Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 91

by Max Jager

  The gunship and the fighter then rose in the air moving towards the meadow where the raider ships were parked at treetop height then disappeared behind the trees. Roughly, an hour later all four ships took off for the sky in a loud rumble.

  The transport reminded him of a spacecraft he'd seen in an old sci-fi movie he remembered seeing, just not which one. The craft was painted in an off-white and had no insignia or numbers. The interior was clean and didn't look overly "used." The cargo bay was slightly larger than the Nora-Lee's, with around eight individual seats but no cabins or bunks. There was however a tiny galley with Matt assumed was the Malhazar equivalent of a microwave oven, along with a large refrigerator or cold storage as everyone seemed to call them. The bridge was basic, two seats, standard controls, and only one scanner screen. A quick check of the controls revealed that the craft was primarily designed for operating within a planetary atmosphere, although the fact that it had come in from outer space indicated it had the ability to travel into deep space. As they were looking things over Gabe held up a data chip.

  "Hey Matt, what's this, it was just lying over here on the consol.

  "It's a data chip, but it could also be a hologram chip as well. Let's take a look."

  Looking at it closer he could see that it was a hologram, so he inserted it in the appropriate port. Immediately the image of Holliqua appeared before them.

  "Hello Matt, sorry I couldn't be here in person, but I'm still tied up with my studies. I hope you like this ship; it's a Skaltoc model 8000 series six shuttle. It's made strictly inter-planetary use only, however it can reach up into the planet's outer limits."

  "So to answer your question, yes, it was brought here aboard a much larger transport. There is a full operations manual programmed into the ship's computer and there's even a sim showing you how to fly it as well as the maintenance program. Matt, you were right, Moriedia is in a total uproar over what those raiders did to those girls. There are actually some who are calling for the complete annihilation of both the Vel'Takz, and Diyari races, and quite honestly, it wouldn't bother me if that were to happen. One thing that is happening is the doubling, and in some cases, the tripling of bounties on any raiders brought in dead or alive. The capture of a raider ship will earn you 100,000 credits, while any and all data recovered from any of their ships will net you 50,000 credits. There is also an expedition being formed to attack Tumar-Ju, and the old mining station over Keltrin-7. One last thing…We found plausible information revealing that they were attempting to take you as a hostage in an attempt to get at me as well as my family. Although the plan appears to have been thwarted…For the time being, if I were you I'd stay armed all the time. Well I have to go, but I will return just as soon as I am able. Good-bye and good luck."

  "Boy your sure had that one nailed!" Exclaimed Liam, "They really were trying to kidnap you…Damn!"

  "Well from now on," said Matt, I want everyone to go armed around here, and make sure you've got a weapon handy when you go to bed, even if it's only one of those little hand Plasers."

  "So Matt?" Asked Gabe, "Are you going to try and fly this thing?"

  "I suppose I could but I think I'll ask Clath to fly it for the time being then have Amber check me out on it later on."

  Here wasn't much more to do, so everyone returned to work fixing up the houses. Thankfully, the roofs were made of metal sheeting that helped to reflect sunlight into the solar collectors and all seemed sound. Doors and windows needed the most attention. There were around eighteen buildings in Newtown with the Dyson's claiming Doctor O'Donnell's old home and office Walter moving into a small cabin-like structure while Liam and Gabe went for one of the houses that like Matt's house had some sort of shop built onto it.

  There were four houses that had fallen into a serious state of disrepair to which Gabe suggested they salvage what they could from them to make repairs on their houses. Since most of the dwellings were reasonably furnished they decided to salvage all the useable building materials from them to restore the lesser run-down places.

  Matt had also started to notice something he had worried about right from the start. Liam, and to a lesser degree Gabe were starting to exhibit signs of homesickness. The attack by the raiders frightened them more than either would admit, but he could easily see through the false front they were trying to put up.

  In Liam's case, he started asking more questions concerning going home. He had a hunch that if Ilmi were here she could keep him occupied or at least his mind off of home. Gabe, on the other hand kept asking about Gandric, which he now looked to as a mentor. As he thought about things, Matt was forced to admit that he too was feeling the effects of homesickness, It had taken awhile, mainly because he'd been moving too fast, but sitting here on a practically deserted planet you have a little more time to think about things. As he lay in bed one evening listening to the soft wind blowing outside and the house creaking, he spoke to himself aloud.

  "So Matt, what's your next move? Here we are sitting on basically a dead planet, my friends are gone, we've got no money, everybody expects me to do everything around here what the hell did I get myself into? And how do I get myself out of it?"

  He began to toy with the idea of bailing completely, just tell everyone,

  "Hey gang, I've thought about it and I've decided that this whole thing just isn't going to work out. When Amber gets back we'll just all go home." Then he realized it was just Liam who was pining for home Gabe would do all right by hanging with Gandric. Walter and the Dyson's still seemed enthusiastic about the whole thing.

  "Hell, I'm just a kid, what the hell can I do? Face it Matt, it isn't home you miss, it's that crazy Malhazar chick that keeps messing with your head, that's what your real problem is."

  Then his mind shifted back to his days back on earth when he used to wonder what he was going to do once he was out of high school. His parents were hot on the idea he go to college but he honestly didn't know what he was going to major in. He chuckled to himself,

  "Now look what I've gotten myself into? Well I'm not making much money, barely enough to buy fuel and supplies, but I'm doing and learning things any scientist back on earth would give up their mother to be able to do. But Damn it,

  How am I going to get this stupid planet up and running?"

  Chapter 109

  Titan Stand 109

  Finally Amber returned, this time Jezang was with her along with a trading company official who needed to get to Fort Kamata in a hurry, and wasn't picky as to how he got there.

  As Roy and the rest of the elves were boarding Matt told Amber and Jezang about the raider attack along with the Malhazar's taking their ships and leaving a transport.

  "That's very interesting," said Amber, there's no mention of their raid at all on the news, usually that sort of thing especially where raiders are concerned is always a top story."

  "Well from a couple comments Holliqua made, I think the Malhazars are sitting on the story. Some raider base is about to get a visit from them and then it's "body count" time. They really wanted those ships which I think are going to play a major roll in any attack they've got planned."

  Amber thought about that for a moment then replied,

  "Umm you're probably right Matt. Well, I have to drop this fellow off at the fort he's paying for part of the fuel. I'll drop your friends off afterwards. About the Malhazars. I know of two individuals who might be able to provide a little information. Don't ask who they are, better you not know, but let's just say they are always interested in what Malhazars are up to."

  Matt made no comment, other than to wonder if these "friends" of hers knew of Holliqua. Right now, though he had other problems on his mind.

  "Well it's possible that Kiggham might be returning with Roy and Hinald to get a look at the place they have staked out."

  "Well I just might be asking that war lord for a little "donation" to our fuel and maintenance fund," commented Amber.

  "I agree," he replied, "Charge them whatever yo
u think fair."

  "So what's that Neistrian been up to?" She asked.

  "Actually he and his wife have been a lot of help," replied Matt,

  "Especially in helping to fight off the raiders. Right now they are still out on that island of theirs poking around, looking for stuff to build a Mesmak box." Amber gave him a puzzled look.

  "A what? That was the last thing he wanted to hear, if someone as well traveled as Amber was hadn't heard of it they were in trouble. He then explained to her and Gandric what Clath had told him.

  "I think what he's referring to is simply an energy exchanger," said Gandric.

  "However they are very difficult to construct, very prone to leak, you have to maintain the proper coolant, and any increases in energy usage can cause them to fail. Don't get me wrong, there are some advantages with them but I think for your purposes you'd be better off with what they call a Pyce-Valkon power unit." "They have a couple on Ussen-Ommo; one of the larger ones is powerering that transfer station. They make them in several sizes and they can be easily adopted to wireless power transmission."

  "I suppose they are pretty expensive," replied Matt, "And how long does the fuel last in them?"

  "Well they aren't cheap if that's what your asking," said Gandric, "However one of the larger units such as you would need here would probably give you a couple yeans possible a little more if you did in fact tie a mesmak box into it."

  "Can you do something like that?" he asked.

  "Absolutely," replied Gandric.

  "But I thought you said those mesmak boxes weren't any good?"

  Gandric grinned, "All I said was that they are hard to construct and are not cheap, in fact they tend to be more expensive than a power unit but when they are installed properly, they tend to give a lot of yeans of service." Then in a worried voice, Matt confessed,

  "Amber, I'm scared, I've got people depending on me and I don't know if I'm up to it. Here we are on a strange planet, and it's my job to get the whole place up and running. We've got no money, and what's worse we've got no plan. Hell, we don't even have anyway to defend ourselves from raider attacks."

  Both Amber and Gandric stood there looking judgmental, making him very nervous.

  "Sometimes Matt," began Amber, events and situations are thrust upon us when we are the least able to handle them." She then lowered her voice along with her expression.

  "I wasn't going to say anything about this, but maybe I'll talk about it now.

  "When Greg and I left here, both of us knew this centon would eventually come. At that time there were only for or five humans left here, and all expressed hope that he would return with a number of fellow humans to eventually carry on."

  "Well if that was the case," replied Matt, "Why didn't Doctor O'Donnell say anything about your returning?"

  "Because she wasn't involved with the council at the time. I spoke with her shortly before she passed so she was aware of the situation."

  "Aside from that," she continued, "Greg had focused his entire quest on finding someone just like you Matt to carry on here."

  "This is creepy," he thought, "How could a guy coming all the way from here know stuff like that?"

  "So Greg knew I was the guy I wanted right from the start," he exclaimed. Amber grinned and shook her head.

  "If you hadn't been there Matt someone else would have…Perhaps Liam, or Kaitlyn. Surprisingly, she fit right into things perfectly, and your friend Liam…Well he too has great potential. Look Matt, the point I'm trying to make is that you greatly underrate yourself." "You're still learning, but you'll be at that task the rest of your life. I believe that Greg would be extremely proud of you. As for Gandric and I, we can offer you advice as it relates to the people and places you will encounter here in the solar system, but it is up to you to look at all you see and make your best judgment. Whether you know it or not, you are a born leader, people are drawn to you. It is a gift Matt, use it wisely."

  Then Gandric added,

  "Say Matt, would there be a problem if your friend Gabe went with us?" Matt looked over to where he and Liam were prying nails out of boards.

  "Any particular reason?"

  "Well he's been pestering me to show him more about the Nora-Lee."

  "Well I did bring him along to get involved with all the tech around us. But if he's in your way or bothering you he can stay here."

  "I don't mind your friend at all Matt, he has a genuine interest to learn and is eager, don't worry, he'll be fine."

  "Well I guess I can get by around her without him," replied Matt, "Go ahead and take him." Then a thought occurred to him. Approaching both Amber and Gandric, he exclaimed.

  "The way things are shaping up it looks like I might be spending more time here. If you are going to be showing Gabe all this technical stuff got any objections to teaching him how to fly as well?"

  Gabe was thrilled to be allowed to go with Gandric and Amber as Matt told him.

  "It looks like I'm going to be spending more time here Gabe. I've asked Amber and Gandric to start showing you how to fly the Nora-Lee, pay attention to what they show you and take the time to learn. I really need you around here, but right now, I think you might learn more with Gandric, so knock yourself out."

  Gabe was thrilled to have been given this opportunity as he told Matt.

  "I won't let you down Matt,"

  "Well you better not," replied Matt, "Looks like we're going to need a back-up pilot, and right now, I guess you're going to be "it."

  Not long after Amber, Gandric and Gabe had left with Roy and his party, Clath returned. Matt, Walter and Liam were in the process of tearing down one of the shacks for the nice lumber it had in it when the Neistrian seemed to appear out of nowhere.

  "So what did you find over there?" Asked Matt. Clath snickered,

  "Actually quite a bit my friend, quite a bit. Do you have somewhere where we can deposit bulky structural materials, parts and pieces of transmitters and towers, other general equipment? I also have a considerable amount of devices and other small equipment. Any large room in one of these buildings would do nicely."

  "Something isn't making any sense," thought Matt, "Where is all this stuff, his ship isn't that big, how could he get all that stuff onboard?"

  "Well how about that building over there," said Matt, pointing to a low barn-like structure.

  "The side walls are pretty bad people could just sneak right in to steal stuff, but I'm not too worried about that," he added, "Roof's pretty good so we can put all the big stuff in there." Clath studied the structure, as he appeared to be thinking to himself.

  "I suppose it will do, here let me show you this little device I have." Walking over to where a door used to be, Clath pointed a device that looked like a flashlight, and pointed towards the center of the single room. Immediately the room was suddenly filled with building materials of every description crashing inward as the room was somewhat smaller than the area where he and Ircisa had initially staged everything.

  "Whoa! That was cool," exclaimed Liam.

  "Absolutely incredible!" Added Matt, what the heck is that?" Clath smiled, as he held up the hand-held device.

  "It's called a molecular compactor," said Clath, good for moving or storing a lot of something or large bulky items. Basically with a couple of these, I can technically carry more than most large transports." Matt and his friends immediately became fascinated by this strange device as Clath demonstrated another one he said was more for smaller items. Walter started asking him all manor of questions about them as he began to get his first taste of super advanced tech.

  "This one is used primarily for smaller items, such as several shipping crates or small storage containers, along with individual items. For example, suppose you had a cold unit you needed moved and didn't want to take everything out of it. Simple, aim your compactor at it push the button and it disappears."

  "Okay," said Walter, but say you want to move it so it's right next to something as well as being right up
against the wall, how do you make sure that happens?" Clath smiled then pointed to a tiny screen on the top of the device.

  "Simple, you simply aim the device to wherever you want then watch the screen to where the red parameter lines intersect with a wall or say another crate then push the button again…Simple." Then Walter got a puzzled look on his face as he turned to Liam and Matt.

  "Any of you tow ever see the "Twighlight zone? Both nodded.

  "I remember one show where this guy finds this little town off the beaten track and the people in the town all have these incredible inventions. One of them was a device just like this…Incredible."

  "Well I have no idea what you are talking about," said Clath, I have been told that these devices have been around for a very long time on my homeworld, but since I've never been there, I couldn't say. All I know is that they make life so much easier."


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