by Max Jager
"How do ye know we haven't? He then punched Matt in the arm,
"Relax, you are friends to the fairy folk, we don't trouble friends."
Matt helped himself to the food and drink while Puck excused himself to go speak to someone, Sunflower continued to sit next to him.
"So how do the other fairy folk here react to the leprechaun's getting all the publicity around here?"
"They are more than welcome to it," said Sunflower, but then they worked at it. You asked about we gnomes and our trickery, well the lepreehun have developed their own way of having fun with you humans."
"In what way?"
"Human greed, they love to play on human greed," said the gnome. "For example if you happen to see a five, or even a ten pound note blowing along the ground, especially near a stream rest assured a leprechaun is bored, and looking for some entertainment. Oh the things you humans will do to try and grab that note. One fellow damned near drowned trying to catch a ten pounder as it flitted across the water."
"How about the business of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," he asked.
"Whoa!" exclaimed Sunflower, "You are going back, do people still believe that?"
"Naww, it's just a legend," he replied.
"Well I should say," said Sunflower. "If you would like to know more, speak to Angus or Brendan they have quite a few stories to tell."
The time seemed to speed by until Aine called for silence.
"The time has come my friends for our friends to depart. There have been a few changes, as you all know Bria Valsung will be staying along with her chosen Caedmon of Gayn. Tansy Moonchaser will be staying as well, both wish to study the old texts of which I have given my permission."
"However, two of our own will be traveling to Denedra and will represent us at the royal court, there, and at Doradus as well. Zinnia Vallyholm and Brendan Mac Branain Angus's second in command have requested to go. This is a wondrous time for us all, and let us not forget our friends for making this possible." Kaitlyn returned with Matt thinking there was something different about her, but since Aine was speaking, he didn't stare. Aine then blessed the voyagers, and spoke of their eventual return. Slavek came up to Matt and said,
"Tiag is getting everyone returning with us settled in as well as making sure Bria and Tansy haven't left anything on board, if you and Kaitlyn are ready, I guess we can be off." He could see Fergus and the other leprechaun heading up the ramp, along with the fairy flittering behind them.
Waving goodbye to Sunflower, and Puck, he started up the ramp himself, he caught site of Kaitlyn approaching as well. Studying her a bit closer, he now saw why she looked different…She had Elvin ears. Thinking someone had played a joke on her, he jokingly exclaimed.
"Kaitlyn! Your ears." This brought a glare that said,
"Asshole! What's your problem?"
"I'll have you know I asked to have them changed. Tansy was telling Aine how much a help I've been, and that if it hadn't been my knowledge of fairy folk they would have never known the Aos Si´ had landed here on earth. She asked me if there was anything short of wealth I wished for, well honestly, the one thing I've always wanted ever since I was little, were Elvin ears. So she gave them to me."
"Well…They certainly look different, those are rather interesting ear rings you have there as well," said Matt.
"Well they go along with the ears I guess," replied Kaitlyn, "They are solid gold, and frame my new ears; Aine said they would be sore until the skin tissue healed up. I saw ear rings like this on Denedra, some pretty fancy, so don't go making fun of them, I happen to like them."
Matt didn't have time to meet Brendan the leprechaun or Zinnia, as they were too busy, but in no time the spacecraft was lifting off, heading back to Denedra. With his mind on all that happened in the past week, Matt didn't pay much attention to the others. It would be a long boring flight; there would be plenty of time to talk.
Chapter 56
Titan Stand Chapter 56
Once they had left earth orbit and everything had settled down Matt and Kaitlyn finally had a chance to meet Aengus and Zinnia. Aengus was the quintessential leprechaun with red hair and beard, dressed in his green frock coat and hat along with matching knee pants. Fergus on the other hand wore grey. Long pants, frock coat, and a white shirt with a red cravat. Matt couldn't resist asking him,
"I take it the green outfit is more or less a "uniform?" Aengus chuckled,
"Me boy, we lepreehun take our jobs very seriously. Although we are of the Aos Si we are also Irish through and through." Pointing to the lapels on his coat, Aengus asked,
"I certainly hope you know what this is?"
"Sure," replied Matt, "It's a four leaf clover, everyone knows that."
"And this?" It was a three pointed lapel pin made of golden twine that turned in on itself. Kaitlyn was the first to answer,
"That's a Celtic Knot, a little different from the ones I've seen but I know that's what it is." Aengus chuckled,
"The lass is right, I, along with these symbols represent Ereland."
Aengus then held his hand up,
"Please excuse me but after all this talk I've got a throat on me, how about you Fergus?" Fergus laughed, as Aengus pointed to a shipping crate next to them whereas a small keg appeared. Then he snapped his fingers causing a mug to appear in everyone's hand. Matt noticed they were small mugs probably holding no more than twelve ounces but after all, this guy was slightly taller than Fergus.
"As long as the conversation remains pleasant we'll have something to slake our thirsts, drink up my friends!"
Matt took a sip; the ale was cold, and quite tasty. Toasting the leprechaun, Matt grinned,
"Three cheers for the Irish!" Everyone cheered as they enjoyed the liquid refreshment that for all intends and purposes had been created out of thin air.
"Well it ain't the black stuff," commented the leprechaun, "But it will do."
"Is there any truth to the rumor that you leprechaun's are rather mischievous?" He asked. Aengus took a swig of ale, looked at Fergus and asked.
"I dunno, are we?" Both leprechauns then laughed until Aengus held his hand up.
"Well now bucko that all depends, if me mates and me happen to be looking for a little ri-ra, and we happen to come across some "buzzies," we'll toss a fiver down and blow it around a bit." Matt was having a hard time following his slang as well as thick accent, but he was catching the gist of it anyway.
"Do you ever let anyone keep the money?" He asked. Aengus took another swig, and thought a moment, then replied,
"If the fellow seems the blaggard, then never. If he's been a good sport or calls us on it then we'll let him have it."
"Are there still a lot of people that still believe in the wee folk?" Asked Kaitlyn.
Aengus grinned,
"More than you would think lassie. Let us just say that we know who our friends are, the true believers."
"Do you ever reveal yourselves to any of them?" She added.
"A rare few…A rare few, I'm thinking of a gentle soul as we speak. She's a right old cow she is, but I have actually sat and talked with her, a true daughter of Ereland and Celt to the bone. Often times we discuss Irish history, or she will read to me a favorite verse from Connacht, or Burke. We've spent many a rainy fall day together just enjoying each other's company."
Matt noticed that both Aengus and Fergus were hitting the keg pretty hard. Getting up to grab what he thought might be the last of the ale; Matt was surprised to find the keg heavy and apparently quite full.
'What's the matter lad?" Asked Fergus, Matt shrugged,
"Nothing, I just could have sworn that keg was almost empty." By now, Kaitlyn, not caring for ale had gone to find Zinnia, while Slavek came down from the bridge to join the little group.
"Pull up a box me bucko grab a mug and help yourself."
"So what are we talking about?" He asked.
"What the wee folk do for entertainment," said Matt.
"Well besi
des living the life of Reilly, and watching the bogtrotters no a whole hell of a lot," replied Aengus. "Oh we keep an eye on things for Aine, but in a world run by humans and bad ones at that, it's not like the old days."
Aengus took another swig wiped his mouth on his sleeve and burped.
"However, all that being said, I'm ready to step up and do what I can to represent our people on this Denedra, Fergus has been telling me about. I've been accused of being a right good skiver, but when an opportunity like this comes along, I'm at the front of the line. Besides, the knowledge and study of the early times has always been sort of a serious hobby of mine, I have knowledge that Tansy tells me that would be much appreciated on Denedra and Doradus."
Matt then took the ancient knife from his bag and showed it to Aengus.
"Aine gave this to me Aengus, but about all she said was it is very old. Do you know anything more about it?"
The leprechaun took the knife and held it up.
"Be very honored bucko, be very honored. She's right, this dates back to the "arrival" and in fact, this used to be a simple maintenance tool converted to a weapon. You have to understand lad that when the Aos Si´ landed here, it was a wild and brutal place, we are talking pre-Celt here bucko. But the people were quick to realize the opportunities, and soon overcame their adversaries."
"Ahhh lad, them were truly glorious times."
""I take it then that you must be pretty old sir." Asked Matt,
Aengus grinned,
"Older than you'll ever know lad. Aine, meself, and Zinnia are the only ones who have read the old texts. When our people first came here, everything was written on essentially what were computer tablets. Then there came a time when they began to fail and wear out. This is the part of our past that is vague and clouded in mystery. However meself thinks it was a time of turmoil and everything was hastily transcribed to what you call parchment. Well…Who ever was in charge made a right hames of the job. Anyway everything was written in a code that eventually became what was known as Goidelic. Well, it didn't take long for it to spread, even over to Scotland and England. Make no mistake lad, its origins came from those that came first." The leprechaun chuckled,
"If you go carrying that knife around bucko none of the wee folk will bother you, and if you were to find yourself in a spot of trouble, one of us would be there to help."
"These books you're talking about," continued Matt, "Do they still exist?" Aengus studied him for a moment then replied,
"They do, but only some. We believe there were eight volumes in the beginning, but now only three exist. Strangely the first, third, and last. Considering Ere land's past, it's amazing that any of them exist at all. Anyway, Zinnia and I will be attempting to put a few pieces of the puzzle together with what we know, as well as what still exists on Denedra. It promises to be quite the challenge, but we have the time."
"Got one more for ya," asked Matt,
"Japers! Lay it on me lad," exclaimed Aengus.
"What started this "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow business?" The leprechaun thought a moment, then shrugged,
"I've heard that was still floating around out there. Not sure where it started, I don't certainly ever recall promising anyone that, but then a lot of things are laid on our doorstep. Sorry lad can't help you there."
When he wasn't sitting around talking with the others, Matt was re-packing his bags. Or studying the bow and crossbow he picked up for Kiggham and Roy. Slavek told him that their fuel supply was very low and they would be coming into Fort Kamata with nothing to spare.
"As we get nearer the fort we'll be entering periods of coasting which the flight computer tells us will give us just enough to be able to maneuver once we're over Kamata."
"Are we going to have enough to fuel up? Asked Matt.
"For the most part," replied Slavek, Queen Breca promised to cover for a full fuel loadout which we only used a quarter of. We'll have enough to get to Denedra, as well as back home to Ruddoria. I certainly hope you and Kaitlyn choose to accompany us?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," replied Matt.
Their flight computer wasn't fooling, once Slavek dropped out of hyper light speed, he accelerated in one long burst that propelled them across the galaxy that allowed him to all but shut the engines down until they had the base on visual.
Slavek brought them down with nothing reading on the fuel estimator,
"This is why it's so critical to spend the "greema" to get a top quality estimator, a cheap one might have left you a thousand arshims back out in space. While Slavek went to see about getting fuel, Tiag went to contact her mother on Golia, while Matt and his two leprechaun friends went to check the message "board."
It was really a computer that listed jobs as well as crew "call-ups," along with messages. As they headed for the Loridian office Matt and his friends drew considerable interest. Of the two, Aengus was astonished at all the involved activity, swirling around them.
"Japers! I had no idea there were all these separate races out here, this is amazing."
Along the way a group of Selantrian's stopped them, Fergus was familiar with their language, and with the aid of his translator, Matt was able to converse with them as well. However, Aengus wasn't able to understand them. As all conversations eventually do whenever intergalactic races meet, everyone wants to know where everyone is from. The Selantrian's knew of Denedra and Doradus, but when Matt explained that he and Aengus were from earth this simply confused the hell out of them. Fergus then stepped in, and explained to them that Aengus was a long lost part of their family and that they had just come from earth, bringing the leprechaun back with them. Finally getting to the Loridian office Matt was forced to wait for others to get their information and leave.
Much to his delight, he found a message from Amber and Gandric who were returning from Ussen Ommo and would be stopping by Fort Kamata briefly. Checking the date, it looked like they would be in tomorrow morning. Things were starting to look up, he wanted Slavek and his sister to meet the two androids but Fergus and Aengus wanted to investigate the outpost further and possibly sample the local brew.
The bar really didn't have a name since it was owned and operated by the Loridian trading company, but since it was the only one on the planet it didn't really need to have one. The place was crowded as usual with some strange music playing in the background. It was also the only place you could get anything to eat as well which what it looked like a lot of people were doing. They finally located a table along a wall. Every table had a small touch screen listing the more popular libations along with a blue button to alert the bar if there was anything special you wanted. There was also a slot for inserting your money/ID card.
Fergus ordered a rip dyne brandy producing his card from seemingly out of nowhere.
"I didn't know you had one of those?" exclaimed Matt Fergus snickered,
"As the queens wizard why would you not think I wouldn't have one?"
Then his expression changed,
"Alas boyo, it is the royal card, to be used…Er, sparingly."
"Ah so you're on an expense account," chuckled Matt, "No biggie, my dad has one as well, but it's mostly for travel expenses."
"Well food and drinks are on the queen, but let's not get too carried away shall we." Being considerate of royal generosity, Matt ordered eabak with a hot sauce called iza. The eabak was one of the cheaper items on the menu but they did it up right here. Aengus wasn't sure what to order, but went with the eabak as well, after Matt described it. He also ordered what he called a "Johnny-jump-up," which was grimin cider mixed with the house's strongest ale.
The result was "respectable," according to Aengus, but not like back on earth.
"A proper "jump-up," is made with Guinness, and Bulmer's cider."
"I don't think they have anything like apples out here," said Matt, "The only thing I've seen even resembling apples are more like crab apples, called "ruma's."
Matt had his back to the entrance so he
didn't see the Golian approaching their table, however Fergus and Aengus did.
"Don't look now, but there is a large Golian making straight for this table."
Matt quickly turned to see Grak's friend Rekton standing behind him.
"Matt Grainger, just the fellow I want to see!" Matt didn't know if he was in trouble, or had something this guy wanted.
"Ahh, it's Rekton isn't it?" Grabbing the empty chair at the table, he slid into it all the while staring at Matt.
"Uh how are Grak and Karlt?" He asked nervously.
"Haven't seen them in awhile, last I saw of them, they were off to some far corner of the empire on government business as usual. Say, are you still interested in returning to this earth of yours?"