Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 84

by Max Jager

  Liam looked at Matt with a smile as he whispered to Matt what she wanted.

  Whispering back, Matt replied,

  "Tell her you're out here; tell her how to get here and that you've got something to say to her." By now, he knew what Matt had in mind.

  Naturally, the androids, and the girls were the guests of honor, never alone, always talking to someone. Even the mayor was there secretly proud that Durango was enjoying a new claim to fame as the hometown of four young people who had gone to the stars.

  During the party, Matt answered the door to see Patricia standing there.

  "Uhh hi Matt, I thought you were out in space somewhere?"

  "Come on in Patricia, Liam's here, plus there's some friends of mine I'd like you meet. Here's a translator, put it in your ear like a hearing aid." Patricia did as he asked, then cautiously followed him into the living room where everybody was standing around talking. Liam immediately came up.

  "Hey Patricia, glad you could make it. Well it looks like I'm going with Matt, so is Gabe over there." At this point, Holliqua, and Ilmi slid up behind her. Patricia noticed both Matt and Liam smirking. Whirling around she faced the two female aliens glaring at her.

  "AAAAKKKK!" Both Matt and Liam started laughing, as Liam made the introductions.

  Patricia, I'd like you to meet Holliqua Karlnoti from Moriedia, and Ilmi Eifott from Lyskanda." She quickly stepped back glowering at them.

  "Are you the earth girl we've been hearing so much about?" Asked Ilmi.

  Patricia then glared at Matt and Liam,

  "What have you two been telling them?" She demanded.

  "Relax," replied Matt, "Your reputation is safe. Holliqua, and Ilmi are about our age and are attending their version of college, but it's all useful and practical stuff. We've been having some good and some not so good times together." Patricia gave Matt one of her looks not sure whether to believe him or not.

  "What about that Goth girl that was with you, what happened to her?"

  "Kaitlyn?" he replied, Matt chuckled.

  "Right now she and another guy are watching things on Z'ha'dum but she's managed to wangle herself a good job along with the education in the Ruddorian government in the diplomatic department, seems she's got a knack for that sort of thing. Anyway, she's happy, and is doing what she wants to do." Patricia thought about this for a moment then looked at Matt.

  "So what about you Matt? I see that you finally talked Liam into going with you, what are you doing?" He shrugged,

  Riding around another solar system, shooting bad guys, meeting a lot of interesting people. Right now, however I'm trying to get a bunch of human beings together to go live on another planet, care to go?"

  She gave him a curious look, and then glanced at Holliqua and Ilmi.

  "Are these two going to be there?" She asked Matt snickered and shook his head.

  "No, they only came along because they had never been to earth and wanted to meet my folks."

  "You don't have to worry," said Holliqua, Ilmi and I have to get back to out studies once we return. Matt is our friend, and we like being around him, but we have lives as well."

  "Well I do too," replied Patricia, and I too have to get back to school. Sorry Matt but thank you for the offer."

  "Well look," he replied, "The offer will remain open, if things don't work out for you here get in touch with my folks. Seriously, though Patricia it's a big world out there, you could write your own ticket out there." She thought a moment then slowly replied.

  "Umm, well I'll think about it, but I've never been too interested in that science fiction stuff." Matt laughed,

  "When you're out there Patricia it isn't science fiction anymore, it's real, it's the everyday. When you walk into the bar At Fort Kamata, or Neb's Nebula on Golia the question of "Is there life out there," suddenly becomes a moot point."

  "So even after I ditched you for Liam you're still willing to take me?" He grimaced,

  "Look Patricia, that's all in the past, I didn't take Kaitlyn because I had a thing for her but because she knew a lot about elves and fairies, and all that UFO stuff. She really helped us out a lot. Kaitlyn made a lot of friends out there, friends who got her connected to a promising career. It could happen for you as well Patricia. I'm willing to overlook the past, Hell! Liam's going. Well you think about it, not sure when I'll be back but I always contact my folks, if you should change your mind, just let them know okay?"

  The party was over, both Matt and Liam had said goodbye to their parents, Gabe was letting things ride. Matt had managed to get a phone number of Roy's sister and give her a call. It took awhile before she was convinced Matt was telling the truth.

  "I don't have a lot of time," said Matt, "Mainly I just wanted to verify your address, I've got some stuff your brother wanted me to send along you can decide if it's really Roy or not. I'm including my folks address so if you want to write him a letter send it to them, I'll see that he gets it." Roy's sister wanted to put others on the phone but there simply wasn't time. Right up to the moment of lift off Matt had been expecting a call from the NASA director but none came. The next stop was in Rachel Nevada at the Little A'Le'Inn. The parking area was full however, there was an area off to the rear marked out with what appeared to be a ring of flashing LED lights.

  "I guess they are expecting us," remarked Matt. Amber set the Nora-Lee down right in the center, and as they came down the ramp, they were met with over a dozen camera flashes. The "welcoming" committee headed up by Dr. Frick.

  "Welcome back Matt!"

  Chapter 101

  Titan Stand Chapter 101

  Matt studied the faces of those in the "welcoming committee" looking for weirdo's and flakes he was sure the good doctor had no doubt collected. Most appeared normal looking but he'd have to talk to Frick to be sure. Inside more were waiting ready to snap a million pictures on their phone camera. Doctor Frick then called for order as he addressed Matt and his friends.

  "So glad you could stop by Matt, as you can see there are a lot of people interested in aliens and are upset that the government is lying to us."

  "Uh oh!" Thought Matt, "Here it comes, guess I'd better step up to the plate right away."

  "I've already spoken to Director Janson," he began. "He couldn't make any promises as to getting people to go to Z'ha'dum, but it was the best I could do. " He then held up his hands calling for quiet.

  "Here's the thing people, the planet Z'ha'dum is now considered a human planet even though there are only two humans there at this time, obviously we have to improve on that, but here's the deal. Z'ha'dum is not a developed planet by any stretch of the imagination. The Neistra brought the people of Coryville there to mine Morbidium, and Duranix ore…That's all. There is a town of sorts, New Town, but it's not in the best of shape. What I'm trying to say is that anyone who goes with me will be expected to work this will be just like the pioneers traveling in covered wagons out to Oregon, only the covered wagon will be a spaceship. There's no cell phone service or internet, or even basic electricity there we have to provide them. The Loridian Trading Company will help but only to a point. You will however be a part of an advanced colony of humans living in another solar system surrounded by any number of advanced races, Ilmi, and Holliqua here are just two examples. So…You've been warned, no slackers will be tolerated we all have to work together if we're going to make this thing work. Now, I might be able to take one or two of you but it's going to be crowded, just like the Mayflower. Remember though, once you sign on you're in this for the long haul but if you're smart and clever, you can write your own ticket out there."

  He looked into all the faces once again now seeing a lot of disappointment. Thinking to himself,

  "Yep, just as I thought, a lot of freeloaders, well better to cull them out now than get to Z'ha'dum and find out the hard way."

  "I'm going to have a seat at that booth over there, if you're interested come see me. Amber, Gandric Ilmi, and Holliqua will be at the counter if you have a
ny questions talk to them but let Ilmi and Holliqua eat first okay?"

  While Doctor Frick was talking to Amber and Gandric, Matt, Gabe and Liam sat in the booth interviewing prospective settlers. As he, expected most were dubious at best or completely misunderstood what would be required of them. Several actually thought this was going to be a life of Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy and many even got angry when he burst their balloons. About half way through the interview process a man and woman sat down in front of him, the mans steely eyes clearly indicating that he wasn't a "B S er."

  "I understand you're looking for people to go to another planet to live and work?" he quietly exclaimed.

  "That's right," replied Matt, "Think you have what it takes?" The man looked at the woman next to him and grinned.

  "Oh I think we do," as he handed Matt a folder obviously containing some sort of record. Matt opened it and began reading.

  "Doctor of medicine William Dyson and wife Chelsea Dyson," also a medical doctor.

  Reading down the résumé', it was clear that these people were a dream come true but something wasn't right. Why would two people obviously just out of medical school who stood to make a lot of money in their lifetimes want to chuck it all and go to a distant planet?"

  "So what's the deal Doctor Dyson? You and your wife stand to make a lot of money practicing medicine here, why give it all up?" Without so much as a blink, Dyson replied.

  "My wife and I have always been true believers in the possibility of life "out there, and followers of Dr. Frick. Those young ladies over there are all the proof we need. Tell us, what's the situation out there?" Matt shrugged,

  "It's a pretty big solar system, lots of planets which the Loridian Trading Company is involved with. I won't say they control all of them because they don't. It's more of a case of mutual interest. The trading company acts as a separate entity keeping the trade moving and the various planetary governments motivated. In short, they keep the "machine" humming, and functioning properly, when you're functioning properly, you aren't so to inclined to fight with your neighbors. The system isn't perfect, they'll even tell you that, but it works and generally, everyone is happy, simple as that. Z'ha'dum is located in the Tryn-Isha system, which is sort of on the outer edge of the solar system but it isn't in what you might call the "boondocks." The Neistra finally found their way home and just up and split. The Loridian people now consider Z'ha'dum a human owned planet the only one out there. If you two are interested in aliens you're in for a real treat. The technology I've seen is beyond anything you could imagine, but each planet is different. For example Xandrus, where Amber and Gandric are from is made up entirely of androids, extremely advanced androids."

  The doctor looked at his wife who nodded,

  "We're ready right now; everything we own is packed into four bags." Matt studied them for a moment then said.

  "We could sure use you two, very well, get your stuff out to the ship, it's going to be crowded, we've got a lot of equipment packed aboard but you're more than welcome to come." Doctor Dyson and his wife then stood up and shook Matt's hand before leaving. After they had left, he looked at Liam and Gabe, "Man I'm no human resource guy I hope they work out."

  "I guess we'll find out," replied Gabe. The inn's owner then appeared with plates of burgers and fries, along with milkshakes for the boys to munch on.

  "Thank you so much Matt," she exclaimed. "You have no idea of the business your visits have brought me, eat up the meals are on the house but would you mind if I took some pictures?"

  "No ma'am, not at all," he replied, so a new round of photos would soon appear on the walls for the tourists to gawk at. He looked toward the counter where Ilmi and Holliqua were busily engaged in conversation with Dr. Frick and a couple followers. Meanwhile, the hopefuls kept approaching the table seeking passage to Z'ha'dum. Matt was forced to use every diplomatic skill he had plus some he didn't to dissuade all those who had strange ideas about where they were going.

  It was getting near time to leave and he still needed to talk with Frick when a guy looking to be in his late twenties approached Matt and asked if he could talk. Matt nodded towards the empty seat in front of him as he began to size the guy up.

  "So what can I do for you eh…" The man reached over and offered his hand which Matt shook.

  "Names Walter Topping, I live over in Carson City. I hear you're looking for people to go to this Z'ha'dum place with you?"

  "Well at least he got the name right," thought Matt.

  "So what can you do Walter?" He asked.

  "I'm an electrician…A laid off one and I'm looking for a change of scene."

  Matt laughed,

  "Well you'll get a change of scene all right. But let me ask you, are you expecting to get union scale or something where you'll end up?"

  "No, not at all," he replied, I have my reasons for going and money isn't one of them."

  "Well that's good," replied Matt, "Because nobody is going to get paid for quite awhile, we're just starting out. We could certainly use someone of your talents but until we get on our feet, I'm afraid it's going to be strictly a barter situation. I might also add that where we're going there is no AC/DC, or the type of electrical situations you are familiar with."

  "Doesn't matter," replied Topping, "I'm willing to learn. Electricity is electricity, what I don't know I can pick up."

  "Anybody else with you?"

  "Nope, all alone. I did a stint in the navy Seabees, then went to trade school. Parents are divorced and living at opposite ends of the country, I'm ready to go."

  "Got all your stuff here or do you have to go get it?"

  "I'm ready to go, I promised a friend my truck if I do go, everything I own is what I have on."

  "All right then," replied Matt, get out to the ship but remember, this is strictly a one way trip there is no turning back. Think about it." Walter gave him a dead serious look.

  "Believe me, I have, I'm ready."

  "Well I certainly hope so," replied Matt.

  Finally, it was time to speak with Frick. He told him about his conversation with Janson as well as what they hoped to accomplish along with what Kaitlyn was doing.

  "Matt, I've got one more favor to ask of you." Matt grimaced and sighed.

  "What is it?"

  "I have a very dear friend who wants more than anything to go. Unfortunately, he's not here at the moment. Now I know you're only looking for workers but this man is eminently qualified in extra-terrestrial studies I wouldn't ask this of you if I wasn't convinced he could be of great help."

  "Well Doctor I think I might be able to help. Awhile back, I met a Selantrian by the name of Crolth Strijac who is a professor of astro-physics at the University of Selantria on Vlet-Prus. He was very interested in life here on earth. I'll tell you what, I'll try bringing him along on my next visit but I can't say when that will be, but I will call once I'm in orbit, you be sure to have this man ready to go."

  "Oh I most certainly will," replied Frick. "One more thing. I want to thank you Matt for all that you and Kaitlyn have done for my research. I'm no longer a crank to the press, people are now realizing that I speak from authority and knowledge and I have you to thank for that. As always, I'll continue to watch your back here on earth."

  "You're most welcome Doctor," replied Matt, "Once things settle down and you're ready I'll take you with me. The places we'll visit, and the people you'll meet will be a dream come true."

  As they were leaving, Matt noticed that Holliqua and Ilmi each had a hat, tee shirt and mug courtesy of the Little A'Le'Inn and had apparently made some new friends. Amber had opened the ship so the Dyson's along with Mr. Topping could get themselves aboard. It was shaping up to be a crowded flight, but then that's what he was here for. Since there weren't enough jump seats Matt Ilmi, and Holliqua gave theirs up to the three passengers and braced themselves up against the bulkhead.

  In no time, they were entering earth's outer atmosphere then finally out into deep space. />
  "Last call for earth," called out Matt, "Take one last look as you might not see it again."

  As he had figured, the flight was crowded, but everyone quickly adapted. Gandric had two "acolytes" in Gabe and Walter who were looking to him for guidance towards the strange technology they would soon be confronted with. Both the Dyson's spent a lot of time with Ilmi discussing medicine and the differences in human and alien life forms. Matt and Liam spent a lot of time studying. Matt working on his piloting skills, and Liam trying to learn the basics. During the flight, Matt recounted the story of Greg and Amber and how he met Gandric. He also learned more about the Dyson's and Walter Topping. The Dyson's were from Los Angles and were quite simply scared to death of the future. At first, he thought they simply had over active imaginations, but when they talked about how some close friends of theirs had been murdered for no reason, and that the state of California was falling apart he started to believe their fears justified.


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