Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 109

by Max Jager

  "Yes but…" He chuckled,

  "You guys have never heard of the Trojan horse and I'm betting the raiders won't have either, although I want to set things up so they have no suspicions. We want them to try and board us." Then looking at Falkner, he added.

  "It's going to be fast and furious real close up fighting. Jezang, I know it's not your style, but do you think you and Amber here could take one or two of these slugs prisoner?"

  ""I don't know," replied Jezang "Raiders generally don't allow themselves to be taken alive, but I suppose we could try."

  "Look," replied Matt play it by ear, if the situation presents itself go for it if not… Look people, I for one don't want to have to constantly watch my back; they want a fight I say fine, only we make the first move."

  Holliqua was leaving in the morning deathly afraid something would happen to her Matt. That night she and Matt shared his bed in what she was convinced would be their last time together.

  "Have faith in me Holliqua," he murmured as they made love. "I have no intention of getting killed. You forget that I've learned an awful lot since I first came here." The best she could do was get the Nora-Lee's frequencies and ship code.

  "Oh please be careful Matt don't underestimate these people ever, they are sneaky and devious. Don't try and take any of them captive, please for my sake, you don't know what you're getting into." He squeezed her tighter kissing her desperately.

  "Don't worry Holly as the old whalers back on earth used to say, "A dead whale or a stove boat."

  The next morning they shared a tearful and emotional parting with Holliqua promising to get a Malhazar scout ship to shadow him. "You won't know they are out there but I'll see to it somebody is watching over you."

  After she left, Matt, Jezang, Amber and Donald Falkner spent the rest of the day aboard the Nora-Lee carefully putting together a plan of action.

  Chapter 130

  Titan Stand Chapter 130

  Before they could leave other matters needed to be dealt with Falkner, Matt and James Sylvia who had served in the army during the first Gulf war organized a two-day training session dealing with gun safety, field-stripping weapons and how to clean them under the direction of Falkner. Jezang organized a basic plan of action with both Sylvia and Falkner setting up redoubts and fallback positions. Mr. and Mrs. Dyson gave a basic first aid class and prepared an emergency aid station. Matt also alerted Roy Von Dran of the situation, and to be on the alert.

  Just before they were preparing to leave, Clath and Major Morford returned.

  "Well good luck with that," said Clath, The Major and I will maintain a vigil in a cloaked mode so if any one comes snooping around we'll be ready for them."

  "So what do you think of Major Morford," asked Matt.

  Clath was usually quite reserved, but he gave Matt a big grin.

  "Nothing against you Matt, but despite the fact that we come from two different worlds we have a lot in common. I'm teaching him how to fly my ship. Don't worry we'll keep an eye on things around here." As they were preparing to leave, Donald Falkner went over some last minute details with Liam and James Sylvia before telling Matt in a half joking tone of voice.

  "It's been a long time since I did anything like this fellas, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Both he and Matt would be using shotguns to start. Falkner, a Remington 870, and Matt his Benelli M4. Each also had AKS-74U's the shorty versions of the AK74's. Gandric and Sylvia had constructed two concealed storage boxes that would shield their weapons on the off chance the raiders were aware of them. The energy weapons were kept out so long range sensors could detect them.

  "Well I guess we're as ready as we're ever going to be," said Matt. Both Jezang and Amber were prepared as well, wicked looking knives with Jezang's RPD being in ready reserve as their weapons.

  The plan was to head for Fort Kamata as it was in a lesser traveled part of the system and it was a place Matt had frequented.

  "My guess is that they will try and hit us around mid point," speculated Amber. "I'll begin to alter the ships readings just before that point beginning just a little at a time. One thing though Matt, we can't use the scanner to monitor for anyone following us, raiders might detect it and become suspicious so we've got to be constantly on guard."

  Nobody was getting much sleep for fear an attack could come momentarily so when it did Matt and Mr. Falkner breathed a sigh of relief.

  "They are hailing us," announced Amber.

  "They are claiming to be Loridian Trading Company inspectors but the Trading Company inspectors never check vessel's in space. Get ready, we're about to be boarded." Moments later, she announced that the ships configuration was that of a raider vessel, followed by an announcement over the ship's inter com.

  "Do not attempt to use any energy weapons, we have all their locations marked and will deal harshly with anyone attempting to use them."

  "Don't go for those weapons until we've locked on but stand by and be ready."

  Matt took a deep breath,

  "Crunch time Mr. Falkner, let's grab those guns." Seconds after they armed themselves the hatchway slid open,

  "They have an automatic override," Exclaimed Matt, "Here we go, shoot to kill."

  Several black figures stormed out of the opening hatch pointing energy rifles at them only to be met by Matt and Donald opening up on them with their shotguns.

  The noise from their shotguns was deafening, further disorienting the raiders.

  They were met by a wall of double ought buck and slug pitching them backward. Both then moved forward as they slung their shotguns and brought their AK's into play. Jezang moved between them opening up with her RPD. The combined fire from three automatic weapons was devastating. Shooting at literally everything that moved. Suddenly a dark clad raider lunged out of a hidden corner with a knife aimed at Falkner. He swung his AK up to block the knife, and then butt stroked the raider sending him crashing to the deck. Turning to Jezang, he shouted,


  There were only a couple raiders left, with Jezang alerting them to the fact that they might be trying to detonate an explosive device, and that they had better hurry. The ship was very similar to the abandoned one they were using for their armory so everyone knew their way around. Then Matt called out,

  "Be careful this ship probably has a secret compartment or two someone could be hiding in!" No sooner than he said it, Falkner spun around ripping a long burst ripping apart a raider coming down out of a hidden compartment in the floor.

  Suddenly Jezang was flashing up and over them launching herself at a raider who was trying to activate some control. Matt had seen her in action before but this was something quite different. Both he and Falkner watched in amazement as she literally flung the being into the air like a rag doll slamming him violently against a bulkhead. She then immediately jumped to the pilot's chair and began madly operating the ships computer. All the raiders seemed to be dead, although Matt and Falkner carefully checked the ship over once Jezang announced that she had deactivated the ship's self-destruct mechanism.

  "When I was their prisoner," she casually explained, "They became sloppy allowing me to pick up on various codes and procedures, deactivating self-destruct mechanisms was one of them."

  "Is that guy still alive?" Asked Falkner, Jezang pulled the unconscious raider literally to his feet.

  "He is, but just barely."

  "Give him an injection of torzo," replied Matt, I'm tired of screwing around with these people damnit! We're going to take this ship along with these two prisoners to Moriedia, thy will know what to do with them.

  "Are you sure you want to do that?" Questioned Jezang.

  "Damn straight I do!" He snapped. Let's check the ship out first never know what we might find."

  "I know your lady friend is a Malhazar," said Falkner "But Jezang didn't seem to like the idea of taking these raiders there." Matt just glared at the android,

  "She must be getting soft. Ever see the Godfather movies
?" He then asked

  "Not in awhile, but I've seen them," replied Falkner.

  "Basically they are the equivalent of our Mafia Holliqua is for all intends and purposes a hit man or in this case a "hit woman" It took me along time to come to terms with that fact Mr. Falkner."

  "However I've accepted who she is and what the Malhazar's are. The important thing is never to find yourself beholden to them. Strangely enough, if you approach them head on and they realize that you don't want anything from them they will treat you square. In addition, it also helps that your girlfriend is a member of one of their powerful families. I think of Holliqua as something like Connie, and I always have that damn theme from the second film rolling around in my head. What I'm trying to say is that these two won't fare well in the hands of the Malhazar's. They will pay us good credits for this ship which is something we desperately need right now." Calling Amber over his comm. Unit, he asked her to prepare to travel to Moriedia.

  With Jezang and Falkner in the captured raider ship and Matt and Amber in the Nora-Lee they set out for Moriedia. He gave Jezang the codes Holliqua had given him to contact her, which she did while they were still far enough away from the planet not to appear as a threat. Even so, it took a lot of explaining to get anyone to understand what they wanted. Holliqua was not available which only made things tougher. Matt even invoked Lieutenant Skobra's name. Finally, a Malhazar destroyer arrived and they were boarded by Malhazar security details. Only then did the authorities begin to understand what was going on. By this time Holliqua showed up to straighten out the misunderstanding. Once again, it was an emotional reunion.

  All she could do was hug him tightly,

  "Your safe, oh Matt, you're safe."

  "Was there ever any doubt?" He joked.

  She immediately took charge of the situation a fact not lost on Matt and Falkner.

  After contacting the security agency Holliqua announced.

  "I know the director of security personally; he's on his way over right now.

  All Matt could do was grin, when the director and his henchmen showed up, even though they were Malhazar's, they just screamed "Mafia."

  The security arrived not long after. Led by a nasty looking individual who Holliqua introduced as senior security director Maltak.

  Matt leaned close to Mr. Falkner and murmured.

  "See what did I tell you?" Falkner replied,

  "He does look a little like Clemenza doesn't he? And that guy over there reminds me a little of Barzini." Neither of them said a word as the prisoners were literally dragged out of the raider ship by the security people. The two raiders had a "drugged" appearance making no protests just following along as if some sort of trance.

  "Fuck 'em, not my business," thought Matt as he, Jezang and Falkner watched the prisoners being hauled away. After conferring with Holliqua, and the security director Matt was promised a reward for the raider ship, or as Maltak said.

  "We are really after the information in the ship's computer, it's not very often one of their craft is captured intact."

  After giving Maltak their report, Matt, Jezang, and Amber were eager to get out of there. Before leaving however, he spoke privately with Holliqua.

  "Don't worry Matt we'll make sure these people understand the consequences of attacking our friends and that any attempts to kidnap either you or I will be met with severe repercussions." They them gave each other a farewell hug and kiss as they departed.

  "I'll get back to Endor just as soon as I can," she replied.

  Once back on board, Falkner asked him,

  "Man I see what you mean; now you've got me thinking of that damn Godfather theme. What do you think will happen to those prisoners?

  "Don't even think about them," cautioned Matt, "They're probably already dead. All I know is that it's going to be hell with the lid off around here, I hope those raiders took that into account."

  "Well I still want to go ahead with a security and training program," said Falkner.

  "So do I," replied Matt.

  "So how do you think the Malhazar's will deal with this?" Asked Falkner.

  "Hard to say," replied Matt, "They got in big trouble for blowing up Bline-Aichel but they will definitely "go to the mattress's" over this one. My guess is that they will send out hit teams, or do something that will let the raiders know what might happen if they continue to pursue this course of action."

  "Do you think your girlfriend will be involved?"

  "Hard to say," replied Matt, "Since she seems to be one of the targets, but I'm guessing that she will in some capacity." It was something Matt preferred not to think about, as well as something he could do nothing about. On the way back home Matt, Jezang, and Falkner discussed the raiders, with Jezang and Amber giving Falkner a detailed report on everything they knew about them.

  "Well I'm still going ahead with putting together a home defense force," said Falkner.

  "I'll be talking with Mr. VonDran, and that Clath fellow, probably Major Morford as well. Don't worry Matt, we'll get a good homeland defense force put together, it's the sort of thing I was trained to do."

  "Well don't forget Holliqua," replied Matt, Falkner studied him apprehensively for a moment, then replied.

  "I'm not forgetting her."

  Once they were back home it was more meetings and the putting together of several teams to solve all the immediate problems that seemed to be popping up.

  Facility was finally starting to draw more and more traffic, and with that, the greater chance that the raiders might try to slip someone onto the planet. Falkner managed to entice Tucker and Clath's wife Ircisa, into noting all who came and went, along with anyone who might have the notion to stick around.

  Ilmi showed up along with her parents who were hereto see the NASA people, Liam, on the other hand was rather happy.

  Construction over at Mindia was winding down with the grand opening scheduled in two weeks. Matt had yet to be over there, both Clath and Brand had requested that he only come when everything was finished and ready to open.

  Doctor Black was also back from the Elvin settlement, although, according to her, Patricia and Ellen were still down there, overseeing the clinic.

  When asked how things were down in Dinocki Doctor Black reported.

  "The elves were suspicious and stand offish at first, but once they got used to us and the fact that we were there to stay, we started making a lot of friends. They even helped us build our clinic. It's…very Elvin, or should I say much like a Hobbit house.

  "So how are Patricia, Ellen and Justin doing?" Asked Matt.

  "We don't see much of Justin," she replied. "He spends a lot of time with Mr. VonDran, and Malleus. As for the two young ladies, they appear to have a lot of admirers, but they are really making every effort to learn, and help me out."

  "Well I'm glad to hear that," said Matt. "By the way, has there been any word down there about those two Neistrian's? Clath tells me they are living near Lake Bris."

  "Not a whole lot," replied Doctor Black, however we were thinking about paying them a visit."

  "I wouldn't advise that," said Matt, "Clath tells me they are not very sociable and might not be very friendly towards humans. As soon as I get a few things cleared up here, Clath and I might go see them, but don't you guys pester them."

  Chapter 131

  Titan Stand Chapter 131

  As the days and weeks passed, the citizens of Endor slowly formed the nucleolus of a nation. The raider threat faded while business at Clath and Brand's place at Mindia took off. At first, they couldn't think of a catchy name to call the place but both Matt and Liam suggested they call it the "Mos Eisley Cantina." The name was unfamiliar to Clath and Brand however when Liam explained it to them and they were shown the Star Wars video both thought it was a good choice.

  "I never did like the name Mindia," said Clath "But then there was a lot about that place I didn't like. I'm hoping that our little venture will pay off and the island can become something alt
ogether." Therefore, Mindia became Mos Eisley, and the saloon/casino simply became the cantina. Meanwhile Facility 605 was forced to add on and hire more personnel. This in turn required more housing, which although brought in off-world contractors, was a real windfall for Brad Cummings, Charlie Tucker, and Walter Topping. Other homes started popping up as well, Brand and his wife Aesil, along with Rekton, and even Ilmi's grandfather Orlak Klo'ax were building homes here.


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