Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 49

by Max Jager

  "Well good luck with that," replied the commander, "No one goes there anymore."

  The space station Torgolick was the largest thing Matt had ever seen, it resembled the Star Wars "death star" with what resembled a massive fin extending downward. Commander Keldem claimed that it took close to eight Zadra's to complete." They entered a massive port just below the main body where several other craft were parked.

  "Remain in your own craft until you are called for," said the commander, "I will report the situation immediately. " Then turning to Tiag, he added, "Come with me, I'll show you where you can contact your mother."

  While they waited, Khemi and Kaitlyn began to converse, a situation Matt believed would result in those two "ganging" up on him, something that seemed to happen quite regularly. Although Kaitlyn and Tiag spent a lot of time together, Tiag seemed to resist the temptation to form a pact against him. Matt finally decided it was some sort of female thing, much as he and Slavek shared their thoughts. Shortly, Tiag returned with the news that she had contacted her mother.

  "Mother is sending one of her staff up here to act as our counsel and that we should not say anything until her representative gets here." Matt smiled to himself,

  "Even way out here you can't escape lawyers."

  Eventually a couple of military types showed up to ask questions,

  "My mother is sending a legal representative," said Slavek, "we're not supposed to say anything until they get here."

  "We understand all that," said one of the officers, "All we're interested in at this point is what happened, we can't proceed with our investigation until we get some idea of how all this happened." Matt looked at Slavek and shrugged.

  "It can't hurt anything to tell them what happened." So he told the two officials how they were attacked, and sucked into the larger ship and how he got the drop on the raiders, which raised eyebrows with the two officers.

  "You say they made you toss all your weapons down the ramp, yet you were able to conceal this rifle and shotgun you speak of how is it the raiders didn't detect them?" Asked one of the investigators.

  "Beats me," replied Matt, but this has happened before, I think scanners can only detect weapons that operate off some sort of power source like a plaser, or proton device. The weapons I have operate through a chemical reaction that projects a solid round." The investigators looked at each other, then one of them replied.

  "We will look into this further, later on, right now; we're simply interested in what happened." At this point Khemi joined in adding details Matt didn't remember or was elsewhere. In the end, both officers stared at Matt in amazement.

  "We can understand how Khemi was able to overcome several of the raiders; she's a Tharg, a trained assassin. Which by the way, we have to report your presence here on Golia, you're not in any trouble as far as we can tell, however you must register with the authorities." The android glared at them and snarled,

  "It's the same wherever I go, everyone hates us." Tiag then interrupted,

  Don't worry Khemi, we will see to it that you come under Ruddorian protection, speaking for Slavek and myself, you are a friend, and we will protect you."

  "See, there you go." replied one of the officers, "Nothing beats friends in high places."

  After Matt and Khemi had told the investigators everything they could, they were told,

  "This will do for now, however we will have further questions later on. We have to identify the bodies, as well as inspect the ship, sit tight until then." Not long after the investigators left a rather imposing Ruddorian arrived, one Slavek and his sister apparently knew. He greeted them but stared suspiciously at Matt and Kaitlyn, and especially Khemi.

  "This is Palko Jalkas, one of our father's very good friends," stated Tiag, "Our troubles are over now."

  "I wasn't aware we were in any trouble," replied Matt. Palko studied Khemi and said,

  "I know what you are, but I don't think I'm familiar with these other two." At this point Slavek and Tiag recounted their meeting and subsequent travels with the earth people prompting Jalkas to remark.

  "Interesting, you two didn't start an intergalactic war with these people or anything like that?"

  "We resent that implication," snapped Tiag, "We met officials from Matt and Kaitlyn's city, met some of their friends, along with others who treated us very warmly."

  "She's right sir," added Kaitlyn, no enemies were made, nobody died, Slavek and Tiag were the perfect ambassadors." Jalkas studied them for a few moments more, then said.

  "So what sort of mess are you in now?" After Slavek detailed the whole story, Jalkas looked at Matt and Khemi.

  "Perhaps I was being too hasty in my evaluation of you Khemi, in fact I owe you an

  apology. As for you earthling, I believe the foreign minister will wish to speak to you." He then turned to Slavek and Tiag,

  "Your mother has instructed me to simply act as counsel should you be charged with anything, however considering your actions against the raiders, I really don't expect that to happen, however we will wait until the investigators return with their findings."

  While they waited Jalkas asked Slavek more questions concerning their visit to earth being particularly interested in their involvement with the fairy folk.

  "Honestly I have been completely mistaken about you two. When your parents let you run off like that, many of us figured it would be nothing but one misadventure after another. However, you have proven me wrong. From what you tell me and Matt and Kaitlyn here back up, some serious diplomatic efforts have been put forth, I think your parents will be very proud of you two."

  "Well you were always the skeptical one," replied Tiag, but Matt and Kaitlyn provided us with a situation too good to pass up." At this point one of the investigators appeared and pointed to Matt.

  "You need to come with us and bring those weapons as well as whatever it is they shoot."

  "If you need representation I will be happy to accompany you," said Jalkas.

  "That won't be necessary," replied the investigator, "We simply need to see a demonstration of these weapons."

  Matt grabbed his AR, along with the shotgun and followed the investigator for what seemed like endless corridors and a couple elevators until they came to a large room that could only be a firing range. There were a number of people standing around looking rather bored. Another Golian then approached asking,

  "Show us these amazing weapons of yours. We have examined the bodies and find the damage done by you to be rather violent. It would seem these bullets as you call them wreak quite a bit of damage."

  "Well from what I've seen of those particle weapons you guys have I'm not so sure but I'll be glad to knock down a few targets for you." After showing them a bullet and even the powder inside, Matt proceeded to fire at a target down range. The aliens were not prepared for the incredible noise and although he wore earplugs, even Matt was bothered by the noise from being fired indoors. They then asked him to demonstrate his shotgun against what looked like a large block of clay. When four rounds of number four buckshot practically destroyed it, everyone gasped in amazement. Finally, he was asked,

  "Are these the type of weapons used on your planet?"

  "Sure," replied Matt, but we've got even bigger ones than these, if I had a .308, I'd be afraid of t he round punching through this ship's outer hull." This admission caused more consternation and talk. Finally, he was taken back to where his friends were waiting.

  They were then told that they were free to leave but to remain at the Ruddorian embassy in case there were any further questions. Palko Jalkas was able to get them on a shuttle to Golia and then transport to the Ruddorian embassy, which was located just outside Khemna the capitol. Both Matt and Kaitlyn were nervous at the thought of meeting Slavek and Tiag's mother, especially one in a position of power, as she was, however their fears were allayed when they were introduced to Chani Slykhor. Matt thought her very attractive with her dark greenish hair cut longer than most Ruddorian women wore
it. Her eyes were light brown with a short nose. He also expected her to behave rather severely but was surprised at her humor and friendly smile. After talking with her, he grinned at the thought that she was a natural at PR work.

  He also noticed that she really grabbed onto the fact that she was meeting representatives from a far and distant alien world and acted accordingly.

  "We will dine in the embassy tonight, there are many who would love to meet you two, and I certainly wish to know more about you and your world." This was the situation reversed. Instead of earth people meeting aliens, it was aliens meeting earth people. It was the royal banquet on Denedra all over again except he and Kaitlyn didn't have to dress up, they also met Mr. Slykhor the Ruddorian foreign minister as well. There was a large glass panel next to Mrs. Slykhor at the table in which the image of the foreign minister appeared. It was if he was actually there except you couldn't shake hands. His image was so incredibly life-like it started to creep Matt out. This was advanced technology so all he could do was roll with it.

  Both he and Kaitlyn answered questions all evening long, many he didn't feel qualified to answer, but gave it his best shot anyway. It wasn't long before talk moved on to the attempted hijacking of their ship by the raiders. Matt refused to take all the credit, bringing Khemi's contribution to the forefront. He noticed that many people appeared put off by her or outright frightened. This wasn't right, since the two had fought it out with the raiders, he had started growing fond of her hoping she and Amber would re-unite. Nevertheless, everyone was quite impressed that someone had actually fought back…And won.

  Chapter 61

  Titan Stand Chapter 61

  Matt was rather surprised when the party and banquet ended early. Asking Slavek about it he was told.

  "Mother hates long social affairs; she's never been terribly fond of parties. Father is somewhat like it as well, but likely as not both he and mother will leave early if it's someone else's function. If he throws a party or banquet they will always end with everyone talking about work, or strategizing."

  "Sounds like your parents prefer working to having fun," replied Matt. Slavek looked at him.

  "Actually they just like to talk to people. You know, try and find out what they are thinking, or think about something. I'm warning you and Kaitlyn right now, since you two come from a generally unknown planet, prepare for a regular inquisition." Oh, I don't mean to say they will ask you a lot of personal questions, but they're going to try and dig every bit of information about earth they can, especially father, it's his job. Don't worry though, Tiag and I are going to get the same treatment. They will want to find out what we thought of your home, who we talked to, and anything else they can pry out of us."

  "So what do you suggest we do?" Asked Matt. Slavek shrugged,

  "Not much you can do other than be polite, and answer their questions."

  Not long after he had returned from the restroom and was wondering where the others had wandered off to a woman approached him exclaiming,

  "Ambassador Slykhor is looking for you, last door down that hall!" He thanked her then started for the end of the hall. The room he entered was very futuristic looking lots of what looked like glass or possibly crystal panels that seemed to change colors. Everyone was there, Slavek, Tiag, Kaitlyn, their mother, and Rekton, the guy he met in Neb's Nebula. Before anyone else could speak, Rekton grinned and waved.

  "Hello Matt nice to see you again. I've been hearing all about your last escapade fighting off those raiders."

  He simply didn't know what to think. Looking around the room, Kaitlyn and Tiag were sitting on what looked like some sort of couch with Mrs. Slykhor sitting between them. Rekton was sitting in some sort of puffy looking chair, while Slavek and Khemi were standing.

  "Please join us," announced Mrs. Slykhor, we are just having an informal chat." The next words out of her mouth shook Matt to the core.

  Sit down Matt, I, and Rekton here have a confession to make."

  From her expression and tone of voice, he knew it wasn't good; Kaitlyn started to look uneasy as well. Gesturing to Rekton Mrs. Slykhor exclaimed.

  "Rekton is a very dear friend, my husband and I have known him for a very long time now. Among other things, he performs certain tasks for us, investigations and the like. Khemi over there whose true name is Jezang also works for us."

  "Well that was pretty convenient that ship she was on just happened by and sucked us in wasn't it?" When he saw serious faces looking at him Matt realized there was something going on here and it was starting to stink.

  "That was no coincidence," said a grim faced Rekton.

  "Jezang had recently been captured by a raider named Chodo Klamok. We discovered he was planning on selling her to an individual out in the Zan-Argo system. We were desperate, then I remembered you and the things Grak told me. Throw that in with what we know about you earth people and we had the beginnings of a plan. I then let it be known that the ambassador would be on that ship piloted by her son and the trap was set." Matt didn't say anything for a moment then glared at Slavek.

  "You were in on this?"

  "I'm afraid so Matt, I'm sorry, but we simply had to get Jezang back."

  "Used…Fucking used," he thought. Looking at Kaitlyn he dejectedly said,

  "Come on Kaitlyn, we're outta' here."

  "Wait! Hold on there," exclaimed Mrs. Slykhor, "Please, hear us out."

  "I'm sorry Matt," continued Rekton, "You were our only hope of getting Jezang back, anyone else we wouldn't have had a chance. I don't know if you realize it or not but you earth people are a real enigma to many of us out here. You are smart, intelligent, compassionate, but also extremely violent. I have personally talked to everyone you have come in contact with ever since you two came here with Amber, who, by the way thought you could help us pull this thing off."

  "You've spoken with Amber?" At this point Jezang stepped forward.

  "Amber is my alter-being, she has been aware of all that we were doing. Amber please enter!" Both Matt and Kaitlyn could only stare in amazement as Amber stepped through a hidden door.

  "I'm sorry Matt…Kaitlyn, I'm sorry for involving you two in all this, but you will never know of the things that would have happened had we lost Jezang." With that, she moved next to the other android and placed her right hand gently on the side of Jezang's face while she did the same to Amber.

  "Please don't think ill of us," stated Tiag, "We were desperate, and everyone Rekton talked to thought so highly of you two. However it was that trip we took to your home world that truly convinced us you two were the right people."

  "I don't get it," replied Matt, "You've got a whole freaking empire to pick people from and you choose a couple kids from earth?" Rekton frowned as he replied,

  "Well we would have preferred adults, but as it stands you two are the only people from earth available to us at the moment. We needed people involved in this Chodo was not aware of. But listen, before you cast us aside, hear me out." Matt sighed.

  "I'm listening."

  "Ever since you two arrived here in the empire, you have been making friends. I wasn't fooling when I told you I talked to everybody," stated Rekton.

  "Queen Breca, all her people, Yufic Moon Called, Bria's parents, Fergus Freydis, who by the way was so impressed with you I almost stopped right there. I also spoke with Kiggham and even Roy VonDran your fellow earthman. Oh yes, Drok Irdurg was also another. Matt…Kaitlyn, face it, you have made a lot of good friends out here, don't throw it all away."

  "He's right," added Slavek, "All of us think the world of you two." Then his mother said,

  "This may not be the time to bring this up but your efforts will not go unrewarded. My husband wishes to make both of you honorary "Ruddorians" but with full citizenship privileges. There was also a sizeable bounty on Chodo's head which you will rightly share with Jezang."

  "Who was he?" Asked Matt.

  "He was the short fellow on the bridge," said Jezang, those projectiles that weap
on of yours fires really did a job on him."

  "Please," began Mrs. Slykhor, "Find it in your hearts to forgive us."

  "How can we ever trust you again?" Asked Kaitlyn,

  "Speaking for myself, I do forgive you, but I can't speak for him."

  Matt took a deep sigh, on one hand he hated being used like that, but on the other, maybe he could use this to his advantage. That citizenship business wasn't anything to sneeze at, from what everyone had told him being a citizen of the Golian empire brought a lot of advantages, and the Ruddorians were one of the major races in that empire. Besides, what could he really do? Both he and Kaitlyn were a damn long way from home and the last thing he wanted to do was antagonize these people.

  "All right," he sighed, I'll let it go this time, but only because Amber approved. I don't like being used like that, the next time someone comes up with a plan that requires me to put my life on the line just ask me first. Had I only known the details of this plan I probably would have gone along with it, but I don't like people second guessing me."


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