Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 35

by Max Jager

  He returned with what Matt knew as a compound bow as well as a small crossbow.

  "When I was in the Nam, I had a friend named Jeff Akins who was crazy for bow hunting. He came from Michigan and all he could talk about was hunting deer and even bear with a bow like this one. He also spoke about a man he considered a "god." Ever hear of Fred Bear?" Matt shook his head.

  "Well old Fred was really into developing these bows. I built this one strictly from memory of the bow Jeff had. I've made a few improvements over the yarns and along with broad head arrows, there's nothing more deadly, it's all we hunt with."

  "I've seen bows like these in stores,' said Matt, "Nowadays they're all camouflaged, and a lot more pulleys, and counterweights, they even have red dot sights for them now. I can't promise anything Mr. VonDran," he continued, "But I'll try and get you one when we go back to earth, I'll look for the razor inserts for the arrows as well." VonDran studied him for a moment then said to Kiggham.

  "Matt here represents the kind of people I come from, I just wish Jeff was here, we'd have us a real team!"

  "What ever happened to him?" Asked Matt, Roy shrugged,

  "I don't know, I came home on leave then got picked up before I got back, maybe he's dead, maybe not, all I know is that he said he lived up in the UP, some place named Newberry I think. Funny, I haven't thought about him for a dog's age hope he made it out of the Nam all right?"

  "Well I'll try and find him," replied Matt.

  Then Kaitlyn managed to get a word in,

  "Are you really going back to earth?" She asked.

  "Kinda looks that way," replied Matt, Slavek and his sister are from Ruddoria, their folks are giving them a couple years to run around the galaxy, and generally do whatever they want, right now they want to see earth. I know you haven't been very happy lately, so here's your chance to go home." Kaitlyn then began to glare at him,

  "Are you trying to get rid of me? Because if you are…"Matt stepped back at the anger forming on her face.

  "Now wait a minute Kaitlyn, You acted like you were homesick and just wanted to go home." Shaking her head, Kaitlyn snapped back.

  "Who are you to decide what I want or don't want? If we're going to earth well that's fine, maybe I'll give mom a call, but regardless of what you think Matt, I'm in this for the long haul!"

  "Well excuse the hell out of me!" He snapped; I guess that settles that question.

  "It sure does, by the way, is Bria coming as well?"

  "As far as I know she is."

  "Oh goody, hey Bria!"

  "Fucking women!" He muttered. Then seeing his chance to speak with Kiggham, Matt approached the Elvin chief.

  "Uh sir? I want to apologize for blasting all that rock down on your rear entrance; we really had no idea on how to get Kaitlyn back other than to come in with superior firepower." Kiggham looked at him sternly,

  "That's funny," he replied, "That's exactly what we would have done, and as for that "door" we use it from time to time especially when snow sheep wander up the mountainside, but believe me, we'll never be trapped up here." Trying to come up with something else to say, Matt asked.

  "Before we head back to earth we're going to have to make a stop in Gwyn Wood, the queen is going to want to know what happened." Kiggham studied him for a moment then led Matt off to the side.

  "Can you keep a secret?"

  "Oh god! Here we go again," he thought.

  "Well sir, I'm just a walking vault of classified knowledge, one more secret won't make any difference, of course I can keep a secret." Kiggham gave him a puzzled look then said,

  "Breca is my half sister; we've never really gotten along very well. Oh we don't hate each other or anything like that she just has a different view on life than I do. Don't ever tell anyone that you know this I'm trusting you." Matt then raised his right hand,

  "I swear on my oath never to tell sir, and quite honestly, it really makes no difference to me.

  "I believe you Matt, well as for the queen, just tell her your friend trusted the wrong person but everything's straightened out now." Then Matt asked,

  "Uh sir, you know I can keep a secret, but what about all those pixies, fairies, and leprechaun's not to mention all those centaurs?" Kiggham sighed,

  "They are a problem that's why I won't allow them up here, and it's one of the reasons my sister and I don't see eye to eye, but that's a story for another time. But right now it's closing in on dawn and breakfast time, stay and enjoy our hospitality."

  Matt and the others wholeheartedly agreed, looking forward to something to eat.

  While they ate, He got to meet Roy's children, Slavek called Tiag in so before long she, Kaitlyn, and Bria were thick as thieves,

  "Plotting against me," thought Matt. He met Kiggham's brother Hinald, his wife Gayn, along with Roy's younger son Gerrith and daughter Naxa.

  Friendly but serious at the same time he observed.

  "You know, he told Roy, "you guys are like the western pioneers. People like Daniel Boone, Kit Carson, even the mountain men, all doing their own thing away from civilization."

  "I've thought of that many a time," replied Roy, "However Kiggham and his people just like living their lives in the traditional way, I admire that. Don't get me wrong though, every now and then we'll slip down into Weyurn to trade meat and hides for hard goods."

  "All the towns folk know us, and while they prefer town life once in awhile you'll see 'em wandering around up here wishing they had the guts to live up here like us." Later, mentioning the fact that human genes didn't seem to have much effect to Kaitlyn,

  "They all look pretty Elvin to me."

  "Oh it doesn't start to show up until the second generation," replied Kaitlyn, I think the queen told me that." He also spent more time with Roy, taking his picture, as well as some of him and his family. All too soon the time came to say goodbye.

  "We will definitely stop back on our return," said Matt, Hopefully I'll have good news to tell you."

  Chapter 44

  Titan Stand Chapter 44

  After saying goodbye to their new friends Slavek set down inside the large stone enclosure Matt instructed him to. There was already another spacecraft sitting there as well belonging to the Selantrian contractor Datt Licon. Along with his partners S'ika Jasend, and Alkisa Droron, was Zeb Kifire as well as several of the queen's guard, as well as queen Breca, Lord Morrone, and even Mullein Shade. Slavek, his sister, as well as Bria made it a point to introduce themselves. Once again Matt noticed Slavek and Tiag using curious hand gestures as they introduced themselves. Once this was accomplished everyone de-camped for the palace at the queen's insistence. Once there, Matt spotted his old friend Fergus whom he introduced to Slavek, Tiag and Bria. During the introduction, Matt noticed a definite coolness on Fergus's part towards Bria. Later, when he asked Lord Morrone about it he was told.

  "For some reason the Lepreehun have never been warmed to dwarves. No one's even sure why it just seems to be inherent, go figure." Bria simply brushed it off spending her time talking to Frala Igad, and Diff Ungor, members of the queen's staff who dealt with interior resources. Matt and Kaitlyn were ushered into the queen's private study where Matt was sure they were going to get a royal "ass-chewing." Only the queen sat in front of them her first question,

  "So what's been going on here, what did you promise my brother in return for her return?" Matt was taken completely by surprise so at first didn't know how to reply.

  "He did tell you that we're half brother and sister didn't he?"

  "Well…Um, your highness, umm…"

  "Sworn to secrecy eh, well that sounds like Kiggham. So what sort of deal did you make with him?"

  Both Kiggham and Roy had asked he and the others not to say anything about Roy's presence so Matt was forced to be "creative" on his explanation.

  "Well…Ah he thought my rifle was some sort of magical sword or wand. Anyway I showed him what it was all about along with the fact that once there was no more ammo the thing wa
s useless. We went in there with a show of force, blowing up his back door as it were. Slavek and Bria talked to the guy for quite awhile too. He's a really good negotiator getting Kaitlyn back which as it turns out wasn't really kidnapped. In the end, they threw us a banquet. I did promise to bring him a fancy compound bow from earth when we come back." He wasn't sure he'd covered everything or had even convinced the queen, but she merely grunted. Taking a chance he then asked her.

  "Your highness, Kiggham told me you two don't hate each other, but just don't get along, what's up with that?"

  The queen glared at him for a moment, then replied.

  "I don't suppose you noticed any fairy folk, or centaurs up there did you?"

  "Umm, no your highness, but he told me he didn't care for them and that's why he didn't want them up there." The queen arched her eyes,

  "That's interesting," then sighing, she explained,

  "Basically we just don't see eye to eye on the fairy folk. It also involves a situation with the Succubi which I won't go into. He's always hated city life preferring to live in the traditional manor, which he's certainly welcome to however he also has an unreasoning dislike for my "people" mostly the fairy folk, as well as centaurs. The few times the matter has come up, it always ends in bickering and rancor."

  "We're sorry to hear that," stated Kaitlyn, "He seemed friendly enough though a bit gruff."

  "I can't figure him out," replied the queen, I've never heard of him harming fairies, but then they don't like living in the higher elevations so I don't know what his complaint is with that. She then chuckled,

  "Now centaurs are another situation entirely. Even though we're constantly warning them to stay out of the mountains the younger ones keep insisting on going up there to…Ah, share affections. From time to time they will get caught in late spring storms and get lost. Kiggham's people will always lead them to shelter, generally one of the many caves to be found up there, they've even been known to offer them food, and directions on how to get back down to Weyurn, but they are told in no uncertain terms never to return."

  "He did mention the fact that he wasn't fond of them," added Matt.

  "Well we're just happy that you are safe Kaitlyn, your fairy friends were holding a vigil for you I've sent word that you are safe." Kaitlyn then looked at Matt, then to the queen,

  "Could I go see them? I'm especially fond of Whisp and Hyssop."

  "Of course," replied the queen, "I'll see that one of our kentauride take you there immediately." As Matt and Kaitlyn got up to leave, the queen said,

  "Matt could you stay on a moment?" Shrugging, he sat back down positive the "ass chewing" was on the way.

  The queen leaned back in her chair,

  "So how is my half brother?"

  "He looked all right to me; he certainly wasn't what I suspected. I thought he was really going to lay into us for blowing up his back door, but he just said they had others." Queen Breca nodded,

  "You said something about giving him some sort of bow from your planet, I thought all you used were weapons you call rifles?" Matt grinned,

  "Oh no your highness, bow hunting is very popular, cross bows as well. I promised to bring him one."

  "I see," she said, "Well should you see him again, tell him…Tell him, I want to see him, it's rather important, but it's nothing that needs doing immediately. By the way, why aren't you with those two metallic people?"

  "You mean Amber and Gandric?"

  "Yes." He then explained to her the business with Ussen Ommo and Drok the new Loridian trade rep. The queen then looked as though she wanted to ask him something but for some reason didn't.

  "Is there something wrong your highness?" He asked. She sat looking at him for a moment, then said,

  "So you are returning to earth?'

  "Yes we are, Slavek and his sister have been given permission to do pretty much whatever they want for the next two yarns, and they want to go to earth."

  "I will be holding a dinner party this evening," said the queen. "Partly to celebrate Kaitlyn's return, but also to honor king Valsung's daughter as well as Slavek and Tiag Slykhor, representatives of Ruddoria. Since you and Kaitlyn were here the first time and told us that you are from the planet settled by the Aos Sí I have been discussing an idea with several of my advisors, I'd like to discuss it with you and the Slykhor's."

  So once again, Matt and Kaitlyn found themselves lodged in a guest cottage, The Slykhor's in another. Bria was offered a guestroom right in the palace proper, but she insisted rooming with Matt and Kaitlyn, besides she and Kaitlyn had come to be almost sisters picking on Matt being their favorite pastime. With a few hours to kill before the royal banquet, Matt asked about Drott, the Centaur who carried him around on his first visit. Told that the Drott was hanging around somewhere he ran into his old friend Fergus the Leprechaun.

  "Well look who's back!" announced the little man, "Ready for another go at some of that rip dyne brandy boyo?"

  "Uhh no, Fergus," he replied, "I've got to be in shape for the banquet in a couple hours, thanks anyway."

  "Well where ye bound for then?"

  "Well I was going to have Drott run me out to Yufic Mooncalled's place so I could properly thank him for the knife he made me."

  "Well I spotted that worthless cull just a little while ago, no doubt he's hiding somewhere nearby," exclaimed Fergus, "Let's go find him." A few minutes later they spotted him and a very beautiful kentauride coming down the other side of the street, Matt hailed him, prompting the two creatures to stop, then stroll over to where Matt and Fergus were waiting. Drott introduced the female centaur as Khima his daughter, of all the races and beings he had encountered so far, Centaur's were the strangest. He knew of them from mythology, but actually seeing, riding, and actually talking to them in real life still did not erase the combination of a horse with a man or woman's body. Matt introduced himself to her but he could fee his face grow very warm as he did so causing Khima to giggle.

  "I was just walking Khima home from school," explained Drott, I heard you were back in town, I suppose you want me to take you somewhere?"

  "Well I've got a couple hours to kill before the banquet this evening," said Matt, and I kinda wanted to go see Yufic Mooncalled and thank him for making this knife for me."

  "No problem there," replied Drott, "As far as I know Yufic is home, but before we go, I need you to sign this voucher." Taking a small leather book out of a shoulder bag he was wearing he wrote something down on one of the pages. When he handed it to him, Matt noticed it was indeed a royal voucher book in which Drott had indicated that he was taking Matt out to Yufic Mooncalled's farm.

  "I don't recall having to do this before," said Matt,

  "Something new," replied Drott, word alone doesn't go anymore, the royal comptroller wants signatures and actual destinations, as well as descriptions of any packages delivered along with signatures from the sender as well as the receiver." He then looked down past Matt, and said,

  'Oh hi Fergus, didn't see you down there, are you going out to Mooncalled's place as well?"

  "Surely I am, said the leprechaun, but not with you." He then looked up at Matt, and said,

  "Meet you out there boyo," he added, then quickly walked around the corner.

  Matt jumped up on Drott's back and they quickly trotted off to Yufic's place with Khima staying right alongside. To Matt's astonishment, Fergus was already there, chatting with Yufic who was leaning on a long handled rake. "How did you do that Fergus?" He asked, we came here at practically a gallop but you're already here?" Fergus ignored the question, instead allowing Yufic to greet Matt.

  "Welcome back earthling! I hear that you're very happy with that knife I made for you." Sliding off Drott's back, he wondered how he knew already, but then figured that Fergus must have told him.

  Shaking Yufic's hand, Matt replied,

  "Thank you very much Mr. Mooncalled, I really like it, I've also received a lot of terrific comments about it from other people as well."
r />   "Well I'm certainly glad you like it, I'll admit, it's a rather unique style, maybe I'll make another one just to show people." Matt then told him about meeting Kiggham Stenuck which drew negative comments from Drott, and Fergus, Yufic gave him a curious look, but said nothing. Knowing the reason for Drott' and Fergus's disdain for Stenuck, Matt said nothing, not wishing to anger them.

  They talked a little longer with Yufic telling him that the problem with the Shadox seemed to have lessened since he had shot several. Then Matt asked Yufic,

  "How are you fixed for knife making materials Yufic?" The elf thought a moment, then replied.

  "Since I don't make a lot of swords and knives, I can usually scrounge what I need, why?" Matt then told him about Ussen Ommo, and the incredible amount of scrap metal just lying around, but also the efforts by the Gri'Foda, as well as the Loridian trading company to clean up the whole planet.


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