Titan Stand
Page 64
"Well?" Asked Orlak
"Well," replied Matt, "I'm still alive, and we've been offered a job." Everyone eyed him suspiciously, as Rekton asked.
"What sort of job?" Matt took a sip of beer,
"Not as good as I can get back on earth, but cold and malty tasting,"
he thought.
"They want me to find Holliqua, along with her ship and crew," he began.
"It seems the raiders were right and that gun ship wasn't destroyed but probably heavily damaged. They think it may have crashed on a nearby moon or asteroid. They also think it's possible the crew escaped in life pods finding a nearby planet to land on. Anyway, they are offering ten million credits to find her." A low whistle came from Rekton's mouth,
"Isn't that the Malhazar female you were mooning for?"
"Yeah, " sighed Matt, "I thought she was dead."
"Well she may very well be," added Brand, "If her ship didn't survive the crash, assuming they did crash land somewhere. Those life pods can only travel so far but there is always the chance they found a nearby planet that could sustain them."
"So are you guys interested in searching for her?" Asked Matt. To his great surprise no one sounded very enthusiastic about the job.
"I'm sorry Matt," said Orlak, "The Azani is due for an overhaul, and Gyod says there's something wrong with the cloaking device." Then Brand spoke up,
"Count me in Matt, who else is interested?"
"In on one," said Rekton,
"Same here," added Ifwol. The others begged off citing other commitments including Slavek who wanted to take a break from all the traveling. Skart had promised Gyod his assistance with the ship's repairs so it looked like it was just going to be the six of them.
"I promised those raiders I would turn over the prisoners provided they help in the hearings" said Brand. We'll have to re-provision my ship along with a few other things, but I just might have an idea where that Malhazar ship might have gone," said Brand. They spent the rest of the evening drinking and telling tales with Matt spending the night at Slavek's home in the government quarter. The next day the two of them went over to the Azani to move all of Matt's gear over to Brand's ship. Orlak, Gyod, and Skart were recovering from hangovers as they worked themselves up to getting a start on the overhaul. Taking Matt aside, Orlak said,
"I'm still holding you to another guided tour of earth Matt, you owe me some bears, and lions."
"Well I won't forget," he replied. Then Orlak said,
"We truly enjoyed having you aboard ship, I wish I was going with you and Brand however the overhaul won't wait. Then as an afterthought, he turned to Matt and with a wry grin added.
"Perhaps Ilmi will be out of school and will be able to come along. See you later Matt."
Orlak's words startled him, "Damn, Aesil was right, but why didn't Orlak tell me earlier?" Sharing his story with Slavek as they walked to the landing pad where Brand's ship was parked, his friend replied.
"I knew he had a granddaughter, but I didn't realize she was our age. I certainly hope she's not like he was in his younger yeans, or she'll make those Malhazar children you were telling me about seem pretty tame." Matt groaned at the thought,
"Why can't I just find a nice alien chick to hook up with?"
Chapter 78
Titan Stand Chapter 78
Once again he was off on another adventure, one he had a number of reservations about. Even though he kept telling himself Holliqua didn't mean anything to him she continued to live in his head. Then there was the matter of unfinished business. Both the original one of getting to Z'ha'dum to complete Greg's request, and getting back to Ussen Ommo to watch the purifiers and link up with Amber and Gandric again. He also thought about Kaitlyn now off on her own adventure.
"Maybe I could have done better by her but she never seemed happy around me or interested in what I was doing. Well, her letter did sound like she was where she wanted to be."
Along with himself were Rekton, and Ifwol two inseparable friends of Brand's At the last minute Jezang offered to go as well. He didn't know why, but the fact that she was coming along made him feel better about the whole thing.
The fueling and provisioning took a couple hours giving him time to get his clothes clean, along with something to eat. Near the landing field was what Matt likened to a small strip mall, catering to spacer crews only on planet for a short time. Along with a small restaurant/diner that served up the Ruddorian equivalent of fast food, was a place that cleaned and even repaired your clothing.
They even sold unclaimed clothing and equipment. In order to make sure you got everything they had thin coverall like garments you could wear while the rest of your stuff was being cleaned (and pressed if so desired) After swiping your ID/credit card, you literally dumped everything you wanted cleaned in a hopper then either sat down and waited, or went next door to eat which is what he did.
The diner was basically a kiosk where you ordered your food off a menu posted in six languages then a few minutes later picked up your order from one of four numbered windows. Most of the place was devoted to seating where there were several members of various races clothed in the thin jumpsuits obviously waiting for their clothes to be cleaned. Matt ordered his favorite…eabak only with the addition of mupil which appeared to be somewhat like shrimp. The meal also came with a drink called Tosha which tasted like egg nog. Matt was skeptical at first, but the beverage actually complemented the spicy eabak quite nicely.
As he ate he noticed a Uwan studying him. The Uwan averaged around five feet high, had a orange/yellowish tint to their skin, slender build, small round ears and dark red hair along with copper colored eyes. The little fellow continued to stare at him until he got up and came over and sat down.
"Can I help you?" asked Matt. The Uwan studied him a little longer making Matt wonder what he had done to piss this guy off. Suddenly the Uwan spoke,
"You are from Paltyh aren't you?" Matt shrugged, "I'm from the planet earth."
The little man smiled and slapped his small hand on the table.
"I knew it, I knew it, so you people finally got off your arses and are traveling the universe." Matt gave him a puzzled look,
I take it Paltyhis is your word for earth?"
"Dead end galaxy, big blue planet, lot's of water, third planet from a rather large sun, only inhabited planet in that galaxy?" Matt nodded,
"Yeah that's us, but you're only partially right, so far, I and one other are the only ones traveling the stars. Let me guess, you've been there?" The Uwan grinned,
"A very long time ago. I'm close to a hundred and twenty-five yeans old, been all over this galaxy as well as a few others in my time, and seen it all but I still dream about seeing that big beautiful planet for the first time. We'd been in space for close to five yeans, nobody knew where we were really. Then we caught sight of your sun and figured there had to be some sort of planet with life on it. Well pretty soon there it was, like a blue orb in the night."
"Did you land?" Asked Matt. The Uwan extended his hand which Matt gently shook.
"My name's Plin."
"Pleased to meet ya Plin, my name's Matt Grainger."
"Well Matt, we certainly did. In fact several places."
"Anybody shoot at you?" inquired Matt. Plin shook his head and laughed,
"Not that I recall, but we certainly had a bunch of folks running for their lives a number of times. Then we landed on an island…Yes, I do believe it was an island. Nobody ran and in fact were rather friendly. I remember being offered some sort of hairy round nut of some kind. Fell out of a strange looking tree almost hit our navigator. Anyway, a female member of your race poked a hole in it and offered it to me. I'm here to tell you I've never tasted anything so delicious in my life. Imagine, all those yeans ago and I can still taste it like it was just yartime."
"You had what we call a coconut," replied Matt, "They grow on palm trees, and not only is the milk good, but the meat inside is very tasty as well."
p; "A coconut eh," replied Plin, "Well all I know is that that taste has stayed in my memory all these yeans, thank you for telling me."
"Listen Plin," continued Matt, at some point I and some good friends will be going back to earth if you're interested, you would be more than welcome to come with us." The Uwan thought a moment then shook his head.
"I would love nothing better, my friend, but my time is near at end, thank you for the invitation though."
"Well look," said Matt, "Do you have some sort of address or someplace I could send you a coconut? I would be happy to send you one." He could see Plin's eyes begin to mist up,
"You would do that for me, someone you just met?"
"Of course I would Plin," replied Matt. "You know, back on earth people have been seeing and reporting unidentified flying objects for years, with most being dismissed as crazy. Since I've arrived in this galaxy I've met a considerable number of people who have told me they have been to earth. In fact, some of them are my friends. I'm now inclined to believe all those sightings were real."
Plin then said,
"You would go to all that trouble for a stranger like me?"
"Sure," replied Matt, "Hey look Plin, I'm one of a very few earthlings that know the secret of the universe, and I'm really having a good time with it you guys are really cool." Plin gave him a puzzled look.
"Secret of the universe, what are you talking about?"
"Simple," replied Matt, "You guys…" Plin stared at him,
"I'm sorry, I'm not following you." Matt chuckled,
"Back at home there's a big ongoing debate on whether there's life "out there," as we like to say. Well now I know for a fact there's life "out there."
"So the people on your planet think they are the only ones in the universe eh?"
"Not all," he replied, "Quite a few do though."
Plin made a chuckling noise then asked,
"If your planet wasn't so blasted far away I would be happy to gather all my friends and pay a visit."
"Naw that wouldn't be such a good idea," exclaimed Matt "Everyone would think you were invading and freak out."
"Well that's too bad, I'm sorry to hear that," replied Plin. "Well I have places to be, it's certainly been a pleasure to talk to you Matt."
"Listen Plin, if I should get back to earth I'll grab a couple coconuts for you, but I will not know where to send them." Plin held up his right hand on which he wore a dark brown fingerless glove, his wrist comm was built right into it. There was also a small panel almost like a texting keyboard as well. He then touched several tiny buttons.
"There, I sent you my dwelling address. Simply go to any trading company office with a transfer chamber, enter the code and I will receive whatever you send me."
Both bid each other goodbye as Matt returned to the laundry where he packed all his now clean clothes back into his duffel bag save his now well used cammo pants and A'Le'Inn tee shirt.
When he arrived at Brand's ship a Ruddorian security team was leaving with the prisoners.
"I'm afraid I can't offer you more comfortable accommodations Matt," said Brand.
"Now that the prisoners are gone grab one of those cells, each is self contained since they double as a cell and a guest room." He looked apprehensively towards the four doors,
"Um they didn't mess them all up did they? I mean like piss on the bed or crap on the floor?" Brand stared at him then laughed.
"Look Matt, the raiders, as well as a lot of others know me. They all know I'm fair and will treat them right, no rough treatment unless they get out of line. They all know what will happen if they trash one of my cells. I can throw them in that airlock chamber with just enough oxygen to breath and just enough heat to keep from freezing. I guarantee that's the only time they will try that. Don't worry, every one of those cells will be nice and clean. Stow your gear, we'll be leaving very shortly." Then looking towards the ceiling he called out,
"Malvak get me clearance, everybody on board?"
"Everybody is here and we have clearance." Brand grunted,
"Then let's get this show on the road."
Brand was right, the cell Matt chose was clean and the bunk made. The room was very Spartan containing a bunk, and a toilet sink combination that reminded him of pictures he had seen of the ones on the space shuttles. You stepped on a small pedal which brought out the stool. Then pushed a button when you were done which "flushed" it through a chemical re-cycling process. This also caused the stool to fold back into the wall as a small sink folded out allowing you to wash your hands and face. Matt knew the water was all re-cycled from urine and grey water in a process that literally removed 100% of all contaminates. Once you got used to the idea of washing with water that had once been someone's piss, the idea seemed pretty neat. There was one storage locker set into the bulkhead that had a special electro lock that he requested Malvak to unlock.
"Are you going to be using the locker sir?" asked the computer
"Yeah," replied Matt, "This is going to be my room apparently"
"Well in that case place any thumb on that small pad located on the locker."
He did as requested, the pad then glowed a bluish color.
"Thank you Matt," came the reply. "This will also allow you to lock your door both from the interior and exterior sides. Tell me Matt how is the temperature in your room?"
"Well it's a little too warm right now, but when I sleep I like it a little cooler." He then noticed the room cooling a bit.
"Right there Malvak, that's just right. When my sleep cycle comes around we can adjust it again okay?"
"As you wish," replied Malvak. Matt managed to get most of his clothes into the locker with the rest remaining in his duffel bags. He also got all his guns in the locker as well. There was also a separate arms locker where Brand and his wife had all of their weapons located, along with a couple AK74's and an RPD light machine gun.
After putting everything away, he headed for the galley and crew area where Jezang was chatting with Aesil, and Ifwol was studying star charts on the computer
"Do have a seat Matt," exclaimed Aesil, I just made a fresh pot of zol'mel, would you care for some?"
"Yes, thank you," As he accepted the steaming hot mug he looked at Brand's wife.
"You know just before we parted, Orlak mentioned his granddaughter to me, even said something about meeting her sometime." Aesil laughed,
"Well she'll either love you or hate you, if she hates you I'm sorry to say it's all over, don't even bother to try making up to her it won't do you any good."
Matt sighed,
"Why is everyone being so secretive about this chick, it sounds like she has a lot of personal problems, what is she, bi-polar?"
'I'm not familiar with that term," replied Aesil, "What does it mean?"
'It means she can be manic one moment, and depressed the next. In other words, sweet as pie one moment then trying to stick a knife in your back." Aesil frowned.
"Well I've heard that she can be rather intense at times, but that's only towards people who lie to her or treat her badly. She has a very dry sense of humor. Look Matt, if by some chance you should meet her you'll simply have to make up your own mind that's all I can say." About this time Doak walked in,
"Hello all, Jezang, I'm so glad you could join us." Matt noticed them staring at each other,
"No doubt "talking" to each other in some android code language," he thought to himself. Then he remembered what he had been meaning to ask Jezang, but now that Doak was here, maybe he might know. Pulling several objects from a pouch on his belt, Matt asked both androids.
"I've been carrying this stuff around for quite awhile now, and I keep forgetting to ask somebody about them, Check these out." He then laid out a few of the things he had found on Ussen Ommo, along with the plastic card and coins he had found on Xandrus. Holding out the 3 dog tags and watch Doak took them while Jezang examined the card and coins.
"Where did you get these?" She asked,
"When Kaitlyn and I were on Xandrus, we stumbled across a small shed, where we found a skeleton with that card along with those coins some sort of weapon, and oh yeah, I almost forgot, this pendant, I think there was some sort of book as well, it's somewhere in one of my bags." As soon as he handed her the tarnished pendant he could see Jezang's eyes fill with hate. She then looked at him with an expression that scared the hell out of him. With a slow and deliberate tone of voice, she exclaimed.
"Had you not told me that you had found this on a body, and I not have known you I would have killed you on the spot Matt. Handing the pendant to Doak, who also looked at it with hate she said,