turned around to see a Ruddorian male a little taller then himself staring at him with his red eyes. His black hair was cut short, almost like Matt's hair.

  "So you're the fellow my sister was gushing over?" this brought a squeak of protest from Tiag, but Slavek ignored it. He then held out his left hand with his fist clenched as if he was going to punch Matt, who now realized this as a gesture of greeting.

  "Damn! He thought, "He wants me to respond, but I don't know what to do."

  Then a thought came into his head,

  "Clench your fist and lightly bring it down on the guy's fist like a hammer."

  With nothing to loose, he did so, which caused Slavek to respond by bringing his clenched fist down on Matt's clenched fist. Judging from the Ruddorian's response, it must have been the correct thing to do.

  Slavek sat down, continuing to study Matt,

  "What does your race refer themselves as Matt?"

  "We call ourselves human, as in "members of the human race."

  "Interesting," replied Slavek, who continued to study Matt, who was beginning to feel uncomfortable by the Ruddorian's gaze.

  "Why do you keep staring at me?" He asked.

  "Well we've never encountered one of you "humans" before, anyone else I can easily figure out, but here's the situation we find ourselves in. I'm not only going to need a gunner, but someone who could handle co-pilot duties as well." turning to his sister, he added.

  "I talked with three individuals concerning the position but they all want way too many credits and quite frankly I was just a bit suspicious about one."

  "Well I just talked to mother not long ago; she absolutely insists we take a "responsible party along,"

  "What's she mean by that?" Questioned Slavek, Tiag just rolled her eyes.

  Her brother sighed and made a face before turning to Matt.

  "Are you a "responsible" individual Matt?'

  He looked at both of them and shrugged,

  "II guess so, I'm not one to horse-ass around a lot if that's what you mean?"

  "Well I'm not familiar with that term," replied Slavek, "But if it means what I think it implies I guess we can use you.

  Obviously you've never operated a "proto phason" turret system, but how are you at flying or filling in as a co-pilot?" Matt frowned, and shrugged.

  "I've been studying pretty hard at flying and navigation, obviously I've got a long way to go yet, but I do have a decent working knowledge of what to do, there's that, but not long ago I was involved in an incident which involved killing a whole crew of raiders who were trying to hijack our ship. It's on record, check it out."

  Tiag gave him a strange look, then started to fool with her little computer.

  Moments later, her face showed surprise,

  "Here it is…Incredible!" Handing her device to Slavek, he studied it for a moment then looked up at Matt.

  "I've heard of this Slyr fellow, and Kreed Freihork. Says here that you shot Freihork and a couple other raiders outright, then you and one Grak Armier then stormed onto the raider ship where you then shot Agrat, and the rest of his crew.

  Simply amazing, well that's good enough for me. Well now that we have that settled where should we go?"

  "Ahem," exclaimed Matt, "About that gunner, and turret business what exactly does all that involve? I've never handled anything like that before."

  "Our father insisted on installing it," replied Tiag. "Basically it's a semi-automated weapons platform that fires on anyone attacking us from the rear, however it requires someone to make certain adjustments, as well as spotting targets. Don't worry, once we figure out where we want to go, Slavek can show you how to operate the thing."

  "Speaking of which…" Exclaimed Slavek.

  "I take it you two have free reign to tear-ass all over the galaxy and now you can't decide just where to go?" Asked Matt. Both Ruddorians nodded,

  "Ever since we were babies our parents have carted us all over the galaxy, we've pretty much been everywhere so I guess we're just a little jaded," said Tiag.

  "So Matt, have you found yourself on any interesting planets since your arrival here in our little part of the universe?" Asked Slavek.

  "Well we first went to Denedra, then Doradus, then Xandrus, Fort Kamata, then Moriedia, and Ussen Ommo, then here to Golia."

  "That's quite an impressive itinerary," remarked Slavek, "Especially Moriedia, what were you doing there?" Matt proceeded to describe the whole adventure behind that, as well as the children's messing with Kaitlyn and Bria's minds.

  "You don't say," replied, Slavek, "Well Moriedia is certainly a very interesting place, however I'm more impressed by the fact that you were on Ussen Ommo. Were you by any chance in the company of that new Loridian representative Drok Irdurg?"

  Matt wondered how he knew that but let it pass, as Slavek was now asking him about earth again.

  "So where exactly is this planet of yours?" Asked Slavek. Matt pulled out his wallet, and took out a piece of paper which he had written down the coordinates Amber had given him.

  "Uh sector 000658000, quadrant 765007. Mega 126002, and keva 6000466."

  "You really are a long way from home," replied Tiag.

  "Just where did you get those coordinates?" Asked Slavek, "That 8000 annex on your sector coordinate, as well as the 6000keva figure are way beyond anything I've ever remotely seen."

  "The pilot of the ship Kaitlyn and I came here on is called the Nora-Lee, her pilot is an android named Amber, maybe later I'll tell you the rest of the story. Anyway, she told me there have been those who have actually traveled to earth. I was even talking to a Golian back at Neb's who told me he's been there. She told me that the coordinates have been verified by people who have been there."

  "I see," said Slavek, then looking at his sister he grinned and with a shrug announced.

  "The trip might be a bit
on the dull side, but I'm ready to go, then looking at Matt said.

  "Since it's your home can we assume that you will show us around, the fact that you mentioned that there are a lot of people who don't believe we exist intrigues me, plus it's not a place everybody has been to."

  While he had been talking, his sister had been doing calculations on her computer.

  "Well if we re-fuel at Fort Kamata, and grab an emergency fuel cell, we should have plenty of fuel to get there and back with some to spare, count me in."

  "Well Matt, what do you say?" Asked Slavek.

  "Well I'm certainly fine with it," replied Matt, "but if we go I'd like to make a quick stop on Denedra to pick up my friend Kaitlyn, she's pretty homesick, and I think just wants to go home. I also need to contact Amber and let her know what's going on."

  "What's her ship number?" Asked Tiag,

  "I think its 3380 Ek, Kalk." he replied. Tiag then started brushing her finger across the vision plate until she smiled, and said,

  "Here we go; I believe it's your pilot." Taking the device, Matt looked at it directly; sure enough it was Amber, obviously flying the Nora-Lee.

  "Matt!" She exclaimed, "Where are you at? What is this about?"

  "Uh hello Amber, right now I'm here on Golia, but I've made a couple friends, who want to go to earth. First of all, where are you at?"

  "We just dropped Kaitlyn off on Denedra; we're on our way back to Fort Kamata where Bria will be getting off. She saw what she wanted to see on Xandrus, I was about to send you a message concerning this very matter."

  "Well we'll be stopping at the fort to re-fuel so we can pick up Bria, then swing over to Denedra and grab Kaitlyn."

  "So are you saying goodbye to Gandric and I Matt," replied Amber.

  "Oh no! Amber," He exclaimed. "I'm sure this business with the purifiers and getting the manufacturing on Xandrus will take time, we'll be stopping at the fort again on our return so I'll contact you then, but I do want to get back to Ussen Ommo to see those machines operate, I'll just be out of your "hair" for awhile that's all."

  "Well it's true, that we'll be rather busy for some time," replied Amber, I will post messages from time to time. How about I use the name of the abandoned village where Greg and I first met you."

  "That would be fine," he replied, "Well good luck Amber, you too Gandric, catch you later."

  "Same to you Matt," she replied. After the call was cut, he looked at Tiag and asked.

  "I didn't know you could do that with a comm device?" said Matt. Tiag grinned,

  "You can't but this one is…Special. Something funny was going on here with these two he thought, but then Slavek asked.

  "Who is this other person Bria, you just mentioned your friend Kaitlyn."

  "Uh sorry," replied Matt, "Bria's parents are king and queen of Doradus; she's a princess, whose parents have given her permission to travel around the galaxy for a couple yarns meeting new people, and familiarizing herself with the empire."

  Slavek looked at his sister, then back at Matt.

  "Matt, we haven't been truly forthcoming with you, but I think it's time we told you who we really are. First though I need your solemn oath to keep all that we tell you a secret, our very lives could be in danger if you don't." Matt stood up and held up his right hand,

  "I swear upon my honor to keep all that I learn a secret, and to myself." Slavek studied him for a moment longer, then in a low tone said.

  "Our father is the foreign minister of Ruddoria; our mother is the Ruddorian ambassador to Golia."

  "That's who I was talking to earlier," added Tiag.

  "Anyway raiders would love to get their hands on us for ransom purposes hence the reason for the added proto phason turret. Our ship carries four plasma rapid firing cannons but while I or Tiag are busy shooting at someone, we could easily be hit from behind before we could take action.

  We too are doing as this Bria you speak of is engaged in its sort of a "rite of passage" for young people on our planet before they decide on their life's career or continue on with their education. Tiag then broke in,

  "Slavek and I already know what we'll be doing; we've been training for it since we were very young."

  "Let me guess," said Matt, "The diplomatic service?"

  "It's why we're eager to visit your home world Matt," said Slavek, "We know everyone worth knowing, that's why traveling to someplace new sounds very interesting and full of adventure at the same time. We aren't familiar with this Bria or her parents, Denedra and Doradus being way out on the rim of the empire so I'm looking forward to that as well."

  "If you're so worried about being kidnapped by raiders," asked Matt, "Then why are your parents letting you wander around like this?"

  "Because unlike most Ruddorians, Tiag and I are well versed on all the dangers out there, our ship holds secrets I haven't told you about," explained Slavek,

  "Besides, we have to start living "life" at some point in our lives."

  Chapter 41

  Titan Stand Chapter 41

  Matt was impressed with the Slykhor's ship. The flight deck reminded him of a semi tractor sleeper cab, with the two seats facing a wrap around window. The pilot's seat was on the right with a full console of instruments spread out on front of it as well as the co-pilot's position. Directly behind the seats was a small open space with built-in cabinets a small alcove which Tiag said was the ship's galley. Running lengthwise behind this were two sets of upper and lower bunks on either side of the galley way. Behind them was a small "head" on the left. And a "soni-shower" on the right. Once again the passageway opened up at this point to spread around the turret apparatus which the operator climbed into. Following that was a narrow spiral stairway down to the small cargo area, and the access ramp. There was also a hatch back to the engine room. The basic outline of the ship was circular, with the flight deck and crew area rising above short stubby down turned winglets On these appendages were the plasma cannons Slavek told him about, along with small booster engines which Slavek said aided in landings and take-offs.

  The cargo area below the control and crew area was only large enough to carry four large shipping containers but were more like lockers. This area reminded him of the inside of a U-Boat with all of the plumbing, wiring conduits, component modules and life-support system. In fact, the more he thought about it the whole ship reminded him of a submarine. Everywhere you looked; there was either an inspection panel, cabinet, module access point, or terminal box.

  "Father used this ship until recently," explained Tiag, "As a back-up transport in case his other one was undergoing overhaul, or was otherwise offline."

  "It's a rather "interesting" design," observed Matt, "Rather "cozy" don't you think?"

  "I'll admit it's a bit crowded," she replied, "but this is a NovaCron 20, it's extremely fast, very good on fuel, excellent reliability record. Parents don't want their children breaking down in dangerous parts of the galaxy, don't you know. For normal travel within the empire the living space isn't too bad, but if we're heading for your planet, and picking up two more passengers, yes, things will get a bit close, but that's the way it goes."

  "Will we have enough fuel to get to earth and back?" Asked Matt, "Because there won't be any fueling stations on earth."

  "I've got to do the calculations yet," replied Tiag, but like I told you, these ships do great on fuel."

  "A regular economy car," muttered Matt,

  "Did you say something?"

  "Just talking to myself," he replied.

  They left Golia with Tiag's assurance that there would be more than enough fuel providing they "top-off," at Fort Kamata. Matt took a bunk until the time came to give it up to Kaitlyn, resigning himself to the idea of sleeping down in the cargo area once Bria came on board. In the meantime, he practiced constantly on the proto-phason turret. Slavek was skeptical that he could master the turret system, but Matt was surprised to discover that the training mode was practically identical to a video game Liam had, and that t
he pair had played for hours on end.

  "Just put on that helmet," explained Slavek, "And focus the two eyepieces for your vision. Now hit that button to bring up training mode." Matt did as he was told, images of fighter craft suddenly appeared.

  "Those guns will center on exactly what you look at," said Slavek, "Concentrate on the red areas of those targets, that's the weakest points on their hulls. Naturally everyone will have their shields up, but by centering all your attention on those red areas, chances are good that if you can get through their shields you can get a killing shot to a weak point."


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