Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 79

by Max Jager

  "Doctor O'Donnell," began the Foreign Minister, I'm afraid we have another favor to ask."

  Chapter 95

  Titan Stand Chapter 95

  Rather than appear overwhelmed, Doctor O'Donnell seemed quite pleased to have her house filled with alien dignitaries.

  "So you are the only other human in the galaxy?" She said, smiling at Kaitlyn.

  "Yes ma'am," came the reply, Matt and I are here because of Greg and Amber over there. However, there is a third whom I have met, and once we finish here, I intend to go speak with him."

  "That's got to be that Von Dran guy back on Denedra," thought Matt.

  "I'll be pretty surprised if he drops everything to come here."

  "Once again Doctor O'Donnell made another human a full citizen of New Town, and by default, Z'ha'dum. After the ceremony was duly recorded, she made an announcement to the crowd. Since her voice had grown weak, everyone made a special effort to remain silent.

  "Although I was not among the original settlers that were brought here to Z'ha'dum against their will, like others that came later we have always held mixed feelings and beliefs about our neighbors. In fact, one of the main topics of conversation that never seemed to grow old was,

  "Are there others in this galaxy? And are they better or worse than the Neistrians's?" Most of us suspected that you were "out there," but couldn't figure out why you never paid us a visit."

  The Loridian representative Sarman Baltoc then spoke.

  "Until the Trading Company was firmly established, all business was conducted with the primary citizens of any particular planet. In this case, it would have been the Neistra. While on our way here, I and my assistants researched the archives for any records of the Neistra as well as any other's dealings with them. Surprisingly, what we found constituted very little other than their dealings with the Golian's, the Vaeon's, and to a lesser degree, the Malhazar's. The Neistrians's only item of trade seemed to be Morbidium, and Duranix ore in exchange for food and agricultural supplies, as well as electronic and manufactured goods."

  "Strange that we never saw any other races land here," replied the doctor,

  "However, it's very possible all transactions were conducted at the site of their only settlement out on the island Tucker has told me about."

  "It's very possible," replied Baltoc. "Further inspection of the records reveal that over time, the trade slowed down eventually ending altogether. The other aforementioned races found other suppliers, and alas, in time, the Neistra were completely forgotten."

  Then Tucker spoke up,

  "Although we were only able to conduct a cursory investigation of the Neistrian settlement, I would suggest that it undergo a more intensive inspection at your convenience."

  "We will most assuredly follow up on that," replied Baltoc.

  Afterwards, a small banquet was held with Doctor O'Donnell, Franklin, and Tucker being the honored guests. At one point, representative Baltoc, and his aids explained to the three humans the type of aid and assistance the trading Company could offer them. Foreign Minister Roikas also made a few facts known as well.

  "Right now as citizens of New Town, and Z'ha'dum, you're in a very precarious situation. The fact that there are only three of you humans is not good, you're first priority must be to increase your population at least twenty is a nice start however the more you can settle here the better. Now this is not to say that other races can't become citizens here, but since you're primary race is classed as human they are the ones that count."

  "That's right," added Baltoc,

  "Once you begin to build your population the Trading Company is prepared to establish a small medical clinic here as well as a trade office. We will also send in an audit team to determine what if anything is available on this planet for trade."

  "Yeah, but how much will all this aid cost?" Asked Matt, his voice tinted with suspicion. Baltoc gave him a puzzled look,

  "There's no charge," he replied, "We have a whole department devoted to developing economies, Ussen Ommo is a case in point. It is a long term project, but one we feel will reap a large return in the future. The same situation will apply here. As for the medical team, due to the circumstances that brought you humans to this planet, there is a certain amount of restitution involved. We feel a medical station will square this debt, wouldn't you agree?"

  "Yeah, I guess that will work," replied Matt, "However I have to figure out how to get a whole lot more humans here." Baltoc chuckled,

  "Well unfortunately, we can't help you there, but just remember, the more humans that settle here the firmer your claim on Z'ha'dum will be."

  Matt then drifted over to Kaitlyn who was talking to Ilmi, Tiag, Jezang, and Amber.

  "What's happening ladies?" He jokingly asked.

  "As soon as the Foreign Minister leaves," said Kaitlyn, We are heading for Denedra, but you're staying here just in case Doctor O'Donnell kicks off."

  "Understood," he replied, "Think you'll have any luck convincing Roy to come? Don't forget, he's got a large family so plan on them as well."

  "Oh shit!" she exclaimed, "I hadn't thought about them. Well, all I can do is ask. If we can get him to stay a couple three drowl's that would be good enough, but you're going to have to go back to earth and try and get people…Good luck with that!"

  "Well unless you've got a better idea," he exclaimed, "It's all we've got."

  "Honestly I don't Matt," replied a frustrated Kaitlyn, "Just don't be bringing a lot of lazy asses who won't work back here. Also, when you get back, I've got school to attend, I'm going to have to take off."

  New Town One Week Later

  Matt was alone…Well not quite, Gandric, Tucker, and Franklin were here, and Doctor O'Donnell was still hanging in there, oh and there was a survey team from the Loridian company here as well, but he had no idea where they were. During the day, he, Gandric and Tucker poked through the old buildings giving them a cursory cleaning as they moved through the town. Matt also spent time talking with Doctor O'Donnell about New Town and the Neistra. Slowly, he began to understand what really happened here on Z'ha'dum. Doctor O'Donnell was also able to read quite a number of the Neistrian documents adding to the growing pool of information. He also showed her the hidden diary detailing the journey to Z'ha'dum made by the citizens of Coryville. She wasted no time in reading it trying to finish it before she died. Roughly one hour before Kaitlyn and company arrived back on the planet and apparently having finished reading the diary, Doctor Summer O'Donnell passed away.

  Matt and the others were examining some artifacts when Franklin appeared with the news that the doctor had passed. He then handed Matt a short note written in the doctor's handwriting.

  "Matt…My time is now at hand, I have finished reading Lydia's diary, fascinating. Some of what she reveals I never knew about. I will be gone in a very short time, Franklin knows what to do, leave him to his work. He has taken care of me for years uncountable, so he will be at a loss as to what to do. Take care of him, let him grieve in his own way. Good by and gook luck Matt, I truly hope you and Kaitlyn are able to build something here, if only to honor those that came before.


  Suddenly it seemed very dusty in the room as tears began to form at the corners of his eyes.

  "Franklin," he said quietly, "Doctor O'Donnell stated that you have everything covered, but if there's anything we can do to help?' The android looked at him not showing any facial expression.

  "I will notify you when the time comes for the service." With that, he shuffled off to discharge his final duty to his mistress.

  Not long after, the Nora-Lee set down on the edge of town, Matt and the other's were waiting for them when the ramp came down.

  "Well it looks like she talked him into it," he thought, as several young Elvin children scampered down the ramp as their parents called out to them to stop.

  Roy and Kaitlyn came right after, followed by a few more Elves one of which Matt recognized as Roy's wife. Reaching out to
shake his hand, Matt exclaimed.

  "Glad you could make it Roy." He then looked at Kaitlyn,

  "Now there's just three of us…" Kaitlyn let out a gasp,


  "Around an hour ago, just waiting for Franklin to call us to the service, apparently that's what she wanted." He then turned back to Roy Von Dran.

  "Sorry Roy, but Doctor Summer O'Donnell, the last human born on this planet just passed away, we are the only humans in this galaxy as of this moment."

  "I'm so sorry to hear that," replied Roy. "Well as you can see, I brought my whole family plus a couple friends looking for a little adventure, Hinald over there is Kiggham's brother, hope you don't mind that he tagged along.

  "No, not at all. Say we've been going through these old houses cleaning what we could, feel free to claim any one of them save that one down there on the right that's got my name on it. By the way how long are you here for?" Roy laughed,

  "Well Kiggham said he'd come looking for us if we weren't back in three ceme's, but if you want me to stick around a little longer I'll be happy to."

  "Oh I think three months will be long enough for me to get back here with a few people from earth anyway. Once you and your family are settled, talk to Tucker over there, about the hunting around here, he tells me there's all kinds of game, although I haven't seen anything around here."

  "Thanks Matt, I'll do that." Then Roy paused,

  "Say Matt, when are you going back to earth?"

  "Well now that you and Kaitlyn are here to hold down the fort, probably pretty quick, she's got other commitments and can't stick around too long."

  "Well before you go, we need to talk, I might be able to give you some leads, a letter of introduction anyway."

  "I will certainly do that," replied Matt. Then to no one in particular, he announced,

  "Here comes Franklin, guess it's time for the service."

  It was a simple service, Franklin had placed the doctor in a simple casket resting on a floating bier. The casket was adorned with what appeared to be local flowers although Matt wasn't familiar with what they were. Franklin read from the bible reciting the 23rd, and part of the 27th Psalm, along with selected passages from Matthew and John. He also gave a moving tribute to Doctor O'Donnell. After the service Matt and Roy asked him if he needed help burying her.

  "Thank you for your kind offer, but it was her request to be cremated as were all the others before her. This will be my last duty and responsibility, but it must be done alone. Her ashes will be placed in the sacred tomb. However there is one thing I would ask of you."

  "Let's hear it," replied Matt.

  "There is a special container that contains a thimble full of ashes from every human save Greg Tate. Doctor O'Donnell's will be the last. Would it be possible to return this container back to earth for burial?"

  "It was a dream of every human that lived here that someday part of them might be returned to their original home back on earth."

  "Consider it done," Said Matt, "And if you could provide some sort of marker stating that the ashes are those of the first humans to travel the universe."

  "It shall be done," replied Franklin.

  "Well before we forget," stated Matt, "Kaitlyn! Would you mind witnessing this?"

  So with Kaitlyn acting as the sole human witness, Matt made Roy Von Dran an "official" citizen of New Town and by default, Z'ha'dum.

  Afterwards, everybody sat around told stories and relaxed.

  Matt was re-introduced to Roy's wife Ellna, along with the whole Von Dran brood.

  Aldan, Gerrith, Dahmon, his oldest, along with his daughter Naxa. Coming along for the adventure was Kiggham's brother Hinald, Ardoc who was a friend of Roy's, and Channock, a very independent thinking female elf.

  "So how are things in the Witchfire's?" and Denedra in general?" Asked Matt.

  "Pretty much the same as when you were there," replied Roy.

  "Ardoc and Hinald here are always up for adventure, along with Channock over there. When Kaitlyn told us about this place it just called out to us. Truth be told, Kiggham was itching to come as well, but he was afraid some calamity would occur while he was away."

  "Is the queen giving you guys a lot of trouble?" asked Matt. Roy shrugged, no more than usual. She started an amnesty program where if we don't bother the centaur's or travelers for a ceme, five of us can visit Weyurn for one centon. If all goes well, the next time it's two centon's. So far, somebody screws up and one centon is the most we've ever gotten." Then Roy added,

  "On our way here, Kaitlyn said something about it being possible to live here on Z'ha'dum?"

  "That's true," said Matt, "Why, interested in resettling?" At this point Hinald and Roy moved in closer,

  "As much as we love the Witchfire's, Queen Breca is making it tougher to be ourselves, so you say anyone could settle here?" He say what Roy was driving at and he wasn't real sure he wanted a bunch of thieves running around, basically inheriting the queen's problem.

  "The way it was explained to me," said Matt, "Since the Neistra appear to be gone, rightful ownership of the planet falls to the second oldest race living here, and that is humans. If some of you chose to settle here, you would be citizens of Z'ha'dum with all rights and equality, but we humans would always be the rightful owners of the planet…Unless the Neistra decided to return but I don't think that will happen. Z'ha'dum is a pretty big planet and honestly I have no idea what sort of wildlife or possibly other people might live here. Talk to Tucker over there, he's covered a lot of it but not all of it. Go out hunt and explore if you like, make a map, but for the time being, don't go over to that island in the middle of the big lake west of here until they send in a team to check it out."

  Chapter 96

  Titan Stand Chapter 96

  "Well that's what we're here for," said Hinald.

  "Well Tucker told me there's a fair sized range of mountains to the east, but he says they're pretty rugged, and he and old Jacob covered barely a quarter of them. Talk to him maybe he can take you there, check it out, if it suits you, maybe we can talk about settling there."

  "We'd like that very much," replied Hinald.

  Later, he sat down with Amber to discuss their forth coming flight to earth.

  "You were busy," she said, "And I didn't want to disturb you, but I got a message for you over the Stellar Com I believe it's from that Malhazar girl."

  "Shit! I sent her a message and forgot to check back on it; well I'll do it as soon as we take off."

  "Jezang told me she wants to remain here, so it looks like it will be you and Ilmi, Gandric and me." He then noticed that there was something about her personality that didn't seem right.

  "Is something wrong Amber, you look upset about something?"

  "I don't know," she replied, "Even though we droids aren't supposed to get tired, I feel somewhat worn down. I thought that once we returned here everything would settle down, but it looks just the opposite right now."

  "Are you saying that you would rather not go back to earth?" He asked.

  She said nothing at first, prompting him to add.

  "As far as I'm concerned, Amber, you're the captain here, if you don't want to go at least take us to Fort Kamata, and we'll figure something else out." Amber smiled and patted him on the arm,

  "Everything will be fine, forget I said anything, I'll be fine."

  There was something definitely troubling her, but she refused to say what, and the last thing you wanted to do was keep bugging a "Tharg." Just before leaving Kaitlyn gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  "That's for bringing me with you," she exclaimed, "I'm happier than I've ever been, Tiag and her mother are doing so much for me, but it's the niche I never thought I'd find. Have a safe trip, and I hope you are able to get a few people for starters anyway." He grinned at her,

  "I'm glad I decided to ask you to come along as well, I'm really happy for you Kaitlyn, at least one of us is getting situated. Patricia would be a basket case
by now. But there was something about you that told me you would be able to handle things. Speaking of which, can you think of any of your old friends that might want to come here?" She laughed,

  "Well I can think of a few that might want to come, but getting them to carry their fair share once here, well that's another thing."

  "Yeah, that's the thing," he replied, getting people to come here that's the easy part, getting them to do any work once here, well that's another thing."

  Just before leaving Roy stopped him handing him some letters.


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